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A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Printable Version

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A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 17, 2015

@FitzDutiful *wiggles eyebrows*

The little lizard moved in closer to another pack border, after being in the thick forest close to these lands she decided to leave them. She hated to not see the sky and frankly the weird creature that approach her there was more than enough proof it was not something she would need to enter again. Even though the girl wasn't really look forward to having another Khal telling her what to do, it was vital for her survival to be in another group of wolves. The wound on her neck was closing up but who knows if it would get infected. She was no healer, she only studied poisons. The sly and manipulative female had to get some security. This pack here might provide her that.

She was smart enough to not talk back to this Khal and be very nice. The only problem was that she didn't really speak the language. Hopefully body language would be enough to trick herself into safety, food and company. Even wolves like Zhavvi liked to have some company at least. Now she didn't even have her coyote slaves that would groom her fur and take care of her. She let out a sigh, she was really on her own. Normally she wouldn't mind that, but currently with the wound on her neck it was not something that she wanted to create trouble. Slowly she creeped closer to the borders and then laid down. She was not that tired but she could... look tired.

A softer howl she echoed to the mountain to call out to the alpha. If he would not appreciate others asking for shelter she would at least have her speed to carry herself off again. There was no denying that she would need food soon. Her stomach was already protesting.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - FitzDutiful - July 17, 2015

FitzDutiful was patrolling on this dark day. The skies were overcast, threatening rain and he wasn't looking forward to a summer downpour - he hoped it wouldn't turn into a summer storm. A howl infiltrated the air and he cocked his head to one side. A request for shelter mayhap? Today was a good day for that for he was beginning to think about recruiting again. His last drive had been successful and now it was seeming to become time for another - just on the off-chance that some wolves left. Replying that he would be there shortly, FitzDutiful resumed his patrol and let the natural contours of his land lead him to the newcomer.

A female was waiting for him, looking exhausted and his heart went out to her. However, he was no longer the wolf desperate for members that he had once been. He couldn't afford to be picky but he could certainly afford to turn away those he deemed unworthy of the Silvertip family. Looking her over, FitzDutiful let first impressions guide him. She was a wolf in need of a home, having been in a fight it appeared from the wound on her neck, and a scar on her nose showing it wasn't the first and giving him an indication that it wouldn't be the last. He could use those that would defend his land. No one in his pack had a warrior trade.

"How can I help you?" he requested of her, wondering if the female would turn the fact she was laying down into submission or come to her feet and provide the minimum requirement. FitzDutiful wasn't one to demand servitude but he wouldn't stand for a lack of respect - and his stance left no doubt he was the one she had called for.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 17, 2015

Zhavvi watched as a heavy male approached, or well, compared to Zhavvi's body type he was heavier. He was a light color, a coloring she hadn't seen often with her Khalas. They usually are ranging to all sorts of brown to golden colors. This one before her was white with dark streaks. At least it wouldn't remind her of home. Her grass green eyes looked up at the Khal. She wasn't sure how the terms were with these local wolves. Zhavvi pushed herself up, not wanting to come over as a total weakling. But she kept her head a bit lower, since she couldn't be disrespectful now. She had to act a certain way to be allowed in this Khalas. By the look of it, those pure golden eyes, Zhavvi hoped this man before her could be merciful. Her father certainly wasn't but that was why he was Dorthran in the first place.

Now came the difficult part since she couldn't talk the language of these lands. She could only hint at what the other male meant with his words. She had no clue what he tonically said. Maybe he said to fuck off, though his tone suggested otherwise. "Hellow," she spoke, hinting of a very strong accent and that she wasn't from around here. The female looked a bit troubled as a silence settled over her. A frustrated frown came on her face. She only knew two other words; 'Water' and 'Run'. Her green eyes looked around like that would help her. "Zhavvi. Run," she voiced out. It wasn't exactly what she wanted to say or exactly what happened but she wasn't really inclined to tell about her rebellion against her father. Maybe she should speak in her own tongue, to show the other that she couldn't understand his words but then again, her trainer Kivi had been terribly rude to other packs around, maybe even this one too. She even angled her head a bit to show the wound on her neck, which he might already has seen.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - FitzDutiful - July 18, 2015

His question wasn't answered - not even slightly. It was as if she hadn't understood a word that he had said. FitzDutiful tilted his head questioningly at her words. Zhavvi Run? She wanted to run somewhere or she had run from somewhere? It was a complicated situation, but FitzDutiful remembered meeting another who had trouble with their language. He also remembered the warning that Kero and the female from the spine had delivered to him, though nothing had come of that he was still wary of meat left unattended. Still, she wasn't being threatening.

Pulling himself back to the current situation, and leaving the past in the past, he noted how she showed her wound off. "Zhavvi, run away?" he asked, looking pointedly at her wound and hoping that he was on the right lines. He couldn't think of anything else that she could mean and he didn't know if she was from that pack he had met before. He had never scented them strongly enough to know if that was the faded scent upon her too. For now, he would wait to establish that she was here for a new home - she could just be seeking temporary accommodation and that he would not give.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 18, 2015

Zhavvi noticed how the male looked at her wound. He repeated what she said but added a word. Away? What does 'away' mean? She didn't know. A soft frown came on her face. She didn't really run from her pack. She was actually exiled. "Awaii?," she repeated sounding weird on her tongue. Her green eyes looked up at the Khal before her. She was lost. She couldn't communicate with the other wolf, how was she even going to promote herself. "Si tir ti renthisj dout ooble," Zhavvi let out, wanting the other to know that she wasn't a mute or stupid.

The slender female shook her head, showing how frustrated she was. She wanted to communicate but she couldn't. She wanted to show a light on her good side but she couldn't do that with words. She would have to be creative if she wasn't shelter with this Khal and his Khalas. Her young mind raced, one solution was there, one she absolutely hated. Was she going to lower herself like that? Would she lower her pride like that? Zhavvi swallowed, feeling the wound on her neck ache. She wanted to live so the female then lowered herself and exposed her belly to show the male that she really wanted to be in his pack. She was already lean, with bare to no body fat. She wasn't stubborn enough to let herself die because of the pride she cherished.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - FitzDutiful - July 20, 2015

It seemed his initial reaction to where she was from was correct. She didn't seem to understand his language and it made him think long and hard about whether to let her join. What use would she be if she couldn't communicate with them? Communication was key to family, key to pack. Then she lowered herself completely, the ultimate act of submission. How could he refuse her now? FitzDutiful nodded curtly.

He would let her join, and work extra hard to ensure that she started to learn their language. It seemed she was looking for a home more than a place to stay, and if it was just a place to stay - well what harm could it do? His pack would be protective of the children, the only thing that mattered. He racked his brain for the word that he had learnt from her pack, "Sekt." He couldn't recall if that was the right word for yes, but it was the best he could do. He wanted her to know that he would try to learn her language too.

Though she was admitted, and could cross the borders if she wanted to, the interview wasn't over. "Zhavvi, no Hoshor. Sekt Silvertip Mountain?" Best to make sure, he gestured to the mountain when he said the name of their home.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 20, 2015

Zhavvi looked at the Khal before her. The words he spoke now didn't sound like one she knew but she could get the gist of it. She did know what No meant. "No Hoshor. No no Hoshor," she repeated and shook her head a bit, so far the bite mark on her neck allowed it. She was still on her back showing the other her tummy. She would need to learn English, pronto. Or at least this common tongue. She got a few words and she was quick to learn so hopefully she would learn the language soon enough. She didn't even know her father could have taught her english. But she was away from that pack now. Zhavvi would need to do it all by herself.

She slowly turned on her back and then looked up at the Khal. And then nodded. "Siilllverrtiiip," she repeated. She didn't even know his name! Silvertip Mountain was probably the name of his pack right? Or was it his name? What did he wished to be called? Khal? "Zhavvi.... Zhavvi.. no...," she struggled and then looked at the male with her green eyes. "Khal Siilverrtipp?," she asked to be sure, which basically meant Leader/King of Silvertip Mountain. Zhavvi curiously looked at the male hoping she would get what she was trying to ask. She didn't want to offend him and then get hurt again. She would need to get stronger first.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - FitzDutiful - July 29, 2015

Well it seemed for sure that Zhavvi didn't want to be part of Hoshor any longer, at least they had managed to communicate that much with one another. She repeated the name of the mountain and FitzDutiful watched her carefully and she rolled back over and looked up at him. She wasn't going to be getting up any time soon.

Some words were coming and FitzDutiful didn't understand what she meant. She was repeating her name over and over and appeared to be struggling. Finally she asked him if he was Khal Silvertip, he recalled that Hoshor called themselves kahalas or something similar, maybe that was their name for the alpha? He nodded.

"Alpha." he said, pointing at himself, before realising that he hadn't introduced himself. "Name, FitzDutiful" he said, keeping his paw on his chest.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 29, 2015

Zhavvi was sitting before the Khal hunched down to make sure that she wasn't giving the wrong impression. The slender girl frowned at the word alpha. But it didn't seem too difficult to pronounce. "Alphas---" She stopped when the male spoke out his name, damn it wasn't an easy one was it!? Zhavvi frowned deeply. "Fittzii. Fitzduff.. Fiduuutii," the girl was really struggling with his long name. This word made dorthran seem easy.

"Alphas Fitzziiddutuful," she spoke, her tongue feeling weird because she was pronouncing such weird words. She didn't want to offend him by basically ruining his name. She just wanted to get the hang of it. Hopefully the light male wouldn't be too serious on her she couldn't deal with another strict and controlling Khal.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - FitzDutiful - July 29, 2015

FitzDutiful had never realised how hard his name was for others until he heard a foreigner try to sound it out. The attempt made him laugh a little, and though he had a kind look in his eyes there was chance for Zhavvito take it as him laughing at her, not at the situation. "Fitz." he said plain and simple, now he understood why everyone shortened his name to one version or another. "Name, Fitz."

Deciding that Zhavvi wasn't a threat and she wanted to make this pack her home, FitzDutiful decided that it was time to get her settled. "Come." he said, motioning with his head further into the pack lands. He walked a few steps before looking back and ensuring she was following. While they walked, and he showed her the sights, he would try to explain to Zhavvi the current event - earn a trade, instant promotion. It would be difficult, but hopefully the two would sound it out before he departed for home.

RE: A poisonous lizard crawling closer... - Zaria - July 29, 2015

Fade end. Thank you <3

Zhavvi's ears popped up when he changed her name for her. "Alphas Fitz," she repeated, sounding a bit like her old proud self because she was totally doing a badass job at this new language thing. Yes, she was amazing at it. Those thoughts she kept for herself though. She was so close to the food. She only had to nod and listen to her knew Khal and everything would be fine. Then her wound would be all healed and she was good to go. Yes, perfect plan.

Though, the slender girl had to admit that she was kinda liking this pale Khal. "Come," she parroted no clue what it meant. "Zhavvi, come," she spoke afterwards and instantly followed. These wolves were also much nicer than the other ones, they were mean to her for crossing some scent border. These wolves were so weird. Maybe it was what their gods told them to do. Zhavvi had no clue. She couldn't ask. Zhavvi followed the alpha, keen for food and shelter.