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Overture Downs i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Printable Version

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i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 08, 2015

Paging @Mordecai @Luke @Andalusia though anyone is certainly welcome!

Harlyn smiled softly at the golden sun setting in the sky.  Even when Mordecai wasn't with her, she still saw him every where.  The tree trunks were rich like the color of his fur, the grass smooth like the tendrils along his spine, and then sun bright and warm as his eyes.  The druid was blissfully content with the way things had turned out.  The gods were kind.  Everything she had ever wanted was happening, for at that very moment, she and her pack - no, her family - were heading home together to a future that had never looked more beautiful.

What was possibly the best part to Harlyn was the simply fact that even had she been unable to see the Ostrega in every piece of the world, she could easily turn and find him right beside her.  For that, she was incredibly thankful.  She knew well by now what it had cost him to join her on this venture.  Dante had taken none too kindly to their departure, and while it had certainly soured the Cinderloch's opinion even further of the Plateau's alpha, she and Mordecai had come to a sort of silent agreement to not discuss it further.  It was too late to do anything about it, though Harlyn had certainly had thought of many, many things she would have liked to say to her former packmate.  The gods had pointed their way towards the future - it was Dante's prerogative now if he wanted to sit and be bitter about what was past.

The little band had paused to rest for a few hours, though now so very close to their final destination.  Harlyn wandered presently on the Northern edge of the Downs, eying the Lake to the far East.  She knew just beyond the length of the meadow was their future claim, so close she could almost smell the cool air between the trees.  Soon they would be there and begin to stake their claim.  Soon they would begin to map their territory, to hunt and fill caches for the Winter.  Soon, she and Mordecai would find themselves a den, and then...  Harlyn smiled like a giddy schoolgirl.  She was certainly getting ahead of herself, for that part of the equation hadn't exactly been hammered out.  But the gods had been gracious thus far, and so she allowed the spark of hope to glow in her heart.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 08, 2015

They were close now, so close that, he too, could almost smell the cool air as it flowed across the river's falls and out from the trees that concealed it. He was almost vibrating as emotion sang through his blood. Excitement, overwhelming happiness, and even a touch of nervousness. He had waited so long for a home and now, in just a short while, he would have one. He could hardly contain himself, and paced around unable to be still.

He approached the druid, affectionately drawing his muzzle along her neck before licking her cheek, his tail waving behind him. "I can't wait," he said, softly though his mouth was cracked in a wide grin and the brightness in his eyes was reminiscent of a little boy getting ready for his trip to Disney world.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 08, 2015

Harlyn heard him approach before she saw him, and so her smile had lengthened across her muzzle even before she felt the touch of his nose upon her neck.  A tingle in her belly that was now growing remotely familiar in a way that she now easily ignored it strengthened at his touch, but was dismissed just as quickly as it had arrived.  Glancing sideways at him, she regarded him with affection as he confessed his eagerness.  Her tail danced softly against her haunches - a clear indication that she too was just as rampant with excitement, though her outward demeanor was one of calm, controlled joy.

"Neither can I," Harlyn replied with a slight cant of her head towards his shoulder, "Mordecai is going to love it - I just know it."  Her heart twinged at the mention of him, but she did not dwell long on the feeling as it had become also so familiar to her.  "There's so much more to discover about it, I just know it," she whispered excitedly, her mind wandering again to the passages and trails that they had left behind when first they'd discovered the place.  Unbidden, the memory of Luke standing with Lasher came to her mind.  She pushed it away as quickly as it had come, however, loathe to ever share with her friend that she had seen them that day in hopes that he would forget the man altogether even without her encouragement.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 08, 2015

"Oh yeah," he agreed eagerly, for Luke could not fathom a wolf unable to love the home they had staked out. It provided for all their needs and comforts, they would want for nothing. This he knew, and as his companion said, there was still much to discover about the paradise. The blue-nosed wolf thought his chest might burst for the fast beat of his heart as it drummed in anticipation.

Exciting though it all was, there was work to be done. "I will search the surrounding areas for possible recruits," he promised. In time he would explore the secrets of the hollow, and his paws will have travelled every inch of it. But first, he would have to seek out more to join them in the neighboring territories.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 13, 2015

Luke agreed with her sentiment, and Harlyn felt another trill of excitement in her chestnut breast.  She was quite pleased already with what she had seen.  Had she been aware at that point that there was a whole series of pools and a waterfall to the Southeast that she hadn't seen yet, she might have just fainted from glee.  As it was, that part of the territory was yet undiscovered, and thus there was still so much more to enjoy on their horizon.

Her ears cupped towards her companion as he spoke of recruiting more members.  Her tail wagged as she gave an approving nod of her head.  She meant to comment, but her thoughts were distracted and she decided to voice the thought that had popped into her mind.  "Do you think we'll find that young wolf you recruited?" Harlyn asked, a touch of guilt and longing shading her tone, "The one you told me about from some moons ago..."  Her voice faded as concern overtook her.  She had never met the boy, and yet Luke had promised him a home with them and it made Harlyn's heart ache to think that she perhaps had not done so in time.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 14, 2015

I read "chestnut breast" as "chicken breast" and had to do a double take lmao.

He studied the horizon, as if by mere mention a possible recruit would appear. He could see no other, though his eyes did follow a bird as it flew past. His companion spoke then, inquiring about the yearling Luke had recruited, and drawing his soft regard back to her. It had been three moons thereabouts since the blue-nosed wolf had seen the boy. It was a time when excitement was fresh, and Luke believed they were on the way to founding soon, but then there was no progress for so long...

He sensed her concern, and stepped in to nudge her cheek. "Maybe," he offered. "He may have found another home, or travelled elsewhere. It has been quite a while." His mouth upturned into a small smile. He had been more patient than most in waiting for Harlyn's dream to come to pass, and so doubted that the yearling would come to them; but there was always a chance. Regardless, Luke believed the boy was well wherever he was.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 16, 2015

Aaaaaand I read "chicken breast" as "chicken beast".  This is a slippery slope, my friend.

The thought of the boy finding a different home made her sad for she had wanted his home to be with them, even though she had never met him before.  But it was a far better thing that he found a new home than be out there wandering alone, and so that was what she decided to hope for him.  Silently, she asked the spirits to watch over the wayward member of their family, for that was what he was even if she had never before met him - family.

"I pray that he's safe and well, wherever he is," the druid said softly.  It was a sad topic and not one Harlyn wished to pursue much further for there were more important, and happier, things to think on.  "Wanna explore this meadow with me a bit?  I've spotted some plants that have medicinal properties and I'd like to see if I can find more.  My hope is that this place could be like my own personal garden," the thought made her smile.  It would not be a part of their claim, but that was just fine by Harlyn so long as she always had access to it.  Besides, it simply would go against her moral code to hoard away any sort of abundance of medicine for her own.  Her family would always take precedence over others, but so long as there was enough for all, she wanted to share it.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 16, 2015

Well it's come full circle because I read "chicken beast" as "chicken breast". I wonder if I should cook some up to make wraps or something seeing as my mind is clearly stuck on it hahaha

His companion's heart was as deep and caring as his. He could see she was worried for the boy, whom she had never even met. "I'm certain he is," he comforted in a light, optimistic tone. Truthfully he did not know, but he believed so earnestly that it was a truth to him. There was no reason for him to think that the yearling would be anything but okay in his present location.

He nodded when asked if he wished to explore the meadow with her, and moved to follow. "I don't know much about plants," he admitted. "But I'd be happy to help you with yours. Maybe I will learn a thing or two." He reflected on how helpful medicinal herbs had been to him in helping his wound to heal.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 16, 2015

 LOL I think you have an obsession.

Luke agreed to joining her and admitted to not knowing anything about her trade.  She smiled and gave him an affectionate nudge before they began to walk together.  "I'd be more than happy to show you," Harlyn offered, "It never hurts to know a few remedies for more common things - upset stomach, headaches, minor cuts and scrapes..."

Harlyn gave him a pointed look at her last example, smirking as she did so.  His injury had not gone unnoticed by her, but in all of their travel and focus on the relocation, there hadn't been much time for her to tend to him, nor had she been able to locate anything thus far that would have helped on their trip, though she had kept an eye out.  As they walked, the druid gazed about at the plants that brushed across their legs, taking note of their features in hopes of finding something useful.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 16, 2015

I think so too lol.

He was a talented fisher, and his charm and thrill of travel made him a good outrider, but he had not considered a third trade for himself. Now that he was going to be a part of a pack, he probably should. He hummed thoughtfully as she spoke. The pack may never need the services of a second healer, but it would certainly be a benefit to know at least the basics. He had caught her pointed look and chuckled. He'd be able to tend to his own tree-beatings, then.

"That'd be great," he smiled. "I don't know if I would take healer on as a trade, but I'd like to know a few tricks at least. I know for sure I can be a ga— I mean, fishkeeper, and outrider for you." He winked. As they strolled, he followed her gaze. "Is there something I should keep an eye out for?"

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 16, 2015

Harlyn smirked at his comment about being a fishkeeper, though as he went on to mention being an outrider, she found herself growing thoughtful.  She never before had considered what sort of trades she would have liked for her packmates to pursue.  She of course had her own skills that she'd been cultivating since birth, and she knew what trades Mordecai held in his arsenal.  But she'd never really thought of the rest of her packmates, Luke included.

His question distracted her, but only momentarily.  "There are a few herbs I'd really like to find - peppermint, yarrow, ginger... But for the moment, I would really like to find goldenseal," Harlyn replied, leaving out the fact that the plant she sought was used to prevent infection, "It's a leafy green plant with little red berries in the center, like raspberries only they grow singularly on their stems in stead of in bunches like the berries do."

They walked for a moment longer before Harlyn decided to return the conversation towards trades and such.  "So you mentioned outrider and game... fishkeeper," she commented, correcting herself for his sake with a smirk and a nip to his shoulder, "What else do you see yourself pursuing?"  She quirked an ear towards him expectantly, part of her hoping he might be open for suggestions since she certainly had one in mind.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 18, 2015

He listened attentively, making a note of the description of goldenseal. He would be certain to keep an eye out for it, and told her as much.

They walked ahead before the druid picked up their earlier topic of trades, inquiring as to which trade he saw himself pursuing. He hummed thoughtfully, his mouth pursing as he considered her question. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "I haven't put much thought into it." Perhaps he would make a good counselor, for he possessed a unique sense of optimistic logic, and always had an ear to listen to those around him. Perhaps he would excel at manning the borders as a warden.

Not able to come up with an answer, he flipped the question on her. "What do you think?" He lifted his brows. "Is there anything you'd like to see me pursue?"

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 21, 2015

Luke confessed to having not thought too much about his other trades.  She wanted to jump in right then to comment, but held her tongue to give him more time to say something if he so chose to.  He was such a charismatic and self-assured creature.  She found it somewhat strange that he didn't know exactly what he wanted to do with his life.  But then again, he was more the sort to take life as it came, guided by the spirits though he might not even realize that it was those he followed.

Luke turned the question to her after a moment, and Harlyn was only too happy to voice her opinion on the matter.  "Well, I think you would make a wonderful counselor," she said with a smile, "You're bright, you're thoughtful, you're honest, and I certainly value your opinions and your insight."

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 21, 2015

She believed he would make a good counselor, and he could agree. It had crossed his mind before, and it seemed the most fitting for him. He bobbed his head while he wore a grin. "I appreciate that," he said, turning his head to gaze at her fondly. "I hope you know, too, that you can talk to me about anything." He recalled the time she opened up to him about Mordecai and her sexuality. She had demonstrated her trust and confidence in him then, but was nonetheless inclined to let her know that he was there for her. "Big things, small things," he elaborated. "Scary things, confusing things, silly things..." he struck a comic face, poking his blue tongue out between his canines and squeezing his eyes shut.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 23, 2015

Luke seemed to take well to her suggestion, but he didn't really agree to pursuing the trade, nor did he decline to either.  Instead, he voiced his gratitude for her words and gave her some reassurance.  She smiled appreciatively and laughed gently at the face he made.  She made to nip at his blue tongue as he poked it out at her before turning her attention back to the meadow and the plants they walked past.  "I do know," she replied with a smile, "My hope is the rest of the pack will know too.  You're quite the asset, Luke."

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 23, 2015

Her teeth just clipped his tongue as he sucked it back in. He grinned, casting her a look that said you have to be faster than that. That she believed him to be an asset humbled him, and for a few moments he did not but smile quietly. "I'm sure they'll warm up to me," he said. "I make friends rather easily, you know," he winked. Collectively, their time together did not amount to an extraordinary amount, but it felt like they had known each other for years. By extension, their pack had not officially founded but it seemed as though he had been living in it for some time. Despite the unrest he had gone through, his place here felt natural.

"So," he began again, "if I am to be your counselor, I need to do some counseling. What can I advise you on today, my dear?" He beamed.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 26, 2015

Harlyn smirked at her friend's comment and shook her head as though disagreeing, simply to tease him.  She knew of course that he was quite a likeable fellow.  In fact, she couldn't imagine anyone not liking him, except perhaps those too lost in their own darkness to like much of anything about the world.

His next question intrigued her, though she could think of nothing she actually needed advice on at that moment.  Once they began to settle and the pack began to interact together and establish their ranks, then she likely would have much to talk over with him.  But that was yet in their future, and for now all she could think of to ask was... "Are we there yet?"  A bright grin slipped across her muzzle then.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Luke - August 28, 2015

wrap up? :)

He of course did not expect her to need his counseling at this time. It was said primarily in jest, and she caught on to it, returning it with her own joke. Luke laughed. "Nope!" he chirped, and in the next instant he was sprinting ahead. "Better hurry up or we'll never get there!" Where there was he did not know. He was running for the sheer thrill of it, his tail dancing in the wind as he looked back to his companion, imploring her to chase.

RE: i'm lucky to love something that loves me. - Harlyn - August 29, 2015

Luke responded with a bright 'nope' and Harlyn laughed along with him.  He sped off then, calling back to her over his shoulder.  She didn't wonder at where exactly he was going, knowing well enough that they were just playing around until the rest of the pack was ready to move again.   With a playful furrow of her brow, she picked up her heels and chased after him, more than happy to spend some time bonding with her family.