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It's not a phase, DAD - Printable Version

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It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 23, 2015

@Keith >:D

She should be going back to Blackfeather Woods. She really should be. But why miss out on what a wonderful opportunity? She could run free for a few more days. She had found food sources that could sustain the pack for a few weeks. All she needed to do was go back, check on them, and go home. She could live as a loner for a while longer.

The white teen wandered north, curious if the tornado had touched the stoic mountain range that divided the north from the south packs. If it did, would it have done much damage? This was her excuse for heading north with Mongfionn, one of the raven Matriarch's daughters. The young raven had led the way up the mountains into one of the several valleys in the Sunspire's center. It was different than that other valley she had entered before, bordering a tall dome to the north.

The valley remained largely untouched by the storm, tornado or otherwise. Trees had fallen, sure, but it still remained as peaceful as ever. Fionn, as Potema liked to call her, led her further north for some reason. To what end, Potema did not care. She trusted the dark bird.

The trust was warranted. Fionn brought the teen to an idealistic spring nestled in the mountains. The birds sang tentatively here, the willows still intact except for a few missing branches here and there. Potema sighed, flopping unceremoniously on the side of the spring, dipping her head in to drink. Fionn landed in a tree nearby, quorking contently. They could hang out here for a while.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - July 26, 2015

Finally I get a chance to reply! omg so nervous for thos thread :o
Sorry if the post sucks, I'm not feeling the flow today... :s

Things had gone out of hand after the storm. Keith, confused and deafened by the whirlwind that had striked so close to them, had managed to get himself and Cara out of the hole in which they would have died, and luckily, Alusia had been able to follow. They seeked shelter in the northern corner of the valley and had secluided themselves there until it felt safe to go out, and ever since it had been a nightmare. The valley that Keith had wanted to settle in with Cara had been totally destroyed by the tornado, and now they needed to find safety far away from it. The place was uninhabitable.

But sheltered from the storm, a corner of the large valley had remained almost untouched. Save from a couple torn branches and ruffled treetops, the Lotus Springs was still the oasis it has always been, and Keith was enjoying the last of it before departing with his lover.

The water, cold as always, was refreshing in Keith's skin as he dipped in for a bath. The first one since the storm. He was so focused on himself and on what to do next with Cara that he was unaware of the presence of a certain teenager nearby, and currently he was just enjoying the water with his eyes closed. Had he known she was there, or who she was, things would change drastically for him.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 26, 2015

Her hearing took over as she lapped at the water, her whiskers twitching as she felt the ripples of water hit them. Something, or perhaps one was in the water. She looked up, her single sapphire eye locking onto a white wolf in the spring. The girl snorted water out of her nose, shaking her head slightly to rid the top of her nose of the beads of water. She stood straight, barking softly to get the wolf's attention, wondering why he was dirtying the water she was drinking.

Mongfionn swooped down from the tree, hopping down by her side. Potema flicked a glance to the white necked raven, then back to the wolf. She wondered who this was. Maybe he was an Arctic wolf. He looked like one.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - July 27, 2015

A bark interrupted Keith's troubled thoughts, and his bath along. In fact, he wasn't dirtying the water that girl was drinking, she was drinking his shower water... Which wasn't remotely strange to Keith. It happened all the time.

The girl who'd barked was all the other way across the pond, but her figure was clearly visible above the water. She was young, and very beautiful, and she seemed to be accompanied by a blackbird, which did strike Keith as strange. The wolf eyed the bird with curiosity and then turned to the girl.

"Oh, hey!" he barked absentmindedly across the pond before taking one more dip with his head to clean his face. Then, the Arctic man paddled across the water to get a closer look at the girl. He hadn't noticed it before, but one of her eyes was damaged, and he wondered whether she could see anything through it. He decided not to ask out of respect, but he did want to know. Somehow, Keith felt like there was something in his mind, like a memory, that told him that he knew this girl, but it was so surreal that Keith just shoved it aside and smiled at the stranger.

"Are you from around here?" he asked, knowing not that whatever came out of a conversation with the girl had the power to turn his life upside down

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 27, 2015

The male turned, barking an absentminded greeting as he doused his head in water again before paddling off to meet her. She felt a pit of dread in her stomach as he walked closer, her single eye straining as she began recognizing scars on the male's face, scars that she remembered staring up at when she was younger. When he made it to shore, Potema was stunned beyond belief. She saw his eyes clearly now, and there was no mistaking it. White. There were only four people she knew with white eyes: Damien, Cicero, Kelorth, and...

"F-father?!" She stammered. It had to be him! There was no mistaking his face after that time in the snow, far away as that moment was. Regardless of the lack of hardness in his eyes, or the red pawprint of the Dark Brotherhood, it had to be him. It had to...

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - July 31, 2015

It couldn't be possible.

Keith was taken aback by the girl's question. Father? He had no kids! He would soon have them with Cara for sure, but there was no way this one was his. He shook his head saying "What? I'm not your-" but he stopped.

By the looks of the girl she was not older than eight months -nine tops- but it coincided with the time he was out. There was still a huge gap in his memory which had swallowed his entire last winter, there was nothing in his mind about, at least, five months, and five months ago he had woken up in a dark place, with an ugly scar on his face and a red paw on his shoulder.

Anything could have happened.

Keith just stared at her blue eye. There was something too familiar about it. And his lips didn't move.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 31, 2015

@Keith Free to spree?

His sudden horror, his denial of his parentage, broke her. Tears began welling in her single eye — well, that proved her theory that her tear ducts were destroyed in her blind eye. She sucked in a ton of air, then felt that sadness turn into something different. Anger. "You forgot about us?!" She yelled, her hackles rising. She never knew that her father had split personalities, she never considered the fact that the trauma of staying in one personality and then suddenly switching back was dangerous. She didn't know, and honestly, she probably wouldn't have cared.

She stepped closer to him, her paws in the water. All of the pent up emotions that she associated with her father's disappearance was focused into this one rant, her sapphire eye blazing like blue fire. "I'm your daughter! Potema! Don't you remember me? My mother? My brothers?!" He was lucky that the water had washed off whatever scent he had before; had she smelled Cara, she would have gone further into a blind fury, reminiscent of Damien's blood rages.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - July 31, 2015

For a little while, yes.
EDIT: tagging to get your attention :P @Potema

Keith's mind had been jump started into something terrible. He was confused, just to start counting, and ashamed for not recognizing the girl. It may very well have been true that this was his daughter, but he didn't have any true, factual evidence of it. And still he felt guilty.

The girl however, was pretty angry. It didn't only show in her raised hackled and bullet eyes. No. Her anger was loud.

She started shouting, making him feel even more confused and deeper in guilt. That was until she mentioned her brothers. She had brothers. There were more. And that is when Keith realized he hadn't been confused at all. Now he was.

"Who's your mother?" he asked after a long silence, at least from him. That question would be the start of an awkward conversation, but he would not leave without knowing what the hell was going on.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 31, 2015

Sorry, was just posting somewhere else. :P

Potema huffed after her rant, letting warm, thick air billow out. Her hackles flattened slightly as she stared at this wolf, her father, urging him to talk. He was quiet, before quietly asking a question. The white teenager had to stop herself from raging again, instead choosing to quietly snarl the answer through clenched teeth. "Meldresi Melonii." She hoped that her name would at least jog whatever fat, lazy memory he had. She was very curious to why he had left, and where his memories of her and her family, disappeared. Why his Dark Brotherhood mark was washed away. Did he desert?

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - July 31, 2015

That's ok! I think that I'll make a couple more posts and go to bed. It's late and I'm tired.

The name she mentioned was the last one he wanted to hear, but actually, it was the name he was expecting to get. He knew Meldresi. The weird priestess who wished to establish a park in a place as dark as Blackfeather Woods. She had told him herself. And when Keith woke from his long absense he was nowhere else than Blackfeather Woods, and Meldresi's scent was all over the place. She was the Alpha. The one with breeding rights.

"You come from Blackfeather Woods?" he asked slowly although he already knew the answer. This situation wasn't only awkward, it was worrying. But still it could be the key to knowing what had happened during the time he didn't remember. To know what Moonbane had been doing with his body.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - July 31, 2015

Same. It's nearly 1 here.

Potema glared at him. "Of course I am." She growled, though a small part of her, growing stronger with each passing minute, tried to get her mind to realize that he genuinely does not remember. "Why did you leave?" She asked, tears ready to spill again, hot and angry this time. "Were you bored with us or something?" She thought back to that time in the snow with him, half-forgotten, but dear in her heart. When he called her princess. His princess. "Where did you go?" Her voice was desperate now, her single eye sought out answers in his pale ones. The whole pack was baffled when Bane, one of the most loyal wolves, up and disappeared into the night, never to be seen or heard from again. Until now.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - August 01, 2015

Her voice went from angry to super sad in a matter of seconds, and Keithg was almost sure she would cry if she said one more word. So he decided it was his time to talk.

This would be hard to explain. He didn't even actually know what the hell had happened or what was going to happen next, but he needed to say something. Everything was pointing at a single, option. This was in fact his daughter.

"Listen, before you say anything else there is something you need to know..." he started. It was never a good conversation when he had to explain that there was someone else living inside him, but he didn't have any other option at this point.

"I don't know if you are my daughter or if you are making all of this up, but I must admit that I do not remember you. I don't know you... But perhaps -perhaps Bane does..." he stopped for a second feeling completely stupid for saying this to a stranger.

"Sometimes, when the moon is full, my mind does something strange, and another... Side of me takes over..." he stopped again trying to analyze the girls reaction to this apparent nonsense.

"I may very well be your... Father... But I wouldn't remember it if he was the one in control when it happened..." there goes nothing...

Keith hoped that she believed him, but he wouldn't blame her if she didn't. All of this sounded like it was taken from some sort of teen-written novela.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - August 01, 2015

Last post from me tonight.

While Potema was silent the whole time as he explained, she reacted physically. Her hackles raised again despite her sadness at the thought, the notion that she was lying about all of this. Why would she? What would she gain from lying about being his daughter, other than knowing the truth of an absentee parent? But she stopped, relaxed, when Bane was named, and not as himself, but as another person.

It started to make a little bit of sense, but Potema was very, very confused. In the end, she stared at him blankly, licking her lips before she spoke again. "So you're not Bane?" She asked, trying to understand. "And if you aren't...then who are you?" There were many more questions than that, but she wanted this answered first.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - August 29, 2015

@Potema we can finish this thread!

"No, I'm not Bane..." the northerner said with a hint of hatred in his words, not towards the girl but definitely towads the destructive and stone-hearted Bane.

She asked who he was, and the question made Keith's lips freeze. He wasn't sure at all about sharing his identity with this girl, because if he did he had no guarantee that it wouldn't affect his life. He did want to be a father, but not like this. Not with the witch. He wanted to build a family with Cara and her alone, and he wanted to live through it, not suddenly happen to be responsible of a litter he did not know existed.

"I'm sorry Potema... But I cannot be your... Father..." he said apologetically. But he realized that he sort of did have a responsibility with this girl.

He was the figure she'd lost.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - August 30, 2015

[Image: 0TCgrtw.gif]

Potema stared at this man that she was absolutely positively sure was her father, only to have that idea crushed. This was not a mistaken identity case — his features were too distinct to confuse with anyone else —, it was a case of abandonment and lost memories, on both sides.

She looked up at those white eyes she once smiled at, and snarled, her brow furrowing and teeth baring in disgust and hatred. "You would be shit at it anyway." She snapped, the turmoil of emotions inside her bubbling over into anger rather than sadness. She had awaited this day for so long, to see her father once more and be reunited with him, and to bring him back to the Woods both as a Dark Brother, but as father of Meldresi's children. That had all been shattered now, and she was left with some wolf that looked and smelled like her father, but was weak compared to the Bane she knew. Whoever this was, he was pathetic. "I don't know what I was hoping for, but you're definitely not my father. I should have seen it from the start."

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Bane - August 31, 2015

omg what's going on.
Last post.

It felt like a huge dagger being pushed into his heart. Ragefull eyes stared at him with blue fire burning inside them. She reminded Keith a lot of his sister, Liv, who had always hated him for some reason. It burned, being hated. Even by a stranger.

This girl was a stranger. Keith could not take responsibility for her.

"I'm really sorry..." he woofed, feeling guilty. Then, not knowing what else to do he turned around and just walked away, but not before taking one last look at her beautiful blue eyes. Electricity ran through him, both for her eye's beauty, and for the hatred it transmitted.

That would probably be the last time he saw them.

RE: It's not a phase, DAD - Potema - August 31, 2015

Lol I don't know. All I know is that I love that gif. XD Thanks so much for the thread! :D

Potema growled in place of an acceptance. It was far too late for apologies, now. Whoever he was, he wasn't her father. Her father was dead and this wolf was a mere doppelgänger. She had nothing more to say to him. She watched him leave, her single blue eye burning up. When he turned to look at her one last time, Potema turned away and walked east, back home, away from the man who was not her father.