Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Synergy - Printable Version

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Synergy - Iqniq - July 13, 2015

I think it's time these two meet. :] @Tatsuya

Tonravik was fed. He'd dropped another bird at her doorstep, watched her devour it, spent some time with her, and ventured off to tend to other things. Idleness. It wasn't something he knew these days. Between foxes on their doorstep, the disappearance of one of their own due to predation, and a number of other things he was always walking, roaming, and keeping guard as needed. He'd circled the perimeter of this place a number of times already upon waking. No changes. Their markings were thicker than ever. Between the plains wolves and Tonravik's pregnancy, he had this foreboding feeling something would befall them. Despite his preparation, that same feeling told him he'd be unable to prevent those circumstances. It was unsettling.

The only breaks he had these days were when he pulled @Nanuk aside to continue his tutorage of the Tartok tongue. Often times, she found him first and snapped him out of his stupor. Too serious. He was forgetting himself. Determined. More driven. He was forgetting those days when he could sit back and laugh and remember what it was like not to feel the weight of the world upon his shoulders. Perhaps, after the pups came and were old enough to take care of themselves he would remember what that was like. Maybe. He couldn't be sure. What he could do was look forward to their arrival and try to remember himself in the mean time. Bachelor Kerosene... Now who was that wolf with a healthy blend of Iqniq?

His thoughts distracted himself as he wove through the forest. The tall spires of trees reached towards heights he did not dare imagine from where he stood upon the earth. He moved through them, a flicker of wildfire within their shade as his paws guided him through the forest undergrowth. Uncaring within the heart of his home, he made no movement to guard his steps as he brushed through lounging ferns and folded grass and straw beneath his feet. He sought water. A refresher. He pressed forward. The river couldn't be too much further now.

The crisp scent muddied he nose just before the white noise of water fell upon his ears. He neared it, picking up his pace before he lowered his tongue to the water's surface and lapped at the river. Cool. Refreshing. As he was a wolf for a fondness in water sports and this portion of the river rolled lazily, he stepped into the shallows and walked up to the height of his shoulders. He dipped his head beneath the surface and re-emerged, breathing deeply as he cleared his head and shed himself of the weight which clung to him.

Clarity. Like a fog come mid-day, his mind seemed sharper. He recalled those finer details he'd forgotten in his hyperfocus and was able to extend his grasp to things he'd abandoned. He'd forgotten someone, hadn't he?

Iqniq lingered in the water, blowing bubbles through his nose as he soaked. After a mental debate, he drew himself through the shallows and back towards shore. He lingered on the river bank, body dripping water through the quantity of his fur. A quick shake and he rid himself of most of it. The rest he kept if only to ward off the heat of the summer. And shade. He needed the shadows if he were to keep off the rest of it, so he turned back within the cover of the trees and worked his back towards the edges of the territory. A howl rang up earlier. The wolf he sought was off exploring.

Thinking to join the wolf for a moment in his expedition, Iqniq caught the wolf's scent and followed it into the nearby forest. No doubt, the wolf had covered much ground by now which meant he was well behind whatever course the dark wolf had taken. He lost more ground as he paused momentarily, rolling around in the soft basin of a mud puddle as he masked his scent and ventured forth. He lifted a brief howl, short in range, but questioning all the same. Location? It seemed to ask. His ears lifted as he pressed onward, seeking a reply.

RE: Synergy - Tatsuya - July 13, 2015

Gonna use this thread for Naturalist.
Later on into the evening the heat spiked. Tatsuya was appreciative for Neverwinter Forest's plentiful shade. Seeing as it was so hot out, the wolverine had to go out of his way to get something to drink  having to travel to Whitefish River. The Firestone Hot Spring's water smelled rancid, so there was no way he was drinking that. Tatsuya did not have a lot of choices to choose from and he did not want to risk the Spring's waters just because he was feeling hot and, subsequently, lazy. The wilds around the Spine were rich in flora and fauna. Ouroboros Spine had its fair share of game, but the whole of Teekon Wilds was before him...No wonder so many wolves lived here. It didn't hurt that the scenery was pretty too. Too bad there weren't more sources of water sprinkled throughout the Wilds.

As eventide droned on, the wolverine laid on his side and panted, tongue free of its fanged prison. There was much to do – more land to chance upon, more ravin to track, more wolves to meet, more herbs to cull...Tatsuya savored wandering unclaimed lands with no leader. At intervals, of course. He did not yearn for a rogue's life – had lived enough of it to last all one's born days. In hind sight, Tartok was not an wieldy life either. There were plenty of wolves there who demanded absolute obedience no matter who you are or where you came from. This dour pecking order clashed with Sakuya's Reach, but Tartok was better. Tartok was honorable and less prone to corruption. At least he hoped so...He was moderately new compared to the Spine's more conspicuous members. Tonravik enjoyed flexing, Kroc liked to whoop newbie butt, Arverk was a wolf who knew how to throw a punch, and Echelon was a cackling coywolf who knew how to mambo. The only notable member he did not associate with was Kerosene. Who he clashed with on more than one occasion.

Tatsuya had nothing against the guy. Kids on the way, a pack to feed, wolverines to criticize...It was all nerve-wracking from Tatsuya's point of view. So if the fire starter wanted to pop off a little steam, Tatsuya would not stop him. However, when he becomes blood thirsty and demanding...Okay. That has not actually happened. Yet. But give it time! Sharing a den with a hormonal she-bear would drive any man to madness. Of that the Epsilon was certain.

悪魔の話をし、彼は出頭しなければなりません,” he groaned. The timing was too perfect, too precise...Igniq must be a daemon in disguise! He chortled at that thought, pushing himself up off the hebetic earth to call back to the fire starter. Over here. If Kerosene wanted him to get off his ass and greet him – “Ha ha!” Ohh, that was a good one...

RE: Synergy - Iqniq - July 14, 2015

A howl rang up. Iqniq turned, altering his course to join the dark wolf on whatever adventure he happened to be tickling his fancy with. His paws carried him through the undergrowth, his nose scenting the earth here and there as he traversed through this wood to join him. It was... mostly quiet. The occasional chatter of birdsong would fill the air before a pair of songbirds flitted off to venture elsewhere. He noted them and then dismissed them. His focus was trained on the call he'd heard roughly in this direction.

The forest was vast, but he made his way towards the wolf without too much trouble. Neverwinter was a familiar place to him. That hollow log. That cluster of rocks. That tangle of trees. He remembered them for the landmarks they were and passed them by. Upon his arrival, he merely looked to the dark wolf with question in his eyes. Where to? they seemed to ask. This wolf had left the proximity of the Spine to explore. Where was it he wished to go?

RE: Synergy - Tatsuya - July 16, 2015

Why isn't there a description for Chimera Fields? :( And I'm assuming this thread occurs before their spat?
As he heard Iqniq approach, Tatsuya turned to face him attentively. He was wet, inquisitive, and impersonal which was enough to justify a quirked brow. Why has he come here to spend time with the Spine's resident “shit-stirrer”? Did he need to vent some more? Blow off more steam? No...No. He would not be so curious were that the case. Was he here under the pretense of affable tag-along, waiting for the right moment to strike? The fact that these considerations even came up was...sad. Tatsuya realized this, feeling guilty for demonizing the Alpha, but the sentiments remained; heavy on his heart.

Tatsuya has created a rift between them. Perhaps Iqniq could lessen it this day.

This way, the Epsilon motioned, taking point, jogging to where the woods thinned. They would have to endure the sun's persistent rays all the way to Chimera Fields. Tatsuya more than Iqniq because he was cursed with dark fur but he did not let up his pace all the way there. Decelerating, he turned to Iqniq, tongue dangling gracelessly. It receded back into his mouth so he could speak.

I'm on the lookout for antiseptics, but if you find anything that will speed up the healing process be sure to pick that up too.” His manner of speaking was composed and slightly instructive. Tatsuya just assumed Iqniq knew his herbs. It was an impartial hypothesis; he knew next to nothing of Iqniq. The wolf had not bothered getting to know him. Then again, Tatsuya was at fault for the exact same thing. Still...there was a chance between them to become more amiable with one another. The wolverine would not fight off an extended olive branch if the Alpha offered one...Perhaps they could not be friends, but they could live without such active confrontation?

The field before them was spacious, abundant with sprouts, upshoots and flowered vegetation worth canvassing. They were bound to come across different types of herbs here...Not a whole lot but enough to pique interest. Leaving Iqniq to it, Tatsuya searched wherever his nose led him.

RE: Synergy - Iqniq - July 16, 2015

It does have a description! You can find it here: Chimera Fields And yup! Before that thread.

A quick gesture and they were off once more. It was Kapvik's adventure. Iqniq knew these parts well enough that he didn't need casual sight seeing or exploring. His ventures in these directions had become more operational as he kept his eyes and ears out for this, that, and the other thing. For this wolf? He could make of it whatever he needed. Exploring. Some other mission. That was his prerogative as he acquainted himself with the area and made himself feel more at home in these parts. For Iqniq, it was just another walk in the park.

They relocated towards the fields where the wolf reveled his purpose. Pursuing healing was he? It was a noble trade. One that required much dedication, practice, and skill. "Scouting or collecting?" Iqniq asked as they trod along. Nose to the ground, he turned his focus towards flora and sifted through the fauna to find them. Certain herbs held certain scents. With summer at it's peak, there were many useful flowering plants to be found in these fields.

RE: Synergy - Tatsuya - July 18, 2015

Oh...I haven't seen that thread before! Thank you. :3
Grateful that Iqniq was not uninformed of herbs and their many, many uses, Tatsuya considered that which was before them. There was a lot of land to cover. Chimera Fields might be too big for just two wolves. Even if that is indeed the case, the wolverine did not wish to turn back. His knowledge of this area was lacking so he wanted to learn more about it. All he knew of this place was that it was open and seldom saw shade from the glowing hate orb in the sky as well as nighttime. Perhaps this place found respite in the eminent Silvertip Mountain's shadow from time to time. Speaking of which, he wondered if there were any fascinating herbs near Moonsong Glacier...Maybe the sun's continual stare made some of the glacier thaw, sending purified water into the area below. His theory could be wrong, but it was worth looking into.

Iqniq's words gave him pause, considering the question before answering. “Hmm. How about a bit of both? If either one of us finds something rare or exotic, we call for the other. That okay with you?” If anything caught Iqniq's attention, he expected the wolf to pick it up. Nevertheless, if the plant was rare, Iqniq was encouraged to call for him. That, at least, was what the Epsilon intended. The herbs Tatsuya searched for did not have to be godly in value and in purpose. Hell, Iqniq could grab a herb or two that did not serve as an antibacterial and bring it to him. Tatsuya would not fight against any assistance directed his way. After all, he had left the Spine in search of plants (and knickknacks) not found back home.

RE: Synergy - Iqniq - July 20, 2015

Rare or exotic? His ears lifted, uncertain as to what the wolf meant by that. Plants were living things. They bloomed. They seeded. They grew. Plants were regional. They had areas where they were more prominent than others, but rare and exotic... Plants that were too rare and too exotic would need careful testing before their use. It was far easier to use more common things lest someone confuse a harmful plant with something good or vice versa.

"We passed a patch of lavender back that way," he murmured, circling back towards the littering of light purple flowers across the field. There was something incredibly soothing about their aroma, not to mention their petals worked doubly as a the antiseptic he was seeking. He lowered his muzzle and gathered up a small bundle of flowers by their roots. Lavender may not have been rare, nor exotic, but its duel purposes made it a good find.

RE: Synergy - Tatsuya - July 21, 2015

Perhaps “exotic” was not the proper term to use as there was an unspoken question in Iqniq's straining ears. Tatsuya had meant difficult to find or plants that lived on even in these hot months, but...seeing as they were in an open field...there might not be anything rare here. My bad, he thought with a shrug, watching Iqniq backtrack. Lavender? Of course. He could smell the stuff even when they were in Neverwinter Forest. All he knew of Lavender was that it smelled heavenly and served as a sort of antiseptic. Not a rare find but Tatsuya was appeased all the same.

Gather lots, yeah?” Tatsuya hollered, loud enough for the other to hear. Briefly he wondered what kind of lavender it was, but trusted Iqniq would know. It was not a herb Tatsuya has used often in his lifetime but that did not diminish the herb's usefulness. As for himself, he set out to find anything the Spine could find use in. The Epsilon wandered the fields, heading towards Moonsong Glacier. The land surrounding the glacier was muddy, so it was definitely melting. No puddles to be found though. Plant growth around the glacier itself was notably more lush but there were no herbs in the immediate vicinity. Not wanting to give up, Tatsuya traveled more north to Honeyed Pastures. Where glacier turned to stone, he found something of interest nestled in the foothill of Silvertip Mountain. They held no scent, but were packed full of flavor.

Grouseberries. A tiny shrub stock full of them. Tail wagging, the Epsilon got to work. He dutifully snapped at the matted branches, careful so as to not puncture the berries. There were times where he failed – horribly – berry juice staining his chin. He stopped to take a break, his movements shaky. Sitting, he swiped his tongue over his lips. The juice was very tart yet tasted more pleasant as it spread out over his tongue. Mm. Looking to where Iqniq had been last, the Epsilon let out a beckoning howl. Hey! I found something. Can you come help me out? The Alpha was likely done gathering all the lavender the Spine would ever need. Unless he happened upon something new, of course...

RE: Synergy - Iqniq - July 26, 2015

Last post from me!

A wolf's mouth was large enough to fell prey, but when it came to gathering up plants and flowering stalks, he quickly found his mouth was not quite large enough. He snapped a few sprigs of lavender at their base and collected as much as he could while leaving room for a few more odds and ends here and there as he happened upon them. Herb gathering. It had been a while since he'd done anything like this.

A howl sounded. Iqniq lifted his head, locating and gaging the distance on Kapvik's new location. He turned his pace in that direction and found the wolf struggling with grouseberries. Based on the berry juice everywhere, he wasn't sure who was winning, the wolf or the bush. Nevertheless, Iqniq set his bundle of lavender aside and began to help by trimming a few of the more fruitful branches aside. After awhile, they'd collected a fair amount.

"I'll take these back," he spoke out loud as he shifted the lavender and limbs into a uniformed spot so he might gather all of them in one go. There was enough here for one wolf to carry and it was time for him to head back. The least he could do was take what they had so far. It would free up this wolf to continue exploring. "Enjoy the wilds." He spoke as much before gathering up the herbs and returning towards the pack lands.

-Iqniq exits-

RE: Synergy - Tatsuya - July 28, 2015

The bush was winning, for sure. More juice dribbled down his jaw as he busied himself until Iqniq arrived. Once he did, however, he accosted the wolf with a loud thump of his tail. Sliding back onto his haunches, he gave his aid some room to work. The juice looked like blood clinging to his fur. Should it dry, his lips, chin, and throat would be varnished for an unknown amount of time. It was nothing to get worked up about but the juice did emit a smell. One that was not pleasant to a wolf.

He worked with Iqniq, his movements more meticulous now under the Alpha's gaze. They gathered a sizable amount. Kapvik was ready to move on to other riches but Iqniq announced that they had enough and that he would take it all back to the Spine. The ember's departure seemed sudden but the wolverine would not pursue him, woofing lowly as a farewell. Watching as Tonravik's mate left, he set off on his way back to Neverwinter Forest. Shade. He needed shade. It was too hot today...And he needed to get this stuff off of him. It was starting to make his fur stiff.