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Blackfeather Woods darkest days - Printable Version

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RE: darkest days - Damien - July 07, 2015

Sure! I'll request this one to be archived :D

When Cicero left, Damien kept standing there, staring at the poisonous herbs for a while, brewing up a plan in his mind. He would give him something to make him dizzy, and then he would knock him out somehow, to drag him down to the tunnels and put him in the dungeons. He would suffer there. Both mentally and physically. And only when he was begging for death, only when the last drop of sanity had spilled over, Damien would please him with his death.

His lips curled up in the form of a snarly laugh before sutting close. Then, the dark pup made sure that the herbs were perfectly safe before retiring from the place before being seen by someone. This was a secret. only for Damien and Cicero to know. Not Meldresi, not Burke, and not even potema would know, specially Grimnir. Not at least until he was hit by it.