Wolf RPG
Sawtooth Spire sharks in the swimming pool - Printable Version

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sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 18, 2015

Slowly, he began to venture further into the territory. The Alpha and Beta liked him enough to argue over his new alias, so he was officially property of the pack, right? Still, Wicked didn't feel like he could just go traipsing wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He needed to earn that privilege. He spent most of his time patrolling the borders (he'd chased away a coyote just a few hours prior) but as he crept into his new home's heart, he began to focus on another task: hunting.

The pale Epsilon roved across one of the territory's lower plateaus, weaving in between the trees and scrub, his nose lowered to the ground as he attempted to track down a viable scent. He picked up on something and followed it, only to find one of the pack's concealed caches. There were only two carcasses in it, so he would hunt not only to feed his own hunger but that of the entire pack.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 18, 2015

Tonravik had expressed explicit concern with, and he quoted, "coyotes, wolverines, and other threats". He hadn't picked up scent nor sound of anything of that sort in the immediate vicinity of the whelping den. His patrolling in that area was extensive. He'd turned over and marked just about every stone with warning of his presence and he did his very best to make it known that he was watching and waiting for anything to test his natural instincts as a new parent.

There were times, however, when he did have to steal away for this, that, or another reason. During those times, he trusted Nanuk to fill in for him. No doubt, her flavor of bitchy was more than filling the vacant space he'd left behind. His ears fell as a thought passed through his mind. Oh dear god. What would their beta teach their children?

He cast the thoughts out of his mind as he spread outward to hunt. "Coyote, wolverine, and other threats," were at the top of his list. If Tonravik was fearful of their presence, he wished to nab one and reassure her they had it all under control. Plus? They'd failed in their hunt this week and it'd be something different. No doubt, she was growing tired of the same snacks over and over.

But first! He had to fuel himself up. Iqniq wandered, roaming across the terrain towards one of their stores. Like a beacon in the shadows of this forest, he found Kanik rifling through them. Good. He'd found them. He was more than welcome to his share.

"Mind if I snag a bite?" he asked, moving closer towards the deposit. Two carcasses. Not a lot, but enough to tide them over if they could all catch enough snacks here and there. His ears dropped with his disappointment in this cache. He knew there was another, but he couldn't help but think he'd been somewhat negligent in tending to this particular task. "Slim pickings, huh?" His gaze slid towards the white wolf. "Wanna help refill them?"

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 18, 2015

He heard someone approaching and turned, sniffing the air. Perhaps two seconds after he captured Iqniq's scent, the Alpha strode onto the scene, his bright eyes immediately falling to the unearthed cache. Wicked followed his gaze and hesitated for an instant. What if he jokingly told Iqniq finders keepers, losers weepers? The man seemed to be a fan of kidding around. However, Wicked decided against it. That would come later. For now, he nodded, then gestured a foreleg as if to say, Help yourself.

"I was just getting in the mode," he replied to Iqniq's invitation. "You want to take point?" It was his right as the dominant wolf and while Wicked did hope to impress with his skills, this wasn't like his field test with Nanuk. "Or maybe," he said in the next breath, barely pausing, "we could split up and make a contest of it. Whoever drops the most bodies in an hour wins the grand prize." As for what the grand prize was, he hadn't a clue.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 20, 2015

A nod from the young wolf and Iqniq helped himself to a lingering bit of meat still stored within their cache. Just a light meal. Nothing overly filling, but enough to keep the pangs of hunger away until they could find something more suiting. He snacked gingerly, licking at his lips as Kanik agreed to something of a hunt or possibly making a contest of it. Iqniq grinned as he swallowed the last bit of his meal and ran the flat of his arm against his mouth.

"Could do a bit of both. Or up the ante a bit. My mate's had coyotes and wolverines on the brain. Doesn't want them near the territory. Rightfully so. We could hunt them down and still catch as much as we can between now and then. Small meals in the cache are better than none, right?" He had no idea what this kid was thinking for as a grand prize, but now that he thought about it? "Wolf with the most small kills gets to land the final blow on the predator?" Whichever one they ended up tracking.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 21, 2015

Maybe Iqniq would come up with an idea for one. As a matter of fact, the Alpha took his proposition and gave it a bit more flavor. "Deal," Wicked replied the instant Iqniq finished describing the ground rules. "It's on," he added with a predatory grin. So far, he'd hesitated to join in any of the raillery so common in this pack but, out of those he'd met so far, Iqniq was actually the most easygoing, so the yearling continued a bit daringly, "I hope you know you're going down," and then paused before adding, "sir." Just in case. "I'm a damn good hunter, especially when it comes to small game." Confidence was a good thing, right?

It seemed the plan was to target a smaller predator and knock out as many rabbits, squirrels and other small prey as possible along the way. The Alpha had mentioned coyotes and wolverines. Wicked hadn't seen any of the latter but he mentioned, "I've spotted a few coyotes. I'm sure we can find one around here. They seem to like hiding out in the nooks and crannies." He thought of the one he'd chased earlier, as well as the one that had popped up during his run with the Gamma. "They're probably the bigger threat, so I vote we go after one of them," he finished.

While he waited for Iqniq to assume the lead, Wicked queried, "You mentioned your mate. Tonravik, right? You two have pups?" It would explain why the Alpha female was particularly concerned about other predators lurking around the mountain.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 21, 2015

He liked this kid's spunk. So far, he seemed easy going. There was something about him that suggested he was still dipping his toes into the water, but given enough time, there were no doubts in Iqniq's mind that soon, he would jump in and be splashing around with the rest of them. His gaze slipped towards the wolf as he threw down his personal challenge. Iqniq grinned. Kid had spirit? Yes he did.

"Uh huh. You just let me know if you need help with a field mouse." He moved, bumping his shoulder against the white wolf as he encouraged the both of them to set off and start this little competition. Paw over paw, they abandoned the cache as they moved within the mountainous pack land and tried to see what variety of prey this area had to offer. "Coyote it is then," he agreed, but if they found the latter they could always switch their plans around with ease.

Ears lifted, nose scenting, Iqniq began to take in the lay of this area when Kanik inquired about his mate. "Mmhmm," he murmured, confirming the name before he went on to confirm the rest of it. "Newborns, actually. Four boys." He beamed a little, proud, though he had yet to actually meet the pups yet. Soon though. Soon. "She's a little den-territorial at the moment. I'd wait until she feels ready to come out of there to meet her." He smirked, hiding a laugh between his teeth. "She also eats like there'll be a famine tomorrow which explains why the caches' are so low." He shook his head. His swamp monster of a wife... He almost wanted to be a bug on a tree when Kanik took his first glimpse of her.

A peculiar scent brought their conversation and footsteps to a halt. "Stop," Iqniq ordered, uncertain as to what lay beyond, but cautious all the same. He sniffed the air, trying to figure out if they'd encountered they coyote so soon or if it was something else.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 21, 2015

Wicked smirked at his leader's playful jabs, though he remained quiet as they headed out on the hunt. His ears tipped toward Iqniq as he described his family, then explained that Tonravik was particularly territorial because of her litter. The yearling took the Alpha male's words to heart. He would go nowhere near the Alpha female or her young. He wouldn't even approach within a hundred yards of the whelping den.

"I'd probably be really hungry too, if I had four tiny wolves sucking on me," Wicked remarked. On that note, "Have you ever wondered why we have nip—" Before he could finish his question, Iqniq signaled him to halt and Wicked did as he was told, immediately pressing his lips together and lapsing into silence.

He shifted his weight as he thrust his pale muzzle into the air to sniff. What the hell is that? he thought as he took in the peculiar scent. It definitely wasn't a coyote. It was vaguely familiar but Wicked couldn't place it. Exchanging another glance with Iqniq, he began to creep forward, dropping his snout to the ground to comb it for scents. The odor was a pungent, musky sort.

"Stoat," he realized after a moment. Perfect. He flashed Iqniq a grin, wondering if he'd identified their quarry, then began to dash along the scent trail, thrusting his snout in various crevices as he went. Weasels liked nooks and crannies even more than coyotes and Wicked was determined to one-up the Alpha. This was a competition, after all.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 21, 2015

He was fairly certain the wolf was about to ask why they had nipples when they were cut short by that scent. Iqniq had just enough time to be thankful he didn't have to ask that question when the smell of stoat became more clear. He recognized it, but he played along by sniffing at the ground and further tracking it until Kanik ran along ahead. Hey now. Boy wonder stole his thunder.

With snatching jaws, he reached, hoping to give the wolf's tail a good tug and slow down his progress long enough to Iqniq to overtake the white one. Nose to the ground, he peered over nook and cranny until he cross that pungent odor of fresh scat and followed the direction of the droppings. Or many droppings. It appeared as though they'd happened upon a stoat mother and her adolescent brood.

He had a moment of sympathy before he cast all thought aside and began digging at the entrance to the burrow. If he could open it up wide enough, he could weasel (heh, weasel) his way in there and snatch a few. Anything to get this competition started up right.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 21, 2015

Wicked yipped and and dropped his haunches when the Alpha tugged on his tail, then quickly zipped past him. "Cheater!" he spat emphatically at Iqniq's back, punctuating his words with a growl, though the light tone of his voice and the impish glimmer in his eyes illustrated that it was all in good fun. Besides, if Iqniq was going to play dirty, that meant he could too!

He dashed after the rusty Alpha, smashing quite unceremoniously into his flank when Iqniq located the burrow and began to dig. Outta my way! he thought even as he tried to force himself in between the other wolf and the small dugout. He wanted to win, dammit, plus getting to show off his skills and provide for the Alpha's family were just added bonuses.

He was a bit too caught up in the competitive spirit and trying to nip at Iqniq's face and toes, giving the stoat a chance to not only exit the burrow but launch an attack on his face. For something so small, it was fierce! Wicked barked in surprise, then quickly caught himself and snapped his jaws at the small but mighty weasel. He ignored the claws scratching at his eyes and teeth piercing his nose as he clamped his jaws right over her head and crushed it.

He'd gotten the mother, yet that left the entire brood—and a much higher body count—to his competitor.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 23, 2015

Success! Iqniq tossed a grin over his shoulder as he zipped past Kanik and made good time for the burrow. Paws dug at the dirt, sending soil flying before he was bumped out of the way as Kanik stole Iqniq's place at the den. Retaliating, Iqniq pushed a shoulder up against the wolf, hoping to get back at the entrance. They wrestled and nipped each other, prodding with that competitive spirit before the weasels slipped loose.

One of them went straight for Kanik. Iqniq had a moment to register what was happening before the rest of them began to pour out of the den. One of them escaped too quickly for Iq to catch, but he was hot on the next one and the one after that. Two down. One more to kill. A quick glance at Kanik told him he'd gotten the first stoat under control, but that left the one that'd gotten away.

He shared a single gaze with the wolf before his competitive spirit got the best of him. Oh no. That last one was his too. He sprinted after it, determined to add one more stoat body to his tally and the cache.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 23, 2015

He dropped the limp, bleeding body and immediately looked in Iqniq's direction. There were two small bodies at his feet. Damn! Wicked thought, licking his bloodstained jaws. Is that all—? As if to answer his unspoken question, the Alpha male glanced at him and then sprinted away, clearly hot on the trail of a leftover weasel. Filthy fuckin' cheater! Wicked screamed inwardly, though there was an amused grin on his lips as he chased after his leader. He was loving the game, especially because they were playing a little dirty.

As they raced after their prey, Wicked suddenly screeched to a halt as if he had run into an invisible wall. He dropped his snout and began frantically sniffing along the ground. He then leaped into the air abruptly, his body twisting away from some unseen threat beneath him. It was a venomous snake curled up and partially concealed by some leaf litter, its rattling tail a dead giveaway.

He stood back, in the clear, debating whether the risk was worth the reward. If he got bitten, he could die. With a snort, Wicked decided to forego such a kamikaze endeavor. He swiveled and took off after Iqniq again, aware that by now the Alpha would have likely chased down and dispatched the final weasel, leaving the score three to one.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 24, 2015

His body ran, pressing after the last stoat and oblivious to the world around him. His world seemed to narrow as that final goal was in mind and only briefly was he aware of the younger wolf at his back. They both ran. Paw over paw, they raced for that last stoat before Kanik fell away completely. Alarmed that the wolf might have seen something better, Iqniq halted and turned to figure out what it was that had brought the wolf to a full stop.

The sound of a rattle lifted to his ears. What the? The wolf was already plowing after him again and Iqniq let the boy have the stoat that was near to making a clean get away. As far as the alpha was concerned, the presence of a snake that rattled was a more pressing concern. That sound? It was intended as a warning, but for young pups who were new and excited about the world? The snake needed to be exterminated and the pack needed to be informed that they were sharing their lands with some unfriendly neighbors.

He crept closer to the snake. Keeping low, he lifted here and there as if to catch a glimpse of the pattern that blended so well with the ground and fall of leaves. That rattle gave warning again. He caught glimpse of the coiled snake and cursed. It was impossible to tell how big that snake really was, and coiled like that? It could easily strike a distance that surpassed its length. The only consolation was that it was an adult. That meant it had more control over it's venom, but that wasn't a huge comfort considering that meant it had a better idea of how much poison it'd need to kill a wolf.

Iqniq took a few steps back, contemplating how to rid himself and the Spire of the snake situation. He barked to Kanik. Game over. They'd found their predator. Now they just needed to kill it. "Any ideas?"

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 27, 2015

When his Alpha became aware of the snake, it changed the game. This would be their predator. As de facto winner, Iqniq would get the honor of the kill. Although Wicked hated to lose, he didn't envy Iqniq his prize. Of course, he would have to assist. This creature was even more dangerous than other small predators. Despite its relatively small size, it could kill one of them with a single bite.

"Stomp its head," Wicked quipped, staying well clear of the snake. He lapsed into silence, trying to think of an actual game plan. "What if we threw things at it to confuse it and get it to strike? Then jump in from behind and kill it. The only other thing I can come up with is to bait it... and I don't wanna be bait, man," the yearling hunter mused.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 27, 2015

It hadn't occurred to him that he'd won their challenge. Iq had two stoats to Kanik's one which did, in fact, mean that he'd be the one to take out this snake. He realized this as Kanik got to the end of his spiel. Yeah. They'd have to decapitate that sucker. And, no. He wasn't about to make the kid do it. With a deep breath, he resigned himself to the task. Now it was just a matter of how to accomplish it.

"Head? Yes. Coiled like that? Not gonna happen." They'd need the snake to strike first. If it was elongated, it would have less of a chance of springing at them. Throwing things was a decent idea, but snakes liked to strike at targets. He wasn't sure how effective that would be. "We can try it," IQ said, keeping the snake in his peripheral as he picked up a rock in his mouth and lobbed it at the snake.

The rattle shook faster, but the snake didn't budge. Damn. "What about a decoy?" It was just a matter of what kind. "You have any rabbit friends willing to put themselves in the line of fire?" Yeah. That wasn't gonna work. "Maybe a long, bushy branch?" It could give them enough distance and a bit of shielding. Might even coax the snake to strike at something large enough for it to think was threatening it.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Wicked - August 31, 2015

Since this guy's dead now, wanna wrap this up for us? :)

Iqniq attempted his first suggestion, yet it didn't do much other than piss off the rattlesnake. Wicked's ears flicked backward as the rattling increased in volume. His eyes shifted sideways to his Alpha as if to say, Well, what now? He hashed it out aloud, deciding a branch might work best as a decoy. The yearling saw no fault with the idea and bobbed his head.

"Just the thing," he muttered under his breath when he dropped his gaze to the forest floor and immediately spotted a branch, sparsely leafed and perhaps three feet long. Wicked snatched it up with his teeth, waved it in the air experimentally, then turned to ready himself to swat at the snake. "'ou 'eady?" he asked Iqniq, because of course he would get the honor of the kill.

When he figured they were was prepared as possible, Wicked began swishing the stick through the air above the snake's head, before he lowered his neck and the branch accordingly. It worked like a charm, causing the snake to hiss loudly before striking at the offending limb. It missed, having nothing really to snag, and dropped to the ground, half its body now stretched out on the leaf litter.

RE: sharks in the swimming pool - Iqniq - August 31, 2015

Can do! I'll fade!

The rock idea didn't work. He suggested a branch as a possibility instead. Something leafy. Quick to agree, Kanik ran off to search for a branch of that caliber while Iqniq kept a close eye on the snake. It wore near perfect camouflage with the forest floor. He was afraid taking his eyes off the creature would somehow allow it to slither off and escape. That wouldn't do. If they were to sleep more soundly at night, they'd have to off this snake while the opportunity presented itself.

In good time, Kanik returned with a limb. Ready? Iqniq sucked in a deep breath. "As I'll ever be." Was any one really ready to stare death in the face? Nope. Never. But this had do be done. He shifted his stance, placing himself opposite Kanik and behind the snake to better give himself the element of surprise. He lowered himself, coiling his own muscles as he prepared to leap as soon as the snake did.

There! It struck. Iqniq leapt forward and slammed a paw down on its head. There. Pinned it. Crushed it. Something. It was hard to tell since the snake squirmed atop the jagged leaves. Time to sever the head. With his teeth, he bit down at the base of the skull and pull the long body from the rest of its head. Two pieces. And damn. Those scales tasted nasty.

He tossed the snake body towards Kanik and eased his foot off the snake head. "I'll let you have the honors of adding that to the cache. Maybe someone has a taste for snake." It most definitely was not anywhere on the list near his favorite meals, but eh. It times were desperate? Maybe. Good news was they hade a few stoats to add to the stores and those were far more savory. Iqniq gathered up his kills and helped assist Kanik with his own. They were adding small meals, but every little bit counted.

-fade thread-