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Bearclaw Valley the underdog - Printable Version

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the underdog - RIP Leo - July 23, 2015

Open for anyone!

 Here, Chevalier was a complete underdog. No. Leo was a complete underdog. Back at home, he was the smallest of the bunch. Now he was super small! Everything was so confusing. Leo peered around what he thought was his mother's nursery. It was way much different. So much brighter. And is it him, or is there a lot of girls here. He thought there was only supposed to be one, and that was Peridot. And how come his brother became brighter as well? He looked more like Peridot. Even mother has changed her fur! Were they supposed to do that? Why couldn't he change color?! "Brawr!" he grumbled with anger. Why didn't he grow as big as his siblings or change color.

 He turned to look at his own rump. Nope. Still the same creamy color. He stomped (or at least tried) around the place, making pleanty of noise. He didn't care if the others wanted to sleep. He wanted to be like everyone else and he would through a fit until he did.

RE: the underdog - Xan - July 23, 2015

/swoops in :D
Xan isn't very happy about this new mommy-stealer. xD

Alexander had been trying to sleep, but he couldn't. Mother had brought something home with her, and the little thing was highly annoying. Not only did he make noise, but he came right on in and made himself at home. Didn't he know that Scarlett was Xan's mom, not his? He didn't like that the smaller thing tried to nurse from his mother, nor did he like that he was even there in the first place. So when the little furball started to make noise and tried to stomp around, the young Inuit was quick to jump to his feet. His oddly coloured eyes were narrowed as he glared at the source of his annoyance, and he let out a little growl of his own. "No," he stated, the word having quickly become one of his favourites. That word alone could accomplish so much, and he liked using it. The pale lupine marched right up to the other, his features never softening. The little wolf was not going to come into his home and start causing a ruckus. Sure, the boy wasn't a huge fan of the place, but it was still where he slept.

Wanting to be sure the other would listen to him, Xan did his best to rock onto his hind legs. He tried to push his front half off the ground, but only managed to get about an inch or so off the floor. Still that was just enough for him, and he used the momentum of his body coming back down to hit the other boy's side. "No," he repeated, wanting to make sure he got what he wanted to say across.

RE: the underdog - Cry - July 23, 2015

Another circuit near dens, making sure any excess leakage of drained water stayed well away from any sleeping or suckling inhabitants. Quite a ways around, he had dug a few small trenches, giving the little remains of high risen water a final rest stop. 


Another child. Children, as a matter of fact.

As smooth a detered shark, he spun, and made his way to the den he had met the white warrior in, but seems a new child occupied the homely dug out. A tan hued pup, who was very much awake, and very fitful over his rear.

The silent shadow watched this youth, assessing how the size was, and noticed how much smaller he was of the pale one. Maybe a runt? Newborn? 
Or of another mother?

A child was a child, and would receive no obstruction in treatment from himself. He was to be a caretaker. Nothing less. 

"Hello," he gentle murmured to the youth.  His gaze turned from him, to the ivory that was the utter of 'No.' 
Very dominant, this ivory. A duo gemed Alpha, one day, will this pup reign as. He recalled his greeting to the soft sand pelted child.

How would he be treated in return? Would he too, attempt to challenge him, as the pale one once did?
Frozen topaz gems watched with interest in the cream coated mini lupine.

RE: the underdog - RIP Leo - July 23, 2015

Soon enough, his body was pounded to the ground by his.... brother? Usually he was more gentle and quiet, but now he seemed angry at him.


 No? What was that supposed to mean? "Noooo," he squawked back. A small little smile formed as he batted two tiny paws at the other's snout. "No! No!" He liked this new word his brother knew. It was quite fasinating really.

 He looked over to his side as he heard another voice. He did not say no. He said hello. What? There was more than one of these weird words?! How cool! "Hemwo," he repeated happily. He looked up at the pale wolf. "Hemwo!" He reached up and licked his brother, something that his siblings always liked to do.

RE: the underdog - Xan - July 23, 2015

Xan hadn't even noticed the darker wolf at first, as the smaller child had held his attention. The sandy thing was extremely annoying, and he wanted him gone. For a moment, he contemplated ways to get rid of the other boy, but those thoughts were put on hold once he noticed the older wolf. There couldn't be a witness, because then the little ghost would get in trouble, and they'd be able to bring the cream one back. The taller wolf murmured that lame greeting to the other boy, which the pale one didn't mind too much. Even if it'd been said to him, he would have ignored it just as he had last time. It was rather bland, after all, and not worth his recognition. The other child, who had started to mock the elder child, wasn't deserving of his recognition, either. He had to pay attention to him, though, to try and silence him. Also so he could get rid of him, but he'd need to wait to do that. "Qui... quieeet," the Inuit then said, directing his words towards the noisy puppy. He wasn't too sure what it meant yet, but he'd heard it said when his siblings were being loud, so he assumed it would work.

While he was momentarily distracted, trying to work through the meaning of what he'd said, the strange one had come up and licked him. Again, he let out a growl, not caring who heard him. Xan was, once more, very annoyed, and the other boy was only making matters worse. "Ewww," he voiced, drawing the expression out. He moved forward, mouth opening as he did so, until he was close enough to chomp down on the shorter's ear. No one was allowed to lick Alexander, aside from himself, his mother, and his father. Anyone else would feel his tiny wrath.

RE: the underdog - Cry - July 23, 2015

A friendly temperament was seen in this new pup, the cream child. A simple ball of warm and happy, a learner. Enthusiastic. However, his brother seemed to not take pleasure in the temperament of his littermate. The larger Ivory was trying to squash what little affection the meager dune was giving him, going for his ear with a milk colored maw. 

The silent guard watched, wondering what the interaction of the children would wrought betwixt the two. He feared not so the situation, for as knew it was a dire mistake to seperate siblings. They had to grow accustomed to each other through interaction. Social skills.

Cry was fascinated with the imperial behavior of the ivory,  and sincere in the docile mind of the dune. 
One would make an excellent fighter, the other an amazing listener.
Frozen optics observed further.

RE: the underdog - RIP Leo - July 23, 2015

He was met with sharp teeth in his ear, making him yip. He started to flail around under the bigger one. No way this was his brother! Baldur was kind and gentle. He always liked the Knight's affection. This couldn't be him! But maybe it was and he didn't like him anymore. Well he'll show him! He kicked his feet over and over, as if doing awkward swiming. His kicks weren't hard though. He didn't want to get into trouble with the bigger wolf.

 "Ow! Buluuulll," he cried as the weight began to become to much for the young wolf.

RE: the underdog - Xan - July 23, 2015

The young Inuit was satisfied when he heard the yip leave the smaller's mouth. A smirk pulled at the corners of his maw, but he refused to let go. He pulled at the ear slightly as the other started to kick out, wanting to avoid being hit, but also not wanting to release the ear. The smaller paws hit him a few times, but he still didn't let go. Instead, he jerked his head, tugging on the ear roughly. It wasn't yet enough to cause any real damage, but Xan wanted the other to stop moving. A moment after the other started kicking, the little ghost's ears were met with the sound of his cries. That was enough for him to then let go of the other's ear, though he wasn't yet done with him.

Alexander took a few steps back, almost as if he was done with the other boy, but it ended up being quite the opposite. He used the new distance to get a bit of a running start, aiming to barrel right into the other. "Noi... see," he said, wanting the other to stop his crying. He didn't really feel bad, since he didn't know the other enough to like him, but he still wanted him to stop. It was an annoying sound.

RE: the underdog - Cry - July 23, 2015

The silent guardian scowled at the tactic used by the snow child. As rough as the pup played, the sandy son kept his base to a defense. However, The shadow feared he would not have the strength dedicated to coming out of the spring of sprint aimed at his frailer body. 

His shattering irises of winter narrowed in viewing the bombard, but he watched, no less. 

If the pale one continued on his path however, intervention would be inescapable.

RE: the underdog - RIP Leo - July 23, 2015

His cries made his brother release him, giving him a chance to stand up and shake himself off. His eyes widened, realizing he kinda enjoyed it. A little. The other growled the word Noisee. He tilted his head, not sure what to make of this word. He did know the pale wolf was angry, so his voice dropped to a whisper. "Noiseeee," he hissed softly.

 He looked over at the other bigger wolf. He looked like the one who had taken him. Maybe he knew where his sister was. So he waddled right up to that big wolf and whispered, "Peeridot." The youngster didn't wait for a reply. He waddled around the den, looking for another white ball of fluff. But it was only the boy. So he came up to the mysterious wolf, jumping up on him so his paws touched his shoulders and he stood upright. "Bulder? Peeridot?" He waited silently for an answer. Maybe the slightly bigger wolf knew where they were!

RE: the underdog - Xan - July 23, 2015

Though he took the other's repetition of the word he'd said as a way of mocking him, he did not act on it. It annoyed him, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Clearly, the other was not learning, which irritated Xan. Huffing, he plopped himself down on his butt, though his odd eyes did not leave the sandy boy. What was he doing? Who was he looking for? His ears perked up, something he'd learned to do when wanting to hear something better, and he listened in on what was being said. The names were odd, very odd. He wondered who they belonged to, though. Maybe, if the pale little warrior played his cards right, he could find these weirdly-named things, and they could take the mommy-thief away.

"Peeridot?" he repeated, trying out the name. If felt much more foreign on his own tongue than it had when he heard it coming from the other. "Bulder...?" Had he meant 'boulder'? Alexander was going to ask, but couldn't yet say enough words to form the question correctly. Whatever the younger meant, though, he hoped to be able to find it. No one was allowed to take his mom, or his space, so he wanted to get rid of the tiny wolf as quickly as he could.

RE: the underdog - Cry - July 24, 2015

The names sounded foreign. That much, he knew. However, the animation the pup put into taking him, the insistence on the names, they must have been important to him. Even Xan had taken to repeat the names, though his reasons unlike the smaller siblings. 
Who were the strange named wolves?

"I will find them for you, when the time is right, small one."

Cry murmured the words, but mused in the idea, nevertheless. Where could he find this Peeridot, this Bulder? 

The shadow glanced at Xan, wondering his knowledge on the names, but kept silent, as usual.

RE: the underdog - RIP Leo - July 24, 2015


 He excitedly bounced off the other's shoulders as he repeated their names. If he knew the word 'yes' he would be saying it over and over. Good thing he hadn't though. The light colored boy already seemed angry by his annoying parrot voice. 

 He waddled from one wolf to the other, before flopping down onto the ground. He was feeling tired after this encounter. Maybe the white wolf would help him find his brother and sister! They could all play together! But that would have to wait. He scooted over to his adoptive brother and layed close beside him, hopeing he would stay put. "Sleepy?" he whispered looking at the dark wolf then to Xan. They could all sleep together (though that was highly unlikely since he was an underdog now). He came as close as he can to the other, the same familiar warmth coming to him. He shut his eyes and fell asleep. 

 But his dream was that Nightmare Storm...

RE: the underdog - Xan - July 24, 2015

Last post from me. Hopefully Xan will warm up to Chev eventually, aha

Xan's eyes followed the movements of the younger, not wanting to risk letting him get in a sneak attack. It seemed the other boy wasn't the type to do that, though, as he stayed calm while approaching the albino. Something had to be wrong with the kid, he decided. Who in their right mind would get so close to someone who'd just bit them? He had to give him credit for that, at least. Even if something was wrong with him, he'd still gotten close to the little ghost again and laid down—an action he'd quickly learned was useless when it came to defending oneself. When the word 'sleepy' was uttered, Alexander couldn't deny that he was feeling a bit tired, too. He'd had a long day, and felt he was deserving of a nap. Just a nap, however, since the day was still young enough for him to be able to cause trouble later on.

He watched the other boy scoot closer to him, and continued to watch him until he fell asleep. His gaze then slid to Cry, watching him closely as the boy laid down. The man had proven to be a good playmate, but he still didn't trust him. The only reason he was willing to even consider letting himself nap with the sandy child so close was because the elder was there too, though. He trusted the man a little more than he trusted the pup, since the man wasn't trying to steal his mother away from him, but not enough for him to fall right to sleep; as the younger had. Instead, Xan laid there for awhile, looking over to the lion-pelted lupine every now and again, before finally letting his eyes close. Within seconds of meeting darkness, he was thrown into his land of dreams, having not realized just how tired he was.

RE: the underdog - Cry - July 24, 2015

«final post. Good thread, guys. Maybe there is a bit of companion hope. xD»

Cry watched the snow child allow the dune to be close to him for slumber, and he could not prevent the warming of his heart to the sight. His face kept its mask, but internally, he smiled. 

He had not moved from his spot until both children were unquestionably unconscious. Only then, was his move made.
Swiftly grabbing the cream hued pup gently by his scruff, Cry placed him in the den with the other siblings, and soon after he followed just as quickly with Xan. Relative distance close for warmth radiation between each other, but far enough to avoid physical squabbling upon wake. 
As silently as he had arrived, the shadow left. 
The dark prince had more trenches to dig.
