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Bearclaw Valley It is time to call it quits. - Printable Version

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It is time to call it quits. - Scarlett - August 09, 2015

@Kove Well there we go.

Scarlett looked mournfully over her sleeping babies. She couldn't sleep. Her mind was too busy thinking about what she could say to Kove. How she could tell him. This mateship wasn't working anymore and it saddened her. Every time she thought about it her eyes grew a bit wet. Her love for Kove had diminished. She still love him in a certain way, she cared about him. But the romantics of it were gone. There was no denying. Raziel was there like a looming shadow pressing down on her. Scarlett wasn't sure if she liked it. She liked Raz, the easy going and funny Raziel, not the alpha Raziel that could be mean to her. She was kinda done with the whole male thing. But Scarlett had no choice, if she wanted Raziel to stay alpha then she would have to mate him. If she put it like that then it sounded bad. She cared for Raziel, totally! But it was the same with Kove. There was no romantic love, not yet.

Both males seemed to have the one thing the other didn't have, it was a real struggle for the white Beta. She realized lights were starting to appear inside the cave. She wound need to look for Kove and talk to him. She didn't want to howl and let the other's know that she called for him. She wanted this to be utterly private. She trailed his scent and approached him. Though the moment she looked at her former lover tears sprung in her eyes. She had believed in their relationship and she had given him a second chance. Still she was sad that she was ending it. She knew in the end it would make her feel better but breaking up with someone was never fun. She let out a soft whine, though her mind kicked her but and told her to be more though. "Hey Kove," she spoke quietly. Her ears were hanging to the side. Her position was far from how a Beta would carry itself. She was low to the ground like she was the bad guy in this story. Scarlett felt like a bad guy. Just a bit.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Kove - August 10, 2015

Is it bad that I'm actually kind of excited for this? Aha. Kove's gonna be interesting to play after this~

There was something nagging at him. A feeling, of sorts. It poked and prodded at his stomach, and even started laying heavily on his mind. He didn't appreciate it's presence, and wanted it gone. The only issue with getting rid of it, though, was that he couldn't locate the exact cause of it. He couldn't relieve himself of something he didn't even know was bugging him, which was unsettling, to say the least. To try and clear his mind, he'd allowed for his legs to carry him away from his usual spot near the den his family resided in, and had started wandering along through the valley. There was no set destination in mind, so for awhile he just walked aimlessly, his mind miles away from his body. He'd gone to the waterfall and found the tunnel behind it was accessible again, making a note to himself to make a section of the space more comfortable. It was high time he found a new den to stay in, since there was no way he'd be spending his nights in the one the Roman had claimed. That was, perhaps, the only thought he'd had during his walk that he could remember, which he deemed odd as he settled down in the shade of a tree. Everything that had gone through his head during his wandering, save for his note about the tunnel, had seemingly vanished without a trace. The Inuit was not given time to attempt to recall the missing ideas, either, as he was alerted to a new presence.

To the sound of steps, he looked up, copper gaze meeting the face of the woman he loved. He noticed the gleam of fresh tears in her eyes, which caused his ears to fall back. The feeling in his gut, the one he'd been able to force away temporarily, was back. It seemed far more aggressive than the last time, however, though that was probably due to his worries, and his unconscious suspicions. When a whine left her maw, he wanted to move forward and comfort her, but something told him to stay put. A distant voice in the back of his head seemed to take control of his body, preventing him from stepping forward. It allowed him to do nothing more than watch her, a mix of unknown sorrow and confusion scrawled across his face. "Scarlett," he returned, managing to get himself to stand and take a single step towards her as he spoke. One step was all his body let him do, and then he once again found himself to be practically frozen in place. "Please, do not cry, piatsuga..." While his subconscious had slowly started to piece things together, his conscious self was left in the dark. He didn't know what was happening, what the feeling was in the pit of his stomach, or why the albino was crying. All he knew that that he wanted it to stop, for the feeling to go away, and for her to wear a smile instead of a sad expression.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Scarlett - August 11, 2015

I'm also curious. Edit; found a good song.  

Scarlett let out another sniffle once sitting down before Kove. The female was struggling and she wanted it to be over. She tried to make it work but Kove might not be a family man, though when she saw him together with their pups it looked so cute. She had to make an end of it since it wasn't working for her. She had to choose for herself and be tougher. Even if she wanted to be tougher it was difficult for her to stop her tears. "It is not working anymore, Kove," she whispered and looked at him with sad red eyes. Her ears lifted a bit from her skull as he looked at him, at her former lover. She still cared for him, and with her empathic nature she could only think what he was feeling right now. Though she might be wrong, maybe he wanted to be released of her. Scarlett could at least be proud of herself for making the step and going to Kove.

"I love you, I do. But it isn't the same anymore. You were gone, I was alone, and a sorry doesn't make it right. I gave you a chance afterwards but you never...," she stopped and looked at her paws. He never came to see her or even cuddle with her. She couldn't even remember the last time he brought her a meal, it were the other pack members or ... Raziel. She didn't want it to be Raziel, it made her feel... weird. He wanted something from her she couldn't give him yet, she wasn't ready. The struggle was clearly seen in the female. "I'm... I'm going to choose for myself, Kove. I don't feel special when I think of being your mate," she whispered almost inaudibly. She had to say it. She had to. It was clear she didn't want to hurt him but she had to. If she thought about being Kove's mate then she felt sad and alone, unloved.

"I'm going to work on myself and in that new picture of me... you aren't in there except for beings the father of the four wonderful being we created," she spoke, wanting him to know that she wanted him to stay their father. She didn't want him to leave but she understood that he might not want to stay, go back to his Black Feather pack. To his secret red paw club.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Kove - August 17, 2015

As the first words left her mouth, his ears fell back further against his head. It took a second for them to fully register in his mind, but once they did, he could do nothing but stare. There was a feeling in his stomach, as if he was going to be sick, but bile never rose in his throat. The feeling was one he could not identify, despite having felt he'd experienced everything. It was similar to the loss he'd felt over the death of his sisters, the death of his parents, but still different in some way. It wasn't like the woman before him was dying. No, she was still very much alive. Still, she was gone. She was leaving him, and it hurt, to say the least. The man understood he'd made mistakes in the past, that he hadn't been there for her as much as she felt he should have, but he'd been in a state of denial. He was sure that, despite all that had happened, they'd be okay at the end of the day. They'd be together and would live their lives side-by-side, but her words broke that image. They caused the illusion of what could have been to crash and burn right before his very eyes, leaving him at a loss for words. What could he say, anyways? Nothing would change the past, and he had a feeling no words could rebuild what once was. It was over, broken into pieces and unable to be restored. It was a loss without death, though the pain felt was just as great, if not more so.

She didn't stop there, either. More words left her mouth, each one hitting him harder than the last. Kove had neglected her, he knew that, he didn't need to be reminded of it. Perhaps they were never meant to stay together, though. Maybe there were other paths prepared for the both of them already, ones that took them in separate directions. He didn't know and, honestly, didn't even want to think about such a thing. The Inuit had planned things. He'd planned for a future with the albino woman. They were to live like royalty in the valley, care for their family, and then grow old with one another. All that was, however, broken apart. Things were simply not meant to go as planned, and while he was made to be viewed as the 'bad guy', they were both at fault to some degree. They'd expected things of one another, things that simply could not be, given their differences in history. They shared different origins, had experienced different things—all of which had carved them into puzzle pieces that, while appeared to match at first, were meant to be joined with others. It had taken awhile for that to be noticed, as the facade put on was one not easily looked passed, but the cover had finally fallen down. All around them, the curtain fell, revealing that the once inseparable lovers were written into a love not involving the other. The realization was sad, it was heartbreaking actually, but it was the truth in all its twisted glory. And the truth, no matter how harsh, could never be fought against.

Once the words finally stopped coming at him, silence took over the space between the two pale lupines. Words filled the man's mind, thoughts falling into place one right after the other. "I..." he tried to start, but was left uncertain about what he could say. Closing his maw, Kove looked away to collect his thoughts. After taking a deep breath, he looked back to Scarlett and opened his mouth to start speaking again. "I understand. I know I haven't been around as often as I was expected to be, and I know that no matter how many times I apologize, it won't be enough. I... I am sad that things have to end, though..." A frown filled his features, and his tongue moved out slowly to lick over his own muzzle. "I will respect your decision anyways. Your happiness is—well, it's important to me. If being with me makes you unhappy, then I will not force you to stay at my side. The only thing I ever wanted was for you to be happy.

"I will not stay away, though, and I hope you can understand why. I'm not going to abandon my children, but I will try to take them elsewhere if my being near you is... uncomfortable." He didn't know what was expected of him now. The Inuit had never experienced a break up of any sort before, and so he was left not knowing what to do afterwards. Did she want him to stay away from her? Or only stay long enough to retrieve the children when he wanted to spend time with them? Kove didn't want to ask, out of worry over what the answers would be.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Scarlett - August 18, 2015

Scarlett disliked their break up just as much as Kove did, but she just wanted to go on with her life. She didn't want to make excuses anymore to the others why her mate wasn't there, or why she was doing things alone. "I want you to be happy too," she spoke with a soft tone. "And i feel like I am not the one to bring you that happiness." After all why would he leave her like that? He was probably unhappy. Maybe because she was so mellow or kind. Who knows. She was going to work on that and still give everything to her babies. Kove was only part of her life as the father of her young.

The light female looked away with her red eyes. They were a bit teared up, still. "I will be happier once this is over. Maybe we just weren't as fit as we were before." The mother really believed that, after she became pregnant something shifted. Instead of being her white knight, Kove became a white ghost. She did care about him. "I'm glad you are staying the cubs will need a father and frankly I do want them to know you are they father," she offered. She stepped closer and gave a lick on his cheek. "You did learn me valuable things, but now it is just better to part our ways." Kove had to agree to that, they both were different now. They weren't alone they had four youngsters to care for.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Kove - August 29, 2015

The assumption made was not correct. Nowhere close, actually. She did make him happy. The feel of things had faltered and faded slightly, but just seeing her smile still caused a wave of unspoken affections to wash over him. They'd had their ups, and quite a few downs, but the way he felt towards her still remained. He'd been happy in Blackfeather, but meeting her had filled him with an entirely different sense of joy. The Inuit had fallen for her fast, but now things were coming to an end. It was almost surreal, he didn't want to believe it was happening, but he could not deny that it truly was. To do so would mean to ignore her emotions towards the matter, to ignore the despair she felt towards the idea of sticking by him. That was simply something he would, and could, not do. "You made me happier than you think," he voiced then, giving a slight shake of his head. That no longer meant anything, though. The end of it all was upon them, and he couldn't bring them back together.

Kove looked to her again as she started to speak, ears practically flat against his skull. "Maybe..." he commented, though he did not actually share her thoughts. It was obvious things had changed, that much couldn't be forgotten, but he still believed himself to love her. She was a light—no, the sun—and had pulled him from the shadows when he'd been so sure he'd never leave them. The place still called to him, and he had ties there, but her presence kept him from going back to them. For the moment, anyways. Slowly, his ears rose from against his crown, and he listened to what else she had to say. The words meant little to him, as even if she hadn't wanted it, he would have made his relation known to his children. They were his, just as much as they were hers, and the idea of them thinking anything differently was almost enough to force a glare into his eyes. Almost. He kept himself from doing so, however, and responded only with a curt nod.

As she neared him, he kept himself still, until he felt her tongue against his cheek. At the point, he pulled his head away, almost as if he'd been shocked by a charge of electricity. She made the end of their relationship harder on him with that motion alone. Reminded him of what he'd lost, and what he could not get back. There were plenty of other woman out there, yes, but pursuing anyone other than Scarlett seemed... wrong, almost. "I'm sorry we couldn't make this work," he told her, looking back to meet her eyes with his own.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Scarlett - August 29, 2015

Scarlett looked at her former mate and could only agree with him on that he said in the end. The red eyed female looked over him for a moment, slowly nodding. She had no clue that she made things more difficult for him, for her this was already more than though on her. "I am sorry too," She responded to him. She had always been a dreamer, always been one that look at the world with pink glasses on. But she needed to realize that this relationship wasn't working. She wasn't regretting getting kids though, she loved them very much. Yet, she realized that her love for them was far bigger than her love for Kove.

Now Scarlett only had to deal with Raziel that wanted her as his mate. It was no secret. He had shared that with her after all. But she had no feelings for the current alpha. She didn't have romantic feelings for any wolf. All the wolves she did love was more of a caring love. She was seeing Raziel as her brother more than a love interest but if she wasn't loving him back then he would leave. With Raziel leaving it meant that Bearclaw probably failed to exist. Scarlett disliked that too. "At least you are staying, I think that will be good for the children," she spoke then, looking at him.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Kove - September 14, 2015

When she returned the apology, he could do nothing but watch her as the seconds ticked by. It pained him that their relationship had come to an end, though his exterior was not quick to show it. He kept the feelings bottled up, storing them away inside himself in the hopes that, perhaps, they might fade away. So far, though, that'd yet to happen. He wanted to continue how things had been before, but it was already much too late. The words had been spoken, ending the bond they'd shared, and not even the strongest of glues would be capable of pulling them back together. He blamed himself more than anything else, in all honesty. He'd jumped into things too fast, allowed for his heart to go out to someone he didn't actually know all that well. Any other pair, no matter how long they'd been together, would know practically everything about their partner, and yet he found he did not know even a fraction of that much. The same went for her, though. Perhaps, had they'd learned more of one another before jumping into their relationship, there'd be no need for bottled up emotions. It was only a theory, however, something the Inuit had no way of proving or refuting.

When she, again, spoke, he gave an unconscious nod of his head. "I can't leave," he explained. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't leave my children behind." Or the woman I love. The latter was added silently, thanks to his conscious, and he couldn't argue against it. Though their relationship was over, he could not deny the fact that she still held his heart. For the time being, anyways. Whether that was to change with time or not, he wasn't sure. He didn't know if it was even possible.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Scarlett - September 14, 2015

Last post from me! <3

Scarlett nodded, soon an awkward silence filling in from her side. She didn't know what to do or say. Her love for Kove had been evaporated. The love she had for him was of that like a brother, or a family member but not love. He had not been the love she had expected. But he was a family man and she could only praise that. Somehow a bit of weight fell off her shoulders. She wasn't attached to him anymore and she felt... better about that. If he wanted to leave then he could. She would be here.

The pale female got to her feet. "I will see you around," she spoke quietly as a goodbye and then looked over him for a moment before turning around and trotting away. She was eager to go back to her babies, to see if they were doing well. She would also need to talk to Raziel about things. But that would be for later. She didn't look back as the young female trotted away.

RE: It is time to call it quits. - Kove - September 23, 2015

Finally managed to type something up for this, ehe. @Scarlett
As a silence filled the air between them, he kept an eye on her. He did not get a sense of comfort from their lack of shared words, but rather, it made him feel odd. If, perhaps, he’d grown up differently, he’d surely be shifting his weight from side to side by now. Not being one to fall victim to the little antics that came about in an awkward setting, however, his body continued to be stilled. The only movement he’d allow himself was the necessary blinking of his optics, so as not to give them reason to dry. There were things he wished to say, more unspoken apologies he held the desire to get out, but he simply could not bring himself to do so. The words escaped him, abandoning him so he could do nothing but stand in silence. The tension was soon broken, to both his relief and displeasure, as the woman before him opened her mouth. The words were ones of farewell, meaning to end their private meeting. Before she turned, he forced his head to move, nodding hesitantly.
While the albino walked away from him, Kove looked after her, his gaze following her form until he could no longer see her. It was, officially, the end of something he’d expected to last forever. He felt like a fool, briefly, for ever believing their relationship had held the chance of lasting until they each left the physical plane. Thus began his mental, and emotional, journey to get over the love he held for her, for the woman who could not feel the same for him any longer. Shaking his head, he turned and started in the opposite direction from which Scarlett had gone. The man wished to clear his head the best he could, and also had a trip he needed to plan. Perhaps some space would do him good, even if only for a short period of time.