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Northstar Vale Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Printable Version

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Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - August 14, 2015

@Kit :)

Jaspar slowed, taking a second to catch his breath. He had come along way, over many terrains and lands. 

And he still wasn't done running.

Picking up his feet, he continued to run, faster and faster. He knew that he had lost them, but just to be sure, he ran a little more away.
Cursing himself, he shook his head, wondering how he had gotten himself into this situation. One day, he had been running the plains, meeting the unmated females, stirring up trouble. Then, a pack of hormonal wolves, snapping at his heels. Note to self; do NOT approach mated females during mating season. Does not end well, he told himself. But it wasn't just that. 
Maybe he had set two packs against each other who were at the beginning of forming a treaty. Though, it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Chuckling to himself, he acknowledged that this was definitely the best prank he had ever done. Good going, setting a new high for yourself, I bet no other handsome fox like you has ever done something so awesome like that! ,  he thought smirking. It was in his nature to be the trickster, the swindler and the con-man. But deep down, he knew what he wanted. Someone to care for. The lies and tricks were just an outer appearance. 
Though he would never admit it.

Coming to a stop, he surveyed his surroundings. He had never been here before, much less the Teekon. It was a serene place, set between two ridges. He could tell that there were neighboring packs, so he stayed well away. He had enough with packs for a lifetime. But otherwise, it was perfect. Actually, it looked a lot like his Oma described. She told him of a place that she had grew up, the perfect place. Growing up, he had wanted to find that place, but never did. There was no telling that this place was it, but it could definitely measure up. 
He had only looked around for a few minutes before catching the scent of another. Another fox, female. He was about to smirk, but he stopped himself. This was a new place, a new beginning. Maybe he could find.. no. Instead, he followed the scent. 
Up ahead, he spotted a female, quite a pretty one at that. Her coat was white, splattered with black spots. Clearing his throat, he made his presence known. "Hello there, the name's Jaspar. And who might you be?"

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Kit - August 14, 2015

Kitana was asleep when she heard a male's voice close to her. She was still trying to heal her head wound that was caused by a alpha male protecting his pack. Why did my paw have to slip? She had been asking herself this question the entire time. Her ears perked up and her eyes fluttered open. She was groggy from being woken up. Kit brought a paw up to her face and rubbed her right eye. She got up from sitting down. She didn't know how she mannaged to fall asleep sitting up, but she did it somehow. Her concussion did not feel any better either. Her head pounded once again against her skull. She groaned and looked at the fox.

"Hello. I'm Kitana, but you can call me Kit." Her voice was sweet, like sugar. That only happened when she woke up and Kit thought it was weird. His breathing seemed to be quicker than usual. Had he been running? It wasn't her business to look into it anyways, so she ignored it. Her head reminded her of the bleeding. The slow liquid dripped out of the cut on her head and occasionally got to the ground. How could she fix herself when she had no idea how to use anything medical?

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - August 20, 2015

Jaspar realized that he may look a little suspicious with this beaming smile and out of breathless, but he shrugged it off, too happy to care. It was that that moment that he realised that he had woken up the female, Kit, who looked to be in deep sleep. Stupid! Great first impression she probably hates you now! His consciousness screamed. He was about to apologize when he caught a faint whiff of blood. Looking around, he instantly thought that they had caught up to him, waiting in the bushes. But when he saw no one, he looked down, realising that it was Kit who was injured. 
He inspected the female, noticing a gash on her head. He wondered if she had been attacked, but he didn't push further into it. 
"That looks pretty bad" He stated, straight to the point. "Are you okay?" He asked in concern, which was odd for him. Very odd. He couldn't remember the last time he actually cared about anything. He would never admit it, but he liked it, caring, that is.
 He had no expertise in the medical field, but he did know a little. In the grove where he grew up, his Oma had been a sort of healer. Not to say he should be depended on in a medical evaluation but he wouldn't just leave Kit like this, in the open. And if the wolves did reach here and smell his scent, who knows what they would do to Kit. No, he would stay and make sure she was safe before moving on.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Kit - August 20, 2015

Kit shrugged."I got attacked by a wolf." She said it as if it was nothing to be bleeding badly."Please tell me you know how to fix it because I have no clue." She hissed in her thoughts from the wound that had now started stinging. Her ears twitched back for a moment and went back. She wouldn't show how hurt she was especially if he didn't have a clue about anything in the medical area either. She gave him a small, but fake, smile. If he didn't know anything maybe he could watch over her if he had the time. If Jasper didn't then she would be fine finding an old fox den or something to stay in until she had healed.

She remembered the fox had looked around frantically for a moment and then seemed to have calmed down when he looked back at Kit like he had realized something. Her mind connected the dots and her head turned to the side showing that she was curious about what she had found out."Were you being chased?"

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - August 25, 2015

Jaspar was shocked to hear that a wolf had attacked a fox.. well no, after his encounter with them he really wasn't, but Kit? What would posses someone to do such a thing? Just the thought of it made his blood boil. He wanted to help her, he really did but he was no use in the medical field. "I'm sorry, I'm not a genius in medicines but I think I know something that might help" He said, not wanting to disappoint the female. "Just stay here for one sec. I'll be right back" 
He remembered something his Oma had given him every time he had come home with a cut or bruise from those he had troubled. Juniper berries, they may help, he hastily thought to himself. Touching his nose to the ground, he breathed in the scent of the place around him. There had to be some here somewhere.. Suddenly he lifted his gaze to a small shrub with a few berries attached. Brilliant! He beamed, pulling them from the bush. Running back to Kit, he quickly grounded up the berries to make a sort of paste. Approaching the female he asked in caution, "May I?" he indicated to the now smushed berries. He would apply it to the cut, just like his Oma had, to quicken the healing process. "It may sting but it will make the cut heal faster" He clarified. After, he would stay for a little while, to make sure she was safe. 
She wanted to know why he was running? To be honest, he didn't really want to say. She might think less of you, and- Just tell the truth. If the pack winds up here, she should know. 

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Kit - September 06, 2015

"Yes, you may." She noticed his silence after her question."It's none of my business anyway. You don't have to tell me anything that you don't want to." She knew that it was sometimes uncomfortable to talk about someone's past. The future was much easier to think about than what they had done before. She winced as the paste had touched her wound. It felt better afterwards. 

She was as hard as a rock and was tough to break. She smiled at the thought and also that someone was taking care of her. Like a mate would do. She got nervous at the thought of it. No she could never like someone she had just met. Maybe a little. She admitted in her mind. The little voice in her head knew it from the beginning and just snickered at her. She hissed at it without speaking a word out loud. 

There was a long silence and she didn't know what to say, so she kept quiet. Talking wasn't really her forte anyways. It was easier to just shut her trap and enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - September 07, 2015

Jaspar sighed as he applied the berries to the wound. "No, it's okay. I got into some trouble with this wolf pack a little while ago. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty serious. They chased me all the way here! But I lost them, don't worry. I wouldn't let them hurt you" He said honestly. He wasn't sure why he was admitting all these things to the woman, he just met her! But somehow, he didn't mind. Not to mention on how he almost blushed on that last part. But he didn't lie. If somehow the wolves were lurking around here, he wouldn't let them hurt anyone else. And he would admit it to himself, he did like her. Alot.

"There, all done" He smiled, sitting down beside Kit. He would wait with her for now, you know to.. be safe, he assured himself. "But enough about me, what about you? Who did this to you?" He asked, but didn't want to pester her. She was kind to accept his hesitance and so would he.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Kit - September 07, 2015

X3 They just met and already like each other.
Kit smiled at Jasper when he said that he would protect her. "I was helping another fox find his brother and went a way the scent was going, getting lost after a bit. I was hungry and had gotten on a branch of a tree to see if there was anything to eat. I got off the branch when I spotted a small rabbit and all of a sudden a male chased me and I sprang up into another tree. I slipped and hit my head on the branch below me. I barely escaped, and very lucky I could outrun him. By the way I taught myself to climb trees if you were wondering." She sighed as the vivid memory ran through her mind. Kit thought she seemed like a weirdo since she could climb trees unlike any other fox. She didn't think special was the word for it.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - September 11, 2015

I know lol but it's so cute :3

Jasper instantly fumed with anger and worry, but mostly anger when the vixen recounted the attack. Where was this other male fox when it happened? Why had he not protected her? If his coat was white, his face would have made it red, judging by the anger he felt inside. But it came with a high degree of worry and well.. jealousy. Who was this male she had helped? Who was he to her and.. were they.. no, he wouldn't believe it. And he wasn't sure why. Kit was not his, he couldn't be jealous over some petty thing. But no matter how much he wanted to believe it, truly he just couldn't.
Shaking his head, he sighed. "I wish I could have been there to protect you"

Okay, he had to admit. He really liked her, like a lot. But he wouldn't push anything. They just met! But his subconscious didn't agree, he just hoped he wasn't too obvious.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Kit - September 11, 2015

Kit could sense a hint of jelousy Jaspar's voice and felt herself heat up in embarrassment. She felt like the fox was caring for someone who hadn't been cared for in ages. She had seen this only from her parents when she was a little kit. A smile erupted on her face and her heart warmed at his sentence." I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." She said as she lay back onto the ground where she was before she met him." Would you mind watching me while I sleep? I'm very tired." Her eyes were half shut already and the sounds of tweeting birds sounded like a lullaby.

RE: Allow Me To Introduce Myself.. Mr. Right - Jaspar - September 21, 2015

Last post, must thread again soon!

Jaspar stood sputtering at Kit's request but quickly lowered himself to the ground. If she was sleeping, of course he would stay, it was only right. Almost instantaneously, he found himself snuggling into Kit's side, becoming cozy from the shared body warmth. "Goodnight Kit" He muttered as he himself found himself becoming tired from the day's travels. His eyelights felt heavy as they started to droop. And soon, the sound of his snores reached his ears and he drifted off into warming slumber.