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Bearclaw Valley Can we start over? - Printable Version

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Can we start over? - Rhythm - July 23, 2015

Rhythm hadfinally adjusted to life back in the Valley. She walked into the stream and let the water rush over her paws. She had been working hard in the past days to keep the food caches full and now she was having a much needed break. She decided perhaps she would try find some of the other valley wolves. Maybe @Kove or @Adlartok was around. Although to be honest she wasn't on the greatest of terms with either of them. 

She found a spot to lay by the waters edge and rested her head on her paws. Ears remaining alert however to any potential company wolf or other. The sun was hidden by a myriad of clouds shrouding the light from shining into the forest. She wasn't surprised though since it had only been a week or so since a huge storm had made its presence known in the wilds. Burning down forests flooding dens or destroying territory with the winds.  

Thankfully not too much damage had been done with the exception of the white mothers den being destroyed. She couldn't say the same from what she had heard of other packs however. 

Kove or Adlartok or both haha. I don't know if they are on better terms since the last time I've seen either of the but hey xD

RE: Can we start over? - Kove - July 23, 2015

Kove was losing her. It was something he'd already realized, and suspected he could not fight against. It bothered the male, made him nervous and a bit grouchy, but he'd no one to blame but himself. His own worries had forced him to keep a distance, and in the process, he'd pulled himself too far away. He was not there when he was needed, he was not there to hold her at night or watch over the children when she was tired—or, rather, he wasn't always as close as he should be. He'd started lingering around the den his family was staying in, watching over them from a distance, but getting too close was something he could not yet do. The Inuit suspected something was coming, but he could not yet face it. In the end, he knew he would accept it, he knew he would need to accept it. Her happiness was important to him, and though it pained him to think about it happening, he'd rather her be happy with another than be miserable with him. Letting out a sigh, the man started through the valley, wanting to chase something down, or just do something that would keep his mind from lingering back to the inevitable.

The ghost's legs carried him through the valley, doing his best to avoid as many puddles as he could. That didn't last long, however, as he found himself veering towards the river. There was a familiar scent on the wind, one that belonged to someone he had not seen for quite some time, and he was curious. Kove had a question or two for her, and was also interested to know where she'd gone. As her silvery form entered his line of sight, he slowed some, not wanting to risk slipping in any mud or hidden puddles. Once within speaking distance, he gave a curt nod of his head in greeting, before his copper gaze shifted over to the river. It was still at a higher level than what was wanted, but there was nothing he could do about that except for wait. Looking back to the female, he stayed standing, though his mouth parted to speak. "Rhythm," he voiced, watching her carefully. "Where have you been?" Of course, she'd been back in the valley for a bit now, but he'd been too preoccupied by his own mind to have noticed her presence until now.

RE: Can we start over? - Rhythm - August 01, 2015

Rhythm was deep in thought when something had brought her mind back to reality. A familiar face that belonged to none other than white fae's mate Kove. "Kove," she said bowing her head to acknowledge his greeting. She didn't really know Kove that well so she didn't really know what to expect as far as his reaction to her return. So far everyone she had known well she had nailed the reactions. Raziel's not so friendly encounter and Scarlett's somewhat friendly encounter.

She frowned slightly as Kove asked the fairly obvious question. "Travelling," she replied curtly. If he asked further questions she would be glad to answer them. Right now though she was going to avoid getting into the details if it was possible. All she really knew for sure was that she was back and here to stay. Unless forced to leave that is.

She was having trouble reading the white male. Something was bugging him but right now she dare not ask too any questions. So she stuck with "How have you been?".

RE: Can we start over? - Kove - August 09, 2015

The fact that they did not know one another well had never dawned on the male when he'd approached her. The only thing that had been going through his mind was that she was back, for one, and also his curiosity as to where she'd gone in the first place. In truth, he didn't possess the right to be angry with her over leaving, nor would he have been even if he did. Still, he couldn't say he was glad she'd gone away, as for awhile there they'd had a member count that simply wouldn't rise. He watched her closely as she gave him a bow of acknowledgement, before hearing her reasoning behind leaving. Travelling. The pull of the unknown, the need to travel over great expanses of land... he knew the feeling all too well, which worked to the woman's favour. While he hadn't been overly upset before, the sliver of concern he had felt slithered away with her answer. She was a traveler, a wanderer, a wolf looking to see the sights the world had to offer her. For that, he could not blame her, as the same could be said about him. Kove had settled down and made ties, that was true, but the need to experience new things was always there. It gnawed at the back of his mind, but it's presence had been dulled considerably with the arrival of his children into the world—as well as with his realization that he needed to strengthen his bonds to Blackfeather and the Brotherhood once more.

"I hope your journeys were enjoyable," he said then, his words genuine. Kove was not one to be sarcastic, after all, and wasn't about to start then. A small smile even touched his lips, though it was quick to fall away into a neutral expression when he heard her question. The Inuit's posture, expression, and even the look in his eyes became neutral, too—something that was neither positive or negative. The change was quick enough that, unless she'd been paying close attention, it would have most likely gone unnoticed by the woman before him. "I have been well," the ghost answered, tone even and calm, not a even a hint of anything else being permitted to enter his voice. "Have you been good, too?" It was only natural to return to the question, as the motion of doing so was a polite and civilized thing. Plus, it helped that he didn't wish to focus much on himself, as that would give his mind the opportunity to wander to places it shouldn't be permitted to go.

RE: Can we start over? - Rhythm - August 09, 2015

Rhythm nodded as Kove sai he hoped her journey had been enjoyable. "It was nice to tour the lands for a while since really I had only seen the valley. I had never gone to the beaches or the mountains. So it was nice to wander and see the scenery for what it is. Thankfully I managed to avoid the path of the storm. Although by the looks of the water levels you guys had a little bit of trouble here," she stated glancing briefly at the water. She dare not go swimming right now. The water was deeper and more unpredictable than when the pack first formed.

Rhythm still wasn't convinced but she gave a small smile as Kove said he had been well. Something was missing. She shrugged the thought off and then replied to the question. "I have been well, I am glad to be back here in the valley. Full of life now with all the pups. " she said with a smile. 

Since Rhythm had met Leo and that wasn't a name Scarlett had mentioned she assumed that pup was just an orphan Scarlett had taken in but she figured the rest were Kove's. Unless something had happened she hadn't been aware off. She pushed that thought from her mind as quickly as it had entered though.

 The only other wolf she could have seen Scarlett with was Raziel. Rhythm didn't like to think that would be a possibility because she liked the Alpha male. She had had a crush o him since the first time they met. She couldn't bear the thought he might be with someone else.

RE: Can we start over? - Kove - August 17, 2015

Nov. 28, Edit; Added an ending onto this.

Kove was... interested, to say the least. He knew there were mountains, he'd contemplated visiting them numerous times before. He knew of the beach, too, due to interactions with the sea wolves so long ago. Never had he visited it, though, and was a bit curious to do so. He'd been to bays and oceans before, but that was farther up North. He wondered what they were like in the Wilds, but had a feeling he wouldn't be able to find out for awhile. He had things he needed to do, and didn't yet have time for travels. Eventually, he wanted to, but for the time being he needed to keep himself from traveling away. "Sounds like you really did enjoy yourself," he said, the faintest trace of a smile appearing across his maw. "Good to hear you didn't get caught up in the storm, too. Had you, I'm not so sure we'd be speaking to one another right now. It made a mess of the valley, and I have the feeling we only experienced a fraction of the actual disaster." It was concerning. He'd yet to travel away and see the mess that Teekon had become, though he suspected it would be bad. Nevertheless, he would eventually have to visit Blackfeather, and so he would see what all had happened around them then.

At the mention of the water levels, the Inuit turned to glance at the river as well. It was still as wild as the storm itself had been, but had thankfully been able to calm a bit. To her assumption, he gave a curt nod of his head. "We did," he stated, recalling the events as if they'd occurred only moments prior. "There was flooding. It tore through the den Scarlett and I use to share, damaging it to the point that it collapsed. Luckily, she was able to get the children out in time, but it was still worrisome." He'd gone back numerous times before to look at the den that once was, inspecting it and the damage done to it by the water. The 'what if's' swarmed his mind each and every time he saw it, too, which would often dampen his mood considerably. Kove knew he should have been there, should have been on watch to ensure something like that never would have happened, but he hadn't been, and that fact ate at him. Of course, he never let those feelings show through. He refused to allow others to look into him as they pleased, but that didn't stop him from seeing it. Hiding his own feelings from, well, himself, was not something he was capable of doing. The ghost knew himself too well for that.

Gently, the man shook his head then looked back to the woman. His ears perked up at the mention of the children, and he even gave a soft sway of his tail. "They do make this place rather lively," Kove said, agreeing with what she'd said. "They're sure to be trouble as they get older, but that just means there will never be a dull moment with them around." The Inuit was happy with his children, to put it in simple terms. They were his legacy, and they would continue on the Inuit lineage of his family. Well, at least he planned for them to. He could not force them to act like those from his birth place, nor could he make them accept and embrace their heritage. He was certain his son would anyways, but his daughters were currently a mystery to him. With a serious look in his eyes, he met the woman's gaze with his own. "You've been here since the beginning, Rhythm. I know we do not know one another well, but the fact that you returned when you could have just stayed away tells me something about you that I believe is important. You're loyal. To this valley, at least, and I hope you will extend that loyalty to my children if they are ever in need of your assistance." Kove did not yet trust her, not entirely, but there was a sliver of acceptance growing within him, and he believed her actions would cause that thread to grow stronger.

The male went on to listen to all the woman had to say, taking each word said seriously. Someday, perhaps he would trust her, but for the time being that simply wasn't possible. No matter, when their meeting came to an end, the two parted on good terms, each going on to carry out their activities for the day. Kove was glad to see she'd returned, though he did plan to keep a close eye on her. One could never be too careful, after all, and he wasnt about to let her off easy.