Wolf RPG
reach for the stars - Printable Version

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reach for the stars - RIP Njal - August 25, 2015

Njal was tired of lazing around. Yes, lazing. He was still super duper injured, but that wouldn't dampen his desire to do his duty, only make him more irritable that he could not do anything. It had been forever since his return to the caldera, and he was no better or worse because of it - well, no, maybe he was just bitter and in pain - and that would change. Today.

At least that was what went through his stupid head prior to the attempted excursion. He had waited until just after one of the other wolves had dropped off his medicine, feigned eating it, and then gathered his wits; as soon as their back was turned, he got to his paws and tried to walk. It was very hard - very, very painful - but as long as he kept himself mentally centered on the thought of freedom, everything would be fine.

He made it six glorious feet before he fell over the first time. Ten more the next, which was really pushing it. And when he finally collapsed under his own weight and couldn't budge another inch, he realized he had made it to the borderlands. The pain was nearly excruciating, but entirely worth it.

"Damn leg," Njal hissed from between gritted teeth, "Damn hip," he breathed in a deep breath, as if more oxygen would cause the pain to abate (hint: it didn't), and then let out a low growl-sigh, laying his head down like the useless lump that it was. This was a shitty idea. "Damn stupid fucking -- everything."

RE: reach for the stars - Nanuk - August 25, 2015

Absentminded. It was likely a good, describing word for the wolf right now. Thoughts trailed through her mind, questions with no answer, self-depreciating statements. They had gained two returning members today, from what Iqniq had told her but even that was like a lance to the heart. They had joined and she would fail in protecting them, just as she had Kanik. How the coyotes had slipped her notice, Nanuk was completely unsure but in doing so, she had allowed the endangerment of the pups and the death of a comrade. 

Perhaps time away from the Spire right now would do her good, would get her mind off of the events that had transpired so recently. She left with a curt departure to her Alpha, keeping her thoughts to herself and then... Then she had simply wandered. The pale creature did not quite pay attention to where she was headed and it was only when the smell of another pack invaded her nose that she awoke from her meandering stupor to find herself facing a line of trees. 

Fortunately, she hadn't crossed the borders but that didn't stop her from practically tripping over a lump a rock a wolf???? "What the f--" Her gaze settled on a furred mass, sprawled across the scent markings of the pack, of his pack judging by the scent. "Are you dead?" She snapped. "What the fuck are you doing laying there?"

RE: reach for the stars - RIP Njal - August 25, 2015

He might have lain there for hours. He might have lain there for only a few seconds, he really couldn't tell the time right now. But when a swift kick was dealt to his side, Njal's head lurched up, and he glared at the offender with one narrowed eye. It was in this moment that the stranger fumbled for words, which really woke Njal's spirits. This was a trespasser - a trespasser to the caldera! An enemy! He tried to lift himself to his feet, but only managed his front half. Meanwhile, he slurred some obscenities which really did not fit the northerner - "Do I look dead, you blind idiot?" Okay, okay, so he wasn't a practiced obscenity-chucker, and he was in a great amount of pain, but he had tried. Actually, he wasn't done. "You better get your lilly white ass out of here before I rip you a new asshole, you... Asshole." With that, he bared his teeth in an unfriendly (but ultimately worthless) display.

RE: reach for the stars - Nanuk - August 25, 2015

She hadn't meant to kick him, of course, but what in the actual fuck was he doing? Who laid there on the fucking borders, spewing insults as they.... struggled? to get to their feet. Even still, Nanuk took a step or two back, just in case he came up off his feet with a vengeance, but was ultimately surprised when he only lifted himself to an odd and awkward half standing position. The fuck? "Fuck you! You could be a fucking zombie for all I know." Which would make sense because the zombie she'd met before had smelled like this pack. Was it a pack full of zombies? Was that even allowed???

"Yeah "asshole"? The fuck're you gonna do? Spit at me?" She had no intentions to cross these borders, or even to attack him, but she had no qualms in goading him into a verbal spar. The moments of anger being pointed at someone else were a blessing, and she embraced them wholeheartedly, unaware that he was actually temporarily crippled. Not that she'd care, anyways.

RE: reach for the stars - RIP Njal - August 25, 2015

was that even allowed omg dying

Zombie? What the hell was a zombie? Kids these days -- no, no, he wasn't going to become a crotchety old man, even if he... Was... crotchety and old. And a man. Suddenly this conversation had a whole new meaning to Njal, who brushed off the actual insults with a huff and a roll of his eyes; he was in pain, but he was also (dun dun dun) old as dirt. His soured mood turned truly ugly as this understanding dawned upon him. He was only six god damn years old, but apparently that meant he had one foot in the grave (har har, that was a totally unintentional pun but Java is keeping it).

"Spit, hell, I'll froth and foam at the mouth! Spread my zombie disease all over, starting with you." With that, he closed his mouth and made a sickeningly wet noise with the back of his throat - gathering spit and whatever else was back there, preparing to huck a big loogie her way. But somehow during these shenanegans - likely when he twisted his body in order to get a good shot her way - his hip flared with intense pain. Thus, Njal began to choke on his own saliva instead.

By the end of his spasm, his tongue was lolling out gracelessly, and the loogie rolled alllllll the way down his tongue, plopping in to the dirt at his feet. Ugh, gross!

RE: reach for the stars - Nanuk - August 27, 2015

Im so sorry for this shit post I think she's ridiculous sometimes. Also "kids these days" I'm laughing bc she's like 5 ish. Almost 6 I think

Also #2 perhaps we should slap a mature warning on this for language? xD

"Touch me and I'll pull your intensities through your throat, motherfucker." He wasn't as zombified as the other wolf had been, the one at the lake that one night. At least this half-dead asshole could talk. Full zombies couldn't talk... right? 

The hacking and coughing caught her off guard, stepping back a pace or two while she watched him intently. "You die for real this time, ya geezer?" There was no way in hell she was gettin anywhere close to him to check, unwilling to catch whatever was making him this way.

RE: reach for the stars - RIP Njal - August 27, 2015

oh probably

"Hmph. I guess that'd be a decent way to go," he remarked dully once the coughing had eased, completely blind to how morbid the conversation had become (had always been?). In his current state, Njal wasn't exactly himself. 

Her remark about being old made him snort, and he bared his fangs in her direction, but only with a half-assed sort of energy. His tongue flicked out over his teeth, and then the cheshire grin was hidden away. "You're calling me old?" Njal narrowed his eyes, in part because he hated being called out on his age, but also because he was scrutinizing the woman's figure - first, yes, that was a woman (how surprising), second, "Your tits sag more than your jowls, grandma."

RE: reach for the stars - Nanuk - August 27, 2015

As ever, the wolf remained unfazed. She'd never had parasites to suckle and so, she knew his statement was wholly untrue. Her tail flicked and barely a heartbeat passed before she fired back at him. "At least my face isn't as wrinkled as my ballsack.." Her teeth snapped together at the end of her statement, gold eyes peering at the goo that had dribbled down from his mouth to the ground. Fucking disgusting. 

"The fuck is with you, anyway? Who the fuck just lays around on the fucking borders?" She shouldn't have been that close to begin with but that was besides the point. This pack was fucking weird. And full of undead, apparently. "Are all of you this senile? I mean, not that anyone is half as old as your dinosaur ass but still." Insenstive Shithead; Nanuk's official nickname.

RE: reach for the stars - RIP Njal - September 12, 2015

"Taking a break, what's it to you?" he lanced back, this time letting more amusement slip in to his voice than before (or perhaps he was just too distracted to notice); as he heard her mention his dinosaur ass, he tried to prop himself up and stand properly. Njal balanced on his good leg and then quickly lurched his front end up, but that was about all he could do. Standing took a toll on him, and soon enough his limbs were shaking and he collapsed once more. The entertainment he might have been getting (as itty bitty as it might have been) quickly vanished as he fell on to his damaged leg, and he winced, turning his face away from the stranger so she wouldn't notice the pain as he was struck by it.

RE: reach for the stars - Nanuk - September 13, 2015

Eep! Guess she's done! We totally need another thread at some point cuz they were super fun!

He tried and failed to rise to his feet. Nanuk saw the signs of struggle, of his body wracking with the pain that he was attempting to hide. He had injured something vital it seemed, and even if she had been trespassing, he would have been able to do jack-shit about it. Howling - yes, physical correction - when hell froze over. She had been injured before, she had been so tired that she couldn't move; never had she been as close as he was to death. And that'd exactly the position he was in. A lone wolf would have quickly passed with a broken leg or hip, so he was lucky to have a pack that would support him with this kind of injury. 

"Leave ya to it then, ya fuckwad." And for reasons she could not explain, she loosed a short and concise howl, calling for someone to come aid the stubborn ass. With the flick of her tail and a lasting silence, the she-beast left him there to be found by someone who gave a fuck. 

Nanuk exits!