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Sawtooth Spire Animal instinct - Printable Version

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Animal instinct - Currawong - September 17, 2015

So sorry about the wait, I owe you!

The burly male plunkered down to observe the elk that strolled about. Unlike the herd that him and the Alpha had sniffed out, this one was all female and more close knit that the male one. Despite their close proximity to each other, it was easy pick out the weakest of the bunch. It was standing outside the group, but not too far away from the the safety of the herd. The female's, he found, were more caring towards one another, and very territorial. Unlike the male's, they kept every member in eye's length and stuck together, much to his dismay. This would be a two wolf job, and he knew it. Perhaps he could ask another to help him out with it, a reward on both ends. But he didn't know many, introductions were still in order.

He paced a few steps, trying to decide the fate of the herd. There was a chance that they would wander while he went to fetch another or he could risk his safety by taking one down himself. The situation was tough, but he had hoped to catch something for the pack, to prove his worth ence.

RE: Animal instinct - Aariak - September 22, 2015

Don't worry! Sometimes life steals our RP time... Take me as an example!

The time Aariak didn't have to spend looking after the pups, which was actually more than he'd like, was usually spent gaining back the strength he lost during the time alone after the storm. Aariak used to be a force to be reckoned with, and although he still was large, he felt weaker. He did not like to feel weak.

His usual work-out routine included hunting small game, which was always a good chace; and after that he would practice his fighting technique. But that morning he'd been having trouble with finding small game. Instead, the male found a herd of deer, mostly does, grazing close to the forest's edge. At first he didn't notice his pack-mate watching, but when his scent reached him he looked around to find him crouched, seemingly hesitating about going for the chase.

Silently, Aariak crowled towards him, making sure not to be seen by the herd, but something was suddenly wrong. Aariak stopped mid-way and turned his head to watch the deer, which seemed nervous, and sniffing around, he noticed there was another predator. And then the deer went off.

A cougar had been quicker.

Aariak barked at the dark male and decided this was an opportunity they could not let go. He took off after the herd, which ran, unknowingly towards the wolves. He picked out the weakest of them, which was the same both Savik and the cougar had laid eyes upon, and chased after her. He would never make the kill alone, and Savik wouldn't either. They needed eachother.

RE: Animal instinct - Currawong - September 30, 2015

Instantly, his head turned to face the other wolf, his packmate, as the cougar prowled down with it's eyes set on the same elk they had too. He did not know this male, nor his intentions but at that moment it was evident that they needed to work together to take down the elk and fend off the giant cat. 
He took of right after the light coloured male as he chased after the herd. He have a low chuff at the male, that he had a plan. Suddenly, he sped up behind the elk, his jaws snapping at it's hind legs. When he got in the right position, he would lunge, careful to avoid it's hazardous kick. It was a strong one but plump in it's prime, causing it to be slower than the rest. At any rate, both of the wolves would be able to take down the elk but the cougar was another feat. Though clearly, the other male was not ready to give up such an opportunity.

He glance back quickly to see the fuming face of the cougar, clearly pissed that they dared gop after his kill. The sight almost gave him a laugh, but he knew the abilities of the wild cat. They were powerful themselves, dangerous to two wolves and almost fatal to one alone. He knew their best option was to run, let the cat take the elk but he could never bring himself to forfeit. Especially since he was yet to prove himself.

RE: Animal instinct - Aariak - October 02, 2015

Had Savik known what fueled Aariak, and most of Tartok wolves' intentions, he wouldn't have doubted their chance to both take the elk and fend off the cougar at the same time. It wouldn't be reasonable to allow another predator to take the prey in their territory, and Aariak would do whatever it took to protect what belonged to his pack and family.

The dark wolf sprinted behind the elk and snapped at it's hindquarters. A wolf approach. Aariak knew the wild cat would have killed the elk in one bite to the neck. Precise and avid killers were cougars. It raced behind them, waiting for the right moment to attack, but it was out-numbered. Aariak too, snapped at the elk's hinders, weakening, and finally tumbling it to the ground. The rest of the herd raced away, leaving the weak behind. They also knew only the strong survive.

Aariak was quick to sink his fangs around the elk's throat, which would kill it in minutes. It was immobilized, which gave him, and Savik, a chance to turn around and fight off the cougar.

It hissed at them, threatening and walking around them in a circle. Aariak's fur bristled and his lips curled as a deep growl rumbled his chest. He looked demonic, dangerous. But the cougar had it's share of ferocity as well.

RE: Animal instinct - Currawong - October 14, 2015

Quickly, as the male hastily sunk his teeth into the deer ending its life, he turned around to face the cat. It had a nasty face, with it's lips pulled back in a hiss to reveal the ivory fangs held behind. There was no lightness about the situation, as he knew the cougar was powerful by itself. 

In return, he let out a warning snarl, hoping that the cat would back off in peace. When it didn't, swung it's heavy paw at him, claws extended. The blow grazed by him, a warning shot as well. Its eyes almost looked red, but it would have been his own reflection as his blood boiled underneath. It was clear the cat had no plans to give up the deer, regardless of where it stood. 

His eyes followed the feline as it circled them, but he would not be swayed by it intimidating gaze. Letting out a thundering growl, on loud and strong enough to alert a herd of deaf bison, he took a shot at the cat, carefully of his swinging claws. He managed to distract it, the cats piercing glare burning into his own. In the split second he had, he motioned for the other male to hit it around the side, where he would be invisible even to its peripherals.

RE: Animal instinct - Aariak - October 18, 2015

A deep growl rumbled in Aariak's chest as took the chance his pack-mate had given to go forward with an aggressive defense tactic. They were two, while the cat was only one. Aariak quickly moved forward as Savik took the first shot. The caretaker, too, snapped at the cat, which seemed to be coming to a more sensitive desicion. It stepped back, hissing at the two wolves, and finally it raced away from both the kill and the territory.

Aariak did not feel the need to chase after him, knowing that although fierce, cougars were smart enough to not put front to a whole pack of wolves once they knew it existed. This was probably the last they'd see of kitty. However, it was only logical to alert the pack of it's presence, so the male howled the message away, noting clearly that the cat was dangerous. Once done, he turned back to Savik, with whom he had not had a chance of a proper introduction.

"What's your name?"

RE: Animal instinct - Currawong - October 22, 2015

Letting out a breath, his heart rate decreased once mormore as he watched the cat race away in defense. He had done well, considering, and proved to himself that he was capable of working alongside instead of infront. It was a different perspective, no doubt. While he had never been an Alpha, he knew what the weight of others felt like, and now he was one of them. And he enjoyed it. 

Turning to the male, he couldn't help the breathless smile that found it's way to his face. It was a rare sight, not  one accustomed to his own. His face felt weird, deformed in this new figure. But he was happy, exhilarated at least.
"Savik. You?" He asked back, abandoning his more-than-five-words rule. The male had only spoke with three, there was no need for over explanation. The male seemed friendly enough, certainly a great hunter. Was he a Gamekeeper? The Alpha had mentioned always needing those, his service would always be there even if it was not needed.

RE: Animal instinct - Aariak - October 23, 2015

Sorry if this sucks... I'd written a precious post but my laptop just decided to swallow it for some reason... :c

A smile crossed the other male's face as he watched the cougar race away. It was indeed an exciting incident, coming across a big cat; but Aariak was used to this kind of encounters, he had killed his first cougar long ago with his brothers.

The male spoke his name, which was Inuit surprisingly. The Anneriwok -or in it's fault, new wolves- usually took a while to grow into their new names; but this one was strangely comfortable using it after only a couple weeks of running with the Tartok wolves. Perhaps he had good reasons to leave his past life behind... Or maybe that had always been his name.

However, none of those would be important. His past did not matter here. With Sawtooth Spire you had no other option than a blank slate.

"I'm Aariak Tartok," the male offered, andthen with a sly smile he said "You're lucky I was around... That cat was not happy you picked his target."

RE: Animal instinct - Currawong - November 04, 2015

It's perfectly fine! That happens to me all the time.. :c

Turning his attention back to the male, the looked him over, glancing ever to subtly at the features he held. It was only like him to locate the opposer's attributes and weak spots, even to one of his own pack. Despite the lack of trust it shown, he didn't seek to break the habit. One could never be to sure about who truly was their friend or foe. As he once thought his parents were something they truly weren't. 

His name was foreign as well, the same language his originated from. Maybe everyone received a blank slate when they joined, and it hadn't been just words. The male have a slight smile, one that came indifferent to his own current emotion. His blank gaze and intimidating facial features gave no room for hints of exuberant joy. Ultimately, he just wasn't that type. But for the sake of introductions, he loosened his clenched stance, his eyes draining of his rigid gaze. In it's place, a formal look, not unfriendly but not too friendly. The last thing he needed was to let this male think he had let down his guard. A repeat of the bird thief was in no line of desire.

"Yes, I suppose I am lucky" He replied, in all honesty. His eyes wandered for a minute, as if he was expecting the cat to jump out at them while they were unaware of its presence. His eyes turned back to Aariak, his eyes meeting the the other's. "Thank you. You are most definitely an asset to this pack" He commented, the best he could get at to a compliment.

RE: Animal instinct - Aariak - November 06, 2015

LOOOOLLL pulling myself out of the thread now that it can be archived and is elegible for EXP
I'm wrapping threads up to retire Aariak from the game, but it was fun while it lasted!
Thanks for the thread! :D
(you'll find out why I lol'ed soon xD)

Aariak wasn't sure how to react for a moment. Savik inspected him suspiciously before making a compliment, and right then Aariak wasn't sure if the male was flirting with him. He stayed silent, and tilted his head subtly, analyzing the male's facial expression. Was he really flirting? Well, it made him feel uncomfortable, so he decided not to find out.

"Yeah... Thanks..." the male said trying not to look too awkward, and then turned around to leave without anything else to say. That had been a weird.

RE: Animal instinct - Currawong - November 12, 2015

omfg that was perfect lol XD

Savik stood confused as the male quickly scurried away. Was it something he said? According to him, he had been polite, pack friendly and generally nice. Or was it the way he acted? No, he had made extra sure that he wasn't too rigid.

Shaking his head, he turned away himself, deeply confused. These wolves are definitely strange, he decided as all of them were totally different. So much for being 'nice'. It was something he would never attempt again if this was the way they acted.