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Chimera Fields we're victims of sedition - Printable Version

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we're victims of sedition - Tatsuya - July 25, 2015

Backdated to July 17th or some time around there. ><; Location is Chimera Fields. For @Issun!
Time away from Ouroboros Spine has proved to be...an intriguing escapade. He has met miscellaneous wolves and, more importantly, herbs along the way. Even now, as the sun was starting to touch the chaotic skyline of the sea did the wolverine busy himself. It was a clipped trek back to Neverwinter Forest so he was unhurried as he yielded more plants from the hearty soil of Chimera Fields. The lands grew quite hilly further in so he thought it was worth checking out when Iqniq accompanied him two days ago.
INDENTMildly laying his accumulation of flora off to the side, Tatsuya sat down to admire the spectacle taking place before him. The lands were emblazoned with warm hues while the waning luminosity cast longer shadows. Reds, oranges, yellows, and blues claimed the atmosphere, captivatingly growing darker and darker as the sun said its goodbyes for today. Tatsuya sighed dreamily, growing drowsy as he stared into the ocean's crinkled waters. Ahh, how nice...

RE: we're victims of sedition - RIP Issun - July 28, 2015

I'm so sorry fot the wait

 The artist was doing more exploration today. He wanted to get more familiar with the land of Teekon. He knew that they probably needed him back at Silvertip, so be was nowbheading back.

 Along the way he was thinking of the crime he had done back at home. He left his family to rot from starvation. He didn't think much of it before, but now it somehow twisted his gut. Such a terrible thing to do. He wondered if they new, after all this time, Issun had done it. His ears flattened on his skull at that thought. He didn't want them to know. It would break them.

 He hadn't noticed the other wolf until he was right in front of him. If he had come any closer he would have tripped over his tail or something. "Oh sorry. I didn't notice you."

RE: we're victims of sedition - Tatsuya - July 29, 2015

You're fine. :)! So...how are we going to do this? Just posts, just dice, or both?
An ear turned, honing in on what advanced towards him. Tatsuya did not move to accost him. Not immediately. As soon as he drew close enough to touch, however, the Healer greeted him by rotating his head. His enthralled expression vanished with the coming of a another stranger. Turning around to greet him more formally, Tatsuya did not consider sitting back down. This enigma – ample, male, claimed – could not be afforded the luxury of the Epsilon's trust. Not out of dislike, no, but out of self perseverance.
INDENTNo need to apologize,” the wolverine said, voice casually colorless. “It's not like you could sneak up on me if you wanted to.” As if Tatsuya could pick out a spy...Okay, so he is capable of doing that, but this wolf had no place in slinking around just because of his sheer size. “Well, I'm not cut out for that line of work. Sneaking, I mean. For some reason it's harder to spy on wolves than prey.” What was with him today? So talkative! With a stranger and about a subject he did not excel at! Damn. I just want to chat. Why was his brain averse to conversation? Too much time with you-know-who...Anyway, name's Tatsuya.