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Lion Head Mesa I don't want to leave - Printable Version

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I don't want to leave - Misty - July 23, 2015

Misty sat by her dear friend and mentor, Skyshire, on the top of their favorite cliff in Lion's Head Mesa, watching the sun set over The Teekon Wilds. Misty had been trained here by Skyshire for a few months of her puppyhood, as well as lived in a den with her. Ah, how fondly she remembered those days. She looked at her mentor, blue eyes sparkling as the sun's rays reflected in them. "Skyshire, these past few months with you have been the best of my entire life, but other loners have already run me out of my territory and I don't have many other options. I don't know what to do. I don't want to burden you by living with you and us having to risk the other's safety, but I know that going to a pack would mean probable suicide." she took a deep breath and continued on. "This is why I came to you. I'm asking for your opinion not only as my mentor, but as my friend."

RE: I don't want to leave - Skyshire - July 23, 2015

((wwWWoooOOOoo ~~~ Liquid TIME ~~~ ))

Skyshire sat comfortably on the cliff, the youngster settled nicely on her right side, since it was better to hear her should the pup speak up. It had been a nice few months, give or take a few scrapes with death. She was sure her childhood efforts of sneaking around and being forced to take care of herself more often than not had something to do with it. 

What the best part was, was that she felt like she was healthy enough to take care of someone else for a change. Someone who had been raised a lot like her, it was nice to give this kid the chance of a nice pup hood, full of kindness, and feeling wanted. 

As the glow of the sun bathed them in gold and ruby hues Sky turned to the little blue eyed pup, nearly full grown. She'll probably always think of her as a pup though. Within moments the girl returned her gaze and started in with a new conversation. 

It seemed maybe their time was coming to a close soon. Misty was anxious about the other encroaching loners chasing them off, and the possibility of joining a pack meaning suicide. Skyshire had her own opinions about packs, she had been doing just fine hunting for herself and meeting new strangers, but she had to admit it could be tiresome. 

"Funny, I was just thinking about our time together too." She sighed and paused for a moment, looking back at the land, watching the shadows reach toward them like ominous claws. 

"I don't have the greatest experience with packs." They hadn't spoken of this before, "Well, honestly I've only known one pack and I was at the very bottom of the totem pole. Just like there's bullies out here, there's bullies in there. Except in a pack it's not as easy to get away from them."

She flicked her snowy tail, trying to flick away the horrifying memories. She took a deep sigh, closed her eyes and waited for the memory to pass before speaking again. 

When she felt like she had control again she took another route in the conversation, "With that said, packs offer way more security than our lifestyle. You'll have a hoard of friends beside you should a band of rogues come on your territory. Don't forget the hunts, it's way easier to take down big food with a gang and eat your fill. We live off squirrels, rabbits and ducks between us and we don't keep very full do we?" She asked glancing back at Misty with a smile.

RE: I don't want to leave - Misty - July 23, 2015

the whole point of this rp is for sky to convince Misty to join the Blackfeather Woods pack, but after a lot of drama and emotion.
Misty looked down sadly. "But I'm an awesome hunter and tracker. The best one in the few surrounding territories. You said so yourself. And besides, watching that pack that lives in the forest, they look dark and menacing. If that's what a pack is like, I don't want to be a part of one. I want to stay with you. I can help hunt and fight, even though I don't like fighting, I'd do anything to protect you, Skyshire."

RE: I don't want to leave - Skyshire - July 23, 2015

It seemed her light hearted joke didn't help her first comment. 

"I'm sure you would." The youngster proclaiming she'd do anything for Skyshire was sweet. 
"But like you said, loners can be dangerous, and despite our best efforts we've been chased off a few times." She remembered the child's own story, her own loner mother. 

"Misty," And she glued her brown eye and blue eye to the veritable teenager, "If you ever wanted to start a family, you'd be stuck out here. And pregnant females aren't usually welcome on pack borders either. Since you're such a great hunter, and you're at the perfect age to learn the ways of a new pack without much trouble, it'd be hard for a pack to turn you away. And just because they like the dark trees, doesn't mean they're a bunch of meanies either, eh? How many times have I showed you how to hide in the dark? It's useful and defensive."

Sky herself certainly wasn't ready for pack life. Though the time for the kid find a real family was coming soon, she could see that. To be honest, it would probably be a little easier to travel for Skyshire without having to worry about little legs anymore. Not that she didn't appreciate the company at all.

RE: I don't want to leave - Misty - July 23, 2015

Misty made a disgusted face. "Males are immature, stubborn, and mean. Why would I ever want to mate one? And I can't take care of pups, I'm too young and pups are annoying. Cute, but annoying. I want to stay with you and live on the run. I don't want to have to give my life for a pack or an Alpha. And that forest pack performs weird rituals that don't even involve howling. Reina and I watched them last full moon. They're not normal, Skyshire."

RE: I don't want to leave - Skyshire - July 23, 2015

Sky sighed, so the kid was in one of those moods. 

She glanced sideways at Misty, her nose to the fading sky. There was no way of arguing with her at this point, but the kid was set on having a discussion and Skyshire knew that if she tried to drop it the pup would nag her. 

"I don't know what you want from me Mist. You said you don't know what to do because other loners are bothersome, and you don't want to burden me by living with me anymore. And you're convinced that just trying to join a pack, doesn't have to BE that one, is going to be the death of you. Life is full of difficult choices. I decided to stick around the pack of my birth for far too long, they were going to kill me when I finally left them for good. Out here dangers are around every corner, slavers, villainous loners, cougars, hostile bears, and the very real threat of starving because it's impossible to get any real prey without a pack. You've gotten used to the constant knaw in your tummy. I'm not going to be here forever. With a pack your safer. They have rules you have to follow but it's easier to make friends, keep friends, and actually be full for days. Being a loner isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially being a loner all your life. Do me a favor and just experience being in a pack for a bit. Commit to at least a year, if you still don’t like it, or that pack just isn’t for you, you can try something else. But at least trying is the point."

RE: I don't want to leave - Misty - July 23, 2015

Misty looked up, "If I don't like it after a year, can I come back and live with you?" She would never say it to her face, but Skyshire had become her second mom. Her real mom had died when she was only 3 months old, but Skyshire had cared for her and trained her to be the wolf she was today. If it weren't for her, Misty would probably be dead. She nuzzled her head into the she-wolf's fur. "I'll miss you Skyshire, and if I ever get a chance to visit, I will. But I want to observe the pack from here for at least another week so I don't go in completely out of my comfort zone. Thanks..... for everything. Not just the training, but everything else too."

RE: I don't want to leave - Skyshire - July 24, 2015

Sky chuckled at the insistence of the girl. 

"Sure Kiddo. If I'm still out here in a year, maybe we can start our own pack, but I can't make any promises at this point." She said, gently pawing the top of Misty's head. Like tousling the hair of a child. 

"I'll miss you too Sweetheart, but I'm excited for you! It's like a new adventure." Skyshire smiled. It was always good for the young to experience as much as possible. She wondered if she would be as easily persuaded to let her own pups go and see the world one day. It was good to play Mom for a while, get a little practice in and see what it might have been like to have a better mom than she had. 

"Your welcome Mist. Keep your head up, follow the rules, and you'll be just fine." She replied and licked the top of Misty's head. They could have been family with their light coats, though Misty had a fair bit more silvering.

RE: I don't want to leave - Misty - July 24, 2015

Misty sighed, "I guess....but, what if they don't like me? What if I can't make any friends? I'm not exactly pack material. every wolf is an experienced hunter and fighter. I'm only good at hunting and tracking." She nestled her head into the she wolf's shoulder fur. "I'm scared, Skyshire. I don't want to be an outcast. I want to stay here with you and the friends I already have, Reina and Leo."

RE: I don't want to leave - Skyshire - July 26, 2015

Sky tried to stifle another sigh and instead look at the youngling with a significant look. Here she thought the matter had been settled. She should have known better.

“Not everyone is great at tracking,” Skyshire included, she was better at hiding her tracks, not really noticing others as well, “And fighting can be learned. Besides, there's more to fighting and hunting, there's other trades you can learn. But those are only available in a pack environment. We are outcasts, Misty, here and now. Outcasts can have friends just the same. You have to give a go first.”

The glow of the sun had sunk beneath the earth and the shadows had grown a deep black. Sky was tired, and decided that it was time for her to turn in for a few hours before doing a late night hunt.

“I'm heading in. Its your choice Misty, you've heard all I have to say on the subject. Night.” Skyshire got up and stretched. The pup would have a lot to think about and no doubt would stay up late rehashing the conversation.

“The only thing you can do is your best, and thats enough.” Sky smiled and started heading down the giant rock toward a shallow scrape for a den.

((Good Thread!))

RE: I don't want to leave - Misty - July 26, 2015

Misty watched Skyshire head down the Rock and looked back out over the meadow and forest. Joining a pack did have some advantages. She could start over, make new friends and be a part of something, but she'd be isolated, unfamiliar with everything. With her past and personality, would she be able to survive in an unfamiliar environment and be able to cope with having to figure out everything on her own with no one to confide in? Change was not something she accepted easily and joining a pack would put her completely out of her comfort zone.

Misty got to her paws and jumped, rock to rock, down the side of the cliff. She landed gracefully at the base and padded over to the lake, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. She thought about what her life would be like without Reina, ......and Leo. Leo wasn't just her best friend, she had a crush on him. She had always been too shy to tell him. Maybe being in a pack would help her work up the courage to tell someone she liked him. She obviously couldn't be with Leo when she joined the pack, but maybe she would find love in the pack. One week. One last week to spend time with my friends and prepare for the next part of my story. Hopefully it will be a good one. Misty sighed and stood up, looking at the moon and then at the forest. I'll see you in a week, pack wolves. She turned towards the cliff and padded to the den where Skyshire was already sleeping. She curled up next to her mentor, watching the moon as it shone over the valley until she finally fell asleep.