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Bearclaw Valley sisterhood - Printable Version +- Wolf RPG (https://wolf-rpg.com) +-- Forum: In Character: Roleplaying (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Forum: Archives (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: Bearclaw Valley sisterhood (/showthread.php?tid=10862) |
sisterhood - Sesi - September 07, 2015 Maybe @Desna? :D
At nearly 3 months old, the pups were growing like weeds - in slightly different directions. Sesi was beginning to resemble the lean, lissom wolf she would become as an adult, clothed in softly contrasting greys. The black highlights were sharpening with each passing day, and her puppy blues were now a stark, silvery grey. Desna, on the other hand, was still part potato. Podgy and big-boned compared to her sibling, she was definitely living up to her Destroyer moniker. It was early evening, and the two girls were lounging near the family, heads pressed close. Sesi was watching the adults as they came and went, splitting off from the group to do god knows what in private. "Desa," Sesi raised her head. "I wanna go 'splore now." She wasn't about to do it alone; 70% of Sesi's bravery was derived from her sister's company. RE: sisterhood - RIP Valette - September 07, 2015 Desna was lazily laying down, often letting her other siblings use her as a pillow. The girl liked the warmth in return. She was more than happy especially hanging out with her little sister. Desna always felt so much bigger compared to her sister. Des wasn't even looking up as Adults crossed in and out form the rendezvous site. She lifted her head when Sesi spoke. "Wanna explore the forest?," Desna asked sitting up. She stretched her big paws and legs. The girl got to her feet, her small tail excitably wagging. "Lets go into the forest! Maybe we find something really cool," Desna decided, because she hadn't been in the forest for a long place, and being in the open fields so often the forest looked big, dark and scary. Which was perfect for explorations. RE: sisterhood - Sesi - September 27, 2015 Desna's suggestion was a bit more ambitious than Sesi had been prepared for. She was charting the area around the rendezvous site on a meter-by-meter basis, and the forest was not due to be processed for several weeks. But if she had her sights set farther afield, Desna might laugh at Sesi if she suggested something as lame as just 'over there'. The nervous girl swallowed her fear and nodded a silent sure, knowing she would live (well, hopefully; who knew what would happen in the forest) to regret it. RE: sisterhood - RIP Valette - September 27, 2015 Desna was very eager to explore the woods and see what was out there. Even though the trees looked kinda scary and big she was not backing off from this! She looked at her sister and then nudged her in encouragement. The dark girl walked with her sister, her head held high as they came closer to the woods. Desna stopped from entering and sniffed it at first before stepping inside with a brave pace. Her hazel colored eyes looked around but didn't spot anything scary. "It is okay Sees," she spoke with a smile. "It is just bigger grass with thick stems." RE: sisterhood - Sesi - September 28, 2015 Big grass. Sesi sneered at her sister, a little offended at the suggestion that she, a smart little girl by all accounts, would fall for such drivel. She didn't voice that particular concern - despite her reservations, Sesi found herself walking, her dainty nose level with Desna's shoulder as the pair made their way towards the woods. "You don't know so," Sesi grumbled moodily, ears swiveling to and fro in an effort to capture the noises ahead whilst also working to show her disdain. "Somethi' could live in'er." Like a Big Dangerous, or an Other Wolf. RE: sisterhood - RIP Valette - September 28, 2015 Desna didn't really care too much if something was dangerous. Since nothing really happened yet until now. She couldn't stay like this forever could she? But now she was young and bold. She looked at there sister. "If mom and dad live here then I don't think it will be dangerous! Mom and dad keep things safe," she spoke, very confident. She could also faintly remember being here before with mommy when she was very little. The young girl went deeper in the forest. The dark female let out an excited giggle. "We already live here," she explained on a matter of fact tone. RE: sisterhood - Sesi - September 28, 2015 Sesi wasn't convinced, but she was not in control of her own legs - the very fact that Desna was moving in the direction of the forest kept her ploughing on in that direction too. Before long, the shade of trees cooled their heads, and they were well into the forest before Sesi spoke again. "Somen' could be hiding here though," she insisted again, lowering her head to sniff at the scent trail left by a passing fox. Its presence in her nose made the girl's tail curl, and she looked over at Desna for reassurance. "Do you know 'bout Other Wolves?" If Xan knew, surely Desna had also been briefed. RE: sisterhood - RIP Valette - September 28, 2015 Desna was looking around curiously and tried to sniff every thing. She also followed the trial of a fox and smelled some mushrooms. The leaves were sometimes falling down. She didn't know why. She turned to her sister and looked up to the canopy of leaves. "They could. But we are wolfs so that means we bests," she stated and then turned her hazel eyes to Sesi. "Other wolfs? You mean outside our pack? I heard of them," she stated. "They don't belong to our pack but they are wolfs too. Sometimes they are nice sometimes they mean." But Desna was pretty sure no one could be mean to her. RE: sisterhood - Sesi - September 29, 2015 Time and time again, Sesi was flabbergasted by Desna's confidence - and her naivety. It was as though she had been born without the haunting images that filled the less confident sister's head at night - lines and colours depicting death, destruction, and mayhem. Her mind invented creatures that no eye had seen, mashing those she knew into grotesque hybrids that chased the family around and around the green little bowl they called home. And here they were, tempting fate and hoping that those creatures weren't real. Desna sniffed the fox trail, but was quick to move on. Sesi followed, sniffing at the mushrooms briefly but finding a nest of busy ants a little more interesting to look at. Tiny bodies rushed in and out of a hole in the ground, carrying all manner of supplies. Gearing up for winter, no doubt. Sesi let them be and moved on, eager to be as near her sibling at all times - just in case. "How you know if they gon' be mean?" she asked, scrunching up her face in confusion. were you just supposed to guess? "Dey got a.. a sign?" RE: sisterhood - RIP Valette - September 30, 2015 Desna stopped at a certain moment, because she felt like they shouldn't go too far. She still knew the way back now. She turned to her sister and then tipped her head. "Well I know when Nook is going to be mean? She does dis scowl thingy!," she stated and then showed it as an example. So she was pretty sure other animals would do those things too. Then Desna caught a scent and moved through the underbrush. "Come!," she let out. Very quickly they reached the river that split the open plains in two. Across from them was Scarlett's old den, half collapsed with the water rising at the time. Desna looked at it and tipped her head. "Does this look familiar to you?," she asked with a light frown. Somehow she knew this place, she had been very little at the time so she could only remember the vague lines. The two girls ended up having a great adventure, stumbling on their old den. It was a weird thing to see. Desna made sure they got back in time and without too much trouble. Hopefully now Sesi would like exploring better now -end- Wrapping this up, old thread!