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Blackfeather Woods sordid details following - Printable Version

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sordid details following - RIP Salamander - August 12, 2015

Salamander is stealing (or rather trying to steal) something to keep her energy levels up, while she hunts down Tonravik.

The confusion upon the plains was quickly forgotten when she spied the distant mountains; they were not her mountains after all, and the scent upon the grassland of other wolves brought an insistence to her travel. Salamander moved on, but not up. She didn't choose the mountain route simply because of her injuries; her bruised ribs, her concussion, the difficulty of travel across the harsh terrain, all of these things made her choose to stick to the hills. So after a few days of dizzy wandering, she came upon something that resembled shelter.

Resembled, because it didn't smell like shelter. The forest smelled thickly of wolves, and the shadows could have easily hidden them. Salamander was wary as she passed through the tree line, and spent a good thirty minutes being slow and steady. She listened to her surroundings, checked and rechecked the route she was on, and grew more and more nervous as she traveled through the trees. It was obvious there were wolves here but she couldn't find them - only traces, really. Smells, some natural paths which could have been used by prey or predator; and as if by chance, a cache.

Salamander was not an astute individual. She thrived upon equal measures of bravado and brute force. So if there were strangers in the shadows, they were forgotten as soon as she spotted that cache. It looked as if it were abandoned, or at the very least freshly dug up. With any luck she could steal something out of it and make her way out of the forest again - the sooner, the better. The woman bowed her thick-skulled head, made a bee-line for the softly packed dirt, and began to dig.

RE: sordid details following - DeadLusa - August 12, 2015

She had been at the borders in search for more food. The last hunt they had was finally a success, but yet Lusa still felt starved. Her all black coat camouflaged perfectly in the trees. Any wanderer wouldn't see it coming. This intruder  wouldn't see it coming.

 Lusa had caught the scent and was quick to tail it down. A light colored wolf dug in the earth of the Blackfeather. What a fool. Lusa sat in the dirt, blue eyes watching the dumb female. So feeble. Ripe for the pickings. Today this intruder shalt know never to come here.

 Despite her paw injury, Lusa lunged out of the darkness. Her teeth aimed for the neck, her paws positioned to crush her ribs even more. If she caught this female she would howl for @Burke, @Meldresi, and @Ayana. This girl needed to be taught a lesson.

RE: sordid details following - Burke - August 13, 2015

After carrying pieces of the moose they caught all the way back to Black Feather Burke made sure that they were buried, maybe they were slightly too close to their borders but they were all tired and needed a good nap. Though Meldresi's heat had started and Burke was reluctant to be called away from her. He was terrible towards Lusa and Scarlett because he had to leave his mate in heat. He wanted to use this time to make their last litter. They were both getting older and this was their last chance. Burke decided his beautiful queen needed some food if they weren't going to pass out form their activities. 

Burke trotted towards the moose parts, knowing they were still fresh, when he heard growls. Burke sped forward like an arrow out of a bow. He saw and already injured Lusa attack a female. Call that timing! Burke howled for the pack. INTRUDER! @Nemesis @Cyn @Ayana Those three females wanted to become Dark Sisters well this was an perfect opportunity to kill. Burke lunged forward by Lusa, wanting the thief of a female dead. Her blood would mark their borders, just like they did to all their trespassers. How had the female been dumb enough to not smell the blood of her fellow wolves.

RE: sordid details following - RIP Salamander - August 13, 2015

I'll wait and see if anyone else shows up, then try and have her escape. Using dice rolls to see if it works out, hehehe.

She should have been more alert to her surroundings, given all of the signs. But it wasn't like Salamander to be mindful of much. She was hungry, and that hunger drove her to do stupid things (although, she was prone to doing stupid things even without the burn in her belly). Maybe it was the blood upon the ground that urged her in to such a frenzy - but how was she to know that the Blackfeather wolves utilized such brazen tactics to ward off strangers? The red woman didn't care that there was a pack here, and no warning could dissuade her from going after what she wanted.

The dirt was shifted away with a few eager attempts; however, just as Salamander noticed the haunch of meat that was buried, she was set upon by an angry shadow. The beast seemed to launch itself from the shadows - and while they threw their weight her way, Salamander reacted just as swiftly. Lusa managed to land a glancing blow upon her shoulder simply because the red woman ducked and side-stepped in time; she abandoned her pursuit of the cache then, more interested in surviving the sudden onslaught.

A part of her would never back down from a fight - a large part - and so when the second wolf arrived, Salamander found herself grinning. Her face contorted in a smile and then a snarl, showcased her feral nature. The second wolf did not take the opportunity to attack but he did call out, summoning more of his allies to defend the meat which sat half-exposed. As much as she wanted to pilfer that prize, as much as she needed it, Salamander knew she wouldn't have a chance against an entire pack united against her.

RE: sordid details following - Nemesis - August 13, 2015

Nemesis woke with a start. Shit!, she cursed herself. Today nor tomorrow had been her time to sleep. Her nose twitched, smelling the scent of blood. She knew what that meant. Violent after-dreams, she referred to it as. 
It was a state that she would go in. In the middle of the night, she would wake, angry and furious. With only the thought of bloodlust on her mind. And in the morning, no recollection of the spilled blood.
Recently, the spasms had dulled, only waking up in a different spot to where she had fallen asleep. Looking around the den, she spotted a mangled, bloody outline of what used to be an animal. Though she couldn't visually see it, it smelt like rabbit. She had panicked, thinking that it had been..something else.
Yawning, she got up to stretch her legs. Before heading to the small stream ahead to wash the crimson blood from her paws, she glanced back at the unfortunate creature.  Oh great, you killed one of the very few food sources left. What do you think will happen if the others find out what you've been doing? Nemesis go bye-bye! , teased the dark voice at the back of her mind. 

She had only finished cleansing herself when the urgent, echoing call reached her ears. Burke? It sounded like. Picking up her feet, she dashed to meet the call. The destination wasn't that far, to her relief. But it was too close for comfort. If the pack was slowly drifting to where she was staying, she had to move. God knows there would most likely be another litter, of Burke and Meldresi. Seeing as, Meldresi had just got back and been in heat. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't be too close to others, especially pups. Not until she could control herself. 

Upon arriving to the scene, she immediately took attack position. Lusa and Burke were advancing on an unfortunate looking female, a trespasser. She wondered why Lusa was joining a fight when her foot was not yet healed.

Joining beside them, she snarled and took her attack position. It didn't cross her mind that Burke may be evaluating her, she only wanted the trespasser's blood spilled on the forest floor. And unlucky enough for the trespasser, Nemesis wasn't in the mood to give mercy. 
Acknowledging her Alpha and Lusa she turned her ice cold stare to the trespasser.
"You dare enter Blackfeather territory? Did you really think you could take our food and we would not notice? She growled, teeth barred. She had no patience for this, she just wanted blood.

RE: sordid details following - Burke - August 18, 2015

Going to skip Lusa because her player has Internet Troubles, and I don't want to keep Salamander waiting much longer on her fate! I feel a bit like a god. There we go! "1-6 is minimally 1 severe injury, 7-14 is minimally 2 severe injuries, and 15 is mandatory death for the trespassing character." 

How badly will Salamander be injured? 2

Burke didn't intent to keep his attack waiting. He was very eager to have this female's blood spilled on their lands and make her carcass rot on their borders. That would send a nice message to the other wolves that even thought of trespassing on their lands. This female was going to pay! And it would be thanks to his sharp teeth that she would feel her punishment. Burke rushed forward trying to clamp his teeth around her neck, and if he would manage to get a hold of her he would slam his neck from left to right to make the wound even bigger and bleed even further. 

Nemesis arrived and just before Burke wanted to sink his teeth in the female. "ATTACK," He growled as he stormed forward. He didn't expect Lusa to attack much more, she was injured after all. The black female would have to stay low. He did make a note that Nemesis went to verbal attack first instead of an actual attack on the trespasser, they would need to spend some time talking about that later if she wanted to be an assassin. 

Up to you Burke's attack on her neck was a hit or not :) I left it open because I don't know the result of the RiceRoll yet. :) 

Edit; @Lusa and @Nemesis can one of you two post so we can wrap up this thread? :)

RE: sordid details following - RIP Salamander - August 24, 2015

Sorry for the delay! Been very busy. You can chase her if you want, or let her go here - I'll probably throw up one more post with her as she exits, but if you'd rather just get this thread over with, let me know and I'll edit a conclusion. Thanks for the terrifying thread omg (I thought she was going to die).

There wasn't much time to do anything; one more wolf arrived and shot accusatory tones her way, not that she was interested in the words spoken, and then another popped up and issued an attack order - that one, the dark male, launched himself towards the red-furred woman with the full intent to maim and rend. What pause she gave, she gave up now. Salamander tried to side-step away from the oncoming force that was Burke, she tried to swing her heavy body down low and protect her throat with the turn of her head, but her efforts weren't entirely successful.

He managed to pinch the fur of her scruff; in return, she lashed out with the feral animosity of a desperate animal, but that was the wrong move. She should've run, tail tucked, and found somewhere safe to hide. But instead, the girl lingered long enough for him to adjust his hold, so that when she did escape - and she did, with a great and forceful pull of her weight away from him - Burke's teeth slid through her flesh and tore out a nice chunk of her neck. It was a miracle that he hadn't landed upon her jugular; however, blood flowed freely from her neck and shoulder now. A wound she did not need.

Salamander would have to run - she couldn't face a pack of wolves, let alone this singular dark stranger, especially in her worsening condition. As the figures around her blurred, as she stumbled away with as much speed as she could muster, a trail of blood seeped through her fur and painted a messy line across the territory. These Blackfeather wolves would get what they wanted - a red message painted clearly for foolish wanderers to find.

The woman, blundering as she was, made a bee-line for the way she had arrived. She did her best, anyway. Salamander's wound throbbed, and her body flooded with adrenaline to compensate; even without the bloody trail, anyone from the woodland pack could follow the path her burly body made through the forest. And as she exited out of the darkness posed by the eastern edge, she spied the mountains; big, blurry, but her only possible route.

Edit Burke; Sorry edited the wrong post!

RE: sordid details following - DeadLusa - August 29, 2015

A smirk widened over her maw as Burke's teeth ripped the intruder's neck. This is what she deserved. They should learn never to mess with this wolf pack. She watched with happiness as the red colored wolf made a run. She wouldn't get away that easily.

 Despite her injury, she ran at full speed after the food napper. Lusa had learned to cooperate with her foot. She had a limp in it, but that still didn't stop her from the taste of blood. When she got closer she tried to grasp onto the female's tale. Her teeth would grind into it if she caught it.

Up to you if the attack was successful or not

RE: sordid details following - Burke - August 29, 2015

Burke chased after the female. His immense frame following her with his own rush of adrenaline. He would out to kill her that much was clear. Burke did not allow strangers over their borders let alone steal their food. The grey male wanted her to pay with her life for the decision she made, and if she didn't pay with her life at least get away with serious injuries that might even scar her for the rest of her life. His pale eyes keen on the female, he kept his head low as he charged after her. He wanted to grab her legs to make her stumble. Then it would be easy to kill her. 

But Burke wasn't the fastest and he knew that, but he made sure to chase after her, even after they crossed the border, he was out for blood. Her scent was locked in his mind and if he would ever smell it again he would made sure to kill her instantly.

-fade end thread-

RE: sordid details following - Nemesis - October 07, 2015

@Burke 10 posts!!! I'll archive

Nemesis ran after the trespasser, eyes gleaming with the thought of the girl's blood on her paws, but she wouldn't go alone. Glancing back, Burke had charged too, and she matched her pace with his, in case he called off the charge. 

The female's scent was on her mind, it filled her nose, the scent imprinting itself on her conscious. If ever she got the faintest whiff of the particular scent, all hell would break loose, and she would break it in order to get to this wolf. If this was what Blackfeather was like everyday, there was no chance she would ever leave, rest her thoughts of not getting along. She had never felt so alive as she chased down the wolf across the territory lines.