Wolf RPG
The Lightning Strike - Printable Version

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The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 20, 2015

  Some many hours be4 storm hits [url=http://wolf-rpg.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1995][/url]

There was a strange energy and air that caused Tonravik more tension than any impending storm had ever given her. She had to see. The land was quiet, and her subordinates still brought her food when they could... but the visits were less frequent. As she stepped out into the orange night, Tonravik could understand why. There was a silence in the air that hung heavy all around them. Heavier than the humid air that was horribly thick. That promised something terrible.

Tonravik felt her furs lift, prickling along her spine. The wind whipped at her furs... and Tonravik moved away from the Basin. She sniffed at the air that lent to her thousands of scents, but none of which were of any real use. The prey, gone. The birds, gone. As she climbed and made her way to the waning Pond, Tonravik knew too that they should go, too. And as she reached the Peak, Tonravik saw why.

In the distance lightning struck. Miles and miles away, but still so obvious. She could not hear the thunder, but Tonravik knew that in some short days, she would. The alpha female also recognized they needed to get out of here as soon as they could. In her heavily pregnant state, it would be a long journey.

The alpha female loosed a howl. I am here. Where are you? She called for her leaders. Other than the wind, her howls seemed to be the only sound in the world; and her ears pricked. She was tense, her fur standing on end; her dark eyes stared on at the distance. If the prey left, they too should go. Normally they would hunker in the woods. But they did not. They were absent, entirely.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Nanuk - July 20, 2015

The howl, for Nanuk, was unnecessary. When Tonravik ventured like this, the white creature would usually find her, check in, hang around, and then go about her way. This evening was different, a tingling sort of energy thrumming just under her skin. It had been a build up; the prey had moved on, even from the island in the lake, and she had seen birds flying away from the nearby forest in droves. Something was off and it seemed that both she and Tonravik knew it. 

Coming up on her side, she woofed quietly, gold eyes all for the brewing storm on the horizon. Was this the reason the world had gone silent? It was possible, but she was not the weather expert. When Iqniq joined them, surely he would have some form of wisdom about this. Kroc said nothing, pressing her shoulder against her leader's in a show of support. I am here. I am strong. Together, we are stronger. When Iqniq arrived, they would be stronger still. And they would survive.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Iqniq - July 20, 2015

Something was wrong. He'd watched the weather long enough to know a night like this spoke of some impending phenomenon. The birds fled. He watched them pick up in flocks and fly away long before the changing of the seasons. Other animals cleared out. It seemed as if only the territorial predators such as themselves lingered as they awaited whatever was to come.

He'd climbed higher, seeking a better vantage point of the distance. He was no naturalist by trade, but he was no stranger to the weather. These clouds... this sky... He was unsettled. He didn't need the wind whipping through his fur and promising stronger winds to come to remind him that they were small elements of this world. Something was coming. A crack of lighting spoke of it. The rolling thunder promised it.

A howl rang up amidst the din. Iqniq turned an ear, catching the call of his mate as he traveled the rim of the spine and moved to join his mate and his friend. He came across Tonravik, nudging her shoulder with his own before he nuzzled against her nape. To Nanuk, he chuffed a quick greeting before turning his eyes back towards the sky.

None of them really had to say anything. That storm was moving closer... too close, and it appeared as though it were coming straight for the spine.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 20, 2015

Tonravik was soon joined by those she called for. The alpha female looked to the white woman, though did not move to nip her or seek to play. She took the nudge but watched the others features, wondering what the other made of it. The winds were loud enough to enable her own mate to take her by surprise. She whipped her head toward him and bore her fangs, but was quick to shake the anxiousness from her own features and to apologetically swipe her tongue across her face.

But she watched his features immediately thereafter, too.

Between the trio, there was that same energy that lurked. That same inherent understanding. And so, Tonravik was the one to voice it. "We must move on from here." The prey leaving was hint enough. There was nothing for them here beyond the prey; the land was virtually useless to her without any nearby herds. And even in the trees below, there was nothing to be seen. No movement at all.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Nanuk - July 20, 2015

Iqniq's visage was enough to tell her what she needed to know. This storm was the cause. Tonravik voiced their next move. Leaving was truly the best option, but not yet. They needed to know the path of the storm first, because if they moved too soon, they could end up running straight into it. "Agreed. But we need to take shelter first. Caves. Something underground with a quick escape route. After shit goes down and the storm passes, we pick up and go." There were many options in the area when it came to caves, but it would be a gamble to ones that would protect them sufficiently, especially with Tonravik pregnant and on the verge of birth.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Iqniq - July 20, 2015

As soon as Tonravik spoke, it was evident they were all thinking the same thing. That storm...was coming and fast. There was no doubt that their lands would be in the trajectory of that storm and with his mate so near to her due date... there was no taking any chances. They needed to clear out.

"The Moonspear," he spoke immediately after Nanuk suggested caves. He'd nestled there a number of times as a loner. It was nearby, but hopefully out of the way enough that they could wait for the storm to pass.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 20, 2015

Tonravik nodded at both her mate and Nanuk. She looked back to the horizon, the sky yellowing in an ugly bruise past the orange. It was ominous... and she wanted to leave, now. "I will go now, with some others. You two pick up the rest." Tonravik trusted their leadership ability and their knowledge of terrain. But they needed to be fast about this. Tonravik shook out her furs and thought of Echelon, who would surely travel with her. Tonravik would howl to her subordinates and the first few to come with her would join her now; the rest would go with her mate and Nanuk, equally capable and competent leaders.

But she needed some wolves by her side to help grab the available plot of land for however long they might need it for. The alpha female waited to hear their response, ears cupping. The sooner she left, the better.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Nanuk - July 20, 2015

Tagging @Arverk @Aegeus @Alkha @Kingumut @Salamander @Tatsuya. First two to respond with a howl/show up will accompany Tonravik and Echelon to the Moonspear. The remaining wolves will go with Nanuk and Iqniq and we will start that roundup/flee thread on the 22nd.

"Done. We will reunite in the moonspear." There was no question about if or when or anything like that. They would reunite. Tonravik called out to the pack now, and they waited for a response from their followers while the winds whipped around them. She had not shaken the uneasy feeling and had a feeling it would not ebb away until they had settled once more. In the meantime, they would stand together and remain strong.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Iqniq - July 20, 2015

It was easy, quick, and simply. They'd meet in the Moonspear. Tonravik and her battle buddy would take the first group over. He and Nanuk would cover every inch of this land and pick up the remaining wolves who were not so quick to answer the initial call. Together, they'd clear out their pack lands and lead as many as they could to safety.

Tonravik howled for the first wave of wolves. Iqniq looked to Nanuk. "I'll search the valley. Run the borders and collect anyone who may be patrolling. Meet back here as soon as you can." With that he let up another howl, seeking the positions of those who might be lingering somewhere within the heart of the spine. Both he and Nanuk were off. They each had their roles and together they would all protect their pack family to the best of their ability.

-exit Iqniq and Nanuk-

RE: The Lightning Strike - Echelon - July 20, 2015

The tension that had been in the air felt as though it had been a rubberband, pulled back and held for so long that the incoming snap of whatever was bound to strike hard and fast and hurt like hell. And when they had all been summoned, she had come swiftly and fast to the scene, surveying all that was there as though she had stumbled upon the leftovers of some crime. Only the crime was yet to be committed, and she found through tense gazes of her companions that something was truly to come.

And so she had listened, honing in on the unease that was there and for whatever reason, keeping it at bay. The silence, barring their own murmurs and sounds, was not deafening. It was like a blanket lain across the bowl basin of their home, a stillness that was only broken by whatever distant grumble of thunder rolled out. The time of day was lost on her, perhaps even impossible to tell with the inverse discoloration of the sky, and even of the ground. It was mute in comparison to the usual vibrancy that had long engulfed them through the warm summer.

Nanuk captured her wavering attention, the words perhaps lost on Echelon who had only gathered there on the note of summons. The reasons why she did not care for, it was simply that they were taking action. Though she moved to Tonravik's side wordlessly, her eyes found it hard to stay off the sky, ever trying to discern what was brewing there or what was to come. The unease that she had tried to keep away was slowly finding its way in, no doubt stronger now that she had pulled herself up to Tonravik. She leaned against her for a moment, curving around her and her unborn babes as though it would still that not-so-understood feeling she was beginning to have. A silent note of support, perhaps unwanted, but nonetheless given.

She was ready to go as soon as they set off.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 20, 2015

As they left, Tonravik howled herself again. Echelon came toward her, but she called to the others. I am here. I am here. Any that came, she would inform; but only those who were swift enough to answer her first call would travel with her. Her tail twitched at her hocks as the call died... but she howled again, knowing the howling winds might confuse. But these winds carried her voice.

The alpha female did not desire to leave any behind. She would not if it could be helped. But there were those who would not want to be helped. She felt Echelon curl into her... and nosed her. You call, too, the gesture prompted. The more voices that carried the message, the better. I am here. I am here. Come here.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Aegeus - July 20, 2015

The sound of thunder woke the Greek wolf, and he exited the safety of his den. He watched with interest as lightening struck and lit up the dark and gloomy world. He had always been captivated by the beauty of nature, but in recent hours that beauty had been washed away by the gray clouds and whirling winds. Aegeus sat outside his den, tense for he knew that this was no ordinary storm. The man was all too familiar with the funnel-shaped cloud of destruction, as he lost many packmates to these stroms.

When the sound of his leader's howl reached his ears, Aegeus answered with distress clear in his voice. On my way. As his song died down, he instantly took off in the direction of which his Alpha's voice came from. He soon arrived and stood in the presence of all of his leaders. He gave a quick bow then stood tall, ready to do whatever was needed of him. For he had struggled to figure out if this place was to be his home, and he had come to the conclusion that it was not. However he asked himself if these wolves were to be his new family and he had decided they were.

He was loyal to his new pack and was at their service. His eyes flickered to the the dark Alpha's stomach and then to the flaming furred male. Aegeus knew much about pups for he spent an abundant of time with them back in his old pack, and having a pregnant wolf stressed and in harms way was never a good thing. Though he had much on his mind, the Greek wolf stayed still and silent looking to his leader's for commands.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Kingumut - July 20, 2015

It was wrong. Everything was wrong. The night was painted in orange, and a storm brewed upon the distance, he could see, but nothing felt right in his bones. Kingumut was no naturalist but he was a hunter and the Tartok knew how prey moved, how and where to find them when they took shelter from an impending storm. Despite his searches the hunter came up entirely empty handed. Gone. All of them were gone. The earth was silent. No birds, no breathing, no click of joints, nothing that indicated that there was presence in the Spine aside from the wolves' own . Kingumut was unsettled in a way that he'd never been before. He could not claim in any of his three years of life had the land ever been so absent, so hushed. The guard hairs of ash along his spine bristled, showing his unease in the physical tension that coiled tightly within his stalwart body. For a few moments he was lost in the repetitive motion of pacing, eyes of mahogany red staring at the darkened horizon, unflinching when the lighting struck down like a mighty force in the distance, his tail flicking behind him with unbidden discomfort. All wrong. The Tartok thought again, before his pacing ceased, head lifting as ears thrust forth atop his skull when Tonravik's howl broke through the too still air. 

To the ebony Alpha the Hunter went, heeding her call. The wind was not gentle as it pushed against him, but the hunter moved as quick as he could. He came upon her and two others, one he recognized and one that he did not. Knowing of names or not did not matter. Something was happening, and whether his assessment was correct or not, Kingumut knew that Tonravik and Tartok's future nestled snugly in her womb would be his top priority.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tatsuya - July 21, 2015

Tatsuya spent most of his time now tending to his cache. He had wanted to return to Neverwinter Forest to expand on his resources, but due to a certain someone, he was not able to make the journey back. However, his spat with Iqniq may have been a blessing in disguise: night fell upon them all and with it came unease. The very heavens changed to an orange hue, empty of the lulling shades that nighttime brings. This...I don't like this. The bistre male left the security of his habitation, shambling to an elevated area to look over the Spine and beyond.
INDENTAs soon as his eyes fell upon those obstreperous clouds rolling and circulating in the distance, his heart jumped into his throat. Deities preserve us. Tatsuya has lived through his fair share of fatal storms, but never has he seen anything like this. The crack of lightning, the air currents that now pushed against him, the promise of torrential rain...It was overwhelming, frightening, and energizing. Enchanted, Tatsuya stared at the tumultuous weather. He could not look away from this efficacious, savage phenomenon that created and destroyed their world.
INDENTThe air suddenly became electrified, making his furs bristle instinctively.
INDENTちくしょう!” Profanity fell from his maw as he descended, notably spooked, scuttling down and back into his den. Upset, he looked over to the assortment of plants he had gathered from meandering the wilds. His herbs laid unflurried and orderly, but many in number. If we have to vacate the premises, I won't be able to carry them all.ちくしょう!” he repeated, this time in frustration rather than fear. All that work...What a waste.
INDENTA cacophony claimed the Spine's skies now, the tone urgent. It drew the wolf from the confines of his den, ears straining to interpret the notes. Tonravik and a number of other wolves beckoned: We are here. Where are you? Not wanting to leave the call unanswered, Tatsuya called back with I am here! I will be late, but I will arrive soon! His position known, he went back into his den for the last time, separating his cache into two categories: herbs with more notable properties and those with less. It took him all of three minutes to categorize his plants, mouth filled to the brim with what he – as a Healer – could make use of in the moment and the weeks to come. It pained him to part with the rest. Maybe everything left behind will still be here once they returned...? Don't get your hopes up.
INDENTFinished, Tatsuya sprinted to Tonravik's location. All in all, it took him a couple minutes to gather his cache, organize it, and head out to meet with his leaders. If they were to be displeased with his tardiness, he could easily counter with the probability of injury thanks to this atrocious weather. Hopefully no one will come to harm but it was better to be safe than to be sorry.
INDENTGait slowing, he reached those gathered around the expectant mother. Echelon was there, tiny but fiercely custodial. Aegeus, standing tall and stalwart. And another wolf who he has yet to meet. He resembled Aariak to an extent, fur matted in some areas with dried blood. As for everyone else, they were absent. Arverk...Where was he? Struck by the azure eyed male's absence, he looked down; dour. Did something happen...?

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 22, 2015

Tonravik surveyed those that arrived, assessing them. They, too, looked worried; the alpha female looked to the horizon, and then back to the two. With her was a chronicler, and a male she had not yet met extensively bar a scent exchange... both, the alpha female knew little of even still. The tawny one had been quiet, but at the least, he was present. She knew that in the coming days he would need to be so, due to the fact that they would be sticking exclusively together.

Kapvik came, too. She he knew more of. Her head lifted as she looked at the quartet before her, and she knew she must leave one behind. While Tonravik was partial toward Kapvik, she was of the mind that leaving him with Nanuk and Iqniq might inspire a camaraderie between them. Despite their last spat, Iqniq and Kapvik had in the way of the wolf sorted things out as they would; she imagined that now, they could tolerate one another. Soon they might even enjoy one another.

Kapviks attitude toward her mate reminded her of Iqniqs toward the brown bear that had departed them... but the circumstances were entirely different. She was not in heat, now, and was days from bringing them the future if they survived this. 

And to survive this, they needed one another.

"The prey has gone. We too must go." Her ears shift atop her head, and she looks toward the dour Kapvik. "There are few not here. Kapvik, I would have you scout for those not present. Iqniq and Nanuk are doing the same." They needed as many eyes as possible to find those not here at the moment to scour the lands from every angle. "We head to Moonspear, and we leave now."

There was no time for being soft; she looked to Kapvik with her tail above her hindquarters, entrusting him to this duty because she knew him. Echelon she needed by her side, and Kapvik and Iqniq could also collect as many herbs as possible to bring to their rendezvous in case anyone needed treating. Ideally, all would be safe. But one never knew. She looked to her subordinates to assess them, see that they understood.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Echelon - July 22, 2015

Tonravik's nudge prompted her to call lowly from where she was, though she imagined that with the voices that stirred and rose in response, she did little but improve their headcount. And the bodies came tumbling in all the same, some familiar and several that were not. Their ranks were robust, though far from complete in what she could see rallied with them.

And then there was the growing rumble of intensity in the sky above them, a peal of thunder strong enough to quake the earth beneath her feet and send an imperceptible shiver through the timberline. Tonravik's voice rolled out behind the fade, delegating and directing them. She was at her place, close like a small shield that was every bit as ready to go as she was determined to shake loose of the incoming storm. Dourly, she tugged at the fur of her aokkatti, insistent that they go and go now. Those that did not understand would figure it out or would simply find themselves cast off, or so she felt.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tatsuya - July 22, 2015

Any residual bitterness towards Iqniq were pushed away, the moment more important than what occurred in the past. Tatsuya would abide by Iqniq's demands should he send them his way. Hopefully the wolf would not make any idiotic demands, as this and everything they did now was crucial. Lives were at stake here. It would be best if Tonravik and those gathered left now. Tatsuya was ready to leave with Tonravik's group...until she spoke to him.
INDENTHe was to do as Nanuk and Iqniq did now: break away and search for their remaining numbers. Saddled with this responsibility, Tatsuya's worries were replaced with steel resolution. Tonravik has entrusted him with a critical mission and there was nothing that would stop him from doing it. He nodded his head to his Alpha to affirm he understood.
INDENTAs Tonravik and the others turned to leave, he went after the trailing Kingumut. The wolf was new. Now was the chance to more ingrain himself among Tonravik's branch by the Healer's simple request: take these herbs to Moonspear. Admittedly it was not a difficult task but it was an important one. They might need these plants later. The bearlike wolf took Tatsuya's cache without protest. Thanks, he said with his eyes, briefly soft and warm before going rigid once more. Looking beyond Kingumut, he set off to do as instructed. He ran as fast and as hard to meet up with Iqniq's group, searching some areas the others may or may not have missed along the way.

RE: The Lightning Strike - Tonravik - July 30, 2015

Since King & Ae are away, I'll go ahead and conclude this and act as though we're all good, and traveling :)

Kapvik agreed, and the rest of the lot seemed to comprehend and understand. They accepted, too. The alpha female nipped roughly to her aokkatti before turning to depart; it was time they head out. There was no time to waste, and she trusted her subordinate Kapvik would do as he was told; the pack would survive, even against this storm. Tail lifted, she descended the Spine as it wholly was for the last time, leading her subordinates to safety.