Wolf RPG
Otter Creek I can be as contrary as I choose - Printable Version

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I can be as contrary as I choose - Citali - July 02, 2015

@Olly Hope this works for you!

Her encounter with Redbird Cauldron, or at least she thought that's what it had been, was unsuccessful. Why any wolf would allow a male with a condensed vocabulary restricted to growling and snarling to patrol the borders was behind her wildest comprehension. What good would those snarls do in the midsts of conversation? Why! That was hardly conversing. More like barbaric gurgling reserved for those incapable of stringing words together to form sentences. It made her question the packs in these wilds. She had yet to find any wolf the least bit civilized.

Nevertheless, that wolf's growls had been accompanied by a firm lashing of the teeth. No lasting damage, but her coat was in such a state of disarray that she turned her nose skyward and began her search for water. She would clean herself, groom her rich brown furs back into something far more presentable, and then she would continue north or wherever else she felt more suited for.

She wandered, roaming for what felt like centuries when good fortune found her. Water. Sweet water in the distance. Her course was swiftly altered in that direction. Her pace quickened as she approached the stream, checked for a moment to ensure her privacy, then stepped into the waters. Cool. Tepid. Not rushing too quickly to where she felt as though she might get swept away. It was perfect. With that, she began to clean and preen as she so desired.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Olly - July 02, 2015

Thank goodness for magical teleporting skills! Slight pp, let me know if I should edit

After his vist to the beach and encountering that little ball of fluff, Olly swam back to the area he found suited him best. It was like heaven for Otters, and he had a feeling this was it. This was the place him and his siblings could live. It was perfect with an abundance of fish, and it seemed there were even other otters to play with.

Olly began to explore his hopefully new home, when he noticed something peculiar in the distance. It was when he got closer did he realize it was another one of those creatures. They were everywhere it seemed! However this creature was much fatter than the one he saw on the beach. He wouldn't have minded the thing hanging around, but it was invading his home. Olly wanted this hideous mess of fur out of his creek. He held his breath and swam down to the creature's paws, and out of nowhere decided to try and take a nice big bite out of toe. It tasted much worse than it looked.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Citali - July 02, 2015

Nope! It's perfect!

Here she was, just minding her own business, when along came a– She jumped, shrieking at the top of her lungs as she halted her bathing business and made a bee-line fore the shore. "Something bit me," she said out loud, to no one in particular, save herself. She examined her hind toe for a bit, making sure it wasn't terribly wounded. A bit sore. Her pad had distinct puncture marks in it, but with a little TLC she would definitely survive. All the same, she rounded her foot and walked upon its side, before hopping out onto a stone over looking the water.

She peeked her nose over the edge and searched the river. "Who is it!? Out with you!" she barked her own demands. "This isn't funny, whoever you are. That hurt." Abandoning her efforts over the water (for what wolf could possibly hold their breath that long?), she turned her search elsewhere to see if some creature might have fled in her sudden panic.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Olly - July 02, 2015

As soon as his he connected with the paw, it dashed away in a mad frenzy to get to land. Olly stayed hidden underwater while he heard the muffled version of someone yelling at him. He let small giggles escape and tiny bubbles traveled to the surface to reveal were he was hiding.  Luckily they were quickly swept away by the soft flowing current and just to be safe, he moved to a new location far from the weird creature.

When the fluffy animal hopped put onto a stone, Olly not dare waste this precious opportunity. He swam towards the creature and stuck his head out of the water for a second or two. While his head was above water he stuck his tongue out and pressed his lips together to create a farting sound. It was his signature move and something only he in his family was blessed with.

Not sure exactly what this creature's appetite was like, Olly quickly ducked back underwater. He didn't take the chance to catch his breath, so unfortunately for he had to resurface. Crawling onto the bank of the river, he looked around for the strange creature to make sure it wasn't trying to eat him. 

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Citali - July 04, 2015

She lingered above the water, eyes searching to and fro for whatever culprit was playing these tricks on her. Some animal certainly. She only prayed it was not infected with something so terrible as rabies for she could not afford to let herself go mad. No. Her mind was far too valuable a thing to deteriorate under the effects of some disease. Her knowledge could not go to waste and so, she would get to the bottom of this like it or not.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the creature emerged from the water. It's brown head and rounded nose peered back at her with curiously large eyes before it pursed its lips at her and blew a raspberry. Was it? Was it really making fart noises at her!? How vulgar! How crude! Not only were the wolves in these parts uneducated but the animals were just as foul! It was absolutely unimaginable as to how uncivilized these wilds were.

Nevertheless, the rodent slipped beneath the water and and darted away. She snapped at the spot where it submerged in vain. Her teeth met nothing but air as she growled and turned her attention to the river. Would it appear elsewhere? Could she kill it and fashion herself something nice from its fur? She contemplated these things as her ears swiveled a top her head and her eyes skimmed the waters surface. Surely it would reappear somewhere.

Ah ha! There! She spotted it further down the riverbank and too off towards it as a sprint. If she could catch it, she might make a shawl of it. Or a purse. A nice otter skin would serve her profession well.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Olly - July 09, 2015

He shook the extra water from his dense fur while watching for the strange creature that yelled at him. When he turned his plump little neck he realized the fat animal was charging right for him. Immeadiately his chubby legs took off on land running down the creek's side. He knew he wouldn't be able to outrun the creature, but he did not he could outswim it. He dove for the water and swam down to the bottom to pick up a pebble. He He emerged and balanced the tiny rock on his paw while allowing the current to crash against his side.

"Don't make me use this"
he warned the fur ball. This rock may not look like much but when you know how to use it, it can be deadly. Olly glared at the wolf, challenging it to come after him. He swam a bit closer to the shore, but stayed out of the creature's reach. Teasing was fun to the otter, and there was nothing better in the world than causing problems for others.

"Be gone demon" he hissed at the animal. This was his home and he was sure if this creature had a home, it wouldn't want him walking all over it. Olly wasn't large and dangerous, but he would die to protect his home, and this big bad wolf had walked into the wrong neighborhood.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Citali - July 10, 2015

It was far too close to the water and far too slippery for her to do anything about it. With a curse to her lips, Citali snapped her teeth at the edge of the water, but the creature was already gone. She'd never catch it in the creek. Water was its domain. Land was hers. However they were destined to share it with each other because that thing couldn't hold its breath forever and she would wash and bathe and drink as she so desired. She was still at the top of the food chain when it came to that rodent. It might harass her, but she could eat it all the same.

It emerged from the water with a pebble. She growled at it, peeling her lips back as she stormed into the water to let it know its domain was still her playground. Thankfully, the creek was somewhat shallow so she could march through it as opposed to swimming, but her weight and stature were still influenced by the flow of water. She hopped out onto a rock that peered above the water's surface, determined to keep any more of her toes from its teeth.

The thing was chattering at her. She turned, spotting it, and leapt for it. Her dive was accompanied with a mouthful of snapping teeth and a hard determination to end its annoying existence.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Olly - July 13, 2015

The damn thing just wouldn't give up it seemed. As soon as it took one step in the water, Olly launched the pebble at her and swam back under for another. Although when he surfaced he made the terrible error of coming up in the exact spot of which he went down and soon had teeth flashing before his eyes. Olly turned to swim away, but was met with razor sharp canine's skidding down his back. They only managed to mark up his rear end but it still hurt.

Tiny trickles of blood made there way to the surface of the water as he swam away to a deeper area of the small creek. Once a good couple of feet away from the wolf, Olly emerged from his underwater sanctuary and crawled up onto land. He quickly searched for where the wolf was before examining the area where he felt discomfort. A decent size mark was left with little beads of blood still appearing from the cut. His dense fur had been pulled away around the wound, making it easy to see the full injury.

The air stung against his mark and Olly was quick to go back into creek, which happened to be the only place he felt safe at the moment. He took a deep breath before plummeting to the depths of the creek, which wasn't very deep at all. He was prepared to hold his breath for as long as he could and prayed that the wolf would just leave him and his home alone.

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Citali - July 13, 2015

Thanks for the thread! One more post from you to get this to 10 and fade?

She snapped. Her teeth fell home on the water weasel's hide, but the slippery little thing ultimately escaped her. Whatever. She tasted blood upon her lips and that was likely the best form of payback she'd ever get on the slimy little thing. She huffed. She wanted an otter fur, but at least now she knew where the little suckers lived and could come back another time if she so desired. Tempting... Very tempting.

With narrowed eyes and swiveling ears, she pulled herself back to shore and scanned the area to see if the beast would emerge. There. Down the river bank. She took a few long strides towards it, noting the swell of blood on its hide as she narrowed her eyes devilishly and lost her snide grin beneath the guise of a growl. She'd have it. It was injured down, that critter was hers.

Until it dove back into the water again and vanished. This time, she growled in frustration and slapped her paw against the shallows of the water. She was here. If it came up again she'd eat it for sure. But it didn't come up again. Her eyes peered this way and that way, seeking a trail of bubbles or any other tell-tale sign. She found nothing.

Bored, Citali decided she had better things to do... like tending to her toe to make sure that thing hadn't given her rabies. She removed herself from the stream. That otter would live to see another day.

-Citali Exits-

RE: I can be as contrary as I choose - Ahren - August 24, 2015

Wolves. The smell of them made him gage. Such pitiful little creatures, really. And they were assholes when a bunch of them got together. But today, he did not chase them away, instead staying above them in his hidden perch. The feline was far too lazy to be moving around and chasing vermin. He thought about it though, visualized in bright, brilliant colors as he lay there, watching as the two wolves met and parted. Good riddance.

Thread fade.