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Sequoia Coast break your world - Printable Version

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break your world - Amekaze - July 29, 2015

vague vague vaaague @ lots of stuff, but looking for some new threads while i slowly catch up >_> she's just beginning to get into ravensblood, so most of this is actually happening in the flatlands/edge of the woods -- this could be bumped to the present if anyone would still like to join it! (i'm flexible)
The storms had taken their toll, ugly and wild across the landscapes. She'd watched them play out when she could and sheltered the rest hidden in the mountainside, hoping that it may treat them kindly. And, it seemed they would be spared from the worst of it all. An ugly scar across the landscape had looped from north of them, then east, then south to back west, with them in the center -- although she did not yet know these details in full. Afterward, smoke rose from horizons distant and near.. and they were left to regroup what little they had.

She mourned accordingly, and revered nature for its power.

While the mountain suffered its damages, she had yet to find dire circumstance. It was still habitable, at least, which was more than she surmised some territories could say judging by the linger of smoke on the wind. The eastern slope was prone to rock slides, the waterways swelled dangerously, broken trees were scattered haphazardly. She worried, certainly, but slowly the days crept forward and she found the mountain without catastrophic incident. But it still didn't feel right.

There was always more. In the pre-dawn hours, she gained speed into the flatlands and beyond. For several days she had waited to hear from them first, and especially since she knew they were out here somewhere. It had been a time since she had heard from @Rain, and now in the aftermath of this weather, she was finding herself restless regarding her most devoted outrider. Even Nishu occurred to her, because it was thanks to him that Ame ususally didn't fret much about her comrade's travels, so by extension, he was involved too. However, she guessed that one was not far from the other.

A fleeting scent had brought her this far, but she doubted how much longer to search; the mountain needed every bit of strength it could find these days, especially with their numbers slim (and Jace presumably more withdrawn in the aftermath of his sister's leave) and the neighboring flatlands having suffered from fires. She shouldn't be away for long but she pressed onward still, even going as far as to loose a soft howl on the off chance Rain or Nishu may be within earshot somehow.

Meanwhile, she admired the damage she crossed so far, from broken limbs to torn apart sceneries. She was making dual use of this time away, and took care to memorize as many of the changes as she could -- the naturalist in her was ever-hungry for information.

RE: break your world - Rowen - September 11, 2015

I hope you don't mind, you got my creative juice flowing if you want me to bugger off just tell me and I'll go :)

Rowen had left his home land in a huff, determined to make a place in the world just for himself. Young and naive he was back then, of course back then being a scant 7 months ago. To a young wolf now barely two years of age with no home or pack, having to fend for himself; He grew up fast, his young childish notions left behind but his pride in full swing because he would never slink back ‘there.’

Caught up in nature’s fury he had ascended a mountainous area  looking to get above the storm but when the worse of the wind began to steal the breath from his lungs and the rain pelted him so hard he could but barely see, he had found himself a very small cave on to curl up in. Barely 60 pounds and nothing but skin and bones now the cave he now occupied was probably a barely started badger hole or something.
He could not stand up properly in it, but it had offered him shelter from the worse of the rain and wind.

During the night as the wind screamed and howled trees began to give and fall. One slammed into the ground and crashed right in front of his hole.   
At first Rowen welcomed the tree since it helped keep out natures worse; however once the rain and wind stopped and morning came he realized the severity of his predicament, this tiny cave was to be his tomb.

He clawed at the ground below him but his cave was pure rock above and below. There would be no digging out for him, the only escape was through the tree and only a tiny gap between the top of the trunk and the top of the caves opening let any light in. The tree trunk was large and Rowen was tiny.

Rowen scratched tentatively at the bark covering the tree, it barely crumbled below his paws. He tried shoving his head through the tiny gap. He could get out most of his muzzle, but not his forehead. He growled in frustration, then whined aloud at his predicament.

Trapped in an crouching position since the cave was tiny, Rowen stretched his front paws up and began to claw and growl at the tree hoping to make this tiny gap wider so that that he may fit out.

Three days with out food left him with very little reserve to fight nature, but he was fighting for his life and he would not be bested now, not after all he had been though. Life was just not fair

RE: break your world - Amekaze - September 12, 2015

not at all! thx for joining
Best case scenario would be that she heard back, and that somehow, her efforts to find two wolves in the veritable haystack of the Teekon wilds would pay off. Her ears were pricked, senses keened, and she covered decent ground for the effort she extended... yet she still had nothing. She delved a little deeper still, past tangled branches and cracked trunks that had stood for decades, but knew she'd need to formulate a new tactic. The question remained where to go with it from here, and what to do. As always.

In a stretch of landscape particularly wounded by the storm, it seemed, she noticed something. Not what she was hoping for, by any means, and instead an unfamiliar scent paired with noise..? She redirected focus and followed the sounds: digging? whining? growling too? She was not sure yet. Either way, the dark wolf was cautiously purposeful as she came upon a massive, downed tree.

She slowed to a walk and surveyed this, then realized the depth of what she'd stumbled upon. Someone.. something was trapped here. She lingered for a closer look at the small entrance.. and a big tree. All in all, it looked.. very bad, and horribly unlucky.

Moving even closer to get her paws onto the tree trunk, she whuffed towards the nose poking from the cave to see how they may react. If vicious, then this was the place to leave them.. but curiosity got the better of her as it often did, and frankly, she saw no threat in a little canine trapped in a cave. She'd look further into this.

RE: break your world - Rowen - September 12, 2015

Rowen could not see as he slashed frantically at the tree above his head, an awkward position to hold his body in as he dug upward toward the sky. An unnatural breeze touched his paws and a sound followed. Rowen jumped back and hit his head on the roof of his cave... no tomb. He hit his head on the roof of his tomb.

He gritted his teeth but did not offer any other sound. Best not to draw in what ever was out there, Trapped as he was, if it were a bear, an easy meal he'd make, albeit not a filling one. But an animal of that strength could move the trunk aside and dive in with jaws snapping and there would be nothing left.

A moment passed and yet no sound of a larger predator followed. Curious and yet knowing that curiosity often killed the curious he could not help himself. He was dead if he stayed here OR he could be dead if he tried to gain the attention of what ever was out there. One way was certain death the other was only the possibility of bodily harm or death. He'd have to take his chance while it was still there.  

Rowen sucked in a lungful of musty air and peeked through the hole, pushing his fox red stunted muzzle out he could get his eyes close to the opening but the gap was not wide enough to fit the rest of his skull. What a tease for one so trapped.

He wuffed back trying to get a scent of the stranger out there, he smelled the blood from his broken nail and a wolf. He wuffed again and licked the tip of his nose moisting it to allow more scent to be drawn in.

Mmm Female wolf, that was good unless... he was trespassing in a pack territory then that was bad. He didn't think he was in a marked pack territory but then natures wrath could have thrown him off course, she smelled of other wolves like a pack wolf.

He couldn't see her from his angle and began to panic a little and retreated back into the cave. Steadying himself he slid his muzzle out once more and tried to look around as best he could. Would he have to beg for help? Was she even still there? Rowen grunted in frustration.

Would she even be able to help on this  cursed rocky mountain side. There was no soil below the tree to dig through, he had checked thoroughly, before damaging himself on the minute opening of the unforgiving wood barrier.

RE: break your world - Amekaze - September 14, 2015

She did manage to catch a glimpse of red. At first, of course, she thought it was a fox for it certainly looked the part. But, now that she was closer, the scent said wolf and not much else. Which.. was not impossible, but only made it worse for him if he was as small as his muzzle suggested. She was no massive wolf made of heavy muscle either; he may be in for it.

She also smelled no pack on him, or anywhere nearby. He likely was not a wolf with any affiliations here, and maybe even new to the region. If so, he'd picked a very bad time to come to this stretch of landscape.

The fact that she smelled blood too was mildly concerning. If he was injured, he could be more unpredictable. Or ill even. Or just in general poor condition after being stuck for who-knows how long exactly. Amekaze sighed and stood before this predicament, doubting that the wolf inside could see out to where she was very well. "Hey," she barked towards the spot where she had seen the snout poke out from not long ago since she was not sure what else to say -- besides something like you have my attention... Not one to rush blindly into aiding a stranger, she wanted to see if she'd get an answer of any kind first. Surely, something would come of it since she knew the unknown wolf trapped inside was alive at least..

RE: break your world - Rowen - September 22, 2015

I am so very sorry with the lateness of my reply. I'm not normally so slow. I got caught up in RL

His eyes darted to the source of the sound. Not that he could do much to change his vantage point. He made a sound that was somewhere between a whine and a growl.
He hated speaking, hated his voice, but if he was ever going to speak; now would be a good time. tucking his bottom below him and practically hugging the tree he reached a dirty paw into the the opening above his head and clawed the air.

Help... he called out.... His voice was deep, thick and rich almost had a soothing quality to it. Quite Frankly if he ever took up singing he’d be beloved the world over for the quality of his tones. Not that he used his voice much, It bellied his impurity, proved to others he was not a pure one.

Feeling silly he lowered his paw back into the hole and waited. For help or for abandonment... for something, he hoped she was not here just to watch him suffer.

RE: break your world - Amekaze - October 08, 2015

Her ears swiveled, shifting toward at the noise he made. At first it was a peculiar sound, one that had her head canting right from the start. Amekaze considered that progress, however small. It still did not lead her to very many answers.

She put her paws up on the trunk blocking the way, and got her nose even closer to the small opening. "I do not know how much I can help," she reasoned aloud to the faceless stranger with doubt on her words. As she did, she began to scrape at the wood with her blunted nails -- just a test, for now, to see how much it would bend before her. "And there are not many ways to go about this," she said, eyeing the trunk studiously. She was bored enough to see what she could do here and with her search leading her nowhere, it was certainly one way to pass the time.

The bark gave way and she increased the pressure and speed of her digging at it. Her intentions were to break as much as she could.. and if it did not manage to be enough for him to slip out (this one seemed unlikely to her so far), it would be to make a spot for her to use to gain some leverage on the trunk. If she could work it enough from the outside, perhaps paired with him from the inside, maybe they could budge it. But until then, she'd at least aim to scratch away all she could and maybe weaken the tree enough to make something happen.

But there was a chance it would not be enough. She would have exhaust much energy on this, and would leave sooner or later, with or without the red-coated canine..