Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands The World I Used to Know - Printable Version

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The World I Used to Know - Nanuk - July 29, 2015

Set in Meadowlark Plains, before they start claiming the Spire! Preferably the following: Anyone Kroc/Nanuk has not threaded with before, Any RHC wolves, Any loners interested in joining the Pack when they settle at Sawtooth Spire!  Open to 1-2 participants. Thanks!

Their trek was a long one, especially with an irritable, pregnant alpha female. Nanuk's own irritation edged in under her skin, fraying her nerves and making her seek solitude from those she traveled with. Even as a loner, traveling had never sat well with her, her attitude always churlish and angry when she spent long amounts of time wandering. And while they were wandering together, she enjoyed the act no more than she had before. And she had hated it before, so it wasn't any better now.

To keep her temper from lashing out at her fellow packmates, Nanuk split away from the group, instead investigating the flatlands they had wandered by. There was no prey, nothing to track in the aftermath of the storm and hunger clawed at her stomach like a beast would thrash against the walls of its cage. Said hunger led her to the trees, the bear-like wolf raised up on her hind legs as she braced herself against the trunk with her front feet, gaze cast up at the canopy in a glare at the birds above.

RE: The World I Used to Know - Redwood - July 30, 2015

@Raven Vyler will be joining too :) Looking to join the Sawtooth

 "Raven, I got something for us!" He had been out tracking a small herd of deer, specifically a young one in the group. It took awhile, but he was finally able to snag it. He walked up proudly and dropped the baby deer in the grasses. He was quite pleased with his tracking skills today. Now they could have a nice meal.

 He dropped down onto the earth with a tired expression. "I almost got trampled getting this. The damn mother just wouldn't go." He was glad he hadn't been trampled. He wasn't ready to die today. "But hey, I still got it." The red dusted wolf lay on his side and stretched his tired limbs. all he wanted to do was eat and sleep. 

 Amber eyes looked into the distance. There was a white wolf. A big one. "Oh crap...," he whispered. He flipped onto his belly and lay low next to the prey. He was not about to loose his kill now. Sure there were two of them, but Redwood had almosg no energy to fight. His red ears lay down on his skull and he started to growl. 

RE: The World I Used to Know - Raven Vyler - July 30, 2015

A muffled dragging sound awoke Rave from her light sleep, and she turned over to see the red man dragging back a baby deer. Astonished, she looked at him.

"Wow, how did you manage that?"

She was happy Red had got them some food, because she was, well, sleep. The dark girl did have a tendency to worry about him when he left her side, but she had a right to. Others came and went, and she didn't want to lose him, too.

He had laid down to relax, and it seemed her and her companion both saw the ivory wolf simultaneously, because they were side by side, growls rumbling from the duo. 

"We won't quarrel with you, if you do not quarrel with us."

RE: The World I Used to Know - Nanuk - July 30, 2015

Excited screaming distracted her, the voices loud in the silence of the area. Everything had been quiet since the storm. Until now. She pushed away from the tree, settling on all four paws, her gold eyes searching for the source of the incessant screeching about something or other. Who the fuck is... Ah. There. Her gaze found the two, shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, baring teeth at her. 

What the actual fuck? 

But wait a moment; she smelled blood and it wasn't wolf blood. It was a smell that made her stomach groan and grumble. Prey. Food. She wanted it. They were babbling some shit or whatever but the Beta paid no mind to their words or their silly threats, instead taking easy and powerful strides straight for them.

"Hey. Fuckfaces." Her tone was commanding. She knew she had their attention but she wanted more from them. "Shut up for a fucking second. I'm not a fucking vulture." She didn't want their shit, she wanted their source. Her eyes were suddenly nailed to the male, sure that it was his heavenly screeching she'd heard earlier. "Lead me to the herd you snagged that from or I'll put you both in an early grave before you even get the first bite of that." Simple, sweet, and to the point in a deadly manner. 

That was just how she rolled.

RE: The World I Used to Know - Redwood - July 30, 2015

Hey Fuckfaces.

 His right ear twitched in annoyance. Some fucking nerve. He wished that he was more energized. He would already be on this wolf. He snorted at the next comment. "No shit," he muttered. He didn't like this lady already. She was annoying to him, though to her he was probably ten times more annoying. Well that was just how he rolled.

 When the female told him to lead her to the herd, he wanted to just rip that face off. Those were their deer now! He wasn't willing to loose it now. She reeked of a Pack smell intertwined with Loner. If she had a Pack back there, then he didn't want to show her the deer at all. But he wasn't willing to die, so he glanced at Raven and stood up. "You forgot to say please, bitch." He narrowed his eyes at the pale female, clearly unhappy of her presence. Before she could talk again, he whipped around and trotted towards the direction of the heard. "Keep up."

RE: The World I Used to Know - Raven Vyler - August 05, 2015

Rave raised a dark brow, but said nothing more. So this chick wasn't a scavenger, and with her obvious body type, she could damn well take care of herself. Raven sorted at her words along with a chuckle at Reds, but followed him closely. 

She dared this girl to lay a fang on him.

The ebony soon caught the scent of the herd, and grinned at Red. Whispering a bit lowly, she asked excitedly,

"These guys are over 20 strong! How did you pull this off, Red?"

RE: The World I Used to Know - Nanuk - August 06, 2015

"Please, motherfucker." Her tone was snide, but he didn't see the grin cross her maw. He was already turning away and while the female might have seen it, the expression was mostly kept to herself. He had wanted a 'please' and he had gotten one. The pace was an easy one to match, her footfalls heavy, powerful. Nanuk, usually, could not be much quieter than she was now but upon spotting the large herd, her form hunkered down, making herself smaller than normal. 

Her teeth nipped at "Red's" haunch lightly, simply to grab his attention. By doing that, she might also grab the female's. Her voice was low, a whisper. "Drive the beasts east with me. There's a reward in it for you afterwards. And not some stupid ass shit. A legit reward. More than that morsel you had earlier." Like a full fucking meal, because she'd find Iqniq and bring down one of them. The expectant mother needed a decent meal anyway. She didn't need their help, but driving a herd was always easier with a group. Even she could be trampled.

RE: The World I Used to Know - Redwood - August 09, 2015

As they neared the herd, Redwood slunk to the ground, making himself almost invisible. His golden gaze took note of the herd. They still seemed to be spooked. Great. Making the job harder for them.

 He twisted around as he felt Nanuk nip at his haunches. He snarled in annoyance at the female. She told him that if they helped her drive the herd east, they would get a reward. Well, that magic word sparked flames of interest in him. "Okay," he whispered softly, careful not to let the deer hear him. "We should flank them. Raven, you go to the right and you can go to their left. I can chase them from the back. We need to chase as much as we can into the east. If any of them step out of bounds, one of you can lead them back with the rest." He turned his head to the herd, evaluating them once more. "You two go first. I'll come in last." He made himself as small as he could, waiting for the two ladies to make their move.

RE: The World I Used to Know - Nanuk - August 27, 2015

@Redwood, let's get this closed! Raven went inactive so I'm moving on. Hope you don't mind the short post! :)

She gave him a flat look in response to his snarl, unperturbed by his display. "Touchy touchy. Save that shit for the task at hand." His female companion followed his orders and Nanuk said nothing more, instead moving forward to run the herd towards the Spire. This, so that the pack would have food close by, and perhaps they'd gain a few new members.

RE: The World I Used to Know - Asbestos - September 17, 2015

Peskie wolfisies were peskies. Silly wolfsies. Running and romping around when batkind had food quite literally delivered on the wind. He didn't understand it. He watched, hanging upside down from the trees as he wrapped his tiny bat claws around him and hooked his leathery wings together. All the running seemed like quite a waste of effort. The sky offered freedom. Earthbound creatures were very. Very strange.

Then again, so was he. Most bats weren't active during the day. He ignored that detail as he lingered and watch the wolves drive the herd towards who knew where. It didn't matter. He could not eat deer. Only bugs. With a huff, he watched them drive them off and tucked his head beneath a wing to wait out the approach of darkness.

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