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Great Bear Wilderness [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Printable Version

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[m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 02, 2015

Bramblepoint. Attn: @Rosalyn.

Again, Fox returned to the path of torn-up trees. She arrived earlier than she needed to and intended to stay later than was necessary. The Redhawk still lacked knowledge of her lover's name, but that only made things more tantalizing. The mother, mate, and leader mulled over how long she could string out the introductions, the greetings, and all that baggage. Maybe her lover would be content, just as she was, to keep things purely physical. In all reality, though, Fox wasn't even sure if she would remain content with a purely physical relationship. Time would most certainly tell.

A stick broke somewhere, and Fox whirled around, expecting to see the dark-furred, bright-eyed wolf, but it was only a deer who quickly fled once it spotted her. Fox let out her breath and shook her head. Why was she getting so worked up about this? She returned her attention to the mangled trees, jumping atop a fallen trunk and surveying the damage. It was worse than she'd initially realized.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 02, 2015

After her last interlude, she'd set her heading south, jaunting along the mountain range for a bit and generally ignoring the existence of anyone else for a time.  The fact that she ran into nobody made that a bit of a moot point, since she had no reason not to.  But it did give her time to mull over her decision to return.

And return she did.  The mountains were boring and uneventful, even followed as far as where the river split.  Rocks piled on rocks.  The charms of naturalism, outside of enjoying the weather's mighty workings, were lost on the Rivaini.  How anyone could find joy in such dull settings? Beyond her.  But she did know where entertainment could be had.  It involved doing something she rarely did, yet after even twenty-four hours of thought, she came to the conclusion that it might be worth it to see what happened.

If the other was serious about showing up, that is. 

A quick surveyance when she arrived was enough to show her that she was, in fact, there.  Roz arrived around the mark, though there was no way to be sure.  The second day was growing late, so perhaps a bit later than her contact might have expected, but she made no acknowledgement.  Instead she threw a simple greeting, one that announced her presence.  "Hey, Red."

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 04, 2015

Fox nearly jumped out of her skin when the female spoke. She had to quickly regain her footing on the log to prevent herself from falling face-first into the ripped-up forest floor. "You scared the bejesus out of me!" Fox exclaimed. "I don't like being snuck up on, y'know." But how would she know. The stranger knew next to nothing about her. She knew not of Redhawk Caldera, Peregrine, the children, although Fox suspected she knew that their tryst had been her first with another lady. Or with anyone except Peregrine, for that matter. Fox was no prude... she was merely careful about who she got intimate with. Then again, she'd been decidedly reckless with this one. But she'd also thought it was a setup by Peregrine, so there was that.

The Alpha hopped down off the log, landing easily on the damaged ground below, littered with sticks, leaves, and other bits of Mother Nature's debris. "I wasn't sure you'd come back, Starling," Fox said, more gently than the words used to greet the stranger. The name was fitting, if only because of her black coat and yellow eyes. There was another wolf Fox had attained feelings for with those same colors, but she pushed him out of her mind. Perhaps she just had a think for dark wolves.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 04, 2015

"Must've missed that tidbit when we did our lengthy introductions."  She moved closer, stopping a companniable distance away with her tail swaying easily.  One good thing about a second meeting, you knew what to expect.  Which, honestly, could be a downfall as well.  Depending on her mood of course.  She wasn't put off at all by the exclamation, for her humor was highly entertained by the fact shed gotten the jump on her companion.

"Starling.  Hmm". She mulled that over a moment.  "Annoying little things, aren't they? I like it."  She grinned wickedly.  She assigned nicknames often, but it wasn't so often she recieved one in return.  Seemed introductions wouldn't be necessary after all - not that she'd intended one.  "Well, did you report back?  Was the judge, or judges, pleased?"  She certainly didn't see how they couldn't be, the alpha at least. Could always be the case that his mate was in on it too, though. Getting off on their subordinate's love takes? Hell, it was almost enough to make her wish for her own ship to captain. How delightful. Teasingly, she continued. "I hope you did the tale justice." She wasn't aware that Peregrine actually did want the details, her only knowledge being that her alpha encouraged her to seek other forms of love. But the insinuation had the potential to embarrass, and seeing Red turn a shade moreso if she were shy about such things would give Roz some invaluable insight of character.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 04, 2015

Perhaps they needn't exchange real names at all. Maybe it was better this way. Starling asked if Fox Red had reported back (and whether or not it had been well-received), and she nodded with a sly grin. And yet she still couldn't shake the feeling that Peregrine had set them up. Would he lie about that, even after she'd given him all the details of the encounter? Maybe he wanted her to be intrigued, to think she had done it on her own. Fox still doubted her own capabilities in attracting and wooing wolves of the same sex. She considered spilling the beans right then and there, telling Starling all about her life, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Fox's tail flitted left to right, though she showed no signs of embarrassment or shyness toward the subject at hand. "The Alpha enjoyed the retelling," Fox replied, "which is why I am here again." Sure, it would have been rude for Fox to set up this second encounter only to not show up herself... but she had never been concerned with manners to begin with. "As I'm sure you picked up on, this isn't a regular occurrence for me. You're, well, an experiment." Was that rude? Perhaps.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 05, 2015

Rosalyn caught the drift of her statement - that if he hadn't she wouldn't have returned - but it didn't bother her.  If Red hadn't been around, Roz would have assumed she had thought better of the whole thing and changed her mind, a thing that the Rivaini did often enough herself.  In fact, anyone who claimed not to turn tail a time or two was either a liar or a saint.  Liars she could handle.  Saints she could do without.

She'd been worse than an experiment, and frankly, she'd hardly been better than one.  It was how she preferred it - no ties.  Just pure, carnal fun that could end at any time with little consequence to either party involved.  Rarely had she heard it put so frankly though, and she laughed in appreciation.  "At least we know where we stand.  You might not be an experiment, but believe me Red, I have few desires." One, actually.  Love wasn't something she chased real hard, nor something she ever went in expecting.  And so far, she had yet to be disappointed.

"I may be wrong, but experiments... they require testing, do they not?"  She shifted her stance and cocked a head questioningly, a devil in her eye.  She wasn't sure where Red wanted this little meet and greet to go, but Roz wasn't the emotional type.  Conversation had emphasis on the optional.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 09, 2015

Fox's eyes lit up at Starling's comments on experiments and desires, wondering what—exactly—the girl wanted from her. The implication that there was more to what they had already done was an interesting development in itself. The stranger (could Fox still call her that) also implied that they should have at it again, something the Redhawk was perfectly comfortable with. In fact, that might be the extend of their "relationship," if one could even call it that. Fox had loved but twice, and the first time, she had not even admitted it to herself, let alone the one she loved.

"They do," she agreed. "What are these desires you mentioned?" Fox asked. Perhaps she would not be given an answer, or maybe she would have to work for it… or perhaps she was even supposed to figure it out on her own. If it was the latter, Starling was not going to have much luck. Fox was a simple creature, not meant for guessing games or riddles. There was only one thing Fox really wanted out of this relationship, and she was getting it. She knew, though, that she should probably reciprocate if she expected to continue getting it.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 10, 2015

She would have thought that answer to be easy enough, judging from her mannerisms this far.  Hell, she hadn't even asked for a name.  But apparently she was better in this deception than she thought.  She didn't try to deceive, of course, not with Red at least.  But some others would not offer what she was seeking, at least not so freely, without at least a hint of something behind it. Toying with hearts had its own charms, yet the woman before her had required none of that. So she chose to answer clarity with clarity.

"I'd have thought it obvious," she said with a slight purr behind the words. "I live for the moment. There are too many pleasures in this world to not taste them all." Barring some, of course. She had some standards, for in everything, she had to have some benefit herself. No strings, no regrets, and no one to dictate on what she could, or could not, do. Or who, she thought wickedly.

"And you, Red? What do you desire?" She pulled in closer as she asked this, circling tight to playfully nip at the other's ear. She'd seemed open to the idea of this lovely little meeting going as the past had, and now that she had learned some of the other female's wants, she intended to pull this interlude a bit more her way, teasingly inciting the other to retaliate.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 10, 2015

Perhaps she was dense, but Fox still did not quite catch on to what Starling was trying to say. She squinted for a moment before deciding that it didn't really matter anyway. If Starling really wanted something, she could always just, y'know, say it out loud normally. That was what Fox tended to do, and she couldn't help it if she was too dense to understand (not-so) cryptic messages.

Starling's next move was anything but subtle, however, and Fox felt that familiar tingle. Not quite so familiar as the tingle she experienced whenever Peregrine made the same moves on her… but it was there. Starling nipped at her ear, and Fox returned the favor with a nibble on her lover's neck. Now that this was not her first rodeo, Fox eased into things quicker this time, letting herself roll with the punches and follow this meeting wherever Starling wanted to take it.

Hopefully, Fox's actions would speak louder than words.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 11, 2015

Though she got the impression from Red's expression that the point wasn't exactly hitting home, Rosalyn was content to leave it at that when her associate failed to question further.  Both were one hundred percent on board with whatever it was they had going here, and that was what's important, right?  Questions only tended to ruin the moment, and Roz was looking to build up to something.

Not even a challenge.  Same page indeed.

Red responded almost immediately, returning the nip and clearly ready to reciprocate.  This time she intended to strike up something a bit different.  Foreplay wasn't high on her list of priorities, but when it came to second encounters, she tended to take advantage.  So, with a low rumble in her throat, she reared to hook her forepaws on Red's back, nipping at her cheek suggestively.  There was no crouch, no play bow, for this wasn't a true spar or child's tussle.  Just a playful, suggestive growl and the heady swish of her tail relayed her intentions... well, that and her obvious attempt to throw off her lover's balance.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 12, 2015

Starling reared up and grappled her. And while Fox could have resisted, she did nothing of the sort. Instead, she allowed herself to fall over with ease, crashing to the ground in a grinning heap. There was something devilishly fun about Starling, and Fox yearned for more. She was softer than Peregrine, but that was no bad thing. And certainly not softer in personality. Just softer in a way that made Fox melt in a different way than she did with her mate.

Now on her side, Fox looked up at Starling's yellow eyes and softer features. It was not that she had not looked before. She just had not taken the sights in with the same kind of interest during their previous encounter. Not so concerned with getting right to the point, Fox was happy to draw their encounter out longer this time. She felt an urge to speak, but she did not. Instead, she twisted her torso. In this way, her back legs were still on the ground, together, but her front paws hovered on either side of her chest.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 12, 2015

It was too subtle, this hint she laid.  She knew as soon as Red allowed herself to fall over, offering no resistance to her gentle shove.  Her grin broadened... she'd try again.  Nibbling near the other's throat a moment, she then took a step back, eyes narrowing and body weaving slightly. 

Then her forelegs bent slightly, hips still swaying provocatively, but a clear challenge in her eyes.  C'mon Red. Bring it.  They'd cross for the top, vying for dominance in a way that would get the blood pumping and excitement racing.  She could already feel her breath pick up at the prospect.  You want it?  Take it.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 15, 2015

This was an interesting development. Instead of getting right to it, Starling wanted to ease into it. Fox was so used to the former, she often forgot the latter was a possibility. Perhaps she could learn a thing or two from this lover that might translate back to Peregrine, after all. Fox rolled to her feet, picking up on the obvious clues easily enough. Without much thought put into it, Fox dove toward Starling.

Her attack was devoid of harm, but she was still an adept fighter. Fox was not yet sure if she would allow Starling to overpower her or if she would do the overpowering. Perhaps Starling would prove to be just as good with her fighting moves as she had been with her… "other" moves. Fox doubt it, but she would not be surprised if Starling managed to best her in the end.

RE: forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 16, 2015

idk when this will cross into mature territory ;) but I'll go ahead and throw one on

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: sexy time innuendo :P
Now it clicked, an exhilarating sort of glee filling Rosalyn as Red threw herself into the game.  Roz was no stranger to a duel and knew her way around a fight, but in such close quarters, it was likely to be a near thing.  She was not sure she would triumph, but she also wasn't sure she wanted to. Their conflict was more physical than she would allow a true spar to be, Fox's stockier frame bound to give her advantage over her slighter opponent.

Even now she found herself pinned, yet unable to give in quite so easily. Hooking a paw about Red's shoulder, she tried to turn the tables with a hearty roll, attempting to shove her firebrand lover beneath instead. Her eyes held Red's for a span, the challenge not for rank but for role, and felt her breath quicken. Red was strong and obviously adept, two things that never failed to put the wind to her sails. Gods, she lived for this.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 22, 2015

I think Roz is actually bigger than Fox (who is unusually small). ;)

Fox managed to get on top of Starling. She stood over her, breath hot, fast, and heavy. The Redhawk went (gently!) for her throat, but Starling had other ideas in mind. Fox was not one to protest, and she allowed the roles to be reversed. Now that Starling was on top, Fox lifted her head and neck off the dirt floor, aiming to nibble on her lover's neck fur. In order to help her make her mark, Fox wrapped two forelegs around Starling's neck, attempting to pull her close. (My dogs do this all the time, and it's adorable, hehe.)

If her lover allowed, Fox would nibble at her neck and chest here, preening the black fur that clung to Starling. On the off-chance that Starling pulled away, Fox would tackle her once more and grab some other fuzzy part to groom.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - August 25, 2015

ah, I was thinking more muscle-wise :) Rosalyn's not much of a fighter and has been a loner quite a while

Even more hand-wavy than the last! Such vague ^^

Though Rosalyn had allowed spars to get much more heated than theirs, almost adding a note of anger to the encounter, she sensed this was not Red's preference (though that could be mistaken ;) ).  Therefore she allowed herself to be pulled in and purled softly as her neck was groomed.  

Following the shift, she allowed her own interactions to slide that way as well, aggression turning from dominating to a focus on pleasure.  They might switch again, even a few times, before the fun was done, but initially she used her position to her advantage.  With a wild sort of abandon she let the excitement they had built take hold, inspiring these next moments.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - August 25, 2015

Derp, that makes sense!

Fox continued to preen her lover's throat and neck, biting and straightening out the tangled fur. She went between this and licking the fur, trying to make the most out of the short grooming session. It was an affectionate gesture, one she had repeated with friends and family throughout her lifetime. And yet... it was decidedly different with Starling. There was even a difference between her and Peregrine. Perry was all muscle and gruff, while Starling was soft and inviting.

But not all encounters had to be as much, just because she thought of Starling in one way. Without warning, Fox kicked her legs to the side and yanked hard on Starling's neck with her front legs, intending to pull the darker girl over. A low, playful growl accompanied her actions. If she wanted a game of dominance, Fox could play at that.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - September 02, 2015

ive tried to reply to this so many times lol! It's like when I get inspiration for one character the other suffers

Just as she relaxed, prepared to acquiesce to gentler movements, Red proved she hadn't quite let the fire die.  She let out a small, elated sound of surprise as she was pulled off of her feet, landing heavily on her side but unfazed.  Unreleased laughter took her as this time she made no attempt to dance back to her feet.

Instead she returned the embrace and buried her face in Red's neck, nibbling the fur there before reaching to give the same attention to her jawline, but with perhaps some sharper nips interspersed.  Acquiescing, for the moment, to her partner's dominant place.  Though, snakelike, she could shift her opinion in an instant if the mood suited her.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - RIP Fox - September 15, 2015

No worries! I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up, only because it's starting to get dated. We should have another now that I'm getting back into the swing of things!

Now that Starling was beneath her, Fox took a moment to admire her. While she'd never been one to put too much weight on looks, Starling was attractive. And in a much different way that Peregrine had ever been. Already, Fox was getting ready to tell him all about this second little encounter. It had worked like a charm the last time she'd recounted her story to him, and she had no doubt that it would get his blood flowing a second (and third, and fourth...) time. What came next was easy enough to guess.

When they were through, Fox was panting heavily, giving Starling tiny kisses of affection up and down her jawline. Still, she did not know how long these meetings would last. Nor did she know when the next one would be. Fox was not about to make any promises she could not keep. When she finally peeled herself from Starling's embrace, she gave her lover one last long, lingering look before making her way back to her home. They would meet again, Fox did not doubt, but time would pass between now and then.

RE: [m] forty-eight hours feels so much longer - Rosalyn - September 16, 2015

Sounds good! :D  I've been pretty absentee too, esp with her

They finished slow, and she relished it, just as Red seemed to.  She gave a throaty sound of satisfaction as Red trailed kissed down her jaw, on her own part returning them when possible.  But as was usual, it was time to part, and she soon was watching her lover disappear silently from view, one last lingering look back caught and held.

She was glad no further meeting was proposed, for she would have refused such a thing.  Already two was more than her usual and she found it much more fun to leave such things up to fate.  If it was meant, they would meet again.  If not, she would remember these happenings and hold them with so many others, pleasant memories and experiences that she would carry with her as she moved on.  And she always moved on.

Happily she gave a luxurious stretch, then strode off to find a patch of sun for basking.  Today was too fine of one to waste working or worrying.