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Bearclaw Valley [M] this love that came like a wind - Printable Version

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[M] this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 22, 2015

forward dated to the next day of the flood. Mild PP, will edit if you mind. 

The lot of them arrived to the infirmary, which was coincidentally (or not) his den. It was rather large, with several 'rooms' which could house...a lot of wolves if needed. But the main thing was that it was safe. It was safe from the overflowing river as it was a good distance away, far enough away so not even a drop of raging river water touched the den. It was warm and dry, a good place for Scarlett and her pups to live until they could find a new den, or maybe, just maybe, this would be their home until the pups had to move to the rendezvous site which was still a long time away. The pups would have to be at least eight weeks old for that to happen.

Raziel slept fitfully for the rest of the night, curled up by the entrance of the cave to stop any of the pups from venturing out. They probably wouldn't clamber out though as the journey to the den and the flood probably tired them out. He hoped the four of them would sleep soundly and peacefully, unlike himself, and wake up late in the day after they slept their fill. Why did he want that? One, because they needed rest. Two, because he desperately needed to talk to Scarlett and didn't want the pups to be awake to hear them.

Raziel wanted to drag the albino female off to the side to talk when they arrived at his den, but he restrained himself for she looked tired as hell and she was busy looking after the pups. When the kids settled down, he made to talk to her but saw the tired look in her eyes and pulled himself to the corner to sleep the night away so he could speak with her in the morning. But he was kept awake, for his mind kept running and running of the various possibilities of what would happen when they finally conversed with each other.

He knew, that if Scarlett brushed him off like an irritating fly once more, he would leave. He would leave once and for all. And nothing, nothing would stop him once this decision was made.

The faint light of dawn shone through the den entrance, causing the Roman to straighten up and observe the wolves in the den. Scarlett was still asleep, and sleeping soundly by the looks of it. Before, he might let her sleep until she woke up naturally, but he was impatient and by this point, he didn't really give a flying fuck. So, he rose to his full height and strode forward, roughly nudging @Scarlett and once she was awake, gave her a pointed look and inclined his head towards the back room where they could talk. 

Once they were both there, he stared at her with fierce, narrowed teal eyes and stated the obvious fact. "We need to talk."

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 22, 2015

Scarlett had been so tired after everything that happened. She was just pleased that all their babies made it safely out of that storm. With the pack around and Raziel sitting at the entrance, Scarlett could finally rest without worrying about her children. But she wasn't expecting them to go on an adventure after the big adventure they had to go through only a few hours before. Scarlett curled around them and passed out soon enough. She didn't realize how much she slept until Raziel woke he up rather roughly. At first she thought something was wrong and she jumped up. Scarlett then realised it was just him waiting up. "Christ, you could have woken me more gently!," she let out and sat down, clearly recovering from her rough wake up. Her red eyes glanced at his eyes and then nodded. She knew that they had to talk and she feared what Raziel was going to say. But she rather didn't like to leave her babies.

"Can't we talk here?,' she asked as she nosed over her four sleeping potatoes. She didn't want to leave them. She wanted to be there and give them milk if they were hungry when waking. Her red eyes looked at Raziel with a bit of a begging expression. "Can you tell me here?," she asked to be sure, kinda begging that she didn't have to leave her babies alone. Her attention would be far better knowing her pups were close. Scarlett had a feeling what Raziel was going to say. He wanted her. And, even though it flattered her, she was still mated to Kove. Kove who had been rather shitty towards her. It was though to make a decision. Because she kinda loved Kove but she also liked Raziel and how he was taking care of her and her babies. She was with Raziel, sort of, before she started liking Kove. A soft sigh left her. She was not good with decision making. She decided to hear Raziel out before thinking of all kind of scenarios.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 22, 2015

Scarlett woke up with a start and jumped up, obviously thinking that something terrible had happened. But once she realised it was him who had woken her up, she told him sharply that he could have woken her up more gently and sat down on the ground, lifting her head so her bright red eyes were fixed on his fierce gleaming teal ones. But much to his disappointment, she asked him if they could talk here instead, nosing over her children as she did so. He could see the love for her children in her gaze, and hoped that soon, they would be for him too.

Raziel was resolute and shook his head, saying no, we have to talk there. But she asked once more, this time less as a question and more as if she was actually begging him to talk with her here. He bit his tongue in annoyance and his velvety silver ears slicked back against his skull for a brief moment, signifying his irritation. For a moment, he wanted to invoke his Alpha power and force her to go to the next room to talk, but he gave in and sighed, ears flicking upwards once more. "You can't always be near them you know. You're far too protective as of now. When they grow older, you need to let them grow by themselves but be there when they need you." He was new to this parenting business too, but he had been an older brother once, and he believed it was almost the same thing.

"I've been with you since the beginning of Bearclaw Valley. I supported you, I defended the pack, I was loyal. Then Kove left, and I took over his duty. I cared for you, brought food for you, did all I could for you but when Kove came back, you forgave him in a second and somehow loved him once more, leaving me at the edges," Raziel stared at her, right into those bright eyes. "I tolerated it, however bitter I felt and bided my time. If Kove was nice to you again, I would be your friend always, but I could see he wasn't. He didn't do what he was supposed to do as a father and husband, leaving me to do his job once again. Sense a pattern here?"

The Roman canted his head, flashing the children a glance before looking at Scarlett once more. "I was actually planning on leaving for I didn't seem to be acknowledged for my efforts and my care. I plan to leave this all behind when the flood started, but I realised I couldn't leave you or your children and came back," he hesitated for a fraction of a second before continuing. "I love you, and not in a platonic way either. I've always been here for you since the start of Bearclaw Valley, I've done what Kove's supposed to do. I care for you a lot. Kove's becoming shittier and shittier with each passing day, he doesn't deserve you, Scarlett. I'm not saying I deserve you, but I can promise I'll be a better mate to you than he ever will be."

"I've always been the second best, always did my things in the shadows. But I can't do that anymore, I can't live here if you're always going to choose that bastard over me. I love you, and I want you to be my mate. I want to be the father to your children, to be a loving husband to you. If I can only always be the second best, then I'm going to leave Bearclaw Valley for good, because I cannot live my life like this." His voice was firm and unwavering as he spoke, and his eyes were bright and unyielding. "Not all relationships are meant to be, contrary to what you might think. Sometimes.....you have to break it off and start anew." 

Some wolves might turn into nervous stuttering bastards when they confessed their love but Raziel did not. One, because he wasn't that type of person. Two, because he had waited too long to stutter and make a fool of himself which would simply delay the process in the end.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 22, 2015

Scarlett frowned at Raziel's words. "I am very well aware of that, Raziel," she spoke in return. "But they /just/ survived this crazy weather was seems to have been a tornado. They are only a month old. I want to be there when they wake up after what happened," she explained more calmly. She wasn't going to pretend her babies were children they were still babies, what they experienced wasn't something they should have experienced. Though, over all they seemed healthy enough. If one of them got a cold Scarlett wouldn't be too surprised. What came next was not a complete surprise for Scarlett. The female was a sucker for sappy things though, and Raziel confessing how he felt of so long made her heart turn a bit. But she wasn't sure if she could return that love instantly. He had told her he would be a brother to her, big brother that would protect her. But it seemed Raziel didn't want to have that title anymore.

Scarlett couldn't deny that Kove treated her like utter shit the last month. Sure, every once in a while she would go out and have Kove baby sit but soon after that he was gone again. Maybe he had decided that fatherhood wasn't for him. She wished he would just tell her, then she could help him. But that wasn't the case. It made her very sad that Kove had been neglecting her. It started with the pregnancy already. Raziel was completely right. She always pictured them to end up old and grey together (so far they both would turn grey). Maybe Raziel was right and should she leave Kove behind. Raziel wanted to be the pups father, and wanted to be her mate. To be really honest she was getting embarrassed because Raziel /was/ taking better care of her mate-wise than Kove. A soft sniffle came from her lips and then she started to nod softly. Because Raziel's love confession was like something from a fairytale.

"Raziel," she whispered and looked up at him. "I don't know what to say... I do--- I don't want you to leave. I would be lost without you," she admitted instantly. "I--." She was a bit at lost for words but she did want to give him a chance. Yes he left het way back in the beginning before Kove and her got together. But the grey prince had already proven himself more than worthy. "I can't just switch my love from you to Kove. I just can't. But--- Kove had enough chances. I agree with you on that. You are right," she admitted, her voice falling in a whisper. The softest sniffle came from her. "Don't leave me Raziel. Please. I did love you romantically once, and I am sure it will return... I just... It isn't there now. Not yet. Not this instant. Please understand." Scarlett wanted him to say but also didn't want to lie to him. She was still mated to Kove, and after that recover before thinking of another love. "I can say I love you to let you stay... but I am not that kind of female. I wouldn't lie to you, Raziel. I do care about you deeply. You know that. I'm just... I don't know how to do this. What am I going to say to Kove?," she asked to Raziel.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 22, 2015

Raziel allowed Scarlett to say what she needed to say about the kids. He didn't really care right now, because that wasn't the point. And if he kept arguing with her about the way she raised her children, he wouldn't be able to say what he really wanted to say until next morning, which was something he really, really did not want. He had waited long enough after all. Waited months for this moment, and then somehow managed to sleep just before the morning when he would confess. No. Nothing would interrupt them, not on his watch. He didn't care if Kove was dying outside or if the pups were hungry, that could wait until their conversation was over.

So the Roman emptied his heart out to Scarlett, and watched with keen teal eyes for her reaction. He could see her mind running, could see the various thoughts cross her head by simply looking into her bright crimson eyes. His ears flicked forward when the albino sniffled slightly and nodded to the words he spoke. He knew that his love confession might seem like something from a fairytale to the fairytale obsessed albino, and perhaps it kind of was, but what happened next would not be something from a fairytale. This was the real world of reality after all, and reality was known for letting people down. 

She murmured his name, causing him to gaze at her once more, a tender look in his eyes. She answered honestly, which made him happy, yet immensely sad at the sametime. She said that she would be lost without him, that she didn't want him to leave but that she didn't love him as a man, that she probably loved him in a platonic manner. Scarlett pleaded him, begging him not to leave her, saying that she did love him romantically once and that she was sure it would return but apparently, apparently it wasn't there now. The albino wanted him to understand, but Raziel wasn't sure he could now. The him before would, the him before would always understand, but he had changed, and the him now...he wasn't sure how he would react. 

Raziel remained eerily still for a moment, he remained eerily silent, then he spoke in a monotone voice. "I had confidence. I really had the confidence not to fall for you because you had someone else. I had the confidence that after a few months, I wouldn't feel anything. But...why didn't it work out according to my plans?" Truth to be told, he was talking more to himself than to her. Finally, Raz forced himself out of his stupor and smiled sadly to Scarlett before he leaned forward, his tongue swiping the ruffled fur on the top of his head. If she had any feelings for him, even suppressed feelings of romance, she would express it through her face when his tongue touched her head. A small gesture like that could say much, it could tell him, for example, if they were mutually attracted to each other even if Scarlett did not know.

"Do you know this story, Scarlett? My mother used to tell me this story all the time. It's called the little mermaid. I won't tell you the plot, not yet. To summarise it, the mermaid sacrificed a lot to be with the prince but the prince didn't love her and married another female. If she killed the prince, she would live her life with her family as a mermaid once more as she turned into a human to be with the prince. But in the end of the story, the little mermaid loved her prince so much that she chose instead, to die and she vanish into sea foam and ceased to exist in this world, leaving the prince alive." In other words, Raziel was saying that he had been the little mermaid for too long, and that if his love was unrequited, he too, would vanish. He wouldn't die, or vanish into sea foam, but he would disappear.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 22, 2015

Scarlett might not agree with being called heigh maintenance, but the small female was in fact a high maintenance female. Due to her insecure nature, she longed for love and attention. Otherwise she would feel neglected and unloved. With Kove leaving so many times in the first month of her pups' lives it made her very doubtful about her future with Kove as her mate. He had given her the thing she wanted most, children. But he had not lived up to being a father. When Raziel spoke about being confident of not falling in love with her Scarlett knew the answer to that. "Love happened," she whispered, and closed her eyes when he licked her. It felt so good to get a kiss on her forehead. She realised how much she missed the small licks of affection Kove used to give her, or just curled against a warm body at night. She didn't have that anymore. Scarlett got up and scooted closer to Raziel and licked him back over his cheek, just a quick one.

Scarlett had to be realistic too, she needed security, and if Raziel was going to offer that on top of affection she would choose that side. Kove might not be the one to have a family, and she couldn't blame him for that. She should have known from the start. Kove had given up so much for her too, so she figured that Kove was really certain of this. But maybe he wasn't happy and didn't have the heart to tell her. Scarlett looked up at the bigger grey male as he told a story. She had heard this story! She knew it. "Raziel. I'm so sorry. I didn't notice how you were feeling, well the last few weeks I suspected... but. I'm sorry," she spoke. Her innocent red eyes looked at him. "Do you think I can stay in your home from now on?," she then asked, hopefully tone. It wasn't like she was going to use Raziel again. She wouldn't want that. "It might be good to work on retrieving what we had before. And then... the pups will have a stable father in their lives," she spoke.

She had to make the choice. Kove wasn't there for her, he wasn't helping her for whatever reason Kove had. Raziel was there for her and for her children. Raziel had shown her sweetness, a kindness he hadn't shown before. It showed how capable he was as mate. She wanted the security. She couldn't keep using Raziel like she did before. Now she actually felt bad. Horrible even. "And by asking to live here I want to show you that I want to choose you over Kove."

RE: this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 23, 2015

Raziel had been so confident that he wouldn't fall for her; a girl who had nothing compared to him. Everything had always (usually) gone according to his plans, but this time, somehow, it didn't and he fell head over heels for her. His silver ears flicked forward as she whispered saying that love happened. He knew that, he just didn't want to accept it at first, but now he was ready. He kissed her gently on her forehead, and watched with bright turquoise eyes as she closed her eyes. They were mutually attracted to each other; she just didn't know it yet. But he was confident that soon, she would.

Raziel did not squirm or move away when the albino female rose and scooted closer to him, giving him a quick kiss/lick on his cheek which left him (rightfully) dumbfounded. Obviously, his expression remained..well, expressionless but inside, he was grinning like a boy who had just recieved the present that he had wanted for a year. Ahahahaha. Everything was going according to his plans, which was great, because he hated things to not go the way he wanted them to be. 

Scarlett apologized, saying that she didn't know how he felt but that she had suspected for the last few weeks. Well, congratulations Raz, you did succeed in hiding your affections for her for a long time, give yourself a pat on the back for that. He shoved those thoughts away when she gazed up at him with those wide, innocent red eyes and found himself practically melting. No, we can't have that, he thought firmly to himself, strengthening his resolve and forcing himself back to the present where he was just in time to hear her ask if she could stay in his den from now on. That it would be good to work on retrieving what they had before — she didn't know that they didn't need to retrieve it because it was already there, she just didn't know — and that the pups would have a stable father in their lives.

"Sure, I was hoping you would say that," Raziel smiled at her. "But do you think the pups would accept me as a....father?" The kids were young for now, but when they grew up and realized that he wasn't their biological father. Well....perhaps it was best not to think of the future and just live in the present for now. "You should," he almost grumbled when Scarlett said she was choosing him over Kove, his boyish side showing himself. The cold wall he had built around himself was slowly crumbling, slowly but surely leaving the sarcastic youth in the place of the stoic and unfeeling warrior.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 23, 2015

Scarlett was rather clueless what happened inside of Raziel, like always. The girl could be rather oblivious to things. Her light coat had been washed clean by all the rains and along with her clear red eyes she was brightly looking at Raziel. She could only believe his offer because he had been there to prove it. Scarlett then looked at her babies. "I don't know, really," she spoke softly. "Maybe they will, maybe they won't. If Kove sticks around... I don't think so. If Kove vanishes again, there might be a chance. I can't really predict the future," she ended with a small smile. Scarlett thought it was really sweet because it showed the insecurity Raziel had. Even a warrior like Raziel thought about what others would think of him. "Just be around them and there for them. I think they will like it to have a play buddy at least."

Scarlett then nodded slowly. "I should," she repeated. "I guess I will have to tell him someday soon. But... I also want to know why he wasn't there. Maybe he has like a reason...," she muttered. She knew it was bad but she did love Kove. In the beginning he was so perfect and nice. Then she got pregnant and things got really weird. She tried to shake it off. Maybe they weren't meant for each other. But that was also what she thought about Raziel at the time. A soft huff came from her. "I'm just so confused," she admitted. "But, I do want someone in my life. I need someone to help me. And currently you proved yourself more than Kove did." That was all she really knew.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 23, 2015

It wasn't Scarlett's fault that she could not read him; none could, really. It was a skill he had acquired early in his childhood. Romans were expected to be stoic to a certain extent, but when you had a father like Aku.....well....you tend to be an expert at hiding your emotions from an early age or you would earn yourself a terrible beating. So he, his littermates and his various half siblings were all forced to grow up far too early, pain being the main motivator. It was sad, but he didn't regret developing this particular skill early in his childhood; after all, it helped him a lot now that he was a grown up — no, he didn't really think himself as 'grown up'; now that he was older. Yeah, older worked.

Raziel scowled, muttering a stream of extremely rude profanities under his breath when Scarlett said that if Kove stuck around, then the pups would most likely not think of him as a father. Dude, like, seriously. The Inuit was a terrible, terrible fucking father. Like, even if he stuck around, surely no one would be a fool enough to think of him as...dad..right? Ugh. He gave up trying to think of how anyone could like the disloyal, traitorous Inuit. He didn't need himself to get all worked up just because of that pathetic good for nothing jerk.

Reason? Dude, of course he would have a reason. Are you that.....ugh. I can't even. "Scarlett," he said with barely concealed exasperation. "Of course he would have a reason, he wants to win you back you know. And then you'll forgive him once you hear his so 'valid' reason and I'll be the second best all fucking over again. Like...I can literally see history repeating itself." He didn't mean to get all worked up...actually, strike that, he meant to get all worked up because seriously...this mother effing shit won't fly. He wouldn't be the little mermaid anymore, he refused to be there just to burst into sea foam once she was done using him.

Raziel glanced at her with bright turquoise and sighed softly before he pulled her gently into his arms; pulled her into a wolfish hug. He missed her, he missed her so much.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 23, 2015

Scarlett laid down, knowing what Raziel told her was something that was completely true. She was one of the most forgiving wolves on the planet mostly. Scarlett had to smile at Raziel's words though. "Well he is the father of my children," she pointed out, knowing that Raziel might not like that. "I might forgive him but that doesn't mean that I will return towards him," she spoke to Raziel and offered him a small smile. Scarlett kept laying down, more on her side than on her tummy so her babies could at least feed if they wanted some milk.

Her red eyes glanced at Raziel and realized that he was coming un for a hug. She sat up just in time before he pulled her close. "You might think of yourself as a big warrior but from the inside you are just as sweet and gooey like Honey, Raz," she teased him a bit. Raziel was actually really sweet now she was thinking about it. She would be more than happy to discover more of this soft and cuddly side of the male. Scarlett was in that way a real sweet tooth. She let out a soft hum, her nose going through his fur.

The red eyed female then sat back, and looked at him. "I want to hunt. You watch the babies," she spoke. "My muscles hurt form running yesterday," she admitted.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 24, 2015

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: uh..sex talk?

Raziel scowled when she mentioned that Kove was the father of her babies, but then a wicked thought entered his head and the silver man smirked, canting his head sideways as he did so. "They need to be eating regurgitated meat now, they're old enough," he observed before he closed in for a hug. He missed her, missed her a lot in fact. But that hug wasn't the evil thought that had crossed his mind. No, he just wanted to feel her close to him once more, knowing that for once, he was finally getting acknowledged. He would no longer serve from the shadows, that is, unless Scarlett wanted him to leave.

Yeah, he was being selfish. But who cares? He had been selfless for too long, sometimes, you had to think of yourself too.

"In your dreams," he retorted, then smirked the 'i have something up my sleeve' smirk. "So, I believe it's been a long time since you and Kove did it..." he wriggled his eyebrows. He didn't actually know if the two of them hadn't banged in a long time, but he could guess, especially since the Inuit had been gone for a long time. "D'ya wanna..." he smirked. Obviously, he was just teasing her like she teased him, but if she agreed..well. Two birds with a stone, ya know.

RE: this love that came like a wind - Scarlett - July 24, 2015

Scarlett looked at her babies. "I know that. I was slowly switching them actually," she returned. "But I wouldn't mind you helping me feed them." Plus they would get accused to Raziel as their caretaker. Scarlett liked that idea. She didn't see Raziel's mischievous smirk, but she didn't miss the second one. Especially when he hinted at doing something else. Her ears perked up for a moment, almost thinking she imagined it. Then she felt flustered at what Raziel asked from her. Was he teasing or was he serious!? "Raziel...," he let out, sounding flustered but also scolding at the same time.

"We only did it when I was in heat actually," she spoke and then glanced at Raziel with her red eyes. Why was she telling him this again? "Not with the pups around. Plus I'm hungry and you are... way bigger than me so I doubt I could even hold you right now," she pointed out. She was slowly getting comfortable with that topic. She did like... that. She cleared her throat. Plus she missed being intimate with someone. It wasn't like she would get pregnant again. "Another time, and you better find a good babysitter," she stated, glaring at him fondly. She moved out of the cave, her tail going past his nose as a teasing manner. "I'm going to hunt. You stay with them," she called out.

-Scarlett exits-

RE: [M] this love that came like a wind - Raziel - July 24, 2015

The idea of regurgitating meat did not really appeal to the silver Roman, but if it could garner him the approval of the kids, he would do it. He just wouldn't really..ya know..enjoy puking out food for the kids to eat. Those thoughts were tossed away when Scarlett's ears pricked for a moment and then she grew flustered. Ahahaha. It was hilarious seeing her this way, it amused him to no end. He knew that that was probably rude, but he couldn't help feeling this way. He simply had to at least smile at her reaction. "Yes, Scarlett?" he grinned as she uttered his name in a half scolding, half flustered manner.

"Ahh.." he said, still grinning like a maniac when she said that they only did it when she went into heat. Then she went on and told him that they couldn't do it with the pups around and that she was hungry and he was apparently way bigger than her so she couldn't even hold him up right now. "Hey...." he whined, almost like a teenage boy for a moment but he sat up and grinned widely once more when she kinda promised him that they could do it another time and that he had better find a good babysitter.

He would just order a packmate to do that. 

He stared as she left the den and smirked to himself.