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Greatwater Lake mermaid swing - Printable Version

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mermaid swing - Littlest - August 04, 2015

for @Redwood

She didn’t have any sort of adoration for water in particular, though it cooled her from the summer heat and refreshed her when travelling became tedious. But it seemed now she’d spent too much time being a loner, for no particular reason other than a few bad sparks of unluck, and now she knew well enough that as long as she stuck to the water she would go where life thrived. Even in the harshest parts of the river, wildlife still clung to the shores, and she never felt lost or too alone. Definitely never starving, though she was hungry most of the time. But when it came to that part she’d learned to push down the stomach pains. She found other distractions to take her mind away from such things—like that rather rambunctious fish nearly popping its gills from the water, she’d never seen anything like that. 

Slowing her jog to a confused trot, she followed the fish’s movement as it bobbed its head briefly then flew straight out! Her ears flew forward then back again as the queer creature clashed into the water once more. And it wasn’t alone, a few more of the same kind joined the frenzy. She’d never thought much of fish, she’d barely considered they were capable of little more than just floundering when they hit land. But this was something else entirely. Trying to make sense of it, she could only watch their ‘strange’ dance in silent awe.