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Phoenix Maplewood With a rebel yell - Printable Version

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With a rebel yell - Saēna - August 18, 2015

One post here = founder EXP for you! Also open to any non-Phoenix Maplewood member looking to join! @Reek @Arion @Nochtli @Citali @Ryker @Gunnar

While Phoenix Maplewood had been home to them for some time now, they hadn't made much of a ruckus about it. They'd quietly patrolled, marked their boundaries out at their leisure. They'd made a few individual kills and cached what they could. They'd begun to familiarize themselves with the forest's interior and even its surroundings. But the displaced Redtail Rise pack had yet to raise their voices as one. Saena tried to think of a reason for that, and couldn't.

So she stopped right where she was, halfway across a broad but shallow stretch of river, and lifted her snout into the air. The cry she loosed wasn't specific, it didn't call to any in particular nor did it seek to locate them. It was a cry of joy, a song of triumph, the type of call that made others want to join in with their voices. The alpha female sincerely hoped the others of her pack would do so; the strength of a pack was made tenfold more by the addition of voices, and she intended Phoenix Maplewood to come across as strong.

RE: With a rebel yell - Nochtli - August 18, 2015

A call went up, one that made her pause in her exploration of the forest. It was a pleasant place, one that she was much happier to find herself living in. It was the second pack she'd been a part of since coming to these lands, though she was surprised things had ended up this way. Even more surprising was the fact that Cita had seemed to settle down well too. For this, the Amazonian shadow was happy and she lifted her voice to say so, twining her own song with Saena's and the others of the pack. At the same time, she effectively pledged herself to these wolves, delighted to help them and be a part of something where her opinion seemed to actually matter. She'd have to find Saena soon and see how she could best help.

RE: With a rebel yell - Citali - August 18, 2015

She was leisurely sunning herself in the clearing Arion had spoke of when the howl rang up. It was quickly joined by a few other voices and without thinking on it, Citali lifted her head and added her own chords to the mix. It was the least she could do. All this roaming and marking and what not had left her eagerly awaiting the day when the land here was claimed well enough for her to begin cultivating what would swiftly become a thriving garden. At long last, she could settle in and start, but for the moment, she was content to glow within the moment and the rays of sunlight as this officially pack united within their new home.

RE: With a rebel yell - Reek - August 18, 2015

For a moment, Reek sat in silence as he listened to the howl of his mate as it was joined one by one with the voices of the others. A mixture of emotions flared within the patriarch's heart; excitement, awe, but most of all— pride.  Pride that the survivors of the tragedy that had befallen Redtail Rise had remained strong, together... and pride that their new arrivals chose to follow on their own accord.  Grinning like an idiot, Reek threw his head back and howled along with the others.

The Maplewood was theirs... and theirs alone.

RE: With a rebel yell - Arion - August 19, 2015

Patrolling, that was what the chocolate Greek was doing. Or at least, it was what he convinced himself. Truthfully, Arion was just wandering the forest. He remembered places which he knew he would visit again, such as several caves, a creek that was usually undisturbed by annoying animals, a large clearing that Citali was currently sunning herself (though he didn't know that) and much more. Of course, Arion had also patrolled, filled the caches, did his duties as a pack member, but mostly he had been lost in his thoughts and wandering.

The forest was tolerable now, he supposed, and living her....it wasn't so bad. Especially with his new packmates......He was pulled out of his thoughts when a howl rang sharply through the forest air, quickly followed by several other voices. Arion recognized some of them: Reek, Saena, Citali....and he knew they were officially claiming Phoenix Maplewood as their new home. He knew he wanted to live with them despite having argued with them, yet, he still found himself having doubts and paused in his steps.

Arion exhaled softly, and thought quickly. He wanted to live with them, but he didn't like the forest. Was he going to abandon the family he made just because he hated the terrain? Was he that terrible a wolf? His father wouldn't have approved; Arion knew what he needed to do now. With a half amused, half resigned smile, the chocolate stallion tilted his head backwards and allowed his voice to join those of his packmates, singing their claim of the Maplewood to the world.

RE: With a rebel yell - Gunnar - August 22, 2015

Gunnar traveled around sighing softly as his headaches began to wane as it got colder. They were still there, angry and painful, but they were getting less frequent. He heard the howls and smiled softly. Finally they had found a new home, a place to call their own. Tipping his head back he let loose his own howl. Letting them know he was there. He wasn't the best wolf all the time, but he was there at least.