Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood Shadows - Printable Version

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Shadows - Ryker - August 09, 2015

Ryker had finally begun to adjust to his second new home. Redtail Rise he thought would have been his permanant home but that stor showed up out of the blue and ruined any chance of that happening. Now he would call the Maplewood home. He liked this place. It was no mountains, but it had a decent supply of small prey animals and plenty of herbs. Not that he could be much help. He had little knowledge when it came to healing. Perhaps he ought to leave the healing to Citali And Reek. Find himself someplace else to make himself useful for the time being.

Today however was his day off. He was out on the search for pack mates or maybe friends. He didn't know many of the wolves in this pack just the two Alpha's and Arion. Whom Ryker assumed was Beta.

Ryker soon found himself in the heart of the territory where he decided to rest in the shade of one of the maple trees. He began to think. Controlled thoughts though, when he let his mind wander to much memories from his youth, which wasn't that long ago, arose. Memories he wished he wouldn't dwell on so much.

No, this time his mind had wondered to thoughts of the forest and how beautiful it must look in spring and fall when the leaves first bloom and when they change colour to signal winters coming.

[ooc] @Citali

RE: Shadows - Citali - August 09, 2015

Thanks for starting!

As far as she knew. Phoenix Maplewood was still in that state of purgatory where a new pack had moved in, but they were still in that gray area of making it known to the rest of the world that this area was occupied. The no vacancy signs were going up in the form of wolven markers of scents that should be enough to ward off any curious wander. Should be. Heaven only knew there was someone daring enough to take their chances. She could only hope this pack played in fangs just as easily as they placed in niceness. Oh wait... she thought back to it. They were... decent at it.

Citali wandered. She'd recently fed off a small catch. Just a little vole to tide her over for a while. This forest was filled with little snacks here and there that she noticed and usually ignored until the pangs of hunger started to settle over her. Then she'd try her hand at catching something or chewing on a root to ease off the munchies for a while. When this whole pack thing got up and running, she was (as weird as the thoughts sounded floating through her head) strangely looking forward to an official pack hunt.

Until then, she was doing her own thing. She wanted to know this forest in and out. Every inch. Every rock. Every patch of moss. She'd started near the center and made a spiral, traveling outward as she noted the variety of plant life, the quantity of sun they desired, and how much moisture lived within the soil they needed to thrive. She did have plans to start a garden, but when she started, she wished to do it right the first time. That meant educating herself on the area, learning what benefits different locations provided, and based on what she discovered, eventually choosing what would become the perfect spot.

Her circling spread wider and wider until she happened across a gray wolf she'd met only briefly a couple times. Young, thoughts on being a healer... She searched her mind for anything else she might know about him, came up empty, then wondered why she was dedicating any brain power at all towards someone of the lesser gender. "Daydreaming?" she asked instead, her lips tight as she made an effort to be polite.

RE: Shadows - Ryker - August 10, 2015

Ryker shook himself out of his daydream as the voice of another wolf had forced its way through the little bubble his mind had created. It was probably a good thing the female had shown up when she did he had begun to let his mind wander a little too far.

"Daydreaming.. Yea you could call it that," he said shifting his paws. He didn't want the fae to think he was slacking off, he had been working hard. Just not right then.

He had to fight to hold back his youthful attitude. What business is it of yours what I was doing. He had felt like saying. Although decided best not to piss anyone off. "I was just taking a break from patrolling, enjoying the scenery," he stated. He hadn't met this wolf before, only briefly but never formally. He knew she was a healer but that was about it. No name, no real idea of her personality.

He figured this wolf knew as little about him as he did her. So he introduced himself " The name is Ryker," he said with a friendly smile and a small nod. "You are?"

No problem :)

RE: Shadows - Citali - August 12, 2015

The wolf snapped out of it quickly. He shifted to his paws as he replied, confirming what she'd already suspected... sort of. She watched him as she stepped back to allow this wolf a little more room. Couldn't have the kid getting too close now could she? The wolves in these parts were friendly. She was finding herself having to wash off more often than she desired.

"The scenery is nice," she murmured in reply, not quite sure what to say to youth and a male at that. He was pack, however, so some effort at remaining cordial had to be made. Likewise, this pack did not share in any of her natural Amazon thinking which meant males were a thing and somehow equal... She didn't quite understand. Alas, it was their way of things and she would try. Possibly fail, but try nonetheless.

She felt stiff. She likely looked it. This type of conversation was not the most natural of things for her. "Citali," she said. If he didn't hear it from her, he'd likely hear her name from someone else.

Name given, she realized she wasn't sure what to do or say next. Instinct was screaming at her to excuse herself from the awkward encounter, but her stubbornness left her rooted to the spot. "The weather is nice too." The words fell out. They were boring and a standard comment left to fill the empty space. She fumbled for more words. "Good weather for... um... walking."