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To poke a sleeping bear.. - Printable Version

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To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

@Lusa :)

Nemesis ran the boarders of Blackfeather pack, in deep thought. She couldn't help wondering about her brother. Sure, he had fallen for the trick and become slave to the her last pack, but he was still her brother. And siblings were supposed to protect each other..right? But she had left him. Left him to blindly carry out stupid orders from that godforsaken Alpha. 

There was a fuel in her anger that made her noticeably angry. And there was a special part in her revenge plan saved especially for him. She would make sure he payed dearly for all those times he hurt her and beat her and spat in her face and said she wasn't good enough. Running faster and faster, to match her anger, she soared over the cliff face that was nearing and landed perfectly of her paws. And she was off again. She had become so wound up, seething over him that she failed to catch the scent of another nearby.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - DeadLusa - July 30, 2015

Lusa needed to break away for a bit. She had asked Grimnir to watch over Peridot while she was out. She walked along the borders of Blackfeather, thinking of the father and the daughter. She had a feeling that Grimnir didn't exactly, approve of her Dark Rabbit. It worried her. She thought that if her mate could spend enough time with her, he would grow to like her.

 The thought of Peridot made her think of Baldur. Out with Cicero and Damien. He was probably starving. The thought of starving bought her mind to Chevalier. Her Knight. Out there.

 She snapped out of her depressed thought when she saw another wolf. She snuck around to the back of the wolf and followed her for awhile. She seemed angered. She had the faint scent of Blackfeather, but still, Lusa didn't want a angered wolf who was a little too close to the den.

 She made her move. Despite her injured foot she came out and tackled the wolf, attempting to pin her down. "Too close," she hissed, "Back off."

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

Nemesis, still buried in her mind had not even noticed the other wolf until she was tackled and pinned underneath, who now that she could see, was a female. An angry female. She quickly pulled herself free of the other wolf. Heading the females warning, she backed away. Clearly this female had something to protect, so she did not take the threat lightly. She slowly lowered her body, just a bit, signalling that she meant no harm.
Suddenly, she remembered where she had seen this type of behavior. In her old pack, one of her duties was to assist pregnant mothers and mothers with pups, with anything they might have needed. Being the Beta's daughter, she was well trusted. 

"Sorry for intruding. My name is Nemesis and I am new to the pack .I did not realize there was a den near here. I do not mean any harm to you or your pups. Forgive me". She knew that apoligizing was the only way to go, or to get out of this situation without any scars. But there was something else bothering this female, for she seemed to already been in a foul mood before Nemesis had come too close. But it was best to play it safe, she didn't want this female or her mate to hate her from the beginning. She needed as much alliances as she could get.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - DeadLusa - July 30, 2015

She let the female wiggle from under her. Blue eyes blazed angrily at the submissive form. Lusa was going to attack before she apoligiezed. She said she meant no harm to her pups. The word instantly made her depressed again. "Pup," she muttered, looking away with expressionless eyes, "My pups were taken from me." She looked over in the distance, almost expecting Baldur and Chevalier to run up. But there was nothing.

 She shook her head and looked at Nemesis. "I accept your apology," she said blankly. This week made her more and more pained. She didn't wantto go through this. If only I grabbed them myself...

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

Nemesis narrowed her eyes at the thought that someone had taken a few innocent pups from their mother. Despite the things she had done, taking pups was just too cruel, even for her. She was glad to know that the female had accepted her apology, but Nemesis couldn't shake the fact that someone had the audacity to steal pups
"I'm sorry to hear that. Have you had any luck finding who took them?" Was all she could offer. Nemesis was hardly the expert on other peoples emotions and how to react to them but she was willing to offer her services in finding the missing pups. But first the female had to trust her and not suspect her of anything.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - DeadLusa - July 31, 2015

She sighed and shook her head in response. "There was a big storm and I got badly injured." She turned to the side so she could see her broken paw. It was still twisted to one side and probably badly infected by now. If only one of their Healers could come back. Lusa would be out searching for her babies in a snap.

 She turned back to look at the new Blackfeather Woods female. They seemed to have new members everyday. To be honest, Lusa was getting really annoyed by that fact. But she knew the numbers would help them greatly. No rival Pack dare pick a fight with them. "That's enough talking about me. Let's talk about you. Where did you come from before you came to us?"

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - July 31, 2015

Nemesis glanced at the female's mangled foot. So that's what was stopping her from searching for her kin. Nemesis wondered why the pack healer had not helped the female, surely something could be done. But her mind wavered from that, and she silently thanked the fates for slowing down her journeyed here, just in time to miss the storm.

Nemesis stiffened at the female's question She herself, had not completely come terms with the horrors of her last pack. To be scared of the one who was supposed to protect you was something that would scar her mind forever. So keeping it brief as possible, she gave the best answer she could. "I came from Wrenfell pack, far away from the Teekon. They were abusive a**holes, so I left", she shrugged. "I will have my revenge, I promised them that. But for now, this is where i'm at" She had her long-term plans but now, she had to train to get there.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - DeadLusa - August 25, 2015

sorry for the short post! Didn't want to keep you waiting

 She smirked at the girl's words. It had been a very long time for her ears to hear such words from another female. All of the female's here seemed to be a bit more... weak if you want to call it that. "You seem to have a fiery appitite for blood. That will serve you well here."

 Lusa attempted to sit down, but soon remembered her broken paw. It was such a drag. It would be better gone right now.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - August 27, 2015

Nemesis nodded at the female's, words. She was, however, surprised noticing Nemesis's tone was new to the female. 
"You sound surprised. This is the Dark pack, is it not? I thought that an evil tone would be normal around here" She pondered, almost teasingly. But she did notice how many of it's members were a bit..soft to be in such a pack known for its murderers and evil beings. Oh well, it wasn't her call to decide who was bad enough. But if it was..well there would be a darker improvement, in her opinion. "And I guess you can say my appetite for blood is more fiery than some may think. I came to Blackfeather for it's darkness, I hope that i'm not alone in that perspective" She truthfully replied. The female, who had not yet spoke her name, seemed to have a driven and dark feel about her too. Hmm, maybe you really aren't alone, she thought.

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - DeadLusa - September 21, 2015

Last post for me so we can wrap things up :)

 "It is, but lately the wolves who came are a little.. soft." Things had changed dramitcally before and after the storm. It was like everything was opposite now. "When I first came, Blackfeather populated way more bloodthirsty wolves. They all seemed to go though, except for a couple." At that time things were on and off. People appeared quickly but left as fast as they came. Maybe they couldn't handle it.

 She nodded slightly. "You're not the only one. If you have a liking in murder, well you came to the right place my friend." Acording to her, no other pack could habit such darkness. It was beautiful. "i think I should get back to my child now," she spoke taking a few steps away, "That girl can sure sneak around." She walked back to the den. "My name is Lusa by the way."

 -Lusa Exits

RE: To poke a sleeping bear.. - Nemesis - September 22, 2015

Nemesis watched as the dark female stalked away, leaving her to her thoughts. A lot more bloodthirsty wolves, Lusa's voice held in her mind. It was only her distress that she hadn't joined then, where she may have felt a little more at home. She could only hope that as time progressed, the pack would flourish with dark souls, the way it was supposed to be. 
Shrugging, she picked herself from the ground, and continued her course. The sun was starting to shrink back behind the earth, and she still needed to find a place to rest the night.