Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake Mumbling To My Heart - Printable Version

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RE: Mumbling To My Heart - Iqniq - May 19, 2015

He hadn't mentioned her specifically, but she was welcome to think so. Too skinny and a female was sure to have a difficult pregnancy. Too fat and there were complications there as well. A good sized female with slightly wider hips made the whole process easier. From his pushing to her pushing, hips of good childbearing size made the whole circle of life thing a heck of a lot easier. 

"Riiight," he said, still not fully understanding why Kivi thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with an alpha to begin with. Wasn't exactly the best survival technique in the book. "You just thought you could pick a fight with royalty and everything would be okay." This didn't really compute in his head, but alright. "What do you think would have happened to me if I walked up to your people and challenge your king?"

RE: Mumbling To My Heart - Kivi - May 20, 2015

You get me 100th post!

Kivi listened to the male and rolled her eyes when he said his alpha was royalty. The wolfess picture the dark leader as someone who worked their way up the ranks by fighting everyone, not someone who earned the alpha title because they are royalty. However the male did have a good point when he asked her what would happen to him if he attacked Rakharo. "You would be torn apart in pieces or if your lucky captured as a slave." Kivi would probably go with the torn apart in pieces.

She gave a sigh and hopped out of the water to shake her pelt as dry as it could get. It was then she was reminded that she wasn't able to get much sleep thanks to...whatever this male's name was. She decided to give him a name. "You will forever be know as tzarafar." she began to back away from the male, but was still wishing hearing distance. "Would you like to know what tzarafar means?"

RE: Mumbling To My Heart - Iqniq - May 20, 2015

Congratulations! Well earned!

Kero lifted a brow at her. Her alpha wouldn't be so kind to someone in her situation, she'd said so herself. "Why would you think my pack would be any different?" Because they didn't share the same history? Regardless of upbringing, they were still wolves at heart. They were all driven by some need to survive and protect their own. Or themselves. She'd tempted fate. She'd earn hers. If not now, then later.  

He lingered within the shallows of the water as she withdrew and shook out her fur. Kero turned, shifting himself so that he faced her as she began to steal away. Words drifted over her shoulder as she named him. Tzarafar. As far as names went, he'd definitely heard worse. "I'm gonna go with handsome jerk," he said, a grin on his muzzle as he waved his tail behind him. "Did I get it?"

RE: Mumbling To My Heart - Kivi - June 09, 2015

Sorry for the long wait. Last post from me!

Kivi didn't respond to him about the whole pack thing, but instead let out an irritated growl.  She never liked admitting she was wrong, but the male had made a good point. She would protect her own no matter what, and would probably skin him alive if he took one step close to the Bison in th e territory.

She continued to back away from him, deciding that their conversation was over. His guess wasn't to bad. "Ehh close enough" she said and slipped away into the shadows to find another place to sleep, and hopefully this time her nap wouldn't be interrupted.  

RE: Mumbling To My Heart - Iqniq - June 09, 2015

Good thread! I'll archive this. Welcome back! <3

She didn't say anything more than growl back at him. Kero grinned. Struck a nerve had he? That was fine and good. She'd been foolish to think the Spine wouldn't have the proper defenses required to keep their territory their territory. That meant intruders would not be tolerated. That also meant going to whatever lengths it took to ensure anyone who did dare their borders would be reminded why it was not in their best interest to return. Whatever it took.

She'd had enough of him. Her body language made that evident as she slipped away. He made no move to follow her and instead reclined, lowering himself into the cool waters to fight away the growing heat of the day. He'd guessed close enough on that word of hers. He smirked, amused as he settled in the shallows of the lake. Something told him this wouldn't be the last time he saw her.