Wolf RPG
Gilded Bay Actions speak louder than words - Printable Version

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Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - July 28, 2015

Gotta love new characters <3 no idea how she'll interact so just running with it.  Feel free to throw someone at her :D

She had struck out north once more as soon as the charm, yet again, wore off.  Since leaving home years ago she'd barely stuck to one place longer than a few months, and (most) of those relocations were a decision on her part to move on.  The others... well, some didn't quite appreciate her charms, which she quite found to be their loss.

Her dark paws sank into the sand as she walked, sticking close by the coast, not quite ready to push inland yet.  Her last place had been inland, and her reunion with the ocean's shore had been a joyous one.  Realistically it did not have much to offer by terms of protection (at least, not this current spot), but something about the salty air rang of possibility.  Perhaps a throwback to her first home, when the world had laid out before her plain.  She was a little older now, a little wiser, but she still liked to think her options were just as unlimited.

The current plan?  Food.

She was a connoisseur of the finer things in life, but certain times called for certain measures, and she knew how to survive.  So when the bleached form of a ribcage rose up before her, some unfortunate (and luckily quite large) fish who the rough waters had spurned, she nosed towards it with no hesitation.  She could hunt, sure, but scavanging was just as fine in her books, and took a hell of a lot less effort.

With both ears turned back to clock her six, she tore at the sun-dried meat, the salt making her job that much easier by keeping decay at bay.  The gulls had gotten most of it, but it took the edge off.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Redwood - August 01, 2015

It had been a day since Redwood met Raven. He had to say, he liked the company. As they say, two is better than one. Wolves like them can survive better together. They can hunt bigger game and defend eachother. Yes, life was going good for this guy.

 The duo had travled very far. So far that the red dusted man could smell the salty ocean. They had camped out in a abandoned badger den. While Raven slept, Redwood decided that he would go to the shore. See if he could find food.

 Soon enough, his paws sunk into the warm sand. It was a comfortable feeling. His amber gaze shifted around the sandy enviorment searching for prey. It was about time the duo ate something.

 The scent of blood was enough to catch the boy's attention. He trotted towards the scent. He could see bones that still had meat. Great! But what wasn't so great is that there was another wolf chowing down on the large fish. 

 He wouldn't give up hope though. Who knows when the next meal comes around? Wolves don't get food served to them on a silver platter. He cautiously approached the food, striding around and waiting for an opportunity.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - August 02, 2015

She wasn't expecting company, necessarily, but nor was she surprised when it came regardless.  Food was something everyone needed, after all, and having it lying out tended to draw a crowd.  The seagulls who hopped about on the extremities were testament to that, though they watched her with a wary eye and none came too close.  It was too bad they were so wary, or she might have added a little fresh meat to the menu.

The wolf approached with no less hesitance, but a boldness that told her exactly what his game was.  She didn't see him at first, but as he came around, her eyes caught the movement and held him, causing her to raise her head from the meal.  "Keep it movin," was all she put forth, placing a paw possessively on the fish.  She wasn't sure that she would finish it, but she sure as hell wasn't about to share until she'd eaten her fill.  This guy could find his own dinner.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Redwood - August 02, 2015

He got the words he was expecting to get. Get going. Take a hike. he was not one to just leave so easily. Instead he sat down in the sand, gazing over at the kill. He would wait, but his paitence still ran thin when it came to things like this.

 "I'm not going anywhere," he replied, streching out for good measure. He crept in closer, then lay down, playing his nose in the sand. He needed that food. At least a chunk. He was feeding for two here. He yawned and looked at the female with a smirk. "You don't need it. Not as much as I do."

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - August 04, 2015

Rosalyn's brow lifted.  "Oh?  You say that like it matters."  She grinned, taking another large bite and savoring the salty taste.  She liked any meat well enough, but there was something about eating when others had none that made it so much more satisfying.  She swallowed, then once more turned her attention towards making sure he kept his distance.

"The way I see it, exactly two things matter here.  One: I was here first.  Two: I don't share."  She winked, her movements slow, but her eyes not leaving him.  A snake watching a predator, waiting for them to make their move.  She was a small wolf, even her hearty appetite likely wouldn't clean the bones... but she had a bit more to go before she'd be willing to move along and leave him the leftovers.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Redwood - August 07, 2015

She teased him by taking big savoring bites of the meat. It made a shiver of anticipation run down from head to tail. He never wanted food so more in his life, he was surprised by his reaction. Usually he would take off and leave, but he wanted some now. There must be someway to talk into it without getting into a fight.

 He slithered in closer, being sure not to come in too close. He snickered at the words of the lone female. "Feisty words. I like it." He rose into a sitting position, waiting patiently. He didn't want to wait, but he would have to.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Charon - August 09, 2015

Charon was patrolling the lands surrounding the Bay when he noticed the female and the male in the distance. At first he thought they were just having a conversation, but upon his approach the Young Beta noticed that the female was eating, and she looked on edge. On first glance, she'd looked like she was having a normal conversation, but he soon noticed how closely she was watching the male. The male, on the other hand, seemed to mostly just make a game out of it, looking amused. He'd probably continue to do so until the female's fangs were actually in his grin.

Since he'd eaten earlier today, Charon had no interest in the fish. He didn't trust carcasses that washed on the beach: when he was young, Charon had once eaten a rotten washed-up fish on Stavanger Bay's shores that had lain in the sun a few days too long, and it'd been a terrible experience that involved a lot of barfing and several days of feeling awful. It had taught him to stay far away from washed up seafood.

However, Charon felt responsible for all the lands that surrounded Stavanger Bay, and since he didn't often see other wolves in this particular area, he decided to intervene, and at the least make sure they didn't kill each other so close to the Bay. Or just have a chat, if an intervation was unnecessary. Charon approached them neutrally. "Everything alright here?" he asked, briefly looking at the female before turning to look at the male, hoping to get his attentions across. Mostly, he hoped it'd get across that he didn't care about her fish at all, since he'd given it no attention.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - August 10, 2015

She didn't anawer, but her tail flipped in response.  She didn't care too much if he liked them, so long as he bided by them.  No tricks, no problems.  The fact that he was behaving himself far better than she would in his situation did cross her mind, but she wasn't about to take it for granted. She knew hunger too well for that.

Sadly, she felt herself filling up. She'd been hoping to keep him on the ropes a bit longer. Just as she was considering whether to let the cat out of the bag or make him wait for it, another male stepped up, and she flicked her ears. Couldn't a girl eat in peace here?

"No problem. There you go, never say I didn't do you any favors." The last was directed at Redwood, and she stepped back from the fish, a bit closer to Charon so as to get a better look at him. Young, but carrying himself with a confidence that was impossible to miss. "Sorry handsome. No services required today." The words rolled out with a cocky grin of her own, and she tossed in a wink for shits and giggles.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Charon - September 09, 2015

just wanted to prevent this from dying @Rosalyn @Redwood ; feel free to pop back in whenever Redwood :)

Charon wasn't sure what to do with the handsome comment, since he was not very used to being called handsome or anything like that. Charon had not given girls or related issues much thought, since he'd been so busy making it big as a leader and growing up in a world torn by the striking pain of death.

He quirked an eyebrow questioningly in an attempt to mask his inability to place her comment. "Uh, alright. Was just checking, since, y'know, I live right around the corner." Charon glanced over his shoulder briefly to indicate the direction of Stavanger Bay. "You guys loners, I guess?"

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - September 16, 2015

Slight PP, lemme know if that's not ok :)

Roz watched as the other wolf took up her spot, content now that her stomach was full.  She then began grooming her paws after sitting a short distance away.  Her ears twisting to catch Charon's questions was the only sign she gave that she heard.  It took a moment for her to finish, and it was then she looked at the young pack wolf.

"Do you?  A coastal wolf... man after my own heart."  She paused to scratch at a sudden itch on her side, sighing with satisfaction as it was eradicated.  "I can't speak for freeloader over there, but I run alone."  She focused in suddenly, ears flitting round.  If he was a pack wolf, and they were too close... she saw no signs of aggression but still was wary.  Yet she heard none of his fellows skulking round and could smell nothing but the briny wind.  Seems her luck would hold.  "Who wants to know?"

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Charon - September 17, 2015

Charon watched as the other wolf got to eat. Disinterested in whether or not he actually did, he turned his attention to the female when she finally answered his questions. "Like the coast, do you?" Charon said, as it sounded like she herself had either lived on the coast, or liked living there. In regards to her being a loner... "Sounds like you like it that way." It made Charon wonder what that life was like, seeing as he'd never ran alone; he had always had a pack, however big or small it had been at varying times, right behind him.

When she asked for a name, he grinned, glad to be able to introduce himself by name and title: "I'm Charon Ostrega, Beta of Stavanger Bay." He was clearly proud of being named Beta and did not mind flinging it around. Although her name would probably be a lot less long, considering she had no pack and therefore no rank, he was curious who she was regardless. "How 'bout you?"

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - September 20, 2015

"Astute, aren't you?"  Both observations were correct, but neither was much of a secret.  In fact, despite the fact she wasn't much of one to harp on the past.... She was a pretty open book.

Pack wolves loved their titles didn't they?  Ok, she could give him that.  You got a little kick out of yours too Roz, don't deny it.  The devil in her ear itched to avoid the question.  She loved how frustrated wolves often got when the exchange of names wasn't reciprocated.  But her stomach was full and she was satisfied enough at the moment to not start something.

"Rosalyn.  Or Roz, for the lazy like me."  He was young, that was clear, though not so much so that his rank struck her as odd.  what was more strange to her was the idea that anyone could enjoy being Beta.  Her own vision of that spot was that they got much of the work and none of the true respect.  "You're the pack's first mate then, yeah?  How's that treating you?"

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Charon - September 22, 2015

Charon didn't take her words as insult, figuring it was yet another compliment. He didn't sense the sarcasm in them, perhaps because he tended to hear what he wanted to hear, anyway.

She introduced herself as Rosalyn, and Charon nodded at her. When he was younger, Charon often waited for other wolves to introduce themselves first since he didn't want to lose the information game, and at times he'd even use fake names, but he was too grown up for that now. After all, he wanted wolves to know his name, rank included, and most wolves gave their name, anyway, so he didn't feel like being snooty and not giving his name.

As for her question, well... "It's pretty great," Charon said, fully enjoying his priviledges, even though their pack was small. "I'm aspiring to become Alpha in time, too, y'know." It was clear from his voice that the young Beta was pretty proud of his achievements thus far, and already saw himself lined up as the next Alpha.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Rosalyn - October 09, 2015

phoo, sorry about keeping this open so long! I will go ahead and wrap <3

He admitted to it and admitted his sights lay even higher, which brought a coy smile to her lips.  The rogue was a great lover of stirring the pot so long as her ass wasn't one in the fire, so to speak.  So she couldn't resist the temptation now.

She opened her mouth to respond with a 'why wait?' But at that moment a passing gull decided to take a crap right above her back. She felt the wet plop slide through her coat and shuddered, looking up with murder in her eyes before turning to appraise the mess. "Ugh. Alright, water time. I'll see you around." Without any real warning she turned and darted towards the waves, preparing for a good soak and scrub in the sand. Likely he'd be gone by the time she was done since he would be pretty well ignored until then.

RE: Actions speak louder than words - Charon - October 13, 2015

It was weirdly hilarious to see the seagull poop flop down on Rosalyn. Charon masked laughter by showing only an amused smile. "Good luck with that, see you later," he called after her while she started to rush towards the ocean to wash off the yuck.

With those words, Charon started to trot back in the Bay's direction, leaving the eating wolf and the wolf wish the poo-stained fur to their own again.