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Sawtooth Spire remember the moment - Printable Version

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remember the moment - Atuaserk - September 15, 2015

@Sitamat! Bad starter. I'm sorry :(

The sun was high in the sky, right above their clearing where the first of @Iqniq and @Tonravik's legacy was laying, chewing on a bone. It was something that one of his parents had brought back and this morning, he'd taken it from the rest of their brood and had kept it in his possession ever since. This consisted of him dragging it around the clearing, away from the reach of the other pups. Whenever another neared him, his paw lay over the slender rib bone and a soft growl came from him before he went back to teething on the object. It had been the cause of many a squabble so far today but he had yet to lose it to one of his brothers, though whether or not that was going to change remained to be seen.

RE: remember the moment - Aariak - September 27, 2015

I hope you don't mind me snatching this one? It looked lonely and I need caretaker threads :P

Already familiar with all the family, Aariak took more time to spend around the pups every day knowing that Tonravik's tolerance towards visitors was slowly increasing. The male was a caretaker by trade, and he had been accepted into the ranks of the pack with the promise of aiding the new faily with his knowledge and presence, which often involved playing around with the cubs.

Atuaserk, the first and the largest of the litter had already made an impression on Aariak. He was tough, and he was the one he expected to become the fiercest of the four. But how fierce would he be if it meant protecting his toy, not from one of his smaller brothers, but from the much larger Tartok soldier?

The tall inuit put a paw on top of the bone while the kid was still gnawing at it. "I think I'll be taking this." said Aariak both playfully and seriously enough to make the kid engage on a battle for the possesion of the object.

RE: remember the moment - Atuaserk - September 27, 2015

Eee hi! I don't mind at all! I think I'm gonna put this towards warrior apprentice, so it works! Feel free to PP and correct him or teach him :)

A paw descended upon his prize, trapping it beneath the older, larger wolf's weight. The words meant little to him save for the word take; He was coming to understand the particular verbiage and, in this situation, believed it to mean 'Arak' was taking the bone from him. Needless to say, this infuriated the little boy, his fluffy hackles rising in response as his teeth bared, automatically becoming stiff legged as he'd seen others do before now. Tiny ears flickered back to lay back against his head in 'aggression', a last warning for the frequent visitor.

Atuaserk gave him no more time, suddenly rushing forward to snap his much smaller jaws at the older man, intent on wrestling the bone free from him as soon as possible.

RE: remember the moment - Aariak - September 28, 2015


Just as Aariak was expecting, the little fighter reacted to Aariak's intervention in an agressive way, hackles raised and ears flat on his fluffy head. Aariak grinned, lowered his head and shot an encouraging growl.

Atuaserk attacked the larger Inuit, snapping his jaws to which the Caretaker reacted with a nudge of his muzzle, enough to tackle the boy over and giving him time to pick up the bone and lift it from the floor.

Then, staring directly at the boy's blueish eyes, the male bowed into a playful, and slightly agressive position, tempting the boy to try take back what was his.

RE: remember the moment - Atuaserk - September 28, 2015

Please forgive the icky post! I've... never played a puppy before, so this kind of "fighting" is super new to me. xD

The growl was only encouraging by way of spurning the boy into further action only to be shoved over, toppling to the ground. It was not the first time he had been knocked to the ground, his mother's way of correction tough but efficient, nor was it the last. Ata hopped to his feet again, splaying his four paws out to instinctively widen his center of gravity; later he would learn that this particular move would help him to not be knocked over as easily.

Aariak bowed, tempting the eldest of the Spire into rushing him again. The boy's moves were ungainly and sloppy at best, but he attempted it at the very least. Head ducked, the pup charged the caretaker's leg in efforts to return the favor and knock him over.

RE: remember the moment - Aariak - October 02, 2015

You serious? That's like the cutest pup ever
You're doing an awesome job :P
btw, this is how I'm picturing him right now xD

Hopping to his feet again, the little bear charged once more towards the pale Inuit, attacking his paw in what seemed an effort to return the favor. Aariak laughed, and with a growl moved his paw away, roughly shaking the pup's head in the process.

Aariak was carefully watching every move Atuaserk made. It seemed his instinct was sharp, it would serve the boy good as he worked towards becoming a great fighter as he was expected.

RE: remember the moment - Atuaserk - October 06, 2015

awwwww thank you!!! <33

The paw moved and Ata found himself dissatisfied, shaking off his fur for a moment before darting under the man and sniped small, terrible teeth at the softer parts of the pale one's belly. As with the first time Aariak had tended to them, the boy acted on instinct, driven by the same feral manners that his mother operated on. The softest parts of the body were his best bet and while he did not yet know the difference of pressure and wounding between playing and being serious, the boy still caused no harm to his elder, despite best efforts made.

When his small jaws found no purchase on the wolff's belly, Ata frowned and looked around, finally settling his gaze on the backs of Aariak's forelimbs. Without another thought, the boy threw himself at those legs, hoping to still throw him off balance, only this time he added the sharp pressure of his teeth to an ankle. If given the chance, he would continue this method of trying to bring down his opponent. It worked with his brothers, so why not this wolf?

RE: remember the moment - Aariak - October 18, 2015

Aariak lifted his head with the toy in his jaws when Atuaserk decided to change his strategy. His belly had become One's next target, which was a bold approach while it was an instinctive turn. Aariak tried to reach the boy behind him, turning around and jerking his head bewteen his paws. But to really be able to move the pup away he would have had to release his grip on the toy, which he didn't want to do.

But then, the pup let go of his belly and instead went to nip at his heels, which was even more painful. His teeth, although small and harmless, coud inflict pain nonetheless. They were sharp already. So this time Aariak couldn't afford holding on to the toy, and in order to get rid of One he dropped the bone and took the pup in his jaws instead, then dropped him at a safe distance.

RE: remember the moment - Atuaserk - October 19, 2015

This'll be my last post here! Fade with your post and we can have another soon?! <3

While the boy didn't knock his opponent over, there was a different event that happened that made his chest puff in victory. Despite the fact that Aariak picked him up and deposited him a little ways away, the boy wasted no time in darting closer once more. His teeth were not aimed for the ankles of his mentor but for the object that had been snatched from him before. His small jaws snagged on it and immediately, he attempted to bound away from the snowy male, glaring at him for a moment before dragging his prize towards the den. He didnt want Aariak stealing it from him again and so, laid down upon the object to wait until the caretaker either left or played with one of the others, leaving Ata to his toy.

RE: remember the moment - Aariak - October 23, 2015

Last post! Thanks for the cute thread :3
I'll miss Ata :c

The boy was easy to move away, and once done, Aariak growled as a warning, encouraging the kid to go for yet another round. But he had forgotten something important that Atuaserk had been quick to see. The kid flashed his iny teeth again, but instead of Aariak, they were aimed at the toy that had been dropped, and before he could do anything the kid had sprinted away victorious.

The caretaker laughed at the scene, Ata's little paws carrying him away, but he was content with what had happened today. Atuaserk's instincts were sharp, and they would do him good in his development. All the Inuit could do now was accompany him in that process -and lick his savaged ankles.