Wolf RPG
Hoshor Plains Age of Ascension - Printable Version

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Age of Ascension - Rakharo - July 08, 2015

@Zoratto's 'coming of age' ritual will be taking place in this thread.
I'm taking a few liberties in this thread, but making no direct implications to any character. Feel free to opt out of the PP if you'd rather not be involved.
Attendance isn't mandatory, but it will earn you points with the Khal.
Info about the ritual will be updated soon in this thread, but meanwhile you can assume that your character attends the party :P

This day was a bright day. One of their young was just a few moments away from becoming an adult. A wolf worthy of respect. A capable and productive part of the Khalas. And it made the Khal jubilous. Not only because he felt affection for his subordinate, but because the ritual was an exciting event.

The Hajolat, or 'coming of age' ritual was the day when the Rakhs confronted a Bison on their own for the first time, and as a way of preparation, the Khalas would rally to herd a healthy bull away from the main group, and drive it away until it was hopeless, and no other escape than to fight off it's oponent.

The morning had transcurred fairly quickly that day. Rakharo had woken early to awaken the Rakh, and then summon the pack with a deep howl. They rallied and did their duty as pack, and when they got the Bull close to the circle of songs, away from the dangers of the herd, it was time for Zoratto to take the spotlight.

The wolves were gathered around the Bison, cornering it so that it had no escape, but leaving enough spac for the battle, like a fighting pit. The earth was dry, dust in the form of clouds created by the bull's hooves. Raging and rampant, the bull stomped the ground and snorted madly. It was strong, that was undeniable, but would the Rakh be able to hold on against it for long enough?

It wasn't necessary to kill the bull off, that would be saved for the end and the whole Khalas would take part on it, but the Rakh would have to please his Khal with a show of stamina and endurance, as well as cunning and intelligence until he was satisfied. It wasn't easy standing up to a bull alone, but it would prove his worth and dedication to the Dotharan way of life.

RE: Age of Ascension - Zoratto - July 08, 2015

Zoratto spent the day conserving his energy. It was a nigh impossible feat, however, for his excitement rolled off his body in nearly perceptible waves. He stretched his limbs soon after he was awoken, taking his time to join the khalas as they herded the bison he had to face. The red-masked wolf snorted in approval when he saw the creature. It was a bull, of course, but it was large and strong, more magnificent than the first bison the khalas had pulled down. He licked his lips as he walked towards the circle, seeing the wolves gathered. He had to do them proud.

Taking a deep breath, the wolf strode into the circle, subtly bumping shoulders with Azzaro as he did, but kept his eyes on the target. The bull. The lanky wolf circled it, pale eyes raking over its body, looking for any noticeable weak points. It was hard to see with the unsettled dust billowing in clouds from the bull's hooves, leading Zoratto to move in closer. When he was satisfied with his inspection, he barked, a deep noise from the depths of his chest, and ran forward, snapping his jaws in the bull's face before dancing away, gracefully. He trained long and hard for this day, barely tapping into his stamina wells.

The bluff worked, bringing the bull's attention on him. The bison snorted with rage and ran towards him. Zoratto waited for the right moment, his pale eyes narrowed as the bull came closer and closer and closer, before he jumped away at the last minute, leaving the bull dazed from his failed charge. Taking advantage of the dust cloud that had formed, Zoratto snuck his way to the bull's rear and bit his leg at the joint, sinking in to the ends of his teeth before he jumped away again. This was a dance he could keep up with all day.

RE: Age of Ascension - Vitihi - July 14, 2015

Spirits were high in the Khalas. Soon, a boy would join the tribe as a new man. It was cause for ceremony and celebration - something Vitihi was more than willing to participate in. It offered the maiden a distraction from the hectic pack meeting and a chance to embrace her new role as Khaleesi.

The amber woman ran swiftly besides her Khal as the troupe moved in formation to split a raucous young bull from the herd. The Rhoa was life to the Dothoran, and only after Zoratto staved exhaustion could the kill be made. The boy was a lean yearling, unlike more brawny specimens his gae, but the Rakh had no lack of passion for their tribe and traditions. He was eager to hunt - and so his excitement was impossibly contagious.

Vitihi's gait was spry and lofty, breaking from Rakharo's position to flank the beast. Eventually it was cornered and so the dance would begin. Vitihi WHOOPED a native cheer and watched excitedly for Zoratto's performance.

RE: Age of Ascension - Rakharo - July 28, 2015

I was hoping more people would join but from what I see there are less characters in the group than I thought... (where's everyone!?)
Everyone is still welcome to join, just make sure to post three times if you want the EXP

The buzz of the emotion was electrifying, the bull hit the ground with strength, and Zoratto danced around him like a true Dotharan. He seemed to be putting all his effort into the task, but his agile build was helping him a lot. Dotharan warriors are usually large brutes, but wolves like Zoratto were the living proof that muscle wasn't everything.

Rakharo was thrilled to see the youngster jump and dive into the bull once again. He barked encouragingly and a pleased laughter was heard from time to time, evidence of how pleased he was with the development of things. He remembered his own Hajolat, so young he was, pissing off Bison since he had memory alongside his brother and sister. They were a tough bunch, their father had made sure of that, but all of it was over now, left behind in the sorrowful Rhaesh Dahaan.

The moment to kill off the beast was coming closer, but seeing that Zoratto was enjoying his time, the Khal decided to give him a few more minutes. Zoratto was a promising boy, determined and eager to become a useful wolf for his Khalas. It was followers like this that fueled Rakharo to keep going now that his own daughter had decided to build her own path away from him.

RE: Age of Ascension - Zoratto - July 30, 2015

Seriously, where did everyone go. ; n ;

Spurred on by the cheers behind him, Zoratto smirked and barked an insult to the bison. Of course, it could not understand him, but the taunt was clear nonetheless. The bison spun around, trying to charge at him again, but Zoratto danced away from his place, aiming another blow at the bison's exposed flank as he did. He held on this time, with tooth and claw as the bull swung his head, trying to hit the red-masked nuisance.

When the bison was getting closer with his assaults, Zoratto pulled away, taking only clumps of hair with him. This was going to be his pelt after all. He wouldn't want to sully it. Dropping to the ground, and sensing his playtime was over, the boy ran back to the lines, tail wagging happily with his triumph. They could feast, now.