Wolf RPG
Lost Creek Hollow (Border) When God is gone - Printable Version

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(Border) When God is gone - Sonder Imuriel - August 17, 2015

The grey vestige of dawn hung across the morning sky, banners of gold and wreaths of red cloud strewn haphazardly. This new place, Sonder surmised, was an area of great physical beauty. This small area was known as Lost Creek Hollow and indeed, even from her high vantage point, the silver going of a small river was just barely visible.

She was scouting around the moment, looking for herbs and places to store collected herbs. She had yet to prove herself to her new pack and she was trying her hardest to prove herself worthy of a higher rank. 
She had yet to meander down into the hollow, following the twisting paths worn down the hill and searching through the area, memorising the lay of the land. The hollow had the scent of a pack, not yet finalised and she was unsure if they had settled down. So she paused on the precipice of the border, waiting.

RE: (Border) When God is gone - Luke - August 17, 2015

It was a warm morning, and Luke had risen early. He made his way down to one of the meandering streams, and waded in. He lowered himself into the water, until only his spine and head remain above water, and here he stay, relishing in the cool touch. He would have stayed longer, but a strange scent passed through the trees and reached his blue nose, and at this he rose with ears erect. There had been a lot of new faces around their borders, and it would seem they had another. He spared no time; the prospect of another recruit to add to their roster spurred his paws to move quick.

He spotted a white female, but as he drew near he knitted his brows briefly, as he thought he detected fresh pack scent upon her. His tail waved as he approached. "Hey there," he greeted. "You looking for a home?" Well, he could be mistaken after all.

RE: (Border) When God is gone - Sonder Imuriel - August 17, 2015

A strange sight soon greeted her, a wolf gifted with eyes of the sky and a nose to match. It was truly a strange sight and not something a wolf saw everyday. His eyes were pricked and his tail high, with excitement perhaps she thought.

A home? If only he'd asked yesterday. She grinned, rubbing her nose on the side of a white foreleg. "Nah, not right now. If you asked me just yesterday, I could have said yes to that. Just looking for herbs right now."

RE: (Border) When God is gone - Luke - August 18, 2015

His nose had not lied to him; she was a recent inductee to another pack. "Too bad," he commented. "My companions and I are in the midst of forming a pack right here, and we could use a few more founding members. You could have been part of something new and beautiful," he winked as he unabashedly made his sales pitch. It was not his preference to poach members from other packs, but he also did not see the harm in planting a seed that may sprout later if she decided she was not content in the pack she had chosen.

"I'm Luke," he introduced. "I don't know much about herbs, but I can't let you into the hollow to look for them." Unfortunately for her the land belonged to the pack now, and he could not allow others to harvest what they themselves may need.

RE: (Border) When God is gone - Sonder Imuriel - August 24, 2015

Sorry I took so long. Life interfered

So that was the source of the pack scent, faint but distinct in the Hollow. "Maybe I'll look into that at some point. Right now thought, I'll have to find somewhere else. Know anybody nearby or should I look further afield?" Sonder cocked her head, debating in her head. "C-can you tell me a little more about your new pack? I'm happy so far in my pack- but that may change, and a plan B is always a good idea...right?"

Sonder enjoyed her age- she was young and curious and energetic- but she hardly knew anything of the world except for hunting and violence. Would her pack let her go without a fight? Send her packing with her tail between her legs? Would Luke do the same? She just had no idea how pack etiquette worked around here.

RE: (Border) When God is gone - Luke - August 28, 2015

Ditto, I had a busy week!

She inquired first as to where she might look for herbs, but that subject was dropped when she asked to be told more about Luke's up and coming pack. He was happy to answer both questions, but he focused on the latter. "Of course," he grinned. Even if she did not come to them, she could pass the word on to others. "We call this place Lost Creek Hollow. My dear friend Harlyn and her beau will be leading it. It has been her dream to lead and help others, to protect them, and to become a mother. We have already been joined by a few others." He looked expectantly at her, open to receiving more questions about the pack, or anything.