Wolf RPG
Look Alive, Sunshine - Printable Version

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Look Alive, Sunshine - Sherlock - August 03, 2015

The day felt heavy to Sherlock. His exploration for a new pack had failed so far. He couldn't find just the right pack to join and now the words of his parents had made him feel worse. A set of words crossed his mind. Look alive, sunshine. No pack would take a gloomy wolf. He one last sniff to the ground and the smell of wolf was splattered on the grass. Yes! Maybe there was a pack nearby. He tried not to get his hopes up too much, but they disobeyed him and continued to go up. He followed the scent which came to a border of other wolves the smelt alike in some way or another. Even the scent of another animal he couldn't pick out was there too. His head raised up to give off a howl. "I have come to join this pack. Please meet me here." His howl was loud and clear. Could today be the day Sherlock would join a pack?

RE: Look Alive, Sunshine - Rakharo - August 04, 2015

Walking through the burned grass was depressing. All for what Rakharo had worked so hard to claim was destroyed by the fire, and even after weeks since the strom, the land seemed life-less. Rakharo hoped that new life would sprout soon, but with the arrival of autumn so soon and winter afterwards he knew that he wouldn't see his golden sea again for several months.

Perhaps his pack's recent growth meant that things would start getting better soon. Two new wolves had joined his ranks, and although they would need training, Rakharo could already feel that his Khalas was gaining strength again.

Some herds had moved closer to the morning camp. Rakharo had tracked them down not too far away just a few days ago, and was now working on gathering them to have something to hunt again. But a howl interrupted his herding work, and he instructed the rest of the wolves to keep working while he attended the call.

A light wolf was sitting comfortably at Hoshor Plains' frontiers which made the Khal suspicious, and not very pleased. He troted towards the wolf and halted to a stop almost upon him to sniff around and make a recognition. And then he marked his territory close to him. Warm urine odor with Rakharo's trade mark flooded the area.

My land.

This time he had not brought his translator as usual, so he would have to do the talking.

"Talk," he said coarsely and with a thick accent.

RE: Look Alive, Sunshine - Sherlock - August 04, 2015

This thread will just have posts that are random and make no sense since somebody else might join in
"I would like to join your pack if that is okay with you." The other wolf had a thick accent which was funny since Sherlock also had an accent, but his wasn't very thick since he had used both of his languages and didn't learn one before the other. He got up and did a bow to show obedience to the other wolf. 

Maybe he was too close to the border which had caused the alpha to be a little territorial."I apologize if I am to close to the border." He looked at the patchy ground that had green grass here and there. A faint smell of smoke came from the ground. Ha there been a fire? Probably. He had heard whispers of loners and other wolves about a storm that had ruined the land.