Wolf RPG
Fairspell Meadow welcome wagon - Printable Version

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welcome wagon - Lolita - July 19, 2015

Although she was glad for the company, Lola wasn't particularly fond of her travelling companion. He was crass and mean and stupid, and lacked ambition and power that she coveted. The One was out there somewhere, waiting for her with the wolf equivalent of open arms. How disgusted her knight would be if he saw her now, trailing some rank stray like a desperate little slut.

But for now, Taz would just have to do. It was much easier to hunt and feed as a twosome, but Lola was under no illusion that the relationship would last - she would ditch him as soon as something better came along. Someone with a pack, and a future - that hadn't once believed themselves to be a tree. 

The plain-faced girl sighed loudly, rising out of thought to acknowledge what was going on above her head. The world was going dark, and the transformation was picking up pace. The air was thick and cloying, ripe with anticipation of some unknown and terrible thing. Every fibre of her being told Lola to  run - to hide; from what? "What the flying festering fuck is going on?" she shrieked at her companion up ahead, picking up speed. 

Mainly for @Taz !

RE: welcome wagon - Taz - July 19, 2015

He trotted, because that used to be what everyone did, the cool thing to do, and he refused to believe anything he had changed. Walking was for saps. Running took too much effort or something. So on he went, as oblivious to the turmoil in the skies as the fly to the frog's lashing tongue. Where he was going he did not know. What he was doing he did not know either. He moved like a wind up toy, just going and going because he was set in motion.

The chicka called to him. He immediately perked up, turning to look at her with wide eyes and a stupid grin. "Did you say..." He crabwalked to her, his amberish eyes stuck to her face like gum on a shoe. "FUCK!?" His mouth opened and his tongue lolled. His tail whipped back and forth. He was an excited dog waiting for his bone. Okay, he was a horny dog waiting to bone. Same diff.

The rest of the words did not matter. She said the magic word and turned him right on.