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Poison Examination - Printable Version

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Poison Examination - Zaria - July 24, 2015

Taking on the Poison Quest, Anyone Welcome

Zhavvi had been interested in poisons before she got to this new home with it strange new laws. The slender girl had no clue that it was a special quest of the Khal to find out. The sly girl was just drawn to poisons, and she was already quite knowledgable with them. She knew about rhubarb leaves, and what kind of effect they had on wolves. She had tested it out on one of her pack mates after all. Since the mountain was still of a weird concept for her and the forests was somewhere she didn't feel safe Zhavvi was often found around the borders of STM.

Today a carcass was luring her attention, she almost sunk her teeth into the prey animal when she noticed a hint of a scent that she wasn't suppose to smell. She squinted her eyes, though she was hesitant to sniff it again. Some poisons already worked well enough with inhaling them. She growled and then hopped back, away from the carcass. She laid down and studied the deer. Did it ate some leaves poisonous to wolves? Was it poisoned and then it died? Or where the poisonous herbs added later? With a moment of study Zhavvi decided that she would only know if she opened the deer's stomach.

The slender girl approached it again, taking a chunk out of its stomach and spitting it out instantly. Water. She needed Water. Zhav grabbed the carcass by its antlers and dragged it to the nearest water source. With her light frame it was something that was not done easily, but she managed. She was heavily panting though. She drank the water greedily. Now she could get to work with her little mission in finding this out. She was eager to know what this type of poison was and who wanted to hurt her new Khal.

RE: Poison Examination - June - July 29, 2015

June was out and about places that she shouldn't be today. Not that father had explicitly told her she couldn't come though. They were supposed to remain in the clearing but ever since the storm they hadn't been back to the clearing and FitzDutiful hadn't specified any new restrictions. Ever since that horrible night, and the morning after, June had been fascinated with the wolf who had been dripping wet that day. Mason had gone to the wolfess, tried to warm her, and FitzDutiful had also responded in kind. June, well she had gone to Ryuu - not for any reason other than she couldn't figure out the newcomer. But she had memorised the unique scent.

Today, June was following that scent. She had picked up on it by happenstance but now she wanted to find out more. Putting her mind to the task - something she could do like no other - she followed it through all sorts of places that she had never been before. It was enough of a challenge to avoid any feelings of trepidation or fear, but June knew that if FitzDutiful ever found out he would be mad. There was a reason he had never taken them on border patrols.

June came across the mystery female not long after Zhavvi had arrived at the water source. She was panting heavily and drinking a ton of water, some June found fascinating. Why was she so exhausted? Then she saw it, the massive carcass - well it was a feast for the young four month old who still ate the bits her father brought them. She had never seen a meat source so big.

Still, keeping her focus on Zhavvi, June crept forward. She wanted to sample this tasty feast and, bit by bit, she wandered closer and closer to the carcass. She broke a few twigs every so often but, unless Zhavvi stopped her, June would be sampling that tasty carcass as soon as she got there.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - July 29, 2015

June is sooo adorable. Oh my!

As Zhavvi was by the water and done drinking she decided that it was better to remove the stomach. She ripped it loose one one size and dragged it out to the water's edge. Its intestines were like a leash on the stomach. She would dissect that later. Zhavvi stood in the stream as she got to work, she had to be careful for her wound, if the poison would catch on she would be doomed. Zhavvi then stepped closer, she pushed her paw down at the organ and the half digested greenery dribbled out on the bank of the river. Since Zhavvi was not that knowledgeable with poison's just yet it could have been anything, as long as she got a scent from it, then she could find the actual plant. If it was located in the stomach after all.

Zhavvi almost jumped in shock when she saw the light coloured pup from before. It was the Khal's daughter. She was a Khal's daughter once. Her evil side really liked to have the pup eat from the carcass. Then Zhavvi could watch the youngster's symptoms and find out what poison it was. And if she didn't know the poison Zhavvi would know what it would do. But another side reasoned that she had been taken in by this pack and well cared for. Surely they did leave her on her own devices with that storm but... She wanted that. She wanted to be on her own. This pack gave her a bit of both, that freedom she wanted and belonging to a group of wolves. Plus she did like this Khal. Zhavvi decided that the pup would not die. Not today at least.

She lunged forward and snarled to chase the pup off. Couldn't she smell the poison? Zhavvi let out a snort. "No," she snapped at her and then got back to her previous spot after chasing the other female to a safe distance. She carefully pawed at the greenery, looking if she could identify any plants she already knew, there were no rhubarb leaves, she knew that. Her green eyes glanced over the stomach contents and frowned. She then brought her nose closer and sniffed it carefully. She tried to keep an eye on the young lady that she wouldn't eat from the deer, and if she did, then it was not Zhavvi's fault, she had said no.

RE: Poison Examination - June - July 30, 2015

Thanks! She's so different to any character I've played before.

This odd stranger lunged at her, and June back pedalled immediately, falling on the floor as she did so. Zhavvi snorted and said no before heading back to where she was before. June understood, father had taught both her and Mason that the bottom of the pack meant waiting. She had to wait until father finished sometimes and now she had to wait for Zhavvi to eat too.

She sat, watching, staring intently. Her attention was caught by a fly that flew onto her nose. She shook her head, shaking it off and it flew towards the carcass before settling and eating off the body. Satisfied that she had learnt everything about that fly, she turned to the preview mystery. June picked herself up and padded to the water side. She didn't attempt to stay silent now, though she kept an obviously wary eye on the beautiful female. Even if Zhavvi was recently in want of food, the fact that she was an elegant female was obvious. June wanted to be like that.

Taking a sip, June watched. Her eyes soaking in all of the sights, Zhavvi appeared to be eating at first sight but upon closer inspection, June's faded orange eyes noticed that she was merely sniffing the meat. She tilted her head, trying to convey her question of 'why?' without using the words. She hated the words.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - July 30, 2015

Zhavvi was pleased to see that the girl backed off from the poisonous carcass. She didn't want to get the blame for poisoning the girl. He was something she would do when she was on a leash, but off leash she was nice. Zhavvi learned that about herself. Zhavvi was impressed how the girl stayed away, she had manners. Zhavvi remembered that she didn't have manners. She always got to eat first. Maybe she was the problem back in her Khalas. Nope it couldn't be. Her dad was wrong for keeping her on a leash. This new Alphas Fitz was nice to not keep her on a leash. And he would warm her up when she was cold. She would need to remember that.

Back to her poisoned carcass, because the stomach contents seemed to have no interesting herbs that could be poisonous for wolves. She was about to start with its intestine when she spotted something. Pink pedals, masking perfectly with the pink and red color of the organs of the deer. She squinted her eyes suspiciously. That must have been it. Zhavvi realized that by biting the stomach loose she almost bit into a petal. She was pretty sure that these petals weren't normal to be littered over the most wanted organs to eat. She let out a soft huff. This carcass was left her to poison her Alphas Fitz! How dare they! It was intentionally poisoned.

She turned her head to the pup, wanting to tell her that it was poisoned but she didn't know how. "Zhavvi....," she started with referring to herself. What did she know in words? Hellow, Hapi, Silvertip Mountain, Alphas Fitz, Splash, Water, Run, Food, Eat. That didn't even come close!!! She didn't even know the pup's name. "Zhavvi....." A whine came from her throat in frustration. "Food.. No.. eat," she spoke.

RE: Poison Examination - June - August 03, 2015

Zhavvi. The female repeated her name again, and June wondered if she was supposed to respond in kind. Wolves seemed to like to share their name, but June found that it disturbed her. Her name was hers and yet her father gave it out like it was everyone's business. She was on the verge of referring to herself internally by her middle name, no one knew that, and being forced to share it herself. It cemented her decision.

Humility listened as the whine of frustration echoed. Something was wrong with the food. She looked at Zhavvi, referencing the name to her unique scent markers. "June." she said, her voice quiet but chilling with its clarity. For one who rarely spoke she had clear pronunciation of her words. She hadn't picked up any bad speaking habits, her words were clear, precise and each one enunciated as it deserved. "Food bad?"

It was a question but her voice didn't do the normal higher pitch that seemed to resonant with questions. It could easily be misconstrued as a statement but her questioning look would hopefully clarify her intent. She stepped hesitantly forward and sniffed in the direction, focusing, trying to figure out what was wrong. She didn't know what an entire carcass was usually like in order to compare.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 03, 2015

Zhavvi didn't see the girl's inner struggle about names. The slender girl liked to have others know her name because then she would be referred to right. In any case, the girl stated that the food was bad. She figured out what bad meant. Zhavvi then realized it wasn't a statement but a question. She figured that out by the youngster's questioning look. Zhavvi nodded once, and courtly. "Yes," she returned and then looked over the carcass. She might give the young pup a lesson about this, as far as Zhavvi could.

She pawed at the carcass until a pedal fell out. With er paw she tried to drag the pink petal away from the carcass so the girl, presumably called June, could see. Zhavvi pointed at her with her nose, though she didn't sniff it. "Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad!," she repeated to make the pup understand that it was bad. It was bad bad, double bad. Zhavvi didn't know the plant's name but she did knew the smell by now. Zhavvi then looked at June with her green eyes and then faked that she would eat it. She took a bite of air above the petal to indicate eating. Then she started to swirl on her feel and let herself fall to she size with her eyes closed. Dead.

Zhavvi found herself a brilliant actress, but having her eyes closed she wasn't sure if the youngster understood what she was saying if only she could speak her tongue perfectly, then she could just explain that it was a poison, a bad poison. Someone wanted the STM wolves dead, or very sick.

RE: Poison Examination - June - August 07, 2015

Humility watched with eyes wide at the mime that played out in front of her. It was interesting, Zhavvi appeared to be eating - or pretending to - the petal in front of her. Then a scary thing happened. Zhavvi started to sway from one side to another, terrifyingly so, before falling on the floor heavily and her eyes closed. Humility didn't need this interpreting for it seemed quite obvious to her. Eat petal, no more Humility.

Cautiously she stepped towards Zhavvi and poked the older wolf with her foot. She wanted to be sure that she was only faking for she was having a moment's doubt. When she was eventually satisfied that there was no harm done right now Humility asked the other question that she wanted to know the answer to. "Smell bad?" she asked, taking a deep loud sniff through her muzzle to make it obvious before doing the same swaying and falling over. She didn't stay fake dead for long before opening an eye to see if Zhavvi understood her theatrics.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 08, 2015

Zhavvi slowly got up once she felt a paw on her. She sat and then watched as the girl inhaled sharply and fell over. She shook her head. "No," she spoke to the girl. It wasn't the smell it was the petal that was poisonous. Didn't she understand!? Zhavvi let out a soft sigh in frustration and shook her head. She watched the petal and wondered how could could make this clear to the youngster.

Her light frame jumped up on her feet. She would have to report this to Alphas Fitz!!!! She howled for @FitzDutiful to report her found. Maybe he could tell his daughter that it was poison. That would be best yes. Maybe he would understand. Zhavvi then turned to June and growled at the petal, viciously growled. "Bad. Bad," she repeated again.

RE: Poison Examination - June - August 11, 2015

No was enough, June understood what was going on there. She had just asked the question so why did the female seem so angry? In fact she was calling father! Glaring at the she-wolf in front of her, June tried to show how angry she was that Zhavvi had done that. Now she would have to run before her father found out. She had been enjoying her time here and this female had ruined it all.

Turning away from Zhavvi, June started to run, escaping before her father could arrive. The last thing she wanted was for him to explicitly tell her not to come to the borders again. If he never said not to then she could justify doing so, but for that she happen she had to avoid the conversation. She knew her father well enough to suspect that if she ran now, by time he arrived back home he would have forgotten to explicitly tell her not to, instead he might just warn her against it.

That was the plan.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 11, 2015

I assume you reply with Fitz after this?

Zhavvi was surprised when the girl ran away. Did Zhavvi scare her? Well good. The youngster should watch out with poisons. Zhavvi didn't realize that it might have sounded that she called the girl bad. Zhavvi tipped her head a bit when the girl disappeared. Zhavvi let out a snort and sat down, loyally waiting for Alphas Fitz to appear so she could show him her good work! She was the best at poisons. She liked to be good at them. She had learned it all by herself. Now she realized that she didn't know the name but she did know the scent. So that was good. The scent was better than a name anyways.

She laid down by the water edge. The pink pedal on the ground next to her. She would show them how good of a pack member she was. The best of all! Only because Alphas Fitz was nice to her. She would protect him.

RE: Poison Examination - FitzDutiful - August 11, 2015


FitzDutiful had replied as soon as he'd heard the howl but it hadn't seem urgent so he had taken his time, happily strolling around the borders. He wasn't aware of how close to he borders June was getting, nor that she would soon be leaving their lands all together. It could be said, ignorance was bliss.

When he arrived, he noticed the carcass, he noticed Zhavvi and his first thought was that she had brought down a deer all by herself. He was pretty impressed and wondered if she though she had to share all kills. "Hi Zhavvi," he said. He was trying to stop babying her where possible. Better to let her learn the language naturally, though did keep his sentences shorter for her benefit.

"You catch this?" he asked, taking a sniff at it before recognising the problem. As a naturalist, and a seasoned pack leader, he knew when prey didn't look right and his eyes caught sight of the petals. His hackles raised and he looked at her for an answer. He didn't think that she was the cause, why would she call him if she was, but he waited patiently for some form of explanation.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 11, 2015

Zhavvi sprung to life once she saw the leader. Her ears perked up. She wondered if she should tell about June coming so close to the border, but she decided that she wasn't the problem here. Nope. The poison was. She shook her head once the leader asked if she caught it, or well, his face made it clear that he was indicating that. The slender female stepped by the pink petal and then lifted the flap of skin to reveal the pink pedals camouflaged between the taste organs.

"Bad!," she let out out. "Zhavvi find! Bad," she repeated and looked at him with big green eyes. She just knew it in her guts that it was poison. "Zhavvi.... Zhavvi..." She wanted to say that she wanted to protect them but she hadn't have that vocabulary yet. She looked with big eyes at the leader. "Zhavvi find! Find BAD!," she growled. "Alpha Fitz no eat."

RE: Poison Examination - FitzDutiful - August 14, 2015

"Okay" that was the only reply he had. It worried him that it had been so close to the borders, to his borders, and he wondered which pack had done this - who had done this? He had no enemies and no one that he had let in his pack had either. Except, maybe Zhavvi. Maybe this had been done to kill her? The thought made him tremble with rage, she was one of his now and he would kill whoever had tried to kill her.

"Bury it." he said to her, grabbing a leg and pulling it. He wanted to destroy it, and burying it to be lost was the best way to do that but it needed to be buried outside of the pack lands to avoid anyone mistaking it as a cache. Hopefully Zhavvi would help him, if they managed to get it far enough away from the borders then he would start digging and pray that she helped him in all these situations. It was tiring work - even for a wolf at the peak of his situation.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 15, 2015

Zhavvi nodded courtly, bury probably meant that he wanted it gone. Zhavvi watched at the male started dragging the heavy carcass. She barked at him, wanting him to stop. She grabbed a front leg and pulled the deer in the river. She was a smart little lady and knew that the carcass would flat. She tried to hold on to the leg as the carcass floated on the water. Now they wouldn't have to pull the heavy weight. Maybe they could let it drift out of their territory. Zhavvi smirked devilishly.

She looked at Alpha Fitz, wondering if he wanted to follow the floating carcass or not. Zhavvi would follow him either way. She was his warrior after all! She would need to protect her alphas from poisonous carcasses and other outsider wolves!!

RE: Poison Examination - FitzDutiful - August 17, 2015

Zhavvi seemed to have a different idea and FitzDutiful let her pull the carcass onto the river. He felt a moment's concern, if it sank then they had just poisoned this water source for everyone downriver. He felt alarmed, his naturalist training screaming at him, but it was too late now. Luckily, it floated. Zhavvi kept hold of one leg and he of another, FitzDutiful was going to walk with it as far as he could before pulling it front the river.

He let go for a moment to say this to her, "Float down, pull out and bury. No water poisoned." and then he firmly reattached himself to the leg. As he walked down the river with the carcass he wondered the best place to bury it. Putting it in the ground was just as dangerous for the poison could be dug up and eaten, or the poison could affect other roots and plants.

A cave was what they needed. A cave that they could block the entrance of.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 17, 2015

Zhavvi disagreed with the male. She felt that the pedals were so minimal they couldn't really poison the water, and who cares if other wolves got poisoned at least they wouldn't!? But she kept her mouth shut since she didn't know the effect of these pink leaves, only that they screamed danger. She followed the alpha without a word, she only nodded. She understood half of it. Zhavvi almost wanted to make it float to the Dorthran wolves, but she knew that the river went to the sea and not to the plains she lived on. Pity.

The slender female kept her green eyes on the alpha to watch him for any sign of what he wanted to do. She wasn't in charge anymore. Couldn't they just dump it outside the line of their scents? Easy right? Some other wolf might eat form it and she could study the effects.

RE: Poison Examination - FitzDutiful - August 17, 2015

FitzDutiful kept his eyes on the waterline, there was no cave coming up at all. What could he do? In the end he decided anywhere was better than nowhere and pulled it out, hoping Zhavvi would help. He looked around. They were outside of the pack lands by quite a way, but Whitefish River was still a way off. No man's land.

Should they just leave it there? FitzDutiful didn't have a clue what the petals were but Zhavvi had said they were bad. Did she know how bad? A dark streak fluttered through FitzDutiful, a scientists streak, they could watch and learn. They could see if anything else touched it, monitor the events. They could mark around it to keep away nice wolves and anyone who ignored them deserved the bad that came from eating it. FitzDutiful was tired of looking out for everyone in the world, his heart and duty belonged to his pack. No one else.

Abruptly he marked a small circle around the carcass and turned to Zhavvi. He would let her have this honour for he had other duties and she had found it in the first place. "Keep pack away. We watch, wait, learn." Would she understand and he found himself wondering if she would agree. When did her opinion start mattering to him? He really needed to get a grip on himself for almost every female wolf in his company he had started to get an attraction to. And they all left.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 18, 2015

Zhavvi walked with her Alphas Fitz. She wasn't really liking the direction they were going, so once they stopped she was more than relieved that they weren't going further. She was still on the wanted list of her other pack, that was more than sure. She helped him get the carcass out of the water and watched him. Her ears picked up when she heard him speak. She kind of got what he was saying. It was what she had been planning in her head. Lone wolves could die from it after all or at least she would see the symptoms. 

The slender girl then nodded. "Zhavvi watch," she repeated and looked into her alpha's golden eyes. She would keep track of the wolves that would eat from it and see how they reacted. She then mellowed her strict gaze and looked at the male before her. "Zhavvi good?," she asked, wondering if he was happy with her or not.

RE: Poison Examination - FitzDutiful - August 19, 2015

Last one from me ^_^

Zhavvi seemed to appreciate the opportunity that he had granted her, although he still wasn't sure how good of an idea it was. He wasn't quite sure where this ruthless streak had come from but he would give it to it at least once, it was worth trying. He nodded to her question, "Yes, you were very good." he said, emphasising the very and smiling at her.

With that he turned and headed back to the pack lands. He would welcome Zhavvi's company but if she wanted to stay and set up places to watch from, he understood that. It was an odd situation the two of them were in, she barely understanding the language and he wondering what her past was and how loyal to the pack she would be. He hadn't seen anything to doubt from her and was beginning to put aside any thoughts that she would betray him.

He wasn't letting himself think about the other thoughts that she provoked.

RE: Poison Examination - Zaria - August 19, 2015

Awww Fitz <3 He is cute. That other thread will also be hella cute! :D I will archive! <3

Zhavvi's ears perked up, her face was surprised at first to hear that she did ... good. She needed a minute to make those words sink into her brain. Instantly the girl returned one of the most genuine smiles she ever smiled. He praised her! He was nice to her. Zhavvi felt almost happy. Though it was a weird feeling so she pushed it away. The lithe female looked at the carcass. She said she would watch it, so she stayed true to her word. She moved to a bush that was close to it and laid down, watching her alpha leave.

She was very pleased with this Khal, and since he let her do what she liked and even praised her for it she was more inclined to be loyal to him and even work for him. "Bye Alphas Fitz," she hummed from the bush, for once a pleased tone in her heavy accented voice.