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Blacktail Deer Plateau summer days - Printable Version

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summer days - Siren - August 06, 2015

She breathed in the humid air – the heat cloaked over her like a blanket, but she was not uncomfortable. It was soothing to know that when the warmth of summer disappeared, she would have a home for the winter.. even if she wasn’t sure why there seemed to be so much tension amongst her pack mates the past few weeks.
The day found her plucking at a long weed, pulling it from the ground and placing it daintily between her paws. The plant was goldenrod – something found only in the later months of summer, and the she-wolf was pleased to have come across some. She was not certain if the pack maintained a medicinal den, but she did like to keep her own few herbs and plants on hand to aid whatever might occur – and this stuff was great to make a poultice for wounds, sores and headaches.
As she continued, a rather large bee brushed past her nose then, and going cross eyed for a moment, her jaws gently clenching another goldenrod stem, she watched the mini beast land on her nose. Dread coiled in her belly, and the she-wolf held her breath, hoping it would fly away – and not sting her in the process.

RE: summer days - Dante RIP - August 12, 2015

i have no writing focus today so bear with me. This looked lonely <3

Siren was a wolf Dante had been meaning to catch, but so far proved as elusive as her namesake. He'd spoken with Malachi about the events of the previous meeting but hadn't yet gotten the chance to check in with her.

When he did finally find her, the sight of the bee on her nose made him lose what he intended to say in favor of a surprised smile. "Having trouble?" He asked, amused but more than willing to help. She didn't look pleased with the situation so he tried not to laugh at the look on her face.

RE: summer days - Siren - August 14, 2015

Of all her pack mates, it would seem the only one she truly socialized with was Dante – and of course the grey man would find her in a rather awkward predicament. His presence stirred her eyes to gently flick in his direction, though she tried to make no sudden movements – the bee itself was perfectly content to remain settled upon her nose.
“Shh,” she hushed, attempting to swallow her nerves. “You’ll scare it and –“ it buzzed then, lifting itself up from her nose, and like a bolt, Siren was rushing away from the bee and its grasp, aborting her mission of collecting goldenrod without a second thought. Feet away now, she glanced back over her shoulder, her eyes wide as she studied Dante and then looked around him for sign of the little beast that clearly wanted to sting her. “Is it still there?!”

RE: summer days - Dante RIP - August 18, 2015

i always feel like work posts are so distracted/blah XD but gotta do what you gotta do!

He shut his mouth at her insistence, still fighting the urge to laugh, though he did back off a step when the bee lifted off. He watched the tiny creature buzz away with a wary eye. Thank heavens it wasn't s wasp. Bees didn't scare the alpha, but he also didn't relish the idea of a sting.

"I think so. It didn't get you did it?" He assumed not but figured the polite thing was making sure. "It did seem to take a liking to you."

RE: summer days - Siren - September 04, 2015

Her silver leader was rather calm it seemed, while her own heart was going a mile a minute. His words did not soothe her -- it was still there somewhere? She peered nervously at him, her eyes drifting between him and the goldenrod she had all but abandoned in her haste.. now stern across the floor in a haphazard mess.

"It didn't get me yet," she clarified, slinking forward now and giving a shake of her pelt, as if to calm her nerves. She tiptoed closer to him, offering a scowl at his light teasing. Dante was the only wolf she had contact with thus far in the Plateau, and lowly, she was warming to his presence. He was kind, which was a good quality to seek in a friend. She nodded down to the goldenrod, withholding a sigh. "Occupational hazard," she murmured then, leaning down to nose bat the plants to see if any more bees would greet her by surprise.

RE: summer days - Dante RIP - September 16, 2015

Occupational hazard.  He guessed that would be the case, though it wasn't one that would have crossed his mind when he thought of healers.  Perhaps those less bee-inclined - or allergic - bribed naturalists for their stocks?  Seemed as though she was determined to brave the buzzing hordes in spite of it, though her tentativeness was telling as she poked at her dropped bundle.  "Bee warriors.  Even healers need to keep on their toes."  He smiled, in no way implying that healing was an easy gig.  It just wasn't one where danger was assumed.

"Need help carrying?" He put forth the offer easily, expecting it might get turned down but feeling the need regardless.  If she wasn't big on bees and that one decided to return, it would likely come after the bearer of the flowers.  "So, what... anger a hive as a pup?  Or just generally not a fan?"  This was added offhand, for he had never been one to pry into pasts and wasn't about to start now.  But he was a tad curious if her fear went deeper than the usual avoid-the-sting mentality.  Phobias weren't overly common but he was aware some did have that fear.  And usually it had a cause.

He stuck around a while, catching up and possibly learning a little more about her, but as the day grew long he had to dismiss himself to see to the borders. He made the offer for her to join, and if she did, they could continue the chat. If not she too could finish whatever she's been up to when he'd interrupted for this conversation.