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The Sunspire Falling Away - Printable Version

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Falling Away - Xinuata - January 29, 2014


Pale gilded curled heaved on the weight of their burden, the new-found weight of food and adrenaline bearing down on her fragile bones. The warm maw was still wet, drawn agape by the laboring breath exuded as heavy paws and taxed limbs traversed treacherous peaks to place distance between the worn body and cruel earth. For there, on the ground... in the vast expanse of white, were where the monsters dwelt disguised by camaraderie. Bearing the false masks of understanding to ensnare her, and once again draw her back to the very path she had tried so desperately to avoid.

Yes, she was running. Always running. She was a coward in that regard; fleeing from what she knew she needed. It was no longer a matter of pride, but blatant fear that crept into her heart. The monster of solitude had indeed made her a fool, but a needing fool of its terrible company. And only its. The pleasures of warmth and continuous feeding were not hers to have without a price, as always. Such a small fee to pay considering the benefit that came with the sacrifice. But her mind... no. Her heart was much too frightened to make it, lest she return to the life she had only just escaped. A damned existence suffered in the isolation of others where her words went unheard and her purpose was demeaning. However realistic the offer, however desperately she needed to comply, the risk of a condemning future as had been her past was to great to suffer again simply because another would ask it of her.

Rather she die cold upon the mountain, than warm upon her bed of isolation.

Earth and loose snow gave way to her weight as she continued her hurried ascent toward refuge. She knew little of the mountain other than the nooks she had spied and stolen away into for a night at best. And even those she could not recall at the moment, not when her mind raced in panic. Her heart thundered away against its brittle cage, paining her to exhaustion til all she wanted to do was rest. Instead of taking flight to lie on the flat ledge of the mountain, she could have rested beside the kill and savored the tender meats just a bit longer until she was ready to move on. But her actions had to be hastened. Her paw had to be forced. Luck had never truly been on her side without a cost.

...though she did not imagine its price would have effected her this much. She was a stubborn fool indeed.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - January 30, 2014

She'd left quickly after the hunt, and though some could have pinned it on some dislike of company (even despite the workmanship required to bring down their prey), Raheerah knew very well the reason. He was to blame - often the beast was to blame for many things, although he neglected those truths and cared little to acknowledge them. Or the ones who placed the blame, for that matter. He was guilty of many crimes, but this perhaps was one of the few that he felt some twinge of remorse. Or was it stubborn agitation? A will to succeed - an inability to accept his failure?

He thought well on the issue after she'd gone. Raheerah had eaten his fair share, then tore a chunk of meat from their prize's upper shoulder and left the remainder for the other two males to eat or bring back to where ever it was they called home. Of course, if they chose to leave any remains, Raheerah had made a note to return to the kill site and bring them back to Lham. For now, he carried with him a piece of their prey, hanging between his jaws. Had he not eaten, the smell, the taste, the texture on his tongue - it would have been far too tantalizing to simply carry about. But he had brought it for a reason, and soon enough, he crossed that reason's scent path. Eager to find her again, he abruptly adjusted his direction and followed.

On a ledge, seemingly secret to the rest of the world, she hid. The beast could see her now as he rounded the path, but was uncertain if she too had detected him. He stopped a safe distance from her. Raheerah dropped the chunk of kill to his paws, parted his jaw and uttered a low bark. Like the bay of a lion, he bellowed to her, grasping for her attention. And if she should turn and look at him, he would gesture towards the meat and step back, an offering.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - January 31, 2014

An alternate use for one's paws so large might have been to hide her muzzle from the judgmental eye of a distant being. The nameless presence that dwelt within the world playing the strings of fate with a practiced ease. In truth, she did not conceal her muzzle for this reason, knowing well that whatever new use she made of the large things they would not be wide nor heavy enough to steal her away from its invasive vision. Always was it watching, always was it judging. Now more so that its offering had been ignored and turned from like a babe frightened of what the new path may offer. She could imagine this nameless, faceless thing looking to her in shame, its omnipotent crown shaking as the crest of its brows fell. Why dismiss the blessing she needed? Why reject the path plainly laid?

She had only just shifted in her pitying state to lie on her side away from the ledge, when the aroma of meat wafted gradually to her nose, instinctively turning the dark flesh in its direction. And near its still form, he whom she had run from. Swiftly her ears fanned back against her skull as her brows lowered with lids in turn to cast over her eyes. His summon coaxed her ears but still they remained pressed fast within their beds, no stirring other than the wind to shake them. Why was he here? Her tongue was heavy. Too heavy to voice her thought allowed. But she forced her eyes open to looked upon his scarred visage, the question was apparent however soundless it may have been.

And still as she peeled herself from her ledge, her expression did not waver. Concern knitted her ruddy brows as she descended, taking one jagged rock beneath skillful paw at a time until she stood at his level. Gingerly, she turned her muzzle toward the meat then lifted her muzzle with care to his pasterns, unable for the moment to bring herself to look to him.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - January 31, 2014

He allowed room between himself and the chunk of meat he had laid down upon the ground. There was no desire for him to take it for himself; the reason he'd brought it was a peace offering. As much of an apology for his brashness as the monster could summon, but perhaps less so an apology and more a weapon of convincing. Had it not been for him, she would starve - although he supposed, had it not been for him, she wouldn't have fled the catch in the first place. Still, he aimed to use it to his advantage. She had very quickly become a valued resource to him, and he wanted to ensure that she remained within his hold.

Raheerah never looked away, not as she looked down to the meat, but avoided his gaze. His eye remained locked on her, focused, constant as a flame in the absence of wind. And then he uttered a low rumbling from his chest. A wordless invitation, and encouragement, even, for her to take her fair share of the prize they had taken down. Then the beast stepped back, away from her. He turned and his legs carried him several steps from the woman, at which point he reclined first to his haunches, then onto his stomach. He faced away from her, peering out into the trees that cropped up all around them, protecting the mountain side. The snow was refreshing against his skin.

He expected that she would eat, but he had no intention of simply bringing the meal to her and taking his leave. The dragon was an adamant creature - he would have his way.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - January 31, 2014


Once her companion ever faithful in its way, became a hindrance the instant she felt the air shift with movement. The scent of the devil grasped her firmly by the nares, drawing her head from its decline to rise in witness of the male's brief wander. He remained near, as a shadow cast upon the mountain might linger regardless of the hour of the day. Its presence absolute however thin its form, however distantly it stretched and always within sight, waiting to be crossed.

Though she had never known for a shadow to bring with it meat. Nor a male to stand near in wait for her to feast.

Her nostrils flared, filled with the tantalizing aroma of meat. The scent inciting salmon flesh to unfurl form its ivory cage in the hopes to taste, to indulge in it once again. But was quickly withdrawn by the stubborn will to refuse. "You did not come here to only give this to me..." she whispered, departing from the faithful side of her companion in favor of seeking an answer. "...was my reply not clear?" the cold had not touched her, though her chords trembled none the less. Not in fear nor anger, but confusion for this level of persistence.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - January 31, 2014

He settled down upon the snow with his front paws positioned with care before him. They lay side by side, and his head was raised, alert, looking out over the mountain side as though it were his domain. Soon enough, these mountains would be his domain. His home, his dwelling, deep among the rocks. The monster of the shadow and crag, the protector of the ones within. A great and foul dragon guarding his treasure, and she would be among them, he was sure of it. His long tail thumped few times on the snow before it swept across his haunch, one pressed into the snow and the other nestled atop.

But he heard not the tearing of flesh, any tell-tale sign of her consumption. Instead she moved and she spoke, lighting the air with that quiet voice of hers. A whisper on the wind, though barely a whisper at all. Her tones could have been soothing in their volume if they carried the right words. He tilted his head slightly as if to glance over his shoulder, but did not make the effort to look directly at her. "Eeeeaaat." Raheerah drawled, and turned away once more. She was right - he had come here with ulterior intentions, and they were to sweep her away back into the valley.

Not that he would openly admit it, not yet. First and foremost, he wanted her to eat. If not to work in his favor, at least then to fill her stomach. She had worked just as hard for the kill as any of them, and it was Raheerah's belief that all creatures got what they deserved.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - January 31, 2014

She received no answer, but the command to feed. Her ears came forward rather than bent under oppressive, for in truth there was no hostile tone to harm them. Though grating his voice his utterance came softly to encourage that stubborn pride to fall away to reason. She had eaten only a little at the site of the hunt. Her tongue savored the sweet drink of the kill though her teeth had yet to rend through the flesh, nor did her muzzle become dirty with the full delve into the fallen's warm body. She had been too quick to run, nipped at the heels by her own naked fear. He was right to order her... this she knew. And though it pained her in heart to comply without contest, she did so with care and for a moment relinquished her convictions.

Stained ivories parted to touch the cold air, rattling briefly til the found purchase in the warmth of torn flesh. Her frenzied growls were muted at best, though the sweet whines of pleasure could not easily be silenced. This was what it was to eat, to feel warm in heart and body as she dined. Had she been a lesser being she might was wept in delight, but instead saved her tears and sang softly of her joy. How she needed this. How she desired it. And to have it now, to feel her stomach filling not with scraps but proper meat... how by the gods had she allowed this damnation to prevail for so long! Each morsel was a promise that another days was hers to have. Each swallow brought energy she had long been void of. And when the flesh was consumed and what remained was a smear, she lapped her stained maw with the satisfaction for the feast. But would not... could not bring herself to look to the male that had brought her this sliver over a bounty.

For to look at him was admitting that he indeed offered her what she needed.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - January 31, 2014

After his command, she said nothing more. Raheerah wasn't sure if what he should expect was more protesting, or an acceptance of the gift, but when he heard only silence in between the starved devouring of the meat he assumed the latter. He twisted an ear back to listen, and relished the sound of flesh tearing, juices squirming between teeth. He even dared to steal a glance at the woman as she fed, and felt a yawn of pleasure come over him to see the crimson stain her caramel-coloured fur. Some may have considered it a blemish, but this was the kind of beauty that the dragon admired. Hellish, carnal. A reflection of one's inner monster, to feed so hungrily and without regard.

But he caught himself staring. Raheerah quickly turned away again, running his tongue over his nose and then his teeth. He, too, could still taste the blood of the catch. It had been a good meal. The beast was patient for her to finish, and concluded that she had as the frenzied feeding sounds had ended. No shifting his posture, he spoke over his shoulder once again. "Coomme." The monster invited. "Sit with mee."

Still he did not look at her, tipping his chin back towards the outward forest. He did not know if she would so easily follow his command this second time. He only hoped that she would not take the opportunity to flee again - Raheerah had grown dreadfully tired of chasing her. Besides, how could a little company hurt? If she would reject his command, then surely she should be the selfish one.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - January 31, 2014

Over many seasons, her ears had grown accustomed to the cruel command of her leadership. Often they were to berate her person, but in the regard of tolerance, she came to acknowledge the sound and voice as the norm. The tasks or performance asked, no more than the routine that became part of the community.

However this tone was different not laden with promise of humiliation upon compliance. His voice was strong, his word a command too true, yet she did not feel the bristle of discomfort. But the intrigue to know why he requested her presence. Another attempt to turn her ear perhaps. Yet her belly was too full and spirits too well to deny him as openly as she had before. Rather she inched closer to him with a feigned apprehension til she stood near his blind side, a large paw nudging against his own, then gradually lowered herself to recline by his side.

She lied with front limbs forward and at ease cradling her head before a moment until to returned to its attentive height. Still she would not look to him but through the sense of touch she acknowledged his presence and found comfort there. Her tongue rolled free to caress the length of her maw, spreading the traces of blood to bathe her nose in its fragrance. She exhaled in content then lowered her muzzle toward an outstretched paw, and basked unabashedly in the comfort of company.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - January 31, 2014

The trees wavered under the persuasion of the wind. He could hear their branches clashing like swords, a million of them throughout the wood. Then the wind had brought its force to his fur and entwined in each frond, playing with the oily coat of the beast as he relaxed. Surely enough she had come to join him, though having expected her to approach on the side he could see, was put off when he could hear footfall on his left side. Another rumbling in his throat erupted, but he swallowed it down. While any other creature would have been crushed by his teeth for such disobedience - to approach the dragon where he could not see - he allowed her, if only because he trusted her, and wanted of her.

There was no response given to her touch, and as she sat with him, he tilted his head to look at her. Eventually she mimicked his position, laying next to him, and he remained silent a moment further. In the quiet, it would seem the both of them had reached satisfaction, content with one another and their full stomachs. Raheerah knew he had to shatter the peace, but prolonged it, allowing her to revel in whatever she chose - rest, safety, company, quelled hunger - as the winds continued to shake the trees.

Never once did he drop his chin to his paws. The beast remained alert, and his breath passed in patient meter. Several minutes of silence consumed him, tempting him to let it be, but stubborn ambition drove away any tranquility that could nestle itself among them for very long. Eventually, he did speak up again, letting her form occupy his molten stare once more. "Yoou will recoonnsider my offfer," Raheerah rumbled, unabashed in his persistence. Something of a curious inflection tailed his words, hungering for an answer - for that answer to be yes, though he could say nothing more. Not until she gave him reason to elaborate, or explain, which he openly would if encouraged.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - January 31, 2014

She found comfort in the devil's embrace, succumbing to the warmth of his presence as one would the brilliance of the sun at its peak. Her belly now full, the contentment rose til she was a woman at peace, accepting of all the things. The winds of the mountain that told of life that dwelt within its crevices, the cologne of the male beside her that professed tales of travel and the kill only just downed and fed upon. His was a scent she turned to with a manner of contained acceptance and the faintest glimmer of hope. And dare she admit it, she had come to enjoy it however sharp, however brief she came to sense it.

And then he spoke, raising the head of the female with ears drawn forward to receive his gospel. Readily accepting is not eager to indulge, then quickly turned frightened as they fell to hide within their russet folds once more.

The wind could have shaken her then from the mountain and let her fall upon the rocks to end her bitter life. Though her paws remained rooted even as her body trembled. The instinctive response for flight near took hold, pressing her paws against the earth to aid in her rise... yet she paused. Her eyes turned from the earth to him to greet the hellish eye now aglow. Fixed as a demon would look upon his prey awaiting its defiance that it might reveal its nature in spectacular brutal glory. And yet, she did not fear him.

"Tell me why," she defied, letting slip her paws beneath her to return her heavy body to the ground. She remained as near as she had if not closer than before. The overlap of worn appendages shadowed his own as she let her head rest atop them in wait for his answer. She feared of what he asked of her, stark nakedly and true. But the demon himself, her wary was stifled. Monsters roamed the earth at their leisure, ensnaring and corrupting at a whim... without cause. She did not believe him to be such a beast. Monsters did not offer her meals to feed, lest they sought to take her in comfort.

And then, at the very least, she would have passed to the next world content.

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - February 07, 2014

He supposed, then, it could be a fault of his own that she had not accepted his overly gracious offer. After all, had Raheerah even taken the tome to elaborate on the reasoning behind his prompt? She was fortunate that Raheerah was modest. As modest as a wild monster could be. Even so, such modesty could be questionable if it did not bode in his favor. But he was accepting of his folly, recognizing that it was he who lacked in his argument this time.

He eyed her, watching as she threatened to rise. But some wisdom got the better of her and she remained as is. At the same time, he tried to find a way to coax his desires into pleasant words. "Yoouu are not so different from Lhaamm." He began, though she wouldn't know who he spoke of. He doubted she would even know of the hybrid had he spoken her name. "It muust be with unassuuuming innocence that you regaarrd me, and it is thaat which I wish to preseerrve." Raheerah rumbled and huffed, giving a brief shake of his head, which in turn shook his coat. Would she find his reasoning suspicious? He wouldn't blame her, she did not know entirely why he valued her innocence.

Perhaps then he should just put it into simpler, mortal terms. "Iii like yoou." The beast added, through no change in his expression - it was not with humility or coyness that he spoke the words. He did like her company, there was nothing wrong with that, no deep implication behind the words.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - February 07, 2014

She held to her patience, waiting for the clarifying moment when his intentions would come to light. It was odd, certainly, for one with purpose to take interest in a wander- at least to the extent of following them to a mountain. But it was this persistence, this quiet conviction that attracted her all the more and bid that she heed him. Eyes of gold and umber remained fast to the paws watching as the tips of dirtied fur curled and bent by the will of a mountain breeze. Then her own as she exhaled, and drank in his scent again.

This mention of ‘Lham’, an acquaintance perhaps, served to bend her ear but little more than that. She hadn’t a face to recall nor voice to retain, simply a name not her own that carried significance to this demon. But it was not that which lifted her gaze and turned her head, pulling her expression from indifference to a gradually brightening interest. His desire- to preserve her innocence? Or was it simply the way she perceived him? Neither monster to saint, but one she found a strange comfort beside, and in turn found peace. Was that what he was fond of in her? His declaration would draw the warmth from her belly and find a rapid course to rise to her cheeks.

She raised her muzzle with black flesh quivering hesitantly, inching and seeking to grace the aged scruff just beneath his chin. A volunteered gesture of respect if nothing more. “I like you as well,” she whispered openly, plainly lest the renewed vigor of her heart draw the alto an octave higher. She had grown fond of his company, and cherished however brief their encounters. To know that upon the waking day she needn’t look for him, but know his presence could be found with ease… she could smile even on the dreariest day. Yet such joy was not without its condition. “My compliance-“ she paused to breathed inhale deeply then start again. “I will follow you, if I have your word for this-“ whether her prior touch was accepted or not, she offered another of cold nose against his cheek to hold his attention to her words. “-I will not fall to isolation. That burden shall be lifted from me by whatever means you deem fit. You will offer to me purpose beyond scouring the wilds or breeding for a worthless line. And you will see to it that I needn’t endure the shame of seclusion ever again from neither clansmen… nor you, Raheerah. Your word on this, and I will not walk away from your sight unless you seek to dismiss me…”

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - February 08, 2014

Unexpectedly, she had moved towards him and brushed his chin. Instinctively he had froze - this touch, so small but so brazen, too, was not unlike that of Lham's. She had never held with him gentle grace, though; she held him at distance, and each touch was only out of necessity. Raheerah quickly eased his muscles, to remember that she was not sacred like Lham, merely innocent. He cocked his head slightly to peer down at her, yet still felt no change in his expression as she returned his sentiment. Nor change in his heart; perhaps, at the slightest, there was some relief that she did not reel back in horror of his revelation. He would take her to the Vale and make her his regardless of her response, but he would so much rather she comply than he use force.

She did agree, and again he felt the plunge of relief, but she had conditions of her own that he had to abide by. Intrigued, the male listened. He rolled over her words with care, considering them so that he could follow them appropriately. She spoke of purposes that she cared not for; scouring the wilds and breeding. The latter had not been of his intention - he had no line to expand, and sexual desires were something that escaped him. Had anybody need of his genetics, he would willingly offer them - it would had little detriment to him - if only they would prove that they were worthy of carrying such monsters. He was not entirely sure what she meant of scouring the wilds, but if she wished not to leave the Vale, then so be it.

His gaze flickered to her, and remained as she kept her nose pressed to his cheek as she spoke. He felt her hot breath on his skin, reminding him once more of their closeness, but made no attempt to avoid it. Her conditions seemed promising. The creature shifted slightly so that she would encompass his gaze entirely. "Secluuusion and isolaation shall never haunt yoouu. Yoouur puurrpose will be as myy auxiliary." He answered, the hardened stare of the dragon lingering upon her face, searching her eyes. "Youu will beee the liight. Aand I, the shaadow. So lonng as there iss one, there wiiill be the othher." This was his promise to her, in that he would be in her presence always. If that was what she wanted, it would be what he would give her, if only to protect her from the outside world.

RE: Falling Away - Xinuata - February 08, 2014

In the wake of his words, only the wind dared to make a sound. And even then it was a whisper to coax her ears to rise and brush against an ashen cheek. She had drawn nearer to him as she listen, bold and certain as she slipped beyond the threshold of safety to tread both the physical and implied dangerous grounds. What she felt was strange… what implored her to wait and heed each word as he spoke, to consider and accept his offer, was a feeling not only in mind but heart as well. And it was dangerous, for the words of her dame crept from the recesses of memory to recite their words of warning to the babe that wandered down the familiar path.

Yet she could not call this road she ventured ‘love’. But respect… adoration. Worth the steps from known into the unknown that she might attain a new understanding, and dare she hope for it; joy.

By strength of will, she managed to pull her cheek from his to hold the gaze of a single orb. The coolness of the wind graced her naked cheek, but it was in a fleeting moment as the warmth of content returned the color to her pale cheeks. She the light. And he the shadow. One could not be without the other. And it was a promise. A promise she intended to keep, and have him keep as well. “Then we may leave at your leisure... as long as I am at your side.”

[Exits with Raheerah]

RE: Falling Away - Raheerah - February 08, 2014

And at long last, he had his answer, and it was that she would follow him to the Vale. Into their ranks, she would settle under the watchful gaze of the dragon. He would keep her from the monk, though if she desired she could pursue the teachings of Lham. His preference, of course, would be for her to follow him and join him in his faction. Raheerah knew naught who else would fall into the faction of the warriors alongside him, but he would train them and teach them, condition them to protect the paradise he had found for his Lham, and Xi'nuata would be by his side to do so.

It was not for the purpose of using her, no. It was but to ensure that she could defend her innocence as well as he could, for Raheerah knew that he could not protect her forever. Just as, one day, he would leave Lham behind as his existence would end. He was a mere blink of her eye, the immortal. But for the moment he was here, he would do as much as he could, protect her as well as he can.

The oily black beast gave a dip of his head in understanding. He allowed the two of them to enjoy in the silence of the mountain side for moments longer, and then it was time to leave; he rose, and he guided her back to the Vale, where they would make their home.

exit Raheerah