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Swiftcurrent Creek you left the light on - Printable Version

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you left the light on - RIP Fox - January 27, 2014

all welcome, but made for Lethe.

Well, here she was. Fox had somehow managed to stumble upon a pack that didn't seem to reject her (yet). Of course, all it took was time. And she had all the time in the world. Well, not really, but sometimes it felt that way. She'd only been alive a year and already she felt like she'd lived a thousand years. Perhaps it was some kind of terrible disorder meant to make her go insane by time passing by so slowly. Quite honestly, she wasn't sure. But it didn't matter. Today, she was on a mission. To Alderan. Just kidding, this isn't a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Fox's real mission was to somehow get the attention of her brand-spanking new alpha and have a little chat. Y'know, so she could make sure she wasn't following around some kooky-head. Stopping in some arbitrary clearing near the creek, Fox lifted her muzzle to the sky on this fair-weather afternoon and called specifically for her alpha... whatever his/her name was. Funny that they didn't even know that about one another.

RE: you left the light on - Lethe - January 27, 2014

A single, delicate brow lifted as the call echoed across the horizons of her home. Lethe shifted her figure, leisurely stretched out upon a blanket of snow in a clearing, one paw precariously tucked beneath her chest while the other rested protectively over a half eaten rabbit. A rumbling sigh escaped her then -- this was a voice she was not familiar with, and yet she had heard the melodic notes before. Lifting herself, sparse snowflakes falling from her figure, the regal bent down, scooping her kill in her jaws before staking out the direction the cry had come from.

Who was she to deny the beckoning of one of her loyalists?

As it would seem, the she-wolf was not far from the other female. Stopping only to place her rabbit in one of the food caches that had started for the Creek wolves, Lethe would cover the distance between her and her pack mate, her eyes soon falling upon the rusted figure of the petite Nu.

Her tongue slipped past her tainted lips then, tasting the blood that still satiated her jaws from her meal. Her eyes were indifferent as she studied the she-wolf, and lifting herself to announce her rank and presence, she trailed closer, studying the female, and yet remaining quiet. After all, she had been summoned -- it was now up to the other to initiate the conversation.

RE: you left the light on - RIP Fox - January 27, 2014

The nice thing about being so small was that the Nu had to do very little (pun intended!) to make her small self submissive. Her tail still curled beneath her legs, though, and her ears swiftly flattened against her skull once her new leader had arrived. She glanced up only for a second to capture the face of her superior before stepping forward and licking the chin of the stranger who was now some kind of guiding figure for her. Fox had a way of being snide and sarcastic, but she knew this was not the time or the place (at least if she wanted to stick around for any length of time).

"Thought I should introduce myself," was the humble introduction of the yearling. "My name is Fox. I guess since I’m part of the pack, I should know your name, too." It was strange, and Fox felt like it was all out of order, but it was better to have this conversation sooner rather than later.

RE: you left the light on - Lethe - January 29, 2014

Lethe had never been a wolf gripped by power – her more youthful years and contained a thirst for knowledge and men, and now, as the small red wolf moved forward to greet her as one would a superior, the she-wolf maintained an aloof posture, despite the foreign emotion of pride that swept through her chest.

A crooning growl escaped her then, and her muzzle tipped down a bit, aiming to grip the yearling’s red muzzle ever so gently in her jaws before releasing her – a sign of dominance and acceptance to the youth. “Lethe,” she finally announced before taking a pace back, allowing the space between them to become one of a comfortable nature. Her eyes roved the other for a moment, noting the intricate fur that weaved her pelt and offered a canvas of fire to the world. “Tell me about yourself, Fox,” she coaxed, her muzzle giving a nod to the other as she began to walk, indicating she should be followed.

RE: you left the light on - RIP Fox - January 29, 2014

"Lethe." Well, that was an easy one. The leader then asked about Fox, and the girl swished her tail lazily in response. "Well, there’s not much to tell," she replied, though she wasn't really sure how truthful that was. Then again, Fox had never concerned herself with being truthful in all situations. "I was born to some parents, had a couple of siblings, and this winter I set out on my own," she elaborated. It really wasn't an exciting story. Everything else was just filler or unnecessary information that Lethe probably didn't need or want to know anyway.

"What about this pack? Anything I should know beyond the usual?" she asked. Fox assumed that she would get the same old spiel about needing to pull her weight and how she'd better contribute and so on. That stuff was easy enough, and she could deal with that. If there was some other part to it, she may have to reconsider.

RE: you left the light on - Lethe - February 04, 2014

Fox’s story was uninspiring to say the least, and yet was that not how many wolves began their search for life? Lethe had remained with her birth pack for some time until her mother had pushed her out – fearful the males of the pack would take advantage, and while perhaps sweet in notion, the honeyed female had yet to understand how her mother had believed pushing her away from familiarity would keep the attentions of male’s away from her.

Yet that was in the past – her own life had barely started until the fateful day she had stumbled upon Shearwater Bay and her prized guardian; Koios had taken her under his dark wing and unfolded the possibilities within. Her spiraling lust for Lecter had taught her humility after he rejected her time and again – perhaps to the point that even now, she found her pride would despise him.

One daughter later, and here she was, upon the snowy banks of the creek with the legacy of a pack building beneath her. Her eyes roved over the creature that was her companion, the question drawing a smirk of amusement before it vanished, as if never once occurring. “You will find a few interesting individuals in our ranks,” she began carefully, her tail giving an idle flick as she continued the pace of their walk. “Some of us hold beliefs that are very dear to us.. but no one should press them upon you. If they do, tell me.” If the shaman of the Bay tried to curse or threaten her new members.. there would be hell to pay.

RE: you left the light on - RIP Fox - February 04, 2014

Fox had never thought about boys. At least not in a romantic or sexual way. They were just wolves with funny bits between their legs. Then again, she could not exactly say that the things between her own legs were any less funny. Perhaps attraction and romance would come later in Fox's life... or not at all. Whatever was to happen, Fox did not concern herself with any of it right now. Instead, she was focused on trying to fit in here. She knew that being a loner would not work well for her (or anybody, for that matter) in the long run.

The yearling quirked a brow at Lethe's response, though she did not question further into what those strange beliefs might be. She figured that she would find out soon enough, and if it really bothered her, she could come talk to Lethe. The older female was to Fox's liking (a rare thing indeed), and the Nu thought that she would be a fine leader.

"Does Swiftcurrent need any special skills? I do not think I excel in any one thing, but if you were in need of something, I could make it a priority to make myself knowledgable." Fox could barely believe what was coming from her own voice box. Never had she been one to seek out validation from anybody but herself, and yet she was asking what she could do to make things better for the creek.

The two continued talking for some time before they parted ways. (i.e. Remedy doesn't know how to fade this out, so this is what you get.)