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Sawtooth Spire don't squander it - Printable Version

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don't squander it - Iqniq - September 14, 2015

@Nanuk for the discovery of Pasiaktuk Hot Springs!

The autumn mornings were growing crisper. Fog rolled in, wrapping the area in a thick blanket of blinding moisture. His eyes couldn't peer as clearly as he desired. His nose was blinded by the water in the air. Still, he rose early and padded through the chill of the morning. He was thankful the air was still and relenting. Soon the cold of winter would be upon them, but for now he was content to wander and enjoy the dawn while Tonravik and the puppies were still sleeping in the den.

In the mist, he nearly tripped over Nanuk as she slept. His paws tangled over her body as he accidentally stepped on her shoulder. Committed, he passed over her and plopped down on her other side. His furs pressed into her own as he roused the sleeping crocodile and coaxed her into waking. As if stepping on her hadn't been enough he leaned, making a nuisance of himself.

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - September 14, 2015

Sleeping meant napping. She'd only been in this spot for a few hours if that and her rest had been light. The pale female had spent her time lately switching between patrolling the borders and learning the lay of their mountain range. In the middle of the latter last night, she had grown tired and weary enough to simply pick a spot and curl up. 

That was the same spot she was in when she was suddenly startled awake, loosing a terrific and terrible snarl only to choke on it when she realized who the hell it was. "You fuckin' moron. " Her sleep-heavy voice was more gruff than normal, snipping her teeth close to his muzzle for added 'aggression'. "Didn't realized the miniature shit-heads had aged you so fast. Goin' blind already, Shit For Brains? Fuck, man."

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - September 14, 2015

He rolled up against her. Her teeth danced dangerously close to his muzzle as she snapped back at him. He tried not to laugh out loud. Instead, he snickered quietly and rolled, turning with his belly up in the air as he pawed at the sky. "The sky's awake. So I'm awake." It was hard to see it through the fog, but the sun was rising. Or trying to. Eventually it'd happen and the sun would clear the mist away, but until then they were tucked in a cloud and cozy.

Iqniq turned back to his belly, stood up, and nudged her beneath the curve of her arms. "Yeah, yeah. You liked it. Now quit your wining and get up already. We've got ground to cover." He wanted to explore before the day was high and the den was active. That meant they had to get moving. "Sleep is for the weak. You'll be fine, sleeping beauty."

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - September 15, 2015

Her eyes rolled moments before giving him a look that said how much of a retard he was being right then. "You're a grown ass man, aren't you? You don't need me to be awake with you." And truly, she didn't want to be. She wanted to go back to sleep, though she knew her own sleeping habits; once she was awake, that was usually it. She wouldn't try again until that night, or until she burned through the last dregs of her energy. 

His boyish nudging garnered another snick of her teeth, grumpy as she continued to try and wake up. She rose as he asked though, grumbling as she leaned back to stretch out her front legs, and then the opposite for her hind ones. "Where we headin', o' mighty shit-head?" Yes, he could earn the same name of his children. In fact, he was in process of earning the title right now. 

Her teeth tagged his rump and then latched on to his tail for a moment to give it a good yank. Maybe if he kept it up, she'd sit on him too. He'd deserve it for so rudely interrupting her slumber.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - September 15, 2015

Iqniq laughed. He was getting some sort of sick amusement out of her frustration and it goaded him on all the further. "Need? No. Want? Yes." There was a subtle difference in the words, but enough so to make his persistence worthwhile. Fortunately, she realized she was awake enough to stand which prompted him to his feet as well. She nipped at him, but as he deserved it, he merely pressed back with his shoulder and further tried to roughhouse her into fully waking.

"East," he said tipping his nose in what he assumed to be the correct direction. It was hard to tell with all the fog, but something instinctual told him that was the right way. Internal compasses for the win. "I want to do more exploring before everyone else wakes up for the day." Hence, his early start. Hence, his rousing her before the princess woke up on her own.

He padded off a few paces, taking up the lead when her teeth caught his tail. An omph, fled his lips as he was tugged backwards. Automatically, he spun, reaching out to snap at her with his teeth as he batted her head with a far paw. "Uh. Uh. Uh!" he teased, quickly slipping out of reach. "You can be all prissy later. Just pretend you're a sleep zombie and follow along without trying to eat my brains."

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - September 16, 2015

The only acknowledgement to his expression of wanting her company was a grunt. As a wolf who had never had much exposure to emotions and subtle expressions of endearment or even love, Nanuk did not know how to respond to something like that, and so she took the easy route, opting to not reply at all. Even his explanation did not garner a response, merely nodding as a great, gaping yawn won over her. If he wanted time away from the brats, she's oblige. Maybe even happily (shh don't tell anyone).

Yanking him back by his tail illicited a grin from the pale, half-awake monster, in no way attempting to avoid the paw that thwacked her. "I don't eat shit." Her quip was punctuated by another yawn but she followed him now, and that was the important thing. "So what's eastward, asshole?" He was looking for something, and she wanted to know what. "And how are the mini-shitheads?"

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - September 16, 2015

He finally got her up on her feet. Her silence was followed by her teeth and further banter. Iqniq glanced at her, mostly glad he'd cuffed her appropriately in her half-asleep state. That should have woken her up. Should have. Her mouth was quick to the trigger even if she followed it with a yawn. Wakey. Wakey. Time to live again.

He grinned. He wasn't sure how he managed to be so awake at this hour except he had a mission to complete before the clock ran out. "Not sure yet," he admitted. "Toni and I followed the river east. Discovered a cave lagoon of sorts. The water was still warm so I want to follow the river further. See if we can't find what's heating it." That was as far as he'd gotten, but hopefully, that was as far as they needed.

He turned his ear towards her as she asked about the kids and he pressed onward. "Sleeping. Now shut up so your screeching doesn't wake them." They had a bit of ground to cover before they were clear of the main den area. He was actually kind of surprised no one else had stirred, but was glad no one else had joined their company. Two's a party. Three's a crowd. That sort of thing.

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - September 20, 2015

Heated water. That's what they were on a mission to find. For a moment, the Beta stared at him as if he were a bit crazy. Who cared why the water was heated? But it was what he wanted to do and as he had so nicely requested her presence, Nanuk would not refuse him. In fact, she pushed forward, snipping teeth at his muzzle in her passing. "Let's get moving then, princess." Knowing where the river was, she headed in that direction, no doubt in her mind that the red-furred male would catch up with little effort. 

Her nose pointed east and she searched the horizon, looking for this 'lagoon'. It would help if she knew what a lagoon was. "Lead the way, asshole. Move any slower and you'll be goin' backwards." She needed a good run to wake herself up, anyway.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - September 21, 2015

She nipped at his muzzle with a smart remark and zipped past him. Iqniq hauled ass to catch up, snagged her tail, pulled her back, and stepped past her. "Ladies first," he shot back. If she was gonna call him a princess, he'd damn well take advantage of its perks. With a grin on his face, he pressed forward and followed the river. The hopped over it at a crossing of stones and continued along the proper bend of the fork. He led the way. Sure as hell he was leading the way.

They picked their way over to the hidden lake area. He didn't really see it as a lake. It was more of a lagoon in his eyes only because it was a small treasure of sorts. He considered lakes to be bigger. Either way, he hopped up on top of the stone dome that made up the top of the cave. Here, a river flowed naturally only to fall through a hole in the stone dome that waterfalled down into the rest of the river they'd followed up until this point. "This was as far as Tonravik and I got," he told her, standing near the hole where the water fell down into the lagoon-cave below. "Put your paw in the water."

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - September 27, 2015

The sound of falling water caught her ears as they neared, causing her to look around for the 'lagoon'. Not spotting anything at first, she wondered if she was hearing things but the gaping cave that loomed ahead quickly dismissed that possibility, in this instance anyway. Moving closer, Nanuk found that there was a ground-level body of water and sniffed at it, perhaps slightly surprised to be able to smell it's warmth. At his behest, her paw dipped in, her ears flashing back against her skull in further shock (even if only slight). This body of water was not in direct view of the sun and yet its temperature was far above what she had expected. 

Golden gaze found her companion, considering him for a moment. "And you want to find the source," She confirmed, moving to stand with all four paws in the water now. Later, she'd have to come back and soak in its shallow depths, muscles quivering briefly at the thought. But she progressed forward and up the natural stairs that the stones and boulders provided, gaze peering at the crest of the short waterfall for a moment. "Let's see where this goes then," Came her announcement, looking to her companion for a moment before stalking forward along the river's banks.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - September 28, 2015

Nanuk did as she was asked and immediately connected the dots. He didn't need words to know she'd discovered the same thing he had. He saw it in her reaction and she took the mental leap forward to suggest the very thing he was after. He wanted to figure out what was warming these waters. "Exactly." That was the goal of this sunrise adventure.

He watched as she tested the waters, walking into them and sampling their warmth. He'd been there, done that and didn't particularly want to go through the effort of having to dry off with the air still cool as the sun tried to rise. If they found the source? Maybe he'd reconsider. Until then, he was content to stay as dry as he could while following the river upstream.

She began to move and he settled in next to her. There was a reason why they were aokkatti. Their silence and togetherness felt natural without becoming weird. Of course, now that they had a set goal in mind all they had left to do was accomplish it. They pressed forward, following the stream as the atmosphere seemed to warm the mists more and more as they continued. Or perhaps that was just his imagination and wishful thinking as to what they might discover.

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - October 04, 2015

He had no qualms with her seeking confirmation and briefly, there was a sliver of feeling that resulted in a pleased polar bear. Their bond was a strange one but it worked for them. The two wolves moved in tandem and traversed the banks. Slowly, she woke more and more, settling into a strong gait that carried them quickly. The mist thick with humidity, the pale female wondered at the cause, Iqniq's penchant for knowledge seemingly rubbing off on her. She still remembered the day they'd sat there and examined the skies and the small storm rolling in. 

Her shoulder bumped his and her mouth opened, asking a question that proved the attachment between them, if only because it showed she cared for him. "Are you enjoying being a father?" It was not the type of question she would ask just any wolf, as she didn't give a shit about them. She did not care about others the way she did for her Inuit prother, and she sought the truth from him in this. They were friends, aokkatti and her loyalty to the wolf beside her ran deeper than any blood relation she had. In a roundabout way, she wanted to make sure he was happy. 


RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - October 04, 2015

The followed the river upstream. The reason for its warmth had to be somewhere near the source. If they followed it long enough, they were almost certain to discover the cause of it. He was sure of it. All they had to do was get there and hopefully it wouldn't be a serious hike. There was only so far he could travel before the day got the best of him. He wasn't the lone wolf who could do whatever he so pleased anymore. He had far more commitments in the form of pack and family than he would have imagined for himself at this same time last year.

Full time father definitely would not have made that list. Sperm donar? Yes. Present father? No. He hadn't the rhyme nor the reason to settle down with any wolf, but as fate would have it, here he was. Nanuk's question didn't surprise him. Not truly. She'd known him briefly as the wolf he was before. He felt as though it'd been years since then, not the few months of reality. "I love it," he admitted. "They're so curious and bright." He beamed, thinking of them before he looked to her. "You should consider a brood of your own some day."

Their conversation passed the time and eventually the air began to grow warm and humid around them. They were getting closer. Or rather, they were already there. The morning mist blended with the steam from the pools of water that fed the river. This... this explained it. Sawtooth Spire was home to its very own set of hot springs. He tried hard to contain his excitement. Truthfully, he was not quite as at home with snow as his mate was, but this small slice of heaven made up for it.

"Get in," he prompted Nanuk, almost too eager to lounge around in those warm waters than to explore the area further. There'd be time for that later. Right now, he just wanted to soak. "Or I'm dragging you in."

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - October 05, 2015

An outright laugh. If he hadn't noticed that she was barely around his kids as it was, then perhaps something had gone wrong in hat head of his, especially if he was suggesting that she have her own. The beastly female had no patience for young, no matter whose they were. She tolerated the pups now because they were Tonravik's and Iqniq's, and even then, her patience for them was thin. She was glad for his happiness, however. 

She didn't need convincing to get in the water, her nickels tensing at first as the temper was much higher than the lagoon's. This was the source, after all. A low rumble of appreciation left her, not even replying to him now as she was suddenly wrapped in comfort. Gold eyes closed for a moment as she sank in, nose staying above water as he climbed in. "This was a good idea after all." A lazy smile accompanied her words, though she'd never had doubt anyway. She understood why he'd wanted to find it though.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - October 05, 2015

She went into the water without protest. Curious. Every time he led a wolf to water, they tended up fighting him tooth and nail to enjoy it. Iqniq was thankful for her lack of resistance as it allowed him to partake in this delightful little find all the quicker. The hot springs. Yes. His dreams of enjoying a little slice of heaven somewhere close to home had come true. This was paradise. Or would be in the winter months. Getting out of this heat into the bitter cold would be a bitch though. Damn.

As the weather was still pleasant enough to enjoy this natural sauna and it was still early enough for him to relax, Iqniq eased into the waters next to Nanuk. He probably shouldn't enjoy the heat quite as much as he did, but after a long day of traveling or patrolling, these springs would be a lifesaver for aching joints. "All of my ideas are good," he murmured back lest she forget it. "I had a feeling something like this might be here." A lazy yawn escaped his lips as he pressed his eyes closed. As long as he didn't fall asleep, this would be perfect.

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - October 06, 2015

She grunted, refusing to verbally agree with him. The truth was that what he was right, which was probably why he was an Alpha. Her own ideas were mechanical and probably rather boring for the most part; protect, patrol, hunt, provide, survive. She was not too difficult a creature to understand, though she did have her moments. But no doubt this location would be pleasant when the cold came. And with the lesser temperatures of the lagoon, perhaps that body of water would not freeze over either, providing a source of warmth less severe than this. But it was still warmth, and that was what mattered. "Smaller animals might huddle here once Winter is upon us," She reasoned, eyes still closed as she let herself relax completely, propping her jawline up on the edge of the pool. Now she didn't even have to work to keep her head above water. Perfect.


RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - October 06, 2015

She grunted. He smiled as he lay down in the shallows of the warm, steaming waters and mirrored her in resting his muzzle along the shore. If any wolf were to ask him where his favorite location was within the Spire, this little piece of paradise would be it, no questions asked. He saw himself frequenting the area often come winter. If not for the waters, than to simply linger nearby for warmth.

Nanuk spoke. It seemed his ideas for keeping warm might be shared with that which they hunted. He made a light, approving sound as he supported her idea. Perhaps this place would. "And then we'll get to eat them." It amused him that she was thinking more like a naturalist. It was a valuable skill. Predicting the weather and patterns of local wildlife was an invaluable thing.

Speaking of. "Have you considered your third trade?"

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - October 06, 2015

He knew what she meant, his words acknowledged with the flick of an ear. She didn't think much of it, if only because she believed it be common sense. The question he asked drew little thought; she'd already given it enough of her mental ability. "Gamekeeper or Naturalist. Either or." Really, if it went either way, she wouldn't mind. And she could always change it later. "I will take it up soon." No doubt she'd had enough practice for either but a bit more couldn't hurt anything.

"Have any of the others earned theirs?" She hadn't heard anything about it but she was more solitary than he was. Perhaps something had been learned through the grapevine. Then again, things had been... quiet lately. Maybe none had showcased their skills yet. If that was the case, she'd seek them out and spurn them into it. They would need every advantage they could take with the Winter with no way to know how brutal it would be.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - October 06, 2015

She was quick to answer which suggested she'd given it a little bit of thought. Gamekeeper or naturalist were both be skills he saw for her. She'd done quite a bit of both so either would come naturally if she decided that was what she wished to specialize in. "Either or," he agreed. "Or something else if it happens." As long as wolves got in the basic training of warrior and warden, which she had, the rest was all preference. He trusted she'd find something else to occupy more of her time with.

Her question about the others made him thankful he was soaking. He'd not seen anyone actively pursuing their trades in quite the same way he had back when he'd first joined the Spine. It seemed almost every day had been met with some new training of some kind. They'd lost a little bit of that along the way and they needed to be more diligent and honing not only their own skills, but ensuring the rest of the pack was also capable.

He snorted. His exhale a puff of steam within the mists of these warm waters. "No," he admitted. His ears tensed, falling back upon his crown only to have the expression soothed by the spring. "We should be more diligent in seeing to their training." Later. When the sun had risen more fully. For now he just wished to soak and snooze and perhaps even stay within these waters until his paws became pruney.

RE: don't squander it - Nanuk - October 07, 2015

It seemed that her solitary lifestyle had not kept her out of the loop on this one; the wolves of the Spire we're currently lacking in drive to earn their trades. In the long run, such was unacceptable. They did not provide for those that did not earn their place and pull their weight, nor were they interested in charity cases. This would need to be corrected.

"I'll see to it that they start taking care of their shit," She rumbled, her fierce tone in no way dulled by the fact that she looked relaxed as all get out. She would meet with each of them in turn and start kicking their asses into gear to work on their skills, if she had to. Not that she'd mind at all. Nope, not a lick.

RE: don't squander it - Iqniq - October 07, 2015

He should, perhaps, see to his own continued training too. This mountain was improving his strength and endurance, but those were always attributes that required continual honing. Here and now a lazy yawn escaped him. He could afford moments like these if only because he knew they would not last. This was a new discovery, something he was intent on enjoying. It went without saying that he'd be back.

Nanuk would see to the others. Her words were merely a promise that brought a smile to his lips. "Make sure they eat it," he replied with a grin and made a similar promise to himself that he would check in on the progress of them all. The more they could accomplish while the weather was still nice, the better.

Silence wrapped about them as they continued to soak. Later, when the sun was a little higher and the mists began to clear, they would make true to their promises as they continued about the rest of their day.

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