Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley Buddies needed. - Printable Version

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Buddies needed. - RIP Valette - August 20, 2015

Desna moved through the high grasses away from the den. The fat pup felt rather adventurous and hobbled down towards the large river. Of course she didn't know that because she couldn't really see that. Once the grasses opened up she was surprised to see all the water flowing. She plopped down at the edge and looked down. She saw a wobbly version of herself in the reflection. Oh! Was that what she looked like? She knew from looking at her paws that they were dark, almost like a charcoal color. Her whole body was like that while her parents were both pale. She bit her lip. Was she an addition like Leo? No, she always had been with her mommy and her other siblings.

She studied herself for awhile until she had enough and splashed her paw on the reflection. She had enough of it. She kinda wanted to look like her mommy! With cool red eyes! Hers were slowly turning lighter, and she wondered if they would ever turn red, or orange like her dad's. Desna looked around feeling bored. Was there anyone to play with her?

Edit; @Sonder or @Adlartok or @Rhythm maybe??

RE: Buddies needed. - Adlartok - August 25, 2015

Artok was tiptoeing through the grass. Usually he was patrolling or hunting, but today he had seen Desna steal off on her own, so he followed her. It was hard for him to disguise his limp, and it had taken some time, but finally he was able to. He stood there looking her over as she splashed in the water. He gently moved into the light and chuffed to get her attention. He wasn't even sure if she would know him, he didn't spend very much time speaking ot them. Sure he visited the den dropped off food, said the occasionally hello to Scarlett then he was off again.

RE: Buddies needed. - RIP Valette - August 25, 2015

Desna turned around at the chuff, seeing the grey male before her. She knew he was part of the pack and with a certain interest she jumped up. Someone to play with. Xan had been terribly mean to her at the feast. He said she was like Leo, but she wasn't like Leo. She remembered the raising water and then Leo wasn't there yet. But it was true that she was the only one with dark fur, there was no one around them that had dark fur. Little did she know that her mommy would have dark fur and hazel colored eyes if she didn't have the albino gene.

Desna yipped excitedly and went to greet him. Her heavily bulk wobbling and her tail excitedly wagging. He wasn't sure what the name of this wolf was but her mommy usually called him Ad. "Ad Ad!!," she cried happily and then popped down by his feet. She licked the underside of his muzzle in greeting. "Play with Desna!"