Wolf RPG
On the Way to Flowers - Printable Version

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On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 18, 2015

Echo heard of Wapun Meadow and decided to head South at a small angle to the West after the encounter with Citali. Maybe echo could bring some flowers back to her pack. They must have a use for some of them, and the others could just be for some decorations somewhere. She hadn't found about the twister, boy she would be in shock if she saw its disaster that it left behind. Even if she heard about it the surprise would catch her off guard.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 22, 2015

Ash was completely lost. He took from his random crib what he could, and tried to figure out a way back home. Who would have known that a small herb gathering trip would turn to loads of disaster? Sure, he saw the signs on his way through, the birds stopped gossiping over the last chirp thrown their way, the bees finished buzzing quite while back, and all of the best seasons pissed him by without a doubt, but the Doctor was genuinely worried he wouldn't make it back in time to his Hawks. Surely Dark Dude and Flamin' Femme wanted his hide under their babes...he hoped it would make a pretty one, at least.

Making his way through the still light flowerfied make, the blond teen spotted another lupine new time. Maybe directions could be gabbed from the four pawed bromigo.

"Hey there friend, what's flyin low, today?"

Keeping his body in a relatively friendly manner, the Doctor awaited a hopefully equally friendly response from the equally legged creature not too far from him.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 22, 2015

She could smell the wolf that was close enough to hear and smell him. His aroma strongly smelled of aspen trees and slightly of herbs. It was a pleasant scent to Echo since it kind of reminded her of home. The male wolf was probably a doctor if she had to guess, the herb smell gave it away.

She turned around at the sound of his voice. The wolf's coat was a light blonde color that was pleasant to Echo's eye. Maybe the two could be friends, that probably wouldn't happen since he probably just wanted directions. Everyone got lost nowadays and Echo always knew where she was. She was basically a walking map.

Her body was in a relaxed and friendly stance. This male wasn't any harm to her."Hiya." She smiled at the blonde wolf. Her stomach growled and she realized how hungry she was."Sorry, I haven't eaten since yesterday." Echo was embarrassed that her stomach chose now to growl at her. The small wolf's tail retreated inbetween her legs. Her fur was tamed and down after she had cleaned herself at Duck Lake. Her bones almost seemed to jut out of her skin and fur. Echo didn't eat much which made her skinny, almost too skinny. She didn't like it when you could notice her bones, so she always kept her fur messy. She didn't know that her skinny body was very visible and probably wouldn't if no one mentioned it to her.The female was embarrassed that her figure was so small and bony. Hopefully this wolf wouldn't mind it.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015

Ahhh, the bromigo was a dudette. Well, then. She was a cute gal, side from the apparent bye bye in place of her thighs. This girl was nearly half a sky length from properly fed. Never mind his problem.

"You feelin' alright, sweets? I mean, ya mind might be tellin Ya yea, but Ya body might be definitely shoutin' a no. "

Upon close inspection, his emeralds did in fact see skeleton under the unruly hide, and he wondered how she was able to still function. Rather than alienize, patronize, and skepticize, The Doctor decided to do what he did best.

"I got an idea. I'll be back before that clouds come home, doll." 

With that, the golden teen zoomed back into the forest to actually do something about the mound of fat rabbits he had passed on his way to meet the girl.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

Yup the doctor totally noticed her weight.She smiled at him when she could hear in his voice he was worried about her. Everyone thought she was so skinny she either had a sickness or was dying. Her body was used to not eating a lot, it benifitted the pack as well. They could eat and get stronger while she was already strong. All of the meat on the girl was muscle and she was proud that she was so tough. Her small body also let her sneak up on things easier than most.

She had no idea what he meant by clouds come home, but she decided to follow him. She was feeling just fine, only a little bit hungry. She also noticed his nicknames for her and it brought an even bigger smile to her face. The first smile may have been little, but this was more than twice the happiness of the last one. Her body followed behind the wolf silent as the night when nobody was awake. Not even small animals ran from her how quiet she was. Only a few that actually caught a sight of the hungry looking wolf actually went away. Where was this wolf going?

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015

Happy she didn't protest, and glad his limbs were still very much related to lightning, Ash dug up and swiftly executed 4 unaware buns, thanking Mother Nature with every neck snapped. He snagged up two in his slim jaws, and hauled hide back to the bi honey. With a speedy twist, he flung them perfectly at her petite little paws, and ran back to get his. 

Retrieving the still warm carcasses, he whisked hind back to her presence, and nearly did a face flop, trying to bake so hard. 

"Whew! I need to zip around like that, more often. Get my spirit goin, ya know doll?" 

A chuckle left him easily, and then he actually say back and thought...
You know nothing about this girl, and you get her food?
Well..yea...she seemed hungry...
Bruh. You gotta stop trying to go out of your way for others. You know Fox said the same thing.
Yea, yea. Kindness gets appreciated every now and then, though.
Mhmn. Mhmnk.

"What's ya name, sweet thang?"

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

Sorry you have to switch accounts so much
Her jaw dropped slightly at how fast he went killing the rabbits. She watched him get some for himself. That was so kind of him to get her some food for her rumbling stomach. She already liked this wolf, he was fantastic. Wait she didn't know the wolf's name and already he was amazing her? She mentally hit her head against a tree. I must seem like such a weirdo to him. Her voice echoed in her mind. She nodded at his sentence agreeing with him. His chuckle made her chuckle too. Maybe he didn't think of me as an weirdo! She exclaimed in her head while her mouth didn't move at all except staying in that bright smile of hers."Thank you for getting me something to eat." Her head bowed in thanks as she said a prayer in her mind thanking Nature for the food. They weren't so different after all and Echo didn't notice the similarities much.

"I'm Echo. A wolf from Sunspire on an adventure to see new things. What about you?" Her voice was kind and soft. She liked hearing her voice like this and maybe he did too. The tone was pleasing and Echo used it a lot.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015

It's perfectly ok. I've done quite alot more than a switch between two accounts. You're ok. :P

"No prob, little dudette. I'm Ashton. Or even just Ash, if it makes ya feel better. I'm the Doctor from the Dera,...well I was, before I got lost. Should've maybe brought a line of rope or something before I set out. Such a derp."

He battled a bit of a laugh, before engulfing his meal.

"Nice to meet ya, Echo. Pretty rad name, by all ways, darlin. Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where the RedHawk Caldera is, by any chance whatsoever, would ya"

He was..yep. Pinning his hopes on this girl. Typical Ash.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

Echo bit into her meal thankful as it started to fill her up. Ash was a name that fit the male. His coat was almost as white as ash, but his attitude was not dead like ash was. Ash had no life left in it except to sit there being useless, this wolf was full of life and seemed like he could never sit down. A laugh escaped her throat at the joke he made. She liked jokes, if only everyone liked them as much as she did. Ash's presence made her day now she was overflowing with happiness to meet someone like this.

"Thank you, both Ash and Ashton are wonderful names as well." She was soon getting what he was saying now and really liked the was he talked. Him being her friend was probably unlikely since their packs were so far apart. She took another bite out a rabbit. She knew where his pack was since she had learned about it on her adventure. "Yes I actually do know where that is. Right now we are close to Wapun Meadows. I could help you get back if you want."

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015


"You have no idea how much I could hug you, right now, Echo. Please, finish your meal, and we'll hit the road whenever ya feet fancy it, doll."

He could dance, right now. His entire body was bristling full of happy sun shines and fun times, and boogyin down with the get down felt like the way to go. 
Add much as he wanted to dance, it would probably not to do so while still munching on a bun bun, lest it dance right down to his wind pipe. 
The dead can't dance.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

Echo laughed at what Ash said. She continued her meal and soon finished it. There was some blood on her lips that she licked away. They could head out as soon as he finished. The girl looked up at the sky to see to clouds were getting dark. What in the world?

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015

«Maybe if you could, change the All Welcome tag to Bwp All Welcome?»

Ash turned his muzzle to the sky, also watching the blue get greater in Iit's grey coloring. It didn't feel like a good mojo, not a good mojo at all. He felt a fear, and he trusted that fear. Wanna know what that fear said? It said these words, exactly:

That's not good. Not good. Notgood. NoGood. NOTGOOD. GET YA YELLOW ASS OUTTA HERE.
Oh yea, and bring that toots, too.


"Hey Echo, I got an idea. Let's not go as of anytime near right now, and hope that the sky is not anything like how it is when we do decide, yea? Maybe hobbling up a tree,...nah. Too much work..We're gonna have to find high ground, beautiful. Because that thing in the sky don't look too hot."

The golden plaited teen swallowed the rest of his meal, simultaneously filling right up like a car resurrected from the land of E, and he nosied around, lining for a higher ground. 

"You know where a mountain maybe, us know, lounging around somewhere near? Somewhere far from here?"

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

I did it! :D
Echo could smell the rain getting closer. It was going to pour. Her instincts told her what was coming wasn't going to be good."There are a few mountains some mountains on the East and the West. Let's go to the West since we can go to the North and my pack will keep both of us safe." After they took cover she could get Ash back to his pack. They must be worried about him, especially in this weather.

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Ashton - July 23, 2015

«indeed, you did..Awesome work. W_^V now we can get nice exp. Last post from me. Maybe we can have n another thread with these two soon, eh?[size=large]»[/size]

A swift nod came from the worried Ash. Now he had a girl to worry about too, on his hands. How many times is he gonna save all these babes, before he gets back to his crib? 
Worry about later. You'll have plenty of time to have a roll call count down, if you make it through this night.
Good point.

"Alrighty then, sweets. You got lead. I'll be right on ya tail. "

[size=large]And with that, he followed her to a place that would remain untouched, but not invisible to one of the worst storms he would ever live to see. [/size]

RE: On the Way to Flowers - Echo Nyx - July 23, 2015

Gonna finish this and archive it. Ash was fun to thread with. I can't wait!
Echo's smile disappeared and her eyes became full of sorrow. Would the mountains be safe for the two? Tears tried to push their way down her face and she shook her head only letting a few out. The tears flew away from her eyes and into the air. Now was not the time to become weak. They had to get out and Echo was their way out.