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Chimera Fields destruction - Printable Version

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destruction - Pantaleimon - August 18, 2015

Pantaleimon had taken to exploring the areas around Redhawk Caldera a bit further. Truthfully, he was glad to be away from Peregrine every now and then, because though he'd been relatively friendly towards Pantaleimon, it wasn't easy to see Peregrine hate himself for things beyond his control, and feel like he wasn't suited for leadership. Pan didn't know what to do except stand by Perry and support him in the only way he knew, through love, but he knew it wasn't enough. And so it was sometimes nice to go out and have some time alone, to himself, however guilty that made Pan feel, too.

"Oh..." Pan brought out with a distraught frown on his face as he watched Chimera Fields. It looked terrible, nothing left of the characteristic field with flowers spread around it. Pantaleimon had not been here often, but it still hurt to see the field in its current state. With dawn painting the ravaged lands orange and pink and illuminating Silvertip Mountain's strength and beauty in the distance, it only became all the more painstakingly obvious that it would take a long time for this previously beautiful field to be in its full glory again.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 18, 2015

This was in the guide! Dumb cane: Causes intense pain over the entire body, a swollen younger and victim will have trouble breathing.

Zhavvi wasn't often away from the mountain but now she was out for a mission. She had saved a piece of meet for the pink pedals, which was Oleander, she knew that by now. She only wasn't so sure about the symptoms. Now she had another plant, and she was sure it was poisonous. She had grabbed it with her teeth just lightly but it cause a light pain. This would need to be tested. But how? She didn't speak the tongue so well and offering a free rabbit to strangers might seem weird. Zhavvi had found a way to cut up the pieces. She would 'dig' over the big leaves of the plant, this way her claws would be filled with the poison too! The slender female then stuffed the cut up pieces with a rabbit she caught.

Now she had two ways, if he victim didn't want to eat her rabbit then she could always attack. Zhavvi had to construct a field test. She laid the carcass in a open space, it was just there for someone to eat it. Then it would be the less suspicious she decided. Then the female went and hide by the edge of the clearing. Her sharp eyes could see everything. Now it was just a waiting game. If she had to wait too long she might just attack a stranger.

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 19, 2015

With a sorrowful expression on his face, Pantaleimon looked over the ravaged lands, his heart going out to it. Even if flowers and grass weren't sentient, Pantaleimon could not help but be saddened by the lack of life and the destruction that had been caused here. It didn't surprise Pan that he was all alone out here.

Pantaleimon started to walk through the broken lands, not searching for anything in particular; perhaps Pan just wanted, or needed, to be alone right now. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh before continuing the walk through the scarred ex-field, when his eye suddenly fell on a piece of meat.

It surprised Pan to find food out here in the middle of nowhere, and the gamekeeper looked around instantly to see if no one was nearby. Pantaleimon walked up to the piece of meat and sniffed it, though felt suspicious; why would there be food out here with no one to have eaten it already? Why hadn't any scavengers gone for it, and how had this creature died, if not from a hungry predator's teeth?

There was something tricky about this -- it just didn't feel right -- and Pantaleimon arched his neck and carefully touched the meat with a paw, hoping to figure out whether or not it was safe to eat. The meat didn't smell too weird, which actually comforted Pan a little bit. Maybe he'd have a bite and take the rest home if he couldn't find anything off by prodding around.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 19, 2015

Zhavvi watched from the shadows when a pale appearance presented before her. She was pleased to see the other wolf walk to the carcass and sniff it. She stayed hidden in the bushes, if she would make a sound now or approach the other there wasn't much that she could do. She didn't speak the tongue well enough that she could speak it. Plus maybe having a strange wolf appearing made it more suspicious.

She studied the hesitant male wolf. He seemed timid, so she couldn't even trick him in 'stealing' his catch because the other would probably leave it. No, no. She needed patience now. She didn't move a muscle except the ones to move her eyes. She kept herself in the perfect position to see the other. She couldn't care less how much the meadow was ruined. She wanted to see what kind of effect these leaves had when fully digested. Oh this was going to be great.

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 20, 2015

Pantaleimon extensively sniffed the food and licked his lips as he turned it over and sniffed the back, too. He prodded around in the meat and noticed some pieces were ripped open. Perhaps scavengers had taken some of it after all. Since the meat covered up the scent of the herbs, Pantaleimon did not notice anything off about the meat and his earlier suspicion began to wane. He didn't even consider it might be poisoned: if anything, Pan thought maybe it had some weird disease that could harm him. But nothing seemed very wrong with it that Pantaleimon could see, and it had probably just been killed by someone who'd then fought over it and dropped it somewhere, or perhaps it had died of old age.

Whatever the case, Pantaleimon's worries were quenched at least partially now, and he was hungry. After licking his lips one more time, the large pale wolf gingerly took a bite from the rabbit. His stomach rumbled after the journey he had made from Redhawk Caldera, so this was perfect. The scarred lands were momentarily forgotten, and Pantaleimon took a good couple of bites from the rabbit before he started to notice anything off. Pantaleimon lifted his head and swallowed difficultly -- not because of how nervous the sudden feeling that something was terribly wrong was making him feel, but because swallowing was growing physically difficult.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 20, 2015

Zhavvi watched in glee, feeling rather excited. If she knew that this large male was in Fitz's pack before she might have stopped him. She watched him eat chunks from the carcass. That reminded her that she should also do this with the Oleander leaves. That way she could see more wolves being affected by it. The girl slowly pulled herself from her hiding spot. She casually trotted through the meadow when she 'noticed' the other wolf. She was purely acting of course. She watched the male for a moment and then carefully approached him.

She kept her distance when she realized he had a prey, of course she knew this but it had to look real. Never reveal what is under the mask. She placed a worried expression on her face, as she looked at the male. Under those features she was far more excited to see the poison go in effect. "Hellow," she greeted with heavy accent. Her lithe body gently stepping closer, testing if he wanted to share, and he would warn her or not. Maybe if she played the friendly female she could get some answers what he was feeling.

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 20, 2015

Panic raced through Pantaleimon's mind as he tried to come to terms with the feeling in his throat. His breathing came out in wheezed huffs and he cast the wolf that approached him a panicked look. Relief flooded Pantaleimon as he saw the other wolf, and he could not help but hope that they were a healer of sorts. Not all wolves were friendly, but she did not seem hostile so far, and so Pan hoped that she would help him.

The only thing that was off about the encounter to Pan was that she greeted him cheerily while he felt like he looked very alarmed and in panic and with a neck three times the normal size. When she looked at the rabbit as though she might fancy a bite, Pantaleimon shook his head, which hurt. "Don--" Pan started, which caused a striking pain in his throat and a cut off sentence. Pan yelped and folded his ears against his head, tail falling between hind legs. With wide opened eyes he pleadingly looked upon the female, hoping that she would not take any of the food; if she did, there was little Pan could do to stop her.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 20, 2015

Zhavvi stepped closer and watched the male warn her, or at least tried to warn her. Oh she knew how dangerous it was. These Dumb Cane leaves seemed to do their work splendidly. The neck of the male looked very swollen and the wolf seemed to be clearly struggling. The slender female slowly quirked her lips, she had been successful. It was always a good feeling. She felt no remorse for giving the other wolf psychical pain. She sat down before the other studying him. His throat was swollen, and the male seemed to be in panic. Well that was understandable.

The male before him even looked... scared? Well she didn't know if this would kill the other or not, so he had a right to be scared. She also didn't know how to help him, frankly she didn't even want to know really. Then she would feel guilty because she wouldn't help him even if she knew how. A hint of a smile curved on her lips before she remembered to look worried. "Okay? Bad?," she asked.

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 20, 2015

Pantaleimon did not understand why the female did nothing but sit down and stare at him, almost as though she was studying him. His breath came out in wheezes and since talking had not worked out very well so far, Pantaleimon decided against that. When a smile came across her face Pan knew for sure that this was unsafe and that he needed to leave. Was it something that she had done to him? She looked worried again then and asked 'okay' and 'bad', neither of which made sense to Pan at all.

Pantaleimon nearly tumbled over his own paws as he turned to leave. His breathing remained ragged as he started in the direction of Redhawk Caldera, when the pain suddenly started. It started almost like a spark or an electric shock in the back of his tail and dashed through his spine. With a groan Pan dropped to the ground and curled up, his body twitching mildly, eyes exuding fear while he looked to see if the female was still here. Help me, he wanted to scream, but not only did the words refuse to come out, he also knew that she wasn't going to fix him even if he could.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 20, 2015

Not sure how long you want to go on but Zhavvi will probably not help him. xD Will he go back to the Caldera and need Seb?

It was only briefly that the thought went through her mind how easily she could kill this wolf before her. Oh this was definitely a poison she was going to stick close to. The watched the male who didn't seem to get her words by asking if she was okay. Zhavvi wasn't certain if it was because of her speech or because the male was in too much pain to think. Oh! That was nice to think about. She felt so evil, an evil she couldn't be with Alphas Fitz! She liked him, she wanted to be good to him. The girl was clearly eager to be her utter best, be normal. But she did have a dark side which was coming out to play right now.

She stayed seated as she watched the wolf struggle and curl up. Only when his eyes were pleading for help she got up. He had made sure her scent was masked, no way anyone was going to trail her back to the mountain. She had to protect her home after all. The light female slowly grinned, this was all she needed to know. She almost wanted to thank him for being his test subject but she didn't know those words. Pity, it would make such a good ending to this day.

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 24, 2015

Maybe once Pan gets back to RHC. :) Probably gonna have some thread(s) in between. If Zhavvi is just going to sit there and do nothing, feel free to just mention how long she'd observe and have her leave in your next post, or something. xD

It looked like the female that sat opposite him was going to do nothing about his problems. By now, she had to realise that he needed help, and perhaps she had realised it all along. What a fool he'd been to take the meat just because it had been free of foul scent. She must have hidden it somehow, the gamekeeper thought, although he had never heard of meat that was bad for you but smelled perfectly fine. It was a pricy lesson he had learned today.

"Huuu," Pan wheezed out, the word he'd intended to say getting stuck in his throat. He kept staring at the female, as though he hoped that at some point she would find her sympathetic side and help him; there was nothing else he could do while pain coarsed through his body and it felt like his throat was only getting more and more narrow -- and swollen at the same time.

RE: destruction - Zaria - August 24, 2015

If she has no relation to the wolf she isn't very keen to help. Poor Pan tho. Alright, maybe a loner is willing to save Pan!

Zhavvi sat before the pale male and watched for all the thing she wanted to know. Apparently eating this plant made breathing harder. She had a feeling it would. And the male also seemed in pain. Because of those things her victim was also unable to speak, what a handy side effect! She couldn't be made out for something bad. By looking at her victim it seemed he was in a lot of pain. Zhavvi couldn't care less. Her green eyes looked at him without mercy. She was definitely the one who planned this.

She watched the male for some time and decided that if he would die it was not her problem. Someone else might find his body but she wasn't doing any cleaning up by now. The slender female laughed. She wanted to wish him a nice life but ended up not knowing the right words. She got to her feet and grabbed the rabbit by its scruff. Maybe she could have some of this fun with another wolf! With that she exited the crime scene.

-Zhavvi out-

RE: destruction - Pantaleimon - August 25, 2015

With the female's laughs, Pantaleimon's last hope that he would be rescued were blown away, and he could do nothing but helplessly look at her as she departed the scene. Pan could not help but wonder if she was a part of the nearby pack. He'd heard something about the wolves who did not speak their language much, but hadn't thought to consider he might run into them, nor did he remember what exactly Wildfire had said about them. Well, it didn't really matter now.

For a good while Pantaleimon lay in the space where he'd eaten the rabbit, until the pain started to subside a bit. Though breathing was still difficult, Pan got to his feet and started to crawl forward. Every move brought the pain forth again, but he knew he needed to get home, somehow, so he kept on going.