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Tormented Tarns stay - Printable Version

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stay - Tonravik - August 03, 2015

all welcome, actually @ Sawtooth. I wouldn't recommend those looking to join to enter here because she's in the depths of the territory and will surely be attacked by Tonravik/any near her as they establish themselves! Imagine this place more... snowy...

She ached. But she and hers moved toward the place Nanuk had scouted and deemed fit for them... and the heavily pregnant alpha female approved of the place immediately upon arrival. There was much to it, and much to discover. Unfortunately the woman could not discover everything now... she suspected that her time was near. The creatures within had revealed themselves to be very much alive, and thrashed within with such fervor that she felt she might burst in minutes.

Tonravik had just enough time to find a densite. The heat here was different than the south, and as she ascended the peak, the familiar white of snow lingered there in the chilled air. Her tail waved, but she could not dwell on this for long... her nose kept to the earth, her eyes scanning the place for something of use.

In time she found something, hidden amongst rocks and boulders pressed together behind a hollowed tree whose roots acted like something of a cage. She approached the snow-ridden place, sniffing absently inside to assess if there was another creature already taking residence within. The air was stale, and the leader moseyed her way inside to assess. The den was deep and roomy; it would be comfortable enough to rear her litter in while they grew. There was a stream nearby, and snow to drink from, too. She exited the den, promptly urinating around it. Tonravik knew she was too short for time to be picky, but could find nothing wrong with her place of choosing.

So she lay by it, at long last giving herself time to do nothing at all. Even at rest, she could not have it; the pains within had grown strong, and the alpha female was sore all over.

RE: stay - Nanuk - August 04, 2015

-throws an icky post here before going sleepies-

Her den had been excavated already, a deep cave tucked in the crevices of the mountain. It was a secluded thing, for a secluded creature, but perfect nonetheless. Few would be bothering her in such a place, though she would generally welcome her fellow packmates for the most part. Speaking of dens, she was curious to know whether or not Tonravik had finally found her den or not. Iqniq hadn't said anything about it but the Beta was sure that any day now, there would be a number of new additions to the pack. Squealing, loud, annoying additions. 

By the time that thought curled through her mind, the polar bear was already on the move, tracking the female alpha until she came upon her scent like it was a smack in the face. She refocused, bright gaze falling upon the darker female as she lay there, her belly large and obtrusive. Man, she was fat, and considering that Tonravik was easily Kroc's size... she was just a giant, really. 

A low chuff signaled her arrival, not looking to startle her at all, especially with how close to the birth she had to be. "You alright?" She asked, not venturing too close in this moment.

RE: stay - Tonravik - August 04, 2015

YAHoooo no not poop

The approach of her Beta roused the alpha only barely. It was not because of whose company it was, but rather her condition. She imagined if she rose too quickly, the pressure would set the Cubs free from her then and now. She was comfortable enough with the polar bear to trust her, even whilst prone. Nanuk, after Echelon, was one of her first wolves and now, most trusted of comrades. 

The question was met with a grunt. Would sounds produce the babes, too? She felt even the wind tempted them to emerge as it played against her stomach. Tonravik had survived a storm; would her cubs survive her? Her impatience was prevalent even now, as she wished them out of her... But equally, she wanted them to stay within. “Soon,” she growled. She did not yet trust her body to say more.

RE: stay - Nanuk - August 04, 2015

Soon. Of course soon. Nanuk was surprised she hadn't burst yet. How many did she have in there? Four? Ten? Too many? Was she the natural version of a clown car? As a creature who lacked any kind of maternal instinct, the polar bear found even just one parasite to be one too many. For the leading pair, she would put up with the brats, but they would undoubtedly learn to leave her the hell alone. 

"They will be strong." While they were parasites still, Nanuk was sure that any who had survived the ordeal that they'd been through would be as worthy of the name Tartok as their parents were. The storm, the traveling, everything was now boiling down into the final few moments of her pregnancy. If stress had not eaten away at her brood, they would be survivors and fighters. As any Tartok wolf naturally was.

RE: stay - Tonravik - August 04, 2015

Nanuks words were a comfort. If her cubs were weak, they would surely die before long. She could not be sure how they would turn out after the journey, but they felt strong... and to be sure, still caused her plenty of pain. They were undoubtedly still kicking. Tonravik yawned tiredly, flexing her left paw in a light stretch. All throughout the pregnancy up until the storm she had been well-fed and had no trouble at all. But the storm had been greatly stressful... there was no telling how things would end here.

But if they had survived in there throughout it all, she would echo her beta's sentiments. Her dark eyes sought the woman now. She thought of the polar bears perseverance, and to compliment the find, Tonravik merely said, "I prefer this place." Nanuk had been with her from the beginning, when she had usurped the Spine from who had previously claimed it. The place had been destroyed, but it mattered not. She had all but forgotten about the past of the place, having so aptly made it her own... and while there was something about taking, she was content to continue her legacy here. If moving was not necessary, she would not have done so. The alpha female imagined she would remain here for many, many years.

RE: stay - Nanuk - August 04, 2015

As Tonravik stretched and grew comfortable, Nanuk found a spot near by and reclined similarly, sliding down to the earth until her back half twisted to the side and her front was upright. The normally taciturn Alpha retained her attention, even as she listened for signs around them that would betray another's presence. There were none near them in this moment and so she listened to Tonravik's words with interest, rumbling in agreement. 

"It is cooler and much better protected. More fitting for a branch of Tartok." The hollow to the opposite side of the mountain was the perfect place to drive a herd, as well, since they would meet the face of the natural structure and not get much farther. The Northern wolves would likely be much more at home in this place and she presumed that they would not budge from this place for quite some time, if ever.  "The pack and puppies both will thrive here." As if Tonravik needed any confirmation. They both knew that the wolves with them were a hardy bunch; living on a mountain was more than suitable for them.

RE: stay - Tonravik - August 06, 2015

Tonravik lowly hummed in response to Nanuk's words, agreeing with each sentiment. She shifted only just, and as Nanuk spoke again, Tonravik at last hoisted herself up. Very still for a split-second afterward to scope herself out briefly, and the rotund looking woman growled. "We have lost much," she acknowledged, "But we will gain much more." Wolves and territory both had been lost. But they had found something better than the Spine had been, and while none could replace the number of the committed, they would grow and flourish here despite their unfortunate losses.

The alpha female could only hope that—if they survived the storm—they would return to the unit. The alpha female was partial toward Aariak due to the name he carried. She did not miss anyone else any less. If they died, it was truly an unfortunate thing. Few could beat the battle against mother nature, and the odds that day had not been in the favor of those presently missing.

RE: stay - Nanuk - August 06, 2015

A nod in response to the primary statement. They had lost quite a bit; their territory, wolves of their pack, stability, but each would be quickly gained back here. This would be their stronghold, Nanuk was sure. Perhaps, those lost would even find their way here. Another sure thing, considering how much piss Tonravik had left behind, marking their journey West. There would be no telling, though, and at this point, they could not waste much energy in searching for them. They needed to claim these lands so that the birth of the parasites could be done in peace. Woe befall any who disturbed them in this time. 

"Do you hunger?" She queried, breaking the short silence. With her size, the alpha could likely not do any hunting, but the polar bear could certainly capture something for her, even if to sate a smaller pang or two.

RE: stay - Tonravik - August 11, 2015

As of late, she hungered and then did not. Her appetite had become strange... no doubt due to recent events more than anything. So when asked, the alpha female grunted. Tonravik imagined she ought to eat, for the good of those in her. Soon, quite soon, they would arrive... she would need to ignore her lack of appetite and eat well prior to then, to be sure she could provide her children with the nourishment they needed. Whatever Nanuk found, she would eat. The alpha imagined when she smelled the dead thing she would begin to hunger for it again.

RE: stay - Nanuk - August 13, 2015

Wrapping this one up!

With such an answer, Nanuk took it for what it was. Indecisive. For a wolf who was usually decisive, the Beta figured it was due to the pregnancy. The birth must be near by now and she could not imagine looking like a beach ball as the formidable Tonravik did right now. Such thoughts ended as she turned away to hunt something down and bring it back for the female, happy to help where she could. 

Thread fade.

RE: stay - Tonravik - August 13, 2015

Sounds good!

Tonravik listened as Nanuk departed, watchful up until the point that she left. Still she remained awake, unable to get herself comfortable to the point of sleep yet. She was tense and anxious to expel these things from her here and now... but now, it would seem, was not the time. The alpha female would wait until Nanuk delivered her food, which seemed to be her intent, unable to do much else anyway.