Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Mommy Look-a-Like - Printable Version

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Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - August 11, 2015

Since Scarlett is to BFW for a day I decided you can babysit @Azaria xD

Desna sat by the entrance of the cave. Her mommy wasn't so strict anymore about them being inside. The dark pup with the hazel eyes wanted to explore more but she also wanted to stay with her mommy. The girl woke up with mommy gone. She was probably 'huntin' for them. Totally. Desna was always hungry so she was always thinking about food. Once she would enter her grow spurt in September she hopefully would grow out of all the fat but now she was one fat potato with legs.

She saw something white furred and yipped excitedly. Her mommy! She started to run, fat wobbling heavily with her movement. She wasn't that quick when she ran, but at least she did run. "Mummy!!!," she happily yipped. She then realized that this pale lady wasn't her mommy. It was Aza! "It's Aza! It's Aza!," she yipped down and greeted her just as happily. The dark pup's tail was wagging excitedly it was clear that she was just a happy girl in general.


RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - Azaria - August 13, 2015

The pale pelted female entered the den with a small hare clutched firmly in her bloodied jaws. Pajuk,to bring a gift of food,was a common tradition in her former pack and strangers would sometimes deliver exotic prey to her parents in exchange for the right to rest a night in their territory.As had many traditions of her home land,this practice remained with the wolf as she traveled over the vast lands of this region.Her culture made her who she was and she’d be nothing without it.For the pup’s sake though she attempted to leash her native tongue so as not to confuse young Desna.Her father was surely teaching her the proud language but the whelps had a long way to before they could even fluently speak at all in the language of their mother.
Azaria deposited the catch at the little one’s paws as a small offering made in greeting to the pup.The calm arctic creature had always loved being around pups though her experience with them was actually limited due to her aimless wandering.She briefly nudged the dark pup’s muzzle with her own as she herself moved to seat herself beside the pup she was entrusted to look over for the evening.
“Salutitsinik kitunngak.How are you?I brought something in case you were hungry now,but you may share it with your siblings later if you are not.”the kind wolf spoke as she rested her snowy body against the ground with a kind smile playing over her features.She was perfectly content to keep the pup company and watch over her while her parents attended their duties.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - August 13, 2015

Desna followed Azaria, she had food!! She loved food. Desna technically didn't want to go back inside she wanted to explore and see the world. She was distracted by the food now. The dark pup looked expectantly at Aza. "Aza food!," she chirped. The pup didn't eat meat yet, only what her mother chewed for her. The pup expected Aza to chew the meet for her. She was usually fed by Scarlett, Kove or sometimes Raziel.

Desna wouldn't mind to be fed by someone else. She was always hungry, the pup didn't know how to be hungry, she thought feeling normal was being hungry. Desna was very food oriented after all.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - Azaria - August 13, 2015

Azaria felt that feeding the young pup was the best thing to do if she was to grow up big and strong like her parents.Desna did seem to have quite the appetite for a young one but the pale pelt understood that was to [size=large]be [/size][size=large]expected of a young whelp.[/size]
[size=large]The older wolf tore off a strip of the hare's flesh and made short work of chewing it to a consistency where the pup could eat it.Performing such maternal actions were a part of her instinct and she didn't mind doing anything that would truly benefit the young pup.She worked the meat into a simple paste and set it down in a pile that only grew as she continued to tear off more of the hare.[/size]

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - August 15, 2015

Desna's tail started to wag faster and faster when she saw the female chew the meat for her. The pup was clearly jumping out of her skin with the idea of having more food. She grinned and started jumping up and down. The moment the chewed meat was offered to her it was gone in seconds. It was almost like she wasn't fed before, he body size told otherwise. The pup hummed happily and then looked at the female expectantly. "More! More!," she grinned excitedly.

The pup sniffled the hare and tried to get the meat herself but she ended up sucking on the prey. Her teeth managed to get a bit of meat off the bones, but it was too tiresome.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - Azaria - August 20, 2015

The pale pelt would've chucked if not for the current slab of meat she'd taken between her jaws to mash for the little on before her.She made quick work of the small hare and soon all that remained was a pile of bones and fur.Aza licked her blood stained jaws idly as she looked kindly to the ravenous pup.
"You'll have to wait until your mother returns if you still want more little one."the elder wolf spoke gently.She was all for feeding the growing whelp but food in excess was not healthy for any wolf.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - August 22, 2015

Desna sat back down when the female would give her more. Okay, that was understandable, but she was still a bossy pup. A happy bossy pup. Her tail waggled behind her. "Get mommy!," she let out. If she wasn't going to give more then she needed to have this female get her mommy back! She got up and tried to look over the high grass but it was simply too high.

Desna pouted and looked around. "Where is mommy?," she then asked Aza. She didn't want to loose her mommy. She liked her mommy a lot. Now the pup let out a whine. What if her mommy didn't come back?

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - Azaria - September 02, 2015

"Your mother is out hunting for food Desna,but if you'd like we can go out and find her a nice surprise to come home to."the pale pelt suggested kindly as she rose to her steady paws.Flowers or even small rodents would be a lovely surprise to make the devoted mother's day and Azaria knew Scarlet was the type to appreciate such things.
The elder wolf took a step towards the gaping maw of the cave but paused when her nose breached the circle of light spilling into the otherwise dark cave.Her pelt glistened faintly in the dim light of the cave and became illuminated in a healthy white tint as she extended her muzzle into the light of the midday sun.The warmth warmed the flesh hidden beneath her pelt and she knew the pup would be eager for a chance to get out of the sheltered den.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - September 03, 2015

Desna looked up at the female and then jumped up. "Surpris Mommy!!," she let out excitedly. She jumped forward with Azaria. She was pretty excited to surprise her mommy. She wondered what Azaria wanted to surprise her mommy with. "What do I do?," she asked curiously. She tried Hunting for mommy before but that wasn't really helping at all since her catching things wasn't something she managed to do well as of now.

The pup looked at Azaria with curious hazel eyes. Densa sniffled around and then found a feather. She brought it to Azaria. "Feather for mommy," she spoke so proudly like she found the greatest gift ever!

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - Bandit - October 26, 2015

Pippin watched from a tree how the scene unfolded. The younger wolf and the bigger wolf were talking about food and Pippin was more than certain that he would be part of that meal for the pup. His dark eyes looked from the tree often feeling like a bird looking down on things. He wanted to create trouble it was itching to do so but since they were talking about food Pippin decided against it and then made his way out of there through the thick canopy.

RE: Mommy Look-a-Like - RIP Valette - October 26, 2015

That is when her mother returned. Desna was really happy with that idea. She let out an excited yip at her mother's return. The light colored mother was just as pleased to see her baby. Desna wasn't sure what she was saying but it was probably something nice because her mother told her to always be nice.

Desna proudly handed over the feature to her mother. It seemed it was a good gift because she got a lick and a good cuddle. Desna was happy with this day. What a good day!

-END! -