Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Afterlife - Printable Version

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Afterlife - Tuwawi RIP - January 26, 2014

Months had passed since the last whiffs of Tartok's musky perfume had been detected. Like phantoms, the group had slipped off into the night to lay down roots elsewhere - probably lead away to a better purchase by the enigmatic Tonravik. Tuwawi was Tartok just as much as the others, however, at the same time the young wolf did not feel compelled to stick with the group, unlike Aguta who was a wolf deeply embedded into Siku's servitude like a swollen tick. Loyalty was an untamed thing, and the ember found herself wandering for weeks on end in the snowy wilderness. She did not need or want any contact from her kind and preferred to loose herself in an existential way. Once again, the angry beast known as grief took hold, thinking of times with Palestrike, and Tuwawi found it frightening how easy it was to slip back into that inky void known to be a close relative of the Afterlife.

Perhaps it was the nearing of her third birthday that spurred Tuwawi to break away from isolation and join the ranks of the once-rival-slash-enemy-pack, Neverwinter. It was unknown if this unsettled the leadership, but Tuwawi was content to take up the role of Phi within the pack. There was no pressure and no responsibility - perfect for her aloof condition.