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Blackfeather Woods Amusing Mishap - Printable Version

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Amusing Mishap - Akela - August 18, 2015

Well @Cyn, I hope this suits you

Exploring was a second nature to Akela. He had been exploring territories for half of his life now, it was a thrill to step in the unknown, memorize a map in your head and find what everyone had not seen or mistaken for something else. He had been able to rest, sleeping like he hadn't since Burke and him parted, which allowed him to have extra strength to roam within the borders of the pack. He needed to have a better knowledge about this ...home .  He was still feeling like he did not belong, did not take it as granted that he would stay. Staying usually did not fit him, even now that he had  found his goal. The problems with goals was, when you finally reached them, you were left with nothing. Sure , he had not entered the brotherhood yet, nor had spoken to Burke about it further, but he was at the end of his personal quest. Of his own attempt to be reunited with his beloved once more.

His paws had led him to a quite breathtaking area: Redgrove. Red bushes, like a sea of blood. Akela stopped, taking the eerie surrounding in. There was a silence in these parts , a silence with eyes. As he looked up, he could see the dark wings of the messengers who were residing in these parts of the territory. Sharp eyes met him and he gave a courteous nod to prevent any croaking alarm from disturbing the current harmony. He ventured further into it, silently brushing past the vegetation until he caught the side of another wolf chasing a rabbit.  He sat down and observed the chase until it's unfortunate end : a wolf left frustrated by a rabbit. Akela couldn't help but chuckled.  "Well, that's what they call an epic failure"

RE: Amusing Mishap - Cyn - August 19, 2015

Yup! Thanks for starting.
Cyn had chased a white rabbit all the way to Redgrove."Damn it." She swore under her breath. Her head turned at the sound of another voice. A growl escaped her throat telling him she wasn't happy with what she said. The smell of Burke was on his coat, so she didn't attack. "What are you doing here?" She heard a wave of wind blow through the trees making some of the crimson leaves fall to the forest floor. She never was good with new wolves, especially if they thought they were a rank above her. Hopefully this wolf knew not to do just that. Cyn came closer and saw a scar on the male wolf. How could he get a scar that big and still survive? What had attacked him? Her mind, as always, was drifting away from reality. She ignored it and focused on the wolf that had scared her a little while she had chased that rabbit for practice. She would miss some of the little critters when she was hunting and wanted to stop missing the kill.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Akela - August 19, 2015

Her reaction amused him even more so. He couldn't help it. "Well, getting accustomed to the pack's territories, things you do when you get into a pack and have nothing better to do. " he shrugged and came closer. There he saw her picking up on his scar. Many had different reactions to it, some tried not to look at it, others couldn't help themselves, rare were those to simply look past it. He grew used to it.  " Bear" he simply stated, replying to the silent question he saw in her eyes. "Troubles catching little fuckers ? Too bad you didn't slip out, that would have made my day " he asked. Sure, he probably was ranked lower than this one, but teasing another had no color, rank, gender or odor. It actually was a great way for him to learn more about those wolves that were supposed to become as close as blood family.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Cyn - August 19, 2015

She nodded at the answer and averted her eyes to look straight into his. Her act had dropped when he mentioned that he had joined the pack and she laughed when she imagined herself doing what she had said. She could only be mean for a little, it wasn't in her nature to do so unless the other wolf was too much of a stranger to her. A smile was placed on her face. This wolf was actually funny. Cyn hadn't met many wolves that were like that. Her tail wagged slowly showing that she was now happy. She could smell another scent on him. It was a female wolf, but not anyone from the pack. She moved that thought to the back of her mind. She didn't mind it much.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Akela - August 19, 2015

All teeth and no real anger. Ah women, all the same. Humor them a little and they purr like cougars in your paws. Akela smiled at the female wolf as she noticed how her body language changed.  " I am Akela , pleasure to meet you" he spoke and lowered his head for an instant to greet her properly.  "Rabbits are fairly easy to get once you know just how to get them without looking like a complete moron " he spoke and walked towards her.  "I can show you how to get one for sure if you wish ?"

RE: Amusing Mishap - Cyn - August 19, 2015

"Cyn, it's a pleasure to meet you too." She did the same with her head."I'm not a moron." She jokingly pouted."Yeah, I just can't get the little critters sometimes. I've been trying to perfect chasing them all day." She stopped pretening and sighed as she remembered how long she had been running. Her paws hurt and she felt like her legs were dying. She would most definitely be sore the next morning. She heard a rustling of leaves and saw another rabbit eating not too far away. Her breathing got quieter trying not to spook the small animal. She looked at Akela to see how he hunted rabbits.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Akela - August 20, 2015

" It's not really about the chase.  Big game, you want them to run, stumble , fall , small game  , you  want them to stand their ground. " he spoke and turned his head when he heard the rustling as well.  Best way to learn, show the other what you mean. A rabbit was built for speed, nature's design to escape predators, a wolf while fast, was not as fast as a rabbit or a cougar for the matter. He lowered himself. The wind was not in their favor, nor the grounds.  He was taking his time, moving slowly and silently making half of a circle to have the wind facing him. Using the red bushes to not been seen, he moved closer. This was a waiting game, every time the rabbit looked up, he did not move, eye and a half focused on the target. He moved in , getting as close as possible while anticipating where he wanted to rabbit to go. As he jumped to follow it, he jumped a little to the right to make it go left  where the path did not allow it to run in a straight line but take curves.  It is in one of them that  Akela got it by the neck, biting down hard, he put his left paw in it to secure it and simply broke the neck by biting harder on it.  Panting somewhat, he stood up, rabbit in mouth and walked back to Cyn. He let it fall at her paws.  "Less chasing, more zig zaging "

RE: Amusing Mishap - Cyn - August 20, 2015

60th post! :D
Cyn nodded and took mental notes on what to do. He would be a good teacher someday. She smiled and looked at the carcass that was placed at her feet. It was still warm and stared back aat her with eyes full of fear. At least it wasn't frightened or in pain anymore. She remembered the crack of its neck and the look in Akela's eyes. If he looked like that did she have that same look?

She tried to remember how she felt when she was hunting, but couldn't recall anything. She was deep in thought and remembered the other wolf that was in front of her."Thank you for teaching me." She bowed her head to show she appreciated what he had taught her in the short time that she had been with him.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Akela - August 21, 2015

"Showing is only half of the way to success.  And this is only a way of catching them.  Don't think them any less smarter than you.  Now your turn, get some fat rabbit, my proof than you managed the task. I'll be here, observing. " he winked and laid down.  He was not going to let her go before she would have a success in hunting whatever she wanted to hunt. He , on principle , always thought to get something done all the way down. Cyn wanted to learn, now she needed to practice so he could correct her if she did something wrong.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Burke - September 06, 2015

Cameo from Burke

Burke was at the entrance of Mephala's web. The male was keen on getting his friend by his side for a new hunt. They had to provide for the pack after all. Last time their hunting went really well, their teamwork was great. Burke howl echoed through the forest, summoning the other wolf from what ever business he was doing right now. Burke wanted the dark male again while he was hunting. After all Meldresi was pregnant and needed fresh meat to keep her nutrients up.

RE: Amusing Mishap - Akela - September 06, 2015

Akela's ears went up as well as his head.  "Well darling  I'm afraid I'll have to leave you to it.  " he spoke.  " Have fun tracking those little bunnies. Next time we meet, I'll expect you to know how to catch them properly" he winked and picked up the rabbit. When the Alpha called you came, and he was sure it was for hunting purposes. The rabbit would be a nice gift for Meldresi or Burke, the spirits knew how much he liked to eat.  He took his leave , and trotted towards the Web , where the howl had came from.

-  END -