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tiger striped sky - Printable Version

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tiger striped sky - Europa - August 25, 2015

She is weary from her journey; of course she would not admit that, not to anyone else at least. The blood from an earlier injury - she'd slipped on a rock when navigating across the creek - clung to her ankle, the slight hobble of her gait suppressed by a pride that ran deep in her family. She was far too much like her mother, the same woman that had ruined each and every opportunity to settle down happily in a pack that had come their way. Her siblings still stuck with her time after time, but Europa (the eldest, the most independent and the one with the shortest tether) had had enough. This was it, now; her time to strike out on her own. She'd probably do much better this way, without her simpering siblings and insane mother to get in her way. With a tired huff she draws close to the scent-marked borders, taking care to not overstep the boundaries clearly laid out. She pauses, before tilting her skull back and sending out a call for the ranked ones of the pack. All she could do now was wait and see.

@Raziel, @Scarlett

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 25, 2015

Scarlett knew that Raziel had been busy with his own worries, so when a howl echoed through the steep walls of the valley Scarlett was sure she was the one to go and meet this new wolf that knocked on their borders. Scarlett had to remember that they weren't an hotel or sanctuary. They wanted loyal members in their ranks. Scarlett would love to make them part of her family. Scarlett made her way through the valley and up the Boulder Path. The path littered with rocks and fir trees was the only access point to the top wall that was around the valley. The wide entrance to the path was the only border they marked, heavily. It was almost a door of scent, and Scarlett couldn't say that they ever had trespassers. Only once and they had successfully evicted the male stupid enough.

Once she reached the top she was met with a grey female, salt and pepper colored. Where Scarlett had fat from her recent pregnancy, this female had none. She was reminded of herself after she traveled her way to Teekon. Her blood red eyes looked warmly at her, but wary. She wasn't sure after all what this female wanted exactly, but by the looks of her travel worn body Scarlett suspected that she wanted to join their pack. Scarlett now noticed that she also had some browns mixed over her back. "You called," Scarlett stated, she didn't sound too unkind. Scarlett was not the one to instantly attack if there wasn't and threat of danger.

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - August 27, 2015

The she-wolf that received her seemed healthy; that was always a good sign, meant that a pack was prosperous. There was no aggression there, which was a relief. Not that Europa was intimidated; the white wolf wasn't as big as her, but upon closer inspection the red-eyed woman looked far healthier. This was the reason she was tired of being a loner. How was she supposed to grow and improve when she didn't have the stability of a pack behind her? And, despite her demeanor, the void of solitude did get rather tiresome after a while; she could still be sociable and selective with her company. Europa pauses for a moment, ears flicking as the pack wolf speaks. "I'm looking to join a pack. I can hunt, and fight, and I'm probably as healthy as a lone wolf can be. I was a scout in my last pack, so that is where the majority of my expertise lies." Falling into silence as easily as she broke it, the she-wolf waits to see what the other would say; a casual glance from Europa shows that the other woman seems to have small children, so perhaps they would be needing more adults to defend the territory and provide meet to feed the pups with.

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 27, 2015

Scarlett listened attentively when the other female spoke. She was bigger than her, but that was not really a feat since most wolves with bigger, taller, wider than her. Still the petite female wasn't going to let her mind talk her down. She was a Beta and a mother. She was strong in her own ways. "That is all very nice but what is your name?," she asked. Somehow a name also said a lot about a wolf. Scarlett realized that he female must be desperate for a home since she had not asked about her or what the name was of this pack.

"Well, we don't have a scout yet," she offered then, and she could always use an extra set of paws in her hunting team as a game keeper. "We ask loyalty from our wolves. Can you give that to us?," Scarlet then asked. "We are not a hotel, I understand that you are travel worn but, once you join we get attached to our new members. We like them to stay around and be part of our family," she added.

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - August 27, 2015

She wasn't used to prospective leaders giving a shit about what her name was, so to be asked... well, it was a surprise. Europa doesn't let the mild shock manifest on her face, and instead responds without missing a beat. "Oh, it's Europa." She was about to leave it at that, but remembering her manners - and not wanting to leave a negative impression - the she-wolf decides it best to return the question. "What's your name?" The question hangs in the air, attention and interest piquing when the white-pelted she-wolf goes on to state their need for a Scout. That was promising. When asked if she could pledge her loyalty, Europa nods. She didn't have anywhere else to pledge it; no family in the area, no old ties in old packs. "None of my old packs were much of a family," she admits, "so that'd be... nice." Her words are tentative, the cogs of her mind turning as she tries to process the idea of actually forming that kind of bond with a bunch of strangers; well, they wouldn't be strangers for long, right? Not entirely comfortable with the idea - after all, she wasn't used to such a concept - but not wanting to rule it out completely, Europa answers with honesty. "I can be loyal to you, and your family. I will work hard and pull my weight."

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 27, 2015

Scarlett smiled kindly when the female was so shocked. It reminded her at her own family that didn't give a shit about her. No that wouldn't be happening here. Now she had her own pack and her own family and they would be kind to one another. They would care. "My name is Scarlett, and I also come from a pack where they actually called me a monster because I had unusual red eyes," she explained. "But no more you arrived at the right place. This is my pack, and I don't allow any unkindness. We are a family here," she assured the other female.

"You can be loyal? I hope you will be loyal," Scarlett returned to her. "We might be kind to one another but if a wolf misuses that we won't be so kind again." She was certain of that. The Beta female had five kids to take care of and it wasn't an easy task. She couldn't deal with eloping members too.

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - August 28, 2015

The pack wolf introduces herself as Scarlett, and Europa easily commits it to memory; it wouldn't do to go around forgetting the names of the wolves she would hopefully end up living with. Her unusual eye colour had not gone unnoticed - albinism was something she'd only ever seen once before, so it was certainly a rarity - and the taller female remains silent as the other tells her story. Ejected from a pack for the colour of her eyes? "I wouldn't have time for suspicious fools like that anyway; you're better off without them." Eyes shift to take in the scenery that stretches out behind Scarlett. Yes, she certainly had done well for herself. "Are you the Alpha of this pack?" It was an innocent enough question; it occurred to her that she had no idea whether this other she-wolf was the leader of this pack or a second in command. Either way, she held a rank that gave her authority in this situation - something that always made Europa feel a little uneasy - and the loner would acknowledge that accordingly. Respect and loyalty were things that she never liked giving right off the bat, so when Scarlett seems to want a definite answer, the multi-hued rogue - for the sake of her health and well-being - must suck it up and go against the grain, despite all her instincts telling her otherwise. Scarlett seemed like a decent wolf to work under, and with any luck, the other wolves would be worth her loyalty. There was only one way to find out. Without missing a beat, once the older female finished speaking, Europa offers a sharp nod. "I understand. I would like the opportunity to prove myself an acceptable pack-mate, if you allow it."

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 28, 2015

Scarlett smiled lightly at that and then nodded. "So I have been told," she returned with a kind smile. She knew she was better of now she had this pack. This would hopefully be her forever home. Her ears perked up at the question. "I was," she returned. "But I stepped down to Beta once I was too pregnant to lead a pack," she explained. She wasn't going to tell how her mate that should have been alpha had been gone. And how she was all alone with Raziel taking on the duties of an alpha and a mate while kove decided he needed to visit his family. Scarlett was still a bit saddened by their break up. She expected to have one mate her whole life but that wasn't the case.

"But Raziel, the alpha, was busy at the moment. So I decided to greet you," she explained. Her red eyes gave the female a good look over. "Okay. I will give you a chance," she hummed softly, tail starting to sway gently. "I will show you around, yes?," she offered to the new female. Hopefully they would be good friends. Scarlett could use some friends.

Welcome to the pack! We need to get up to 10 replies for it to be archived but I will give you a rank! <3

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - August 28, 2015

Thank you :) Sure, that's fine!

So Scarlett had been the Alpha, but not any more. Had she been deposed? Europa couldn't imagine anyone sticking around in a pack she'd just been so publicly embarrassed in. But no, it turns out that the white-pelted she-wolf had stepped down willingly, and for a good reason. Her suspicions that the older female had been recently pregnant were confirmed - ah, no wonder they were open to taking on more able-bodied adults - and Europa nods, silently hoping that she wouldn't have to take on pup-sitting duties. She had never been sure how to react around young pups, finding their neediness and hyper nature unsettling and rather grating at times. She wouldn't say that out loud, though; ultimately new litters in packs were always a good sign, meant that the group was healthy and prosperous. That was all Europa could ever want in a new home. Upon being officially accepted, the brunette smiles slightly and nods again. "Thank you," the younger female replies, tone genuine. "I'm sure I will meet him, and the others, soon enough." Sure, she wasn't the most sociable of wolves, but it wouldn't do to just skulk around in the shadows and not interact with the rest of them; especially her Alpha. She wanted to make a good impression, didn't she? When the Beta offers a tour, Europa nods again. "I'd appreciate that." She moves to join Scarlett's side, keeping a couple of inches between them as she waits for the other female to take the lead. After a moment or two of silence, Europa allows her curiousity to get the better of her. "When your children are older, will you take the Alpha rank back?"

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 28, 2015

Scarlett nodded, because the female would meet the others pretty soon. She started to walk down the boulder path, this was the only known entrance into the valley. But Scarlett was sure that there were some secret exits in those steep rock walls. There had to be. The boulder path also gave a great overview so she stopped. "Were there it is. We have a very long valley with steep walls. This is the only entrance and exit. Be aware of that. Before you, you see the lazy river and bear paw island," she explained. "To your right we have some maple woods and to the left there is a big waterfall." Before them there were the open grasslands.

The female then turned to her when that question was asked. "Oh! Um. Probably not. I am too kind to be an alpha," she admitted and then smiled. "I am not such a strong leader type. Raziel is doing a much better job, and I'd like to be a mother for my kids, and the lesser responsibilities as a Beta." Scarlett felt like she was doing much better as a beta. And with Raziel busy she could do at least some alpha things like taking on new members. "But I did start this pack, now my priorities shifted." She hummed softly, thinking of her cute little babies as she continued her path. Bearclaw Valley was everything she wished for.

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - August 28, 2015

They walk down the path in unison, Europa lapsing into an easy silence. The journey didn't last long, and as they come to what appears to be the entrance to her new home, the lean she-wolf takes a moment to survey her surroundings. It was probably the nicest pack territory she'd ever spent time in, and she could easily tell that just by first glance; the other places had been shit holes, period. "And what is this place called, collectively?" She'd like to know what to say to other wolves when they asked her where she came from, because otherwise it'd just be 'some place with river, a waterfall and a little island'. Europa is intrigued when the white-pelted Beta answers her question. So Scarlett was the founder? If she'd founded a pack, Europa knew that she'd want to keep control of it at all times. But then again, she didn't have children, so how could she know what it would be like to juggle motherhood and the obligations of an Alpha. Besides, having a leader that was too soft - although Scarlett hadn't really seemed that way, merely kind-natured - was deadly to a pack. Then again, having one that was too cruel was also just as catastrophic; it was all about balance. And by the sounds of it, this Raziel guy had that balance. Perhaps him being Alpha was for the best. Either way, Europa didn't really care; as long as her new leader wasn't a tyrant, she was happy. She nods in Scarlett's direction. "It's best, as a mother, to devote as much time as you can to your children. Mine didn't, and it didn't do us any favours." Her tone is gruff, and her brow furrows as amber gaze shifts towards the maple woods. "Do you know if there are any vacant dens around, or should I find a good spot to dig one up?"

RE: tiger striped sky - Scarlett - August 28, 2015

Scarlett cleared her throat and looked up ahead. "Bearclaw Valley," she smiled and looked over the wonderful area. They even had a resident deer herd, otters and other small wild life. Scarlett was more than happy here. She and Kove had done a good job. Though only Raziel and Rhythm were part of the starting members. Oh well. And she hadn't seen Rhythm around, hopefully she wouldn't be gone again, because she had one chance to rejoin and she used up that chance. Scarlett then turned to the new female. She was certain she was going to integrate well.

"I agree. But too much attention makes them spoiled so I do let them explore the valley," she explained to the other female. 'If you want you can do some babysitting," she chuckled. Scarlett then looked around thinking of any dens that were still there. "I should check the steep rock walls they sometimes have cracks to sleep in. But you can also go into the maple forest to your right and look for a used den. I think there are some but it is also really good digging there. We also have a rendezvous site, a open field by the edge of the woods were I and the pups sleep. We moved out of our den just this week. I wanted to get the pups used to sleeping in the open air. The valley is really safe."

RE: tiger striped sky - Europa - September 13, 2015


Bearclaw Valley. Europa nods, committing the information to memory. At least she knew what to call her new home now. As the warm wind ruffles the fur along her spine, the younger female falls quiet as the Beta compensates for the lack of conversation; she was not the most vocal, and hopefully the pack would not mind that. And if they did... well, they'd be the one with a problem, not her. What she lacks in social mannerisms she would make up for in productiveness. She's pleased to hear that Scarlett is not one of those smothering parental types that never give their children room to breathe. After all, how is a pup supposed to learn anything? The choice of either searching the rock walls or the maple forest have Europa considering for a moment, but ultimately she decides to opt for the latter. Or maybe she would just sleep out in the open, like Scarlett and her pups did. She had grown accustomed to sleeping in various caves throughout her time in various packs - they had all been very sheltered territories - but this one, the Valley, was the vastest and most open by far. She rather liked it. "Thank you, Scarlett. I'll take some time to explore and find my own spot. I will see you soon, I'm sure." And with a polite dip of the head, the she-wolf moves off to take her own path, craving some quiet time. Nothing against the Beta female - she was more than pleasant company - it was more the fact that Europa was, and always would be, a bit of a loner.

- Exit unless stopped?