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Jade Fern Grove a thin reminder of the past now - Printable Version

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a thin reminder of the past now - Pasha - September 08, 2015

Open for anyone, though if you're not apart of the forming JFG pack you might be met with some teeth. ;) No obligation to match length, sometimes I am inclined to write narrative from out my ass.

It was raining, but only lightly. Not quite enough that Pasha felt it necessary to go finding shelter and so far he had evaded capture by someone who would have probably corralled him into a den somewhere. He had ventured his way out from the core of the grove towards the borders, where he ringed through some tall shrubs quietly. His imagination had taken hold of him and these lands were no longer those of his father, but his own now. As though he had magically teleported years into the future, he was keeping at the steadfast tradition of keeping those borders safe.

Only, it was more like he was trying to help maintain them in the way he had been shown out. Pasha paused at one point to rake his dewclaws against the soft bark of a fallen log, only to move on when he was satisfied that there had been some sort of transfer that loudly proclaimed this is mine. It was not long after that when a resounding clap of thunder broke the tranquility offered by the gentle rain, and the noise alone was enough to firmly root him to the spot.

Only then did the young Frostfur become acutely aware of the sound of the rain in the leaves overhead, as his eyes scanned them for some telling tale wisp of smoke. It only took an instant for him to be taken back to the memory of the mountainside, and of the dreadful fire that had separated him from his family for the briefest of times. He had almost forgotten about that night, so eager and keen to progress onward with the others on some grand adventure.

He shook the memory free with a physical shake of his damp coat; he shook the chill that came over his coat with it. In time the memory would fade altogether no doubt. Pasha was almost inclined to turn back and seek out his siblings, or maybe his mother (unaware yet of what had come of them), but something else grasped his attention. He pushed on a bit more, only to come to the trees along the border that he and his father had passed some odd days ago.

"Finally," he said, awkwardly trying to hike a leg up and mark it too.
disturbed — sons of plunder

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Fellway - September 09, 2015

A lot of wolves had excreted a lot of urine in this part of the Teekon Wilds. Fellway had journeyed north from the Fishblight Mire (gross name, gross place), treading the narrow path between three claimed territories. As a wolf, he could see the appeal; clots of dense forest surrounded by open plains - likely to get first pick of the herds in spring. As a wandering bachelor, however, it was equal parts danger and Dullsville. Some hoity-toity little madam or mister might come running out at any moment, either to offer him sanctuary... or his own balls on a plate. It depended on the greeter. Thus far, Fellway had managed to avoid all sorts - and had even charmed the proverbial pants off one or two such wolves.

But Pasha was interesting. He was barely out of his diapers, first of all (not that Fellway was that way inclined), and the scent coming off the borders he was marking was strangely familiar. The arctic male wound his way towards the treeline, ears flattened against the rain. When he was close enough, he barked "Kiddo!" at the patrolling pup, cocking his head to one side in an owl-like manner. "You the Big Man around here?"

Assuming this is at the borders but ofc any JFG wolf welcome to intrude. :D

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Pasha - September 09, 2015

yup, it's at the borders. :D *hammers this out before errands*

Pasha had no more relieved himself in full at the base of the tall tree when a voice came booming out from his surroundings. Well, okay, it wasn't exactly booming by any means, but it seemed loud to him. Maybe it was just that initial call for his attention. Either way, it was enough to give him a start from the imaginative reverie he had placed himself in, and for a moment he almost threw every aspiration he held out the window to bolt away for the safety of the grove therein.

But instead, he found himself whirling around to face the source, and found someone who didn't strike him as all too dissimilar to his mother. Only this wasn't Bazi, this guy was, well, a guy. Pasha stole a scant couple of moments to compose himself, at least in some way that he felt his mother or father would have. It was comical, at best.

"Yeah, I am!" he said back, and proudly. "Who are you?" He didn't smell anything like the rest of them, in fact, he really didn't smell like anyone in particular at all. There was a certain muddied composition about his air, though in the rain it was hard to tell anything. This had to make him one of those wolves his father had told him about — so now Pasha moved to figure out whether or not he was friendly.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Morgäna Ambrosé - September 09, 2015

Yay another thread xD. /waves.

It seemed her journey into the out-lands would have to wait, for the sound of a voice, one young and one much older drew the dark dames attention. The young voice was no doubt one of their own and so the ashen dame quickened that pace as she came across the pair, proving to stand just beside the pup that gaze upon the rogue.

Morgäna had taken on a more dominant posture, those ears were pushed forth, that tail raised about half way as her form become rather tense. "State your name and business here." Well, even if she couldn't accept this one into the pack, she'd stayed to guard the pup from harm, if anything. For the rogue would have hell to pay if he dared to harm a hair on the young ones head.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Fellway - September 10, 2015

Oof. No sooner had the stranger introduced himself as "Fellway, your highness!" than a second wolf appeared. Fellway rose from his exaggerated bow and sighed, brows forming a knotted 'V' over his eyes. He doubted that this was the mother; she was tense but not aggressive as he would have expected from a woman finding her child son in conversation with some random border-skulking cretin. "Didn't know an alpha needed a sitter," he teased slyly before addressing the new arrival with a shrug and a gesture that suggested he was moving on, shoulders turning from the Grove pair. "Passing through. I was just leaving. M'am," he tacked on with a wag of his tail. She didn't look very m'am. Morgana was thick-set and dark, with wispy fur and peculiar markings around a pair of eyes that was glaring daggers into the visitor.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Pasha - September 14, 2015

With such an emphasis, Pasha couldn't help but think for a moment that he was being made fun of. But it was something that had to be quick to pass, seeing how someone else joined them... and that someone else was somebody Pasha hadn't really seen before. In fact, they were so different from the rest of the wolves that made up the pack that he was startled at their dominance.

His startled response gave him reason to step a few strides closer to the unfamiliar Fellway, though he didn't quite realize this either. With his eyes on the larger and darker she-wolf, his mouth gaped and struggled to form words that would not come.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Morgäna Ambrosé - September 15, 2015

Those frosted eyes narrowed slightly at the rogues reaction, lacking respect altogether. But Morgäna didn't choose to speak, right away at least as she lowered that muzzle to the pup. "Do not be afraid, I am one of you after all." The spoke lightly and would attempt to nudge the pup slightly with her wet nose, minus the rain that was already coating them both. "We should head back." She said, throwing a glance at the rogue to make sure he stayed on the other side of the boarder where he belonged.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Pasha - September 23, 2015

Sorry about the brief delay here, I've gotten rather awful with my time management as of late. :C

She spoke softly and kindly to him, but the nudge was decidedly unwanted. He stepped back and away from her, this time becoming aware that the wolf at their borders had moved on. Pasha's eyes left the dark-coated she-wolf to search for him, but he was truly long gone now.

Her words pulled his attention again, though his time he followed her gaze to spy out the still retreating form of the other. It was then that Pasha found a little bit of his courage stowed away, perhaps with the inkling adolescence that Swift had already adopted to go with it.

"T-then why haven't I seen you before, huh?" he stammered out, stumbling at first only to gain the traction he sought. "I don't wanna go." He almost thought of sassing her further by prompting her to go, but as his eyes came back to her form he thought better of it. She was bigger, older, probably able to wrangle him up much in the way his father could and did.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Morgäna Ambrosé - September 24, 2015

Morgäna's attention was on the pup as the rogue left, she'd be sure to remember that face and smell. She wouldn't hold back next time and likely issue an attack upon his sorry rear end. But she blinked at the boys words and chuckled a bit. "Because I'm new here little one." But she did wonder if she should scoop this pup up and take him back home. Though she knew better then to force the child. "I'm Morgäna; whats your name?" Curious as ever and her voice was soft and kind, simply she was trying to get him back to the rest, knowing it may take some time.

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Pasha - September 24, 2015

Rooted to the spot, Pasha did not take any steps closer to her.  Still, she seemed unfazed by his rudeness.  She must have been new, as he felt no one else would have let that fly outside of his siblings.  But for whatever flippant behavior burrowed itself in, Pasha was wont to let go of it.  His lips remained pursed for a moment as he worked over the possibility that his father had taken in someone else.  It was a piece of the puzzle that he had not considered, that someone else would join them.

Hell, even the fact that Jorunn had seemingly joined them eluded him — it was as though the larger brother to him had always been there.  Pasha did not really question the details entirely yet.  His ears splayed with indecision as he continued to eye Morgana openly.  "It's Pasha," he said.  He didn't seem the harm in exchanging names.  "And if you're new, then who're my parents, huh?"  Surely she knew them if she was apart of the pack, right?

RE: a thin reminder of the past now - Fellway - September 28, 2015

Exit post from me!

Morgana did not pursue, nor did Pasha - Fellway was secretly disappointed. He would have liked the opportunity to play with someone whose ass had not yet accepted the stick. The brain of a pack wolf rarely strayed beyond the need to defend and protect, and it made for particularly dull encounters.

The male wolf shot a look over his shoulder at Pasha, who seemed to be keeping his distance from the dark wolf next to him. A newcomer, perhaps? Or a despised aunt? Fellway wouldn't be sticking around to find out, but he noted that a revisit might be on the cards at a later date. There was something oddly familiar about the scent that wafted from the Grove, though he couldn't quite put his paw on it.

Moments later, Fellway was gone, heading south once more.