Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Printable Version

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RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"I had someone. For a while," he wondered if he should stop. He knew he'd look like the bad guy in the situation to someone that didn't understand the rest of everything. 

"One of the packs we raided. He caved real easy, said he wouldn't fight back if he was spared." 

He didn't fight back, either.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"Ah. Did he die?" He only realized as the question was leaving his tongue that it was a bit too straightforward. He could apologize later.

He was beginning to understand Pepper's actions now. If the relationship was what he assumed then well, moving on couldn't be the easiest thing.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"Killed," Pepper corrected. And it was the first time he'd told anyone outside of his old pack about it. They all saw it happen, so there was no one there that didn't know. But death meant the wolf had lived a life that warranted dying. Jackson was killed. Some might prefer sacrificed, as that pinned some meaning to loss, but it was all the same to Pepper. 

"When dad found out, he was furious. But he didn't do nothin' about it just then. I think he wanted us to be closer together so it'd hurt more. I tried gettin' Jackson out of there, but the poor wolf was scared that runnin' away would mean he wouldn't get an afterlife."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

Phobos found himself having to hold his tongue. Now wasn't the time to be critical.

"That must have hurt quite a bit. I can't say I've experienced that sort of loss myself, I'm afraid."

It felt odd not to have anything knowledgeable to speak of on the topic - he could only attempt to be comforting.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

Pepper blinked, feeling the corner of his eye being ticked by a tear that threatened to fall. He placed his head down, hiding it from Phobos. 

"Good. Keep it that way." 

He wished no one had to experience that sort of thing.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

He carefully placed his head down next to Pepper's, lapping behind his ears in an attempt to comfort. It had never been his strong suit, primarily because he didn't usually make the effort.

"I'm sorry if my asking was too much."

His tone was genuine, his words sympathetic. Now he knew for a fact that Pepper had grown on him.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"It's alright. I wouldn'ta said anything if I didn't wanna talk," he reassured. 

He relaxed into Phobos' licking. Odd as it was, it felt nice. 

"We had three good years. Coulda been worse."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

He nodded, setting his head back down. "I'd always liked the idea of something like that."

"But it isn't easy, is it?"

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 26, 2024

"Naw, not really." 

It was easy sometimes, but toss in constant fighting over a dumb religion and his dad relentlessly perpetuating his dumb ideologies, and it spelled conflict. 

"But when it was good, it was good."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 26, 2024

"..Maybe I'll get there one day."

He said simply, pushing his head into the crook of Pepper's neck. The idea of any sort of labeled relationship was daunting to him; but maybe he simply couldn't fathom the possibility of someone who would want to attach themselves to him.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 27, 2024

”Sure ya will. Long as ya don’t feed ‘em somethin’ toxic,” he said. It was both a joke and a reprimand. 

”And maybe live with ‘em if they ask.”

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 27, 2024

He snickered at the comment, "Of course not - I wouldn't do such a thing to a man who didn't deserve it." There was truth to the comment, but above all else it was intended to be reassurance.

"I'd have to see about living with them, however. After all why would I so willingly give up the privacy of my own den?"

He hummed, taking a moment to consider his own question. "I suppose some sacrifices are to be made."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 27, 2024

"You'd have the privacy of our den. And ya wouldn't be starvin' all th' time." 

He put a paw on Phobos' shoulder. "I'd keep ya well fed. Plenty to eat on the beach."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 27, 2024

He fell into an odd silence, his left ear dropping slightly as he stared up at the other. The invitation felt intimidating, however it was something he was drawn towards. An opportunity for a peaceful life, and one where he was sure to be loved.

"Would it be possible for me to continue with my work while I'm there?" A question that would determine his decision. Nurturing his talents were something Phobos had prioritized for the majority of his life; he couldn't risk losing it to Pepper, not before he knew this was permanent.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 27, 2024

”Sapphique wants what’s best for their pups. I’m sure havin’ a healer ‘round wouldn’t be an issue. But you’d need to be a healer.” He, of course, was saying that the pack may not be so fond of herbalism used for violence. 

”And you’d probably need t’ be good with pups. Roles are sorta flipped there.”

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 28, 2024

He could handle such things. If he could be a healer, that would leave him with a smile when he went to sleep at night - and he had some experience with pupsitting from his previous pack.

"That all sounds manageable to me."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 28, 2024

"Yeah?" Phobos didn't immediately strike him as a wolf who enjoyed the company of pups, so that was relieving to hear. 

"Will warn ya, though. I've been told I'm smelly and should bathe more. You sure you could share a den with that?" 

Leto wasn't here to confirm it, but it'd be good to give him a proper warning.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 28, 2024

"Well I'll just have to do what I can to fix that then, hmm?" He responded with a wag of his tail, his usual confidence returning with the chance to tease. A warm den with another to keep him company; he certainly couldn't complain about that.

He knew that he likely wouldn't stay forever, but maybe when he was ready to move on Pepper would be willing to come along with him.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 28, 2024

"Doubt it can be fixed. I think you'll just need to get used to it." 

He nudged his muzzle into the side of the smaller wolf's face, then gave a small lick.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 28, 2024

"How do you feel about Lavender? I could decorate our den with it." He smiled up at the other, though it appeared different than his usual smug nature - he seemed to be excited.

Our den. It felt nice on his tongue; he couldn't help but find himself acting like a newly married wife.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 29, 2024

"I'll leave decoratin' to you. Can't get much worse 'n the pile of bones I got stashed in there." 

Pepper's tail had been wagging more or less the whole conversation, and despite his conscience's warning to turn back, he felt mostly confident in his decision to push this. He barely knew Phobos, but he barely knew Jackson once as well. It would work out.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 29, 2024

He nodded, offering a nip to his left ear. Intended to be purely affectionate for once, of course. While it hadn't been what he set out to do it sounded quite nice; another wolf who would return to him each night.

"What a nice touch that must be." He snickered, his own tail matching the wag to the pace of the other's.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 29, 2024

"Mhmm. Not many decorations you can chew on." 

But bones were meant for it. Specially if they still had meat on them. 

He playfully nipped back, but aimed it at his muzzle, grabbing his lip and slipping a tongue under, against his teeth.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 30, 2024

A bit odd he thought, however he must be in a good mood since he let Pepper have his way. He was much too busy making plans to argue.

The mountains could wait a few more moons - they certainly weren't going anywhere.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 30, 2024

"So that's that then. I'll let 'em know yer showin' up when I get back?" 

That would be easy enough. And being a healer, he doubted the pack would refuse him. 

"Or you could come back tonight.."