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Where can I find wolves like me? - Printable Version

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Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 28, 2015

While traveling on her own, Nemesis had come across a dark female who had told her stories of a haven for wolves like her, dark wolves like her. A pack of strength and power, feared by others. To Nemesis, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. The she-wolf had only given her a name, the Teekon Wilds. After traveling days and nights, she finally found the place of description. She was, though, disappointed to find numerous amounts of surrounding packs, the kind she hated. The kind she was raised in. The ones where they thought they were royals and could cause suffering and pain to those who stood out. Those who weren't like them. Those who were like her.
She scowled at the thought as she neared the dark pack's boarders. This pack will be different, she thought to herself. It was like a feeling in her bones, a gut feeling that this place..the forest of shadows..would be her home.
She lifted her head high to call out for the leader of the pack, @Burke . Her echoing call was full of pride, anger and revenge.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Burke - July 28, 2015

You might want to change the Prefix (dropdown menu before the title in editing thread) to BFW Borders because now she is technically trespassing and I don't think that is what you intended for her to do? :3

Burke heard the howl loud and clear, a member? No, it sounded like a stranger. The pack was going really well. Once Meldresi would return to him he could proudly present a very full pack to his mate. The dark Queen was constantly on the alpha's mind especially after the storm that was close to destroying Black Feather. They were managing and gaining in popularity. Burke was sure that the foul swamp water was starting to retreat again. He wished that the flood would go away quicker, but the ground was just too wet to absorb anymore water. Luckily the BFW wolves had half of the territory that was still dry land.

The immense tank of a wolf trotted towards the border at a casual pace. His docked tail held upright in the air and he did. Even though he was was a heavy build male he didn't make extra noise while relocating himself. The dark king slowed down, his pale blue eyes falling on the scene as he watched from he shadows he hid in. He always liked to see what he was getting into. This dark female looked like she wanted to join. Burke moved from the undergrowth now not bothering being silent. His square frame trotting forward, making it clear that she was facing the leader of this pack as he stopped before her. "You called," he stated calmly giving her permission to talk, his eyes studying her.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 28, 2015

Nemesis listened silently for the pack's Alpha, whoever he or she was. She couldn't help feeling nervous, as if that was the utmost important thing to think right now. Questions flooded her mind. What do I say? What do I do? She silently pushed those thoughts from her head. She knew she had to keep calm in order to look presentable. It wasn't in her nature to be worried or nervous, she never had to do something that forced those feelings. She hated it. Growling at herself, she reminded herself the goal she has. Get in, get stronger, get revenge. She needed this pack, she needed its..nature to maker her better. 

Her ears perked up sensing something, presumably the Alpha, drawing nearer. Her anxiousness completely faded when he came into view. She guessed he was older than her, by a few years and he had to be one of the largest males she had ever seen. His broad stance and intimating eyes were a force to be reckoned with and she felt herself slowly lower her head in submission. 
"Greetings. I am Nemesis Eris-Convel from the North and I request permission to join the ranks of the Blackfeather Woods pack" She stated, getting straight to the point.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Burke - July 29, 2015

Burke kept his pale eyes not the dark female before him. It was good that she recognised who was stronger and in higher rank. Burke stopped before her and nodded slowly. She wanted to join Black Feather, another recruit. Burke was surprised how many wolves were coming to their borders. "Well we do have a spot left. Why should be take you? Do you have any special talents we can use?," he asked. This question was very specific. Some already knew about the Dark Brotherhood being located in this pack. Only the Black Feather wolves that showed promise were eligible for training of one of the branches. 

By asking the question he just asked Burke wanted to know if she might mention the brotherhood and if she was more of a spy, assassin or priestess. If she wouldn't know about the brotherhood that would be fine too, they needed normal members in Black Feather too. Maybe later on she showed the promise of being dark enough. At least she had enough respect and Burke was pleased with that. They were close to being full so Burke could be picky. Though this female did show promise.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 29, 2015

Why should we take you? That question stung inside her mind. She knew that her fate in the Blackfeather pack rested on her answer. Fortunately, she had heard of a specialized group of assassins, spies and murderers that resided in the dark pack. The Dark Brotherhood, it was called. If she wanted any chance to be apart of the elite, she needed to prove herself. 

"Yes. My old pack trained us from a very young age to become warriors. My abilities in espionage and fighting are more than credible. To have me on your side would only extremely benefit you. You can count on that" . And it was true. Given the chance, she would do anything to prove herself valuable. She only hoped that her answer would seem sincere enough. "I am a warrior. I can be fearless, competitive, menacing and cruel. I only wish to serve the darkness, and from what I have heard, this is where I can find it". She said, speaking the truth.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Burke - July 29, 2015

Burke watched the young female, she seemed to have the muscle to back up her claim. The tank of a male approved that she could promote herself. "So then you must have heard of our Dark Brotherhood to be knocking on our door," he stated. It was just like when he joined. He heard about a priestess with dark magic and assassins. The dark magic was exaggerated but the fact of the assassins had been true. Damn he was a lucky bastard to have mated this goddess. 

Burke's mind often wandered to his mate, he couldn't help it. "If you wish to serve the darkness then you have reached the right borders." Meldresi would love her, Burke thought. "You are correct," he confirmed to her. The lean male nodded slowly. "So you are willing to follow the training of a certain Dark Brother branch and have to deal with he consequences of killing another wolf?" It sounded more like an intake for the dark brotherhood than Black Feather Woods. But, once Burke knew she was truly interested he could pay attention to her from the start.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 29, 2015

Nemesis listened carefully to the Alpha, taking in every every word. She didn't dream at night, but she was sure this might have been one. But she didn't want to get ahead of herself, there was more to it than just a nod of acceptance and a paw on her shoulder.

The consequences of killing another wolf? She knew no boundaries. If it came to mental punishment for the crimes she committed, so be it. "Yes, I am willing to follow the training in order to be accepted into the Brotherhood. Whatever it takes. As for consequences, I don't live by them. I have no pity for the ones I slay, they should have been fast enough" She finished. 
It may have seemed cruel, but it was the truth. If she had learned anything from her last pack it was, if you weren't fast, strong or good enough, you might as well just be put out of your misery for you wouldn't survive in this world.
"For my interest in this pack and its Brotherhood, I will do anything"

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Burke - July 29, 2015

Burke noticed that the female was very convincing with her passion for the brotherhood. Burke had still a question though, which he could guess, but guessing didn't make a solid answer. "Why did you leave you previous pack?," he asked. She might have different reasons for leaving than he might thought she had. Plus it gave a good insight in the loyalty of a wolf. "Where you born in this pack?," he added to be fully sure.

Burke was almost a 95% sure he was going to accept this female. And then maybe have a talk with Misty since these were the kind of wolves they wanted. But that was something he had to deal with later, that was his mistake.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 29, 2015

Even though it pained her to speak of it, she knew that honesty was the way to go. Her mind circled, trying to think of an explanation to why she left her old pack without giving too much information.
 "My mother was a Beta, and from the moment I could walk with my eyes open, she forced me into training with the Alpha. His theory was that he could make the ultimate warrior out of me. He was abusive and cruel. If you couldn't keep up or if you made a mistake, he would beat you and humiliate you in front of the pack. They all thought they were so high and mighty. So when I was old enough, I left. I vowed to have my revenge one day. And I will" she explained, memories of vicious laughter and pain searing through her mind. 
"I only wish I was born here, but fate sees it a different way". She spat, bitterly.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Burke - July 30, 2015

Welcome to the pack! After your reply I shall archive it! :) 

Her story sounded like she was in a pack much the same as he had been a Beta in. That alpha sounded like his bother than Burke was the mild one of the two. The tank of a male then nodded. "It is good you left. The brotherhood is there for each other, but also for the normal members of Black Feather Woods. We care about our members," he assured. 

Burke then gave a nod. "I'd say you are welcome to join us," he spoke and deflated his dominant stance a bit. "We do prize loyalty, leave and you won't be allowed back in," he made sure that was said. Burke then turned around and walked off, expecting her to follow him. "I will show you around," he spoke.

RE: Where can I find wolves like me? - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

Nemesis, for once, smiled a genuine smile. Thing could only go up from here. She was glad to know that the Alpha agreed with her, about leaving. She knew that some would scorn her about staying loyal to the pack no matter what.

She listened carefully to the loyalty part. It wasn't in her nature to trust easily, to stay in absolute loyalty quickly (given past experiences). But now it was like she felt she could trust this place, the pack. Loyalty wouldn't be a problem. Neither would leaving, she didn't have anywhere else to go. 

She started to follow him, eager to see all the Blackfeather territory had to offer. And from the moment she stepped over the border, she knew this was where she belonged.