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Big Salmon Lake A bit late... - Printable Version

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A bit late... - Hiraku - August 01, 2015

More of an introduction thread for this character. Anyone's free to join.

Sniffing the area around, Hiraku came to a solid conclusion. His brother has been here, no doubt. Still, as strong as the scent was, he was wary of how long he was away. Sighing, he relaxed on the side of the lake. With a yawn, he felt himself drifting into a light sleep. There was no way he would be caught dead sleeping, since a previous encounter with a bear made him more careful. When he rested long enough, he'll eat some of the fish here before continuing searching. It would be nice to learn the surrounding area, he noted, as he always liked to have an escape plan in mind. Even so, as open as the lake area was, the worst he could think that could happen would be a sea monster, and even then, he had the speed to get out of there.

RE: A bit late... - Kit - August 03, 2015

Lost again. How could this happen? Kit wandered around as she had done not too long before. Her nose went to the ground trying to see if anyone was around. The scent of two foxes flew into her small black nose. Not one,  but two foxes that could help her? That sounded great! She followed the scents and saw a fox by a lake. Was he sleeping? She couldn't tell from so far away. She got closer and closer to the fox. He looked friendlly enough to at least show her directions. She went up to him."Hello." Her voice was calm and gentle trying not to startle the male. Maybe he had seen her and was pretending to sleep. She was scared to think that maybe he could attack her. Wait, where was the other fox? Kit thought.

RE: A bit late... - Hiraku - August 03, 2015

The fox's ear twitched at the sound of footsteps. As he came to, he could smell another fox approaching and a greeting. "Brother?" he asked as his eyes opened up. To his surprise, he saw a black-and-white fox staring at him. He jumped away by shock and scurried to his feet, a bit terrified by her sudden appearance. 

With a few seconds passing by, he calmed down. Sighing, he relaxed. She seemed nice enough. "Hi. Sorry about that, you kinda spooked me." He laughed nervously, then thought she may know more about the surrounding area. "Do you know about a fox that passed through here?" He may be close, but any help would be nice.

RE: A bit late... - Kit - August 03, 2015

Kit shook her head. So he was looking for his brother. "I was just going to ask where I was, but if you would like I could help you look for him." She felt bad that she hadn't seen his brother. A little socializing wouldn't hurt once in awhile, plus she wasn't aiming to go go anywhere or even in a rush. A small smile was put on her face trying to make her seem friendlier. She really wanted to help the male.

RE: A bit late... - Hiraku - August 04, 2015

Hiraku's supposed to meet Itsy in another thread, so is Kit going to tag along for that?

The fox thought over her request. While it was unlikely this companion would rip him apart at the first opportunity, he knew how long he had been searching for his brother and didn't want to drag her into the same problem. Then again, since she had no idea where she was, traveling can help her realize a place she has been before. At that point, her knowledge of the area would be helpful.

"If it's not too much of a hassle, can you? I don't want to drag you along to finding him. I've literally been following him for a year or so, so I wouldn't be offended if you leave at any time." He stood there, shifting his weight back and forth before adding, "My name's Hiraku, if you were wondering. You?"

RE: A bit late... - Kit - August 04, 2015

Sure if Itsy doesn't mind
Kit nodded. "I'm Kit. I would like to help you, but if you wouldn't mind could I explore around sometimes, I'll come back maybe a day later. I could help you by looking for information from others and then I could come back to you to tell you." She did want to help, but it would be good if they had a map of some kind or even some information on his brother.

She would go out and find maybe a wolf or another animal to ask where she was and if they had seen his brother then she would follow her scent back to Hiraku to tell him anything she had found out. That was her plan anyways. She wouldn't leave him until he found out about what happened to his brother or he cound him. When Kit set her mind to something she would do it.

RE: A bit late... - Hiraku - August 04, 2015

I think Itsy's fine with it

"I don't mind," Hiraku said, glancing away a bit nervously. He wasn't used to receiving help anymore, though it was nice when he did. He turned his attention to the mountains, then towards the glen. He found three paths where that brother of his could've taken, and all of them led in opposite directions. He knew that the one leading into the forest was definitely the oldest, leaving him that towards the mountain and the glen. "Kit, do you have any idea where he could've headed off to? Knowing him, he would likely head to the mountains, since he claims there's less enemies he ran into. What do you think?"

RE: A bit late... - Kit - August 04, 2015

"Well, I don't know. I would just follow my nose If there are multiple scents then I would split up." She hadn't met his brother before, so she had no idea where he would go. The mountains was unlikely maybe they could follow this path. That could take months, even years! She thought hard about the way a fox would go and failed to think of a way. Usually she could easily find it, this was the first time that she had failed at doing that.

RE: A bit late... - Hiraku - August 04, 2015

Hiraku didn't think fondly of splitting up. As stupid as it was, he hadn't have a friend in a while. He cracked a smile at the thought, as the fox could just be manipulating him. "Well, why don't you look around. I'll head to the mountains and you can check another path. We can meet at the mountain or back at this lake afterwards." That would be most reasonable, as why would his brother go to the glen? He tried to think of a reason against it, then remembered. He never liked to travel through forests. The fox smiled at remembering the memory and turned to the mountains. Still, it troubled him that he could remember so little of him. Hopefully, that memory of him in his head would still hold truth.

RE: A bit late... - Kit - August 04, 2015

Kit nodded. "I'll go that way." She nodded her head towards a random direction she had smelt his brother faintly. "See you soon Hiraku and good luck." She started to walk away using her little feet. Pat pat pat pat Her little paws made little noise when they touched the ground. She hadn't talked to someone in so long she felt as if she was lucky to even remember words. She walked out of sight and into the forest.

End of Kit's posts.

RE: A bit late... - Hiraku - August 04, 2015

Alright then, that's the end

With a good-natured sigh, the fox turned towards the mountains. He glanced at Kit for a split second before starting for the mountains. If he was lucky, he would be able to find his brother as soon as possible. It was nice to see another fox on this journey of his. With a faster pace, he bounded towards the mountains. 

In the back of his head, he thought back to the flood. It was a quick glimpse, but it reminded him that his luck will eventually run out one of these days. Still, there's no way he's going to let it go so easily.